Uvuzi and Theo

Her upper torso was the same as any other skunk he had met, with a nice pair of breasts and wide hips that flared out at the top of her serpentine body.

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Pure Imagination (Illustrated by Angel27)

His upper body felt like it was melting and tingling all over as his head expanded outwards, smoothly flowing forward into a full-faced, serpentine snout.

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Welcome to the Neighborhood

With a deliberate motion, mass pulled nardi fully inside, sealing the pup's fate within the depths of his serpentine belly.

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Hiram and Richard

It was long and slender, almost serpentine, and rather than wings it had ridged fins that lined its sides from the shoulders all the way to the tip of its tail.

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Pokepuppet Trio

"well that wass a fine nap." he says after finishing his stretch before turning his serpentine head to the entranced pokemon tightly wrapped in his coils.

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The Perfect Gift(s) - (Illustrated by Rabid)

He gingerly unwound his red serpentine scarf, tipped with white fuzzy tassels, revealing his long, thick neck.

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Out of the Cold

The serpentine lady twisted her coils a little tighter, giggling when ildac fruitlessly attempted to loosen them again. "so we talked. you seemed really nervous.

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Sean's Big Catch

Beneath the surface of the water, a large serpentine shape, long and graceful, not a ripple being seen by the reptile it seemed to be stalking.

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Ten Commands Hypnotizing

Chaos said out loud, his shiny serpentine lips moving almost automatically as they repeated what was being said into him. "my body... as a hypnaga..."

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Expert Soldier Program

When he woke up that time he was hard as a rock and completely confused, though he suspected with all the serpentine imagery around it was bleeding into his dreams.

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The Serpant King

"your supreme godliness," trave intoned, he was smitten by the gorgeousness of his king's serpentine looks.

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