The Short Story of Yin
Not too tall, not too short. my cup of coffee if you.... -- the trainee cut him off, "uh..sir.." with a blush, morris halted at a makeshift stop sign. "oh...hmm..i see! well..."
Festival, A Short Story
"i had a short confrontation with our friend fergus.
A Short Lived Coterie
They were short, but they had been filed into neat little points. his gaze slowly moved from the labs fingers to his chest. quinn could see his new mentor kept himself in shape.
Breaktime Shorts 12
#7 of breaktime shorts author: tobias foxx title: breaktime shorts 12 part: bts 12 summary: a timed writing exercise 'money shot' quickie.
Breaktime Shorts 9
#5 of breaktime shorts author: tobias foxx title: breaktime shorts 9 part: bts 09 summary: a timed writing exercise 'money shot' quickie.
Bailmont Teaser/Short
The warrior clan dragon bailmont teaser ii/short cast bailmont: chris. kera: me. red: chris. kera smiled at her patient, who was quite round with her pup, and her patient's mate.
Skunk on a Short Leash
He had almost forgotten his collar was on, and clipped to it was the short chain leash vidar now held in his paw.
Short Tales 3
The red alert had been sounded. Deck three was now evacuated and completely sealed off. In total six crew were now missing and judging by the condition of the late alien crew, they were certainly dead. Captain Russel paced back and forth in his...
Short Tale 2
The end of the hallway he was now in split off into two other halls, one was a short hall leading to about four crewmen's quarters, the other continued on through the ship. the short hall's lights were flickering.
Short halloween story
It is a really short story to celebrate halloween. alice and bondagepup's halloween night. marcus hated his new job at freddy's, a kid restaurant with animatronics animals.
[Short]: Brown Coffee
Thanks for reading my written-in-a-day short. please drop me a comment and show the love. if not, rate, stars, favourites, watches...donations? any kind of love makes me a happy beaver!
Elastic Shorts Are Genius
Obviously, the male was an expert in this sort of thing as he was wearing a pair of elastic basketball shorts. terry's instant thought was that it was such a smart idea. why hadn't he thought of wearing elastic shorts?