Consort of the Dragon King

**Consort of the Dragon King** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Vaeros_ _ _ _ _ She knew that there was no guarantee that the king would choose her as his consort, his mate for life, but the dragoness...

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Phantom Touch

The back of the box was his butt and balls on full display, tail raised.

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The Price of Admission (teaser)

After the mink beside him busted, the heron tapped a slate-colored wingtip against the transparent display in front of him.

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Synthetic Hearts: IT

Glowing orange eyes stared at the display with an almost hungry look behind the light. they only turned their attention away from the display when the front door to the archives opened up.

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The Vortex

He heard typing on keys and saw corresponding letters appear on his display, but he couldn't make it out before it disappeared.

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"but why aren't you displaying, sep?" "why aren't i displaying?" my crest twitched in irritation. "i'm not displaying because no-one's interested.

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Dance of Pleasure story

The atmosphere becomes charged with an electric energy as the equines revel in the indulgence of this unconventional display of pleasure.the deer, intrigued by the spectacle of the brown mare dancing and the display of her bouncing udder, continues to observe

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Incident at Sython

On one half of the display, the adaron and the support craft that belonged to it were displayed in relative position to the planet.

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New Slave

Literally hundreds of models were on display - models for every purpose imaginable.

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Bhijn is a Cute Bot

You say, which lights every pixel of the bot's functioning display in what you've come to understand is robold blush. "ok, bet."

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