The Cohen Loop, Intro

Our first topic of discussion revolved around differences in gender roles in a species with only one sex.

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The Lead Crown, Ch 9.6, Noriene

The rest of breakfast was spent in idle chat ranging from political discussions (over the heads of the tribals) or conversations of the natural world (over the heads of the city dwellers).

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Red Skies: Part 2

"we are both here to discuss something" said his conscious. "shall we sit?"

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Snow Bunny - Ch. 6

"actually, no, but--" "let me give you a word of advice then: never discuss business on the phone. arrange to have a meeting, someplace public, to discuss terms. i prefer the silver marten pub on 71st. are you free tonight, say around six?"

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Chapter 2: New Beginning

But the bright side of the family was that they were willing to discuss nearly anything including opinions about their specie's limits which were an often discussed matter.

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The Lead Crown, Chapter 2-6: Noriene

Even as the men continued their banter, discussion, conjecture, and brain storming, the wolf reached under the podium and pulled out a good size xylophone.

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Drowning. (Part 3)

If there are private matters you need to discuss. i can direct you to his emergency number." "please.

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And you really can't discuss theology without discussing philosophy. those five pretty much make up the umbrella."

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Rowan's Redemption - Chapter 13

Only you agreed to playing the role of a little filly, and we discussed what kind of power exchange comes with the rules we both agreed upon.

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Third- discuss those problems they received after sorting them by necessity. fourth- they brought the problems to the grand elder's for their opinions. after that they'd arrange a meeting with the grand elders then discuss each matter privately.

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Lykos-Redemption Act III Ch. 1

To discuss love. we've come to discuss our future. how bright it seems, and how dark it could be." "we do not wish to speak of him and his pack. he is not welcome here. in person or in spirit. he gave up that right the moment he attacked alpha mel."

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Humanity: The Predecessors, Ch 3

So, instead, i'm going to simply have a class discussion and possibly some debates. my first discussion topic: what so you think happened to the humans? who wants to go first?" he searched the room for someone to answer.

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