Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 4)

I haven't forgotten my past, and i still think of it like yesterday." "but what was yesterday to you? was yesterday the day you caused the avalanche? was yesterday when you were brought back from the near-dead and carried here by saria's hands?

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Chapter 3: The Journey Begins: The Morning After

If you met nightmare moon with even half the determination you had yesterday she would not be able to shake you like this." cielo continued.

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A Leopard's Tail CH 1

This was far too bizarre to even comprehend, even after what happened yesterday. yesterday... yesterday i could change myself back to normal by thinking about it.. so i should be able to do the same now, right?

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Growvember Day 2

He doesn't know why he is growing, but just woke up larger yesterday, as did many other furs. i tried to get an interview with him, but he doesn't want to talk at the moment with the press. back to you." "thanks trish.

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Rubies & Emeralds: Part 4: We are One

yesterday had been wonderful, but it had been nothing more than physical pleasure. this is what i want, pleasure like yesterday, but still a love enhancing experience, and privacy would give that to us. "so, how do you want to do this one?"

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PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 7

I thought back to when i looked though xander's room, "nothing seemed like it would stand out when i check his room yesterday," though i could just be blind to currents fads.

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Grocery Store Dog

Didn't i see you here yesterday?" greg had been here last night as well, but he didn't remember seeing him. "yeah, i was." he frowned, hoping he didn't do something that embarrassed himself yesterday without realizing it.

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PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 9

I handed my phone to niko, "do you remember the time we went to the store yesterday?" "i pick you up around 7:30 yesterday and we went to kroger on ducan so... around 8:00 pm." "okay, found the number." "really how?" "your phone has a call log.

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Highschool Life Chapter 7: To Save a Friend

Same can be said yesterday. yesterday, we were able to follow him. when i think about it, his movement was slow, as if he wanted us to follow him. it was after a while when he suddenly goes faster.

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Queen Muz-Ra #21 (Conclusion)

"_but_, yesterday i was heartbroken to learn that my proposal was rejected." "aww!" came the answering response from the people and faces turned decidedly down.

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Day 3: delays

#3 of project: perfection yesterday was a disaster! i seriously want to know how many bad things can happen in one day.

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Growvember Day 14

"it's about yesterday, isn't it?" he didn't answer right away, his ears folding back. "i'm a real freak aren't i?" he sighed out. "what? what makes you say that?" i perked a brow.

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