How to Create a Rig Pig

cheddar's voice sounded on the radio's speakers about 40 minutes after milo and malloy had merged onto the highway. "roger that, cheddar, hope you enjoy the view," milo had replied.

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Digging in the fridge, he gets a cheddar cheese wheel out and cuts a big slice from it. he takes a cheese grater and starts grating it. it floods the room with a fragrant cheesy smell.

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Always Bring Along Your Little Sister - Part 1

"honey ham, lettuce, cheddar cheese, dill pickles and mustard, right?" his mother nodded. "of course," she said. eric smiled, lifting the sandwich up to his face as his stomach grumbled from hunger.

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A Shepherd's Touch - part 1

It was also just as messy - dirty clothes piled up alongside the beds, papers scattered across the ground, empty white cheddar popcorn bag on the edge of the piano bench the shepherd used as his computer chair, and a pizza box jammed halfway into the trash

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Business and Pleasure

A sharp stench of stale cheddar cheese engulfed her as his feet conquered her sense of smell as well as her sight. diamond tiara retched and had to back her head away. applebloom was still happily rubbing her face into the other stallion's foot.

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College Bound: Chapter 2 - Wackadoo's

After a few minutes, he decided on the wild west philly steak, a burger with slices of ribeye steak with fried onions, bbq sauce, and cheddar-jack cheese.

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The Promise

I've got gruyère, jarlsberg, leerdammer, appenzeller, and cheddar cheese. i was thinking fondue." soren knew fondue was a favorite of eli's and was glad to see him smile in anticipation. "eli, can you grab the ground beef, eggs, and the bread crumbs?

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Birthday Binge

Each "miniature" burger was carefully balanced atop a bed of fresh vegetables and covered in a generous slab of melted cheddar, adding both a satisfying crunch and a sharp zing to the savory bacon-infused beef.

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Food for Thought [1]

Reuben says hoarsely, slamming the knife down onto the block of cheese, cutting a thin, but jagged slice of cheddar.

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Prelude to the weekend

The boys bee lined for the kitchen and made a few roast beef and cheddar sandwiches apiece before grabbing a couple sodas and charging up the stairs. "homework before video games!!" rio's parents called after them in chorus.

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