Piece of Glass

crunch-crunch ... the blast of mint. the sugar ... but not so sweet. a cold, wintery sort of sugar. a blood rush. to the head. to the heart. and he inhaled sharply. feeling the cold that resulted ... feeling that chill.


Lonely Oak Chapter 43

His hooves made soft crunches while the heavy crunches were uneven and frantic behind him. he dared glance back, but then regretted the decision.

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Out of Towner

He grunted as that crinkly crunching sensation is felt... making the big stud strain to straighten his leg's even more. his fat stud nuggets pulled as taut, as the distracted studs well worked cords would allow.

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Physical Education

"crunches, then!" yelled the rhino from across the field, "twenty of 'em!"

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Attack The Weak Point (Chapter 4)

The resounding crunch as my body displaces air, like the crack of a whip. the single hard slap of every part of my belly all impacting at once.

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Eternal Vigilant Companion

Feel the crunch of sand beneath cracked weathered toes wander the desert circles again and again. i hear a voice calling out to me from ages bygone a presence felt: ethereal, regal.

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Bamboo presses his firm hands against that bulging metal squeezing and crunching his meat down further into his throat.

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The crunching sound stayed with me, keeping pace with no sign of difficulty. my heart thudded in my chest and i started to sweat.

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F*ck A Buck - Chapter One -

"_no, no, no, no..._" with a crash, the cruiser burst into the forest and then with a sickening crunch of metal and shattering glass it slammed into a large oak tree - a branch snapping off and crunching down on the strobe lights and squashing the roof down

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 15

So banno walked on, following the setting sun, listening to the sound of his feet crunching through the snow. it would be dark soon.

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I saw her hands flailing even as her spine had been torn in two, legs having gone limp after the horrific sound of her bones crunching.

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