ToTT: Werewolf Boyfriend

She made it crystal clear when she bent low and lifted her tail high, exposing her dripping canine pussy to him. chet sniffed the air as her glistening vulva came into view.

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Kinktober 2022 Story Sketches 36-40

"your service starts now." ### canine pussy serimous "how's that feel?" "that's - i think - oh... _oh,_ now _that's_ - _ah-"_ axel couldn't help but gasp and jerk, back arching and legs coming together at that sensation.

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But the obvious things were between her legs, from the triangular spade of a canine pussy to the puffy, protruding hole of a canine anus.

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Many Trials of a Centaur - Part 13 A

The wolf's eyes popped open and she elicited a long, loud whine as the heavy elk claimed her back, rocked his hips forward, and penetrated the goddess until he was hilt-deep within her canine cunt. "aooooohhh!"

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Becoming a Mother

Trickles of his milk soaked into the mesh, the massage made the canine's pussy's silky folds squeeze and lightly squirt a small stream of his excitement on his crotch.

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The second pair was situated near the top of her ribcage, the lowest near her swollen canine cunt, and the third evenly placed between the two.

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Unforeseen Delays

Level with his face was an exposed canine pussy, just barely visible underneath the hem of the skirt which hid the round, plush curves of her bottom. he couldn't help but lick his chops. but just as quickly as the moment came, so too did it pass.

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[NSFL] A Fine Catch

As expected, he immediately jolted awake, only to find his face being smothered by a canine pussy. "oh, i didn't see you there, my bad," she teased him, which only elicited a whimper from him.

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Predator becomes Prey - Conference call

Behind avery the old rabbit was busy sheathing himself within the foreigner's hot little canine pussy, his wedding ring glinting under the lights above.

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Routine Stop

She lapped at the fluids, and wiggled her muzzle in the canine's cunt unaware of the screams of the once threatening officer she was now muzzle-fucking.

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The Gator Next Door, pt. 2

He reaches down and presses his fingers into the canine's pussy which is lifted into the air while she bends down to lick at sasha. she shivers with pleasure. "yeah, she wasn't nearly as shy as i thought she would be.

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Christmas Morning Part 1

When david's mother felt him going off against her paw, she too began to cum, her canine vagina oozing even more sticky, oozy juices into her son's muzzle as his greedy tongue tortured her vaginal lips and folds.

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