The Second Day

"garr..." he moaned out as he pushed. my muscle gave way and the tube shot through my hole and sent pain shooting up my spine and through my entire body. "ghhhhhaaaaaaa!" i was screaming at the top of my lungs and fresh tears shot out of my eyes.

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Epilogue: Scale 2 - Revelations

Roy looked between the two choices as both garr and khern stood waiting beside their doors.

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Daemon - Chapter 11 (New Zangar)

His relentless assault was reminiscent of garr, but in comparison this drakes assault was not overwhelming at all. as he pulled back his arm to thrust his lance at me once again he lunged forwards, and i dashed forwards in response.

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Foxes and Plots 6: A Coons and Theft Tale

It's going to need muscle and tactics, something ite and garr can handle, i think." ite grinned. garrison just huffed and rubbed the top of his head. the two of them seemed indignant toward the task at hand.

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Gotta Be Somebody

garr ended up teaching me how to make enlarging potions to make the task easier while they were busy doing this. usually in the bedroom, which i found odd-" "on with it." the dragon grumbled. "just how big?"

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A Trip to the Beach

The only one in one of them that he's had solid communication with as of late was garr. he didn't know if he had a busy schedule or not.

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Not Just Any Coyote

Me, petty officer markuson, and spaceman garr will approach on foot. spaceman allen will take our speeder and be ready to bail us out if it goes south.

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Finding Iri

Shalmendo swallowed a bite, "used to be garr, our homeworld, but the empire blew that up. now, the mines of kessel where they moved us." iri stared, "the empire blew up your homeworld? i knew there was a good reason i was fighting them.

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Zhaiothe Part 6 - Exodus

\*glares at railley for interrupting him\* ...i kicked the body off of kristine and started storming the garr-i mean, stronghold.

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