Virtually Real 59: It's All a Dance.

"listen, you may be a slave now but you're a former holy knight captain, werewolf, and what could in any story pass as a battle horse.

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Wolfhood: Chapter Five - Fate

_and she still looks sexy_ aiden thought admiring, her werewolf-ish appearance not hindering his deep infatuation for her.

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Mere Acquaintances

The werewolf panted heavily as he released his load into trivol's hole. the sapphire werewolf moaned after releasing his own load in his pants. "that was truly splendid," he said with a smile, drawn on his face.

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Family Bonding

All werewolves who live peacefully within these lands are guaranteed safety.

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Zoophobia Chapter 28.5: Werewolves Valentines

The night then came and it found the male werewolf waiting at the entrance since heritage was busy at the dj booth since that guy would be playing the music. the male werewolf was there to greet all the guests.

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Sketch 04 - Alone [TF / Werewolves]

It's the first time you've seen a werewolf's cock and you suddenly and desparately want it. you come to me, pushing at me hard to lie down but i grab and pull and twist, forcing you to your stomach.

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Twilight: Bella Swan and the Five Werewolves

Bella Swan bolted from the house, running toward the four boys, oblivious to the danger she was in. Whatever they had done had turned Jacob against her, and since Edward had left, Jacob Black was the only thing keeping her together. Now, he refused to...

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Wolfhood: Chapter Six - Union

Considering he had disappeared again and how it turned out his best friend was a werewolf the woods sounded like a good spot to check first.

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"Hold on"

The faint outline of his lover filled his cloudy vision. His eyes swam with unshed tears from the pain. Her hands were pressed into the spot in his chest that oozed a steady flow of frothy blood; a great darkening spot that spread from the wound,...

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The Fever

I mean, how did you guys become werewolves? hell what is that you did to _me_ to make me one?" alan asked, with so many more questions bubbling below the surface. the tough biker looking guy in the corner guffawed at this.

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The Salyer and the Sphinx: Chapter Fiive

Chapter Fiive **(POV: Sara)** Terror greater than anything Sarah had ever known froze her in place-- greater, even, than when she had been chased by the Slayers. Her blood seemed to turn to ice in her veins, and she let out a bloodcurdling...

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From My Patreon: A Dangerous Game [Story, M+M, Werewolf]

_i'm a werewolf._ like what the fuck? was it a roleplaying thing? a furry thing? he didn't seem like the type for either despite all the growling and roughness. no, he clarified. an actual, honest-to-god werewolf.

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