Comfortable Sins

Tall ears could pick up country music turned down to mere whispers. he couldn't help but roll his eyes and wonder where her religion ended and her personality began. at least he had a life. "you said you was from chicago?"

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Making New Friends

I had fun at his birthday party, but i don't think i can take any more country music this year."

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The Secret - Part 7

Remember how you said you liked that guy from texas that sings country music? the one that we saw on that tv special last week? he wears his hair jus' like this, an' you didn't say _he_ looked like a girl!" hans said.

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For Who I Am Chapter 1 - Commission for Yeetkkt

A lot of the folk here like old school rock and country music. think you can do that?" "yeah! anything like that, and if i don't know how, i can learn." "awesome. how long have you been playing?" "since i was a little kid.

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Revolution | Chapter XIV: Dark Ocean

Personally, i liked to the feel of country music. there was something about it--whether it was the use of _real_ musical instruments and gifted voices or not--that usually had me wanting desperately for more.

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The Simple Things. Chapter Ten.

And the fact he loved country music finally made sense. we took a seat at the table, on the same side no less, and continued our would be conversation.

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Going Down on the Farm

David watched, a little taken aback, as his mother swayed her hips in time to a thump of country music coming from the den, and led them inside the kitchen, where a young blonde stallion, looking handsome in tight faded jean cutoffs and a light blue cutoff

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Going Down on the Farm

David watched, a little taken aback, as his mother swayed her hips in time to a thump of country music coming from the den, and led them inside the kitchen, where a young blonde stallion, looking handsome in tight faded jean cutoffs and a light blue cutoff

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Chapter 11 - The Party

"you got a problem with country music?" she asked with a wry grin. there was a pause of several seconds, punctuated by the sound of several car doors slamming behind them as the occupants of other vehicles emerged. "i guess not," she finally replied.

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Lykos 2-09 - Unexpected Reunion

Once again the lies had come too easily even though the words felt as acrid as his beer and as harsh as the country music playing from the jukebox. wes, however, seemed reassured. "well, we're actually doing better now.

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The Streaking Pig

Despite that, it seemed like your standard restaurant, americana on the walls, rock and roll or country music playing from their stereo speakers, and the pleasing aroma of seared meat and barbecue sauce permeating the entire dining room.

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The Bear Den

Toby started to make his way towards the light, and the growing sound of country music.

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