What I've Been Waiting For

He thought he vaguely recalled wanting to sightsee the city some, instead of only attending the usual places. tonight was not the best choice in terms of time, it seems.

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Surprising Pony Treat

Ponies walked about doing various activities - eating, shopping, sightseeing...everything you'd expect to see in a major city. the streets were littered with little shops and stands, selling various delicious treats and snacks.

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New Journey Chapter 18: Solaceon

"sightseeing i guess. and it'll give us a break from gyms." "i don't need a break." "i think we do. sky's out and needs practice with her new move. and the next gym is gonna suck.

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Ol One Eye

We also stopped at a few tourist traps to do some sightseeing before we continued. this was going to be the last time we ever saw each other though we tried not to think about it.

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Into the Pit Chapter 4: Movies are a bad first date

sightseeing? becca, we've been here long enough for you to know the town. we can't afford to waste training time. do i need to supervise you again?" "dad, dad, relax. i just went out on a date is all." "a date?"

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The Unexpected Adventure

Putting on a smile yin asked " i was wondering if knew about any good locations for sightseeing?" "why yes i do. there is..."

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The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 4

„let's go sightseeing." kaidan said to himself and the two went on their way.

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Stranded - Shipwrecked

Opening it up i grabbed the raft and led lauren up the stairs to the bow of the ship once again, only this time there would be no sightseeing. i unwrapped the raft and clicked the activation button, watching as it slowly inflated.

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Her Emerald Eyes: Prolouge

They walked up the steps of the busy building, dodging tourists as they raced in and out, trying to get as much sightseeing in the day as possible.

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Chapter Four: Home At Last

I haven't been able to go sightseeing in a while." before any of us could even breathe, zane jumped up and grabbed her hand. "i'll take ya on the grand tour!" and with that he ran out the door, half dragging her behind her.

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Evergreen Estates: Watchers and Homecuming

This is my buddy i told ya about, we're here for the eh, heh, 'sightseeing' if the offer still stands." the doberman smiled, suddenly seeming much more friendly. "of course it does. provided that your 'buddy' there knows the rules."

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Pokémon Schnapps/Tequila/Daiquiri Chapter 2

He attempted to go sightseeing around the town but was apart from the standard pokémon centre, mart and gym, there were only four other houses in the town. "excuse me," began puddle, attracting the attention of a wandering gonorrhoean.

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