Author's Notes: Mark and Kim

. ;) i've experimented with this type of narrative from the omniscient third-person in a couple of other stories, and it does work to some extent there too.

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Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 03

He's pretty much omniscient, at least as far as the time stream is concerned; though i wouldn't recommend .it." "why not?" "ninety-nine percent of those who set out to visit him are never heard from again," the dwarf cautioned.

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Squirrel Your Stuff

The squirrel nods, their friends oblivious to the omniscient narrator. "tired of splinters on your tongue? ready to move on from those _old_ chew sticks?" "yes!" the squirrel declares. "but what can i do?" "try _ro-chews_!"

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The Devil May Care Prologue 1: The Pain of Love

As much as the tiger claimed that he was omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, there were many little lies that had been passed through heaven. temptation was the lie that you told yourself when you were going against the rules.

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Of Mice and Menace

I held my omniscient device of audio connection carefully against my ear, almost hearing the unspoken consideration. "one moment, please," the ringtail said with efficient grace. i imagined that i could hear a door close.

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Nor's New Friend: Part 2

"not like can replicate, anyway, but nice to see not omniscient. can't see everything." olag glared at her...and soon, nor had someone else swimming in the water, sputtering and weighed down by one hell of a lab coat. **the end**

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An Infestation in the Herd 19

It was not omniscient. other conspirators might have talked to each other to ease the tension of what they were about to do. the hive and its hosts did not. the parasites seldom felt emotions the way that their hosts did.

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Beyond the Call

We guide and help where needed, but we are few in number and we are not omniscient. often it takes the tears of a mortal or the cries of a spirit to draw our attention. the greater the anguish, the sooner we feel it and respond."

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Debatably So

omniscient. so, i think he did ... " " ... but?" "but nothing." a pause. "my family would make the claim that, no, this wasn't god's doing. that i'm 'simply making a mistake'." "i guess mistakes are subjective."

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Rejecting God

What did the omniscient supreme being of the universe see in randall anyway? "oh."

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For Safe Passage

He did want it, he just didn't want to admit it, and the omniscient attitude of ilorek was somewhat off-putting. it wasn't nice knowing his thoughts weren't kept to himself, but instead broadcast to anyone who could pick up the signals.

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Gabriel and the Prince of Darkness (Part Two)

With the help of omniscience, they knew that jacob wouldn't be home until late in the evening, which left them with plenty of time to get inside and bring gabriel back up to heaven to get patched up. "you sure he won't come back 'til later?"

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