A Dept Paid

Hm, i see a rape and devour. lucky for you i have a bottle left. let's see, i see more for a rape and devour. i guess that's what everybody wants? okay and i know just the dog to trick."

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Bolt vore: Cruel cat's dinner

How many creatures had this cat devoured?

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Dark Southern Comfort (part one)

Moments later he pulls out her still beating heart and devours it in front her; consuming her soul in the process.

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The Beast Within

The beast within the beast hunts those whom he may devour, but he does not feast upon the flesh, he finds you when you least expect it, ripping your spirit from your chest, your shell crumbles over the hollow core, the void within swallowing

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Legacy - The First

devouring it and changing it at his will. he grew powerful... he grew in size... the primarchs fear was rising... they began to grow desperate.

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A threnody for poor Tannis

It is a miracle that the happy little coyote is still very alive, even though a hungry predator has devoured him yesterday.

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The Shifting Tides of the Balance of Power

You should kill me, and devour my soul to assure never shall i seek my justified revenge!"

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Two Meals are Never Enough~

He had devoured both of them before, on multiple occasions. the third, however, was an unknown. a large white fox with red markings. he seemed to be strong, even otherworldly.

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LSP x Finn Sex Scene

Maggots, worms, centipedes and lancelets crawled around, devouring her corpse meat and borrowing many holes in the tainted sex organ, and methane and other decomposition gases were expelled from the depths of her cannal.

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Ceowolf's Background Info (Character Development - WIP)

His mind can only hope to not be engulfed in darkness as he takes a backseat and watches as he devours every living soul in sight.

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The Gods of the Abunese religion

But once, he attempted to rape hesut when she was a young girl, hence the reason why his role as the devourer during the trial of the soul was took by another demon, tan'hat.

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