My visions-Ch.1(Worry)

"on today's news,a young teenage boy was severely beaten to death by a group of thugs just outside of the paramount skatepark.the police have yet to catch the ones responsible for this hanous crime.the victim was 16 year old charles fratman,a very young meerkat

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The Victoria Chronicles - 22, The Calm Before the Storm

The teenage boy stammered as vix was re-buckling the straps of the saddle bags. "i'm just really good at efficient packing." vix said simply. "see ya around kid."

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Netflix and Chillin'

I kinda do," the teenaged male said. he reached over the hen again to take another sip from his beer and ended up downing the whole thing before putting the can back down as he realized nerves were starting to touch him a little.

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Tales of a changed Earth 8

Troy kept his calm demeanor when his daughter walked out with a teenage boy. he studied this human trying to put an age on him which is impossible due to his emaciated condition.

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Minimum Wage Wrestling #1

A teenage male fan said. "ahh! god!" zach's back hits the concrete hard as all of the air left his body. he rolls over onto his side while he tries to collect his wits.

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Dustin & Kai: Chapter 7

They looked like any normal gang of teenage male furs on a saturday morning. kai and dustin however kept bumping into each other and then sandwiching thipher rubbing fur against fur and smiling.

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foresight and luck part 6: Thoughts and Plans

Sex between two teenage males make sure you're old enough to read. if you don't like gay sex there is a back button xp enjoy..hopefully * * * \*eyes were on him. eyes belonging to furs he saw every day but barely knew.

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First date jitters

He hadn't had any time to clean up, so his room was a typical teenage male's room. dirty clothes strewn all over the floor, and a faint musk of b.o. and axe hanging in the air. "so this is where the big, bad wolf lays his head at night. i like it.

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Big Brother - After-School Snack

He'd told his friends - and what teenage boy didn't enjoy bragging, just a little - and better still, once they got over their surprise, they'd been pretty okay with it.

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Dusk (Dawn Alternate Ending)

Went the voice of a teenage boy. she turned around to see a hazel anthro dragon just a bit taller then her, smiling at her. "do you know....anyone named leena?" he asked softly... "could you tell her that jack is here, looking for her?"

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Daily Mischief - Runner's paw

If it had been someone other than a teenage guy there was a chance that he'd have better luck. unfortunately for the coyote that was not the case. even before jordan managed to take a look out the tube sock, white fabric world around him it shook.

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Twilight: Bella Sandwich

He ignored the two pack members exploring a new relationship, finally turning to jacob and saying the words the teenaged boy had been dreading since the first command. \

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