A Theory of Attachment

Some days, days like today, it felt like the only anxiety remote days solved was that which surrounded driving. sélène knew the uptick in anxiety was due to the upcoming saturday. an anxiety that seemed to veer wildly between "very good" and "oh no".

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The day the sky turned orange

Erin sighed, feeling the anxiety rise in his body further. _why isn't that big lug home already?

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 35)

Due to their small, edible proportions, natural selection has cursed these creatures with extraordinarily high anxiety. which is why poppy is standing outside of a psychologist's office.

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This Is Me Challenge. Dreaming of the future.

Anything tied with the horror of illness riddled me with more anxiety and fear than i had ever felt.

Tick Tock

**Tick Tock** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)_ She woke in a sudden gasping of scrambling bed sheets. Heart pounding in her chest, breath was abruptly difficult to grasp, slipping through her fingers like the sleep she had lost and night...

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Boy by the Cliff

Boy by the Cliff Wolves were strong and powerful people who reveled in chaos, and certainly didn't mind a little change, the young pup Lou however, had been frightened silly from the first time he had heard they were leaving the comfort of their...

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Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - For the Love of Frog Ch. 1 (Saria Pt. 6)

And as she got out of bed and put on her clothes, she wondered what she could do to help ease her tension and wean her off of her anxiety.

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Two

The soldier that first contacted him, noticed his anxiety and held out a paw for yukiomaru to take again.

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Day 9 - Collar

Slowly, that strange feeling of anxiety was starting to fade, and morph into a calming, comfortable sense of safety.

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No Frills: Maundrill

This developed from a sense of personal responsibility to anxiety. by the time he reached adulthood it had started to manifest as an anxiety where he tried to keep track of everything at once.

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Brace Yourselves

To so many, the Mystic Ruins were a place of utter tranquility. The domineering cliffsides overlooking the natural vista, giving way to lush jungle enfolding the ancient shrines. The ruins themselves, untouched for so long by no other hands than...

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