Ray Learns Romance

"Yeah, fine, whatever. What's a quicky?" Janik asked, threatening to push Ray off of his lap with a much too innocent look in his eyes. It was true, Janik was far more innocent than he acted, he talked a big talk, but once you pealed back a layer,...

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HIghSchool Romance 4

Rain pattered the broken windsheild, flames licked at the black chrome metal. The flipped over car dented and beat up from the tumble over the ide of the highway. The old blue truck parked near the big hole in the side rail, that ripped apart like wet...

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Some Coffee with the Romance

Zoe walked down the dark, shaded streets of New York. Weaving through the schools of traffic and sauntering into the forests of lamp posts, their light flickering in the still night. She listened to the soft sirens and car alarms of the city and...

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[Gift] Moonlit Romance

.** * * * moonlit romance it was a hot friday spring afternoon in the week of may; a wild snow white swiss shepherd named diggs is happily taking stroll on the streets minding his own business until he spots a few couple of female dogs chatting about a

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High School Romance

This is just an excuse to use a cute little high school romance scenario... yeah, that means technically they'd both be underage (depending on the laws of your region) but i don't really care.

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Romance on the Radioactive Sea

It was a beautiful day off the coast of the Commonwealth. Just me, my wife, and the shoddy boat we'd managed to make seaworthy again. The water wasn't too rough and the sun was shining. The only clouds were far off in the distance, making it a great...

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Risks of Exotic Romance

"i might not be keen on romance and the like, but i'd say yer just right for fluttershy. i mean she did make the first move, right? doesn't that say enough on whatcha mean to 'er?

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Cleanliness is next to Romance

''Another day of no luck getting a mate...'' I sighed, as I reached the lake I was going to. Let me introduce myself, I'm a Goodra, a female one. I have been ignored all my life, making mating seasons like this one more than unbearable. This lake was...

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A Different Kind of Romance

romance can mean lots of things to a lot of different people. most associate it with cuddling, flowers, soft and sweet words... but that's not always the case. take this coyote and tigress couple for example.

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A Better Romance Then Twilight

The camera showed a dark and dreary looking village with numerous anthro animals going about their day in stone and wooden houses while surrounding the place were thick and nerve wracking trees while several miles away was a tall castle that had...

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Romance (Kreet - 41)

The blade-work was amazing, one moment flashing wickedly in arc after arc as the dancer leaped through the deadly blades, then the next moment she caressed the swords as if romancing them.

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Last Chance Romance

"Spare some change?" The clinking of a cup accompanied the phrase, the sound of few coins jingling inside of it. "Spare some change for the needy?" The ewe repeated again, voice droning, exhausted. The winter chill bit at any exposed...

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