Bound by Destiny 15

Läkare nodded before looking around carefully to find where the sharpshooter was hiding.

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A Soldiers Story: Love On The Battlefield

Simon was the team's main sharpshooter. a lithe puma who with a good vantage point could identify and take out squad leaders with ease. sam was an all rounder but was most accurate with a rifle.

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Wolfpack Core - Chapter 2 - Reminiscent

They all know me as vincent kiba, the best damn sharpshooter in the whole academy." "so what exactly do you want me and spike to call you...?

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Across the Rift 8

Rated expert in pistol and rifle, sharpshooter in carbine, submachine gun, and grenade. a beacon showing his position popped up on the map in the bottom right corner show his position relative to hers.

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Not So Retired Any More XXXIII

His name was arlen blacktiger, born in saint louis missouri, former army sharpshooter and expert in close quarters and covert action, and in charge of this group if the way the others spaced themselves around him was an indicator.

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Hearth Star: Bug Hunt

Vodka, as his name turned out to be, had been part of a traktor crew that was stranded when the lumbering farm machine had broken down and had used his skills as a sharpshooter to defend his coworkers until bakin came along and was able to escort them

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Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 9

While he was a natural sharpshooter, he needed to train so he could have better accuracy, but months as a strategist made him soft. just as he started to give up, a figure came to his bedroom.

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Through the eyes and wings of love

Adjusted to walking around his house without managing to trip over anything or stub his feet on stuff, or fall down the stairs, or sit on the toilet because he couldn't do anymore sharpshooting with his fireman. "but you are a part of the world.

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Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 1.) Life as a Freelancer

"so what does the grand sharpshooting freelancer dead eye want with the small time shadow?"

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Expedition: Intimacy and Exposure

"my specialization was sharpshooting, as general wilson observed firsthand. i can achieve uncommon accuracy with any firearm that can fire one bullet at a time, especially as it relates to combat sniping.

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Chapter 2- Training

I was a sharpshooter. go figure!

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Survival of the fitest

In this case, tyson â was the coalitions main sharpshooter.

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