He Never Had A Chance

----------------------------------------- The room thickened, the air solidifying with radiant outrage. The King of Every Continent, Grand Ruler of the Surface and Conqueror Eminent, gave a nearly audible twitch of his leathery snout in the tension....

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Home Movies

Nothing would stop him in his rampage of the day! especially some weak speck of a fox!" sero boomed once more. "i'm not weak!" gates cried up before turning to whitey.

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Justin's Cloverfield

'massive gryphon begins rampage. authorities recommend finding underground shelter.'

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Old Acquaintances

That event did make it harder for me to resist my urge to rampage though. before that, resisting my urge to rampage had been like denying a sweet tooth never indulged.

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Double Surprise: Chapter Three

Even yuki knew that when a dragon type went on a rampage, they went on a fucking rampage. "i-i hope he will be okay..." **_meanwhile..._** "would someone please get him under control?!"

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The Biggest Grinch | Part 2

So i'm done with rampage stories for now. i hope you enjoyed.

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Fluffy Destruction

* * * **Pokémon is the property of Game Freak** Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as...

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Sister Struggle Part Two

Whilst Cyrene was busy in line at the Wallet Mart, Scylla and her henchwoman had proceeded from the park towards the street outlying the entrance. The baroness advanced forwards while Monica followed behind, followed by their soldiers. Still, their...

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Kaiju Kingdom

The day had finally arrived. Merric had been left waiting on tenterhooks for a full two weeks while his superiors hemmed and hawed over how the week he wanted off would affect staff numbers, whether he would be needed for any projects, whether it was...

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Unlocking New Content - Part Two

No longer was the lycanroc staring at justin with terror at having been caught clearly observing him, and seemingly getting off on the powerful were-pokemon's destructive, muscle-fuelled rampage.

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We don't hate being micros - Chapter 5

Shouldn't have gone to war if you can't handle it" the ferret sighs and keeps writing, "if i don't make it... my name is ilo, i was a citizen of the micro city these giants just finished rampaging through. yes, they call them "rampages" and not battles.

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