Secluded - Prelude & Chapter 1: Sunday Wake-up

Clana sat patiently, reading the local newspaper that had been delivered in the morning, whilst lawry dished up dinner between the three ceramic flower-patterned plates. "oh look here xio!

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Playing with your Pet

Randal stepped on the newspaper and looked around. newspaper had been spread all around the room, practically covering the whole floor in front of the back door no one used.

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Loving Dukey Pt II

Johnny walked up to dukey, and dukey flipped his newspaper down quickly, concealing his lower half. johnny smiled; he knew what he was doing. "what'cha got under there?" johnny asked slyly. dukey looked embarassed.

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Wrath of a Hellhound Chapter 1

He flicked the newspaper and turned to the next page. ognyana shifted her frustration onto her dear husband who had his nose buried deep into the comic section of the newspaper. "fang...i don't see you helping! all you have done is antagonize him!

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Off the Record (Gay/Diapers)

The hosts suggested to miles that he should send his album to the college newspaper for review, or "get lost." having already submitted his album to the college newspaper and not hearing a reply from them, miles was overcome with hopelessness.

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 9

(pulls out newspaper, where the text "serenity coyote killed" changes to "serenity coyote elected".)


Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 7

(holds another newspaper with the front page headlines: "brunette brat wins over a million dollars in a bet over 'ice age 10' box office records") tranquility: ...... it's my fault...

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The Little Lynx. Part I

"but it's probably good if i don't see the newspaper," he winked, grabbing a plate stacked with pancakes, bacon and egg from the counter, setting down on the table and arming himself with cutlery.

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So it is Rewritten Episode 9

"this newspaper might be a good start," said minty. "i forgot we even get that every week," stated twinkle twirl.

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She wanted more with her life she wanted to be so well known that the newspapers never stopped talking about her. she was going to get her wish but not as she wanted it to be. she would find out when the tournament was over.

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