Chapter 3: The Bloodletter

Thank you for joining us here today, at the sixth annual unity falls martial arts competition!"

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The Cohen Loop, Ch 8

The Cohen Loop Gary and Hunter 4 copyright comidacomida 2014 While a shower was a stall situated above floor level, the Scrubber was much more like a six foot deep hot tub. Hunter dropped down into it easily and, for a moment disappeared beneath the...

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Heavy Bags

The locker room door swung open and in stepped Zeke Stone, though large and intimidating to some walked with the grace of a man half his size. He wore only a tight pair of workout shorts that left nothing to the imagination of anyone who looked at his...

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Love at First Quidditch

After young Harry Potter was given his position as new Gryffindor seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Harry was excited but, kind of nervous. He was a first year, and from what Ron and the twins told him, first years never make it on the team...

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Pred Vs Pred (Alternate Ending)

All we need to do is have a little competition. what do you say ... cock to cock. we go until someone cums first. whoever does, loses." "hmmmm."

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New Pride, New Priorities 1

The first part - the part that's more of a competition, you see? that part's more of a fetish thing." "..."

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Who's the Grrreeaatest

"Yeah! Who's the Grrrreeaatest of all time?" _God spare me from hyped up, drunk celebrities,_ thought the poor jackal behind the bar as he heard that trademark catch phrase abused by the well-dressed stud of a tiger making his way flamboyantly...

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Foot Fetish Story: Fight of the Foot

He didn't even have a thing for feet, but something about the competition, about having so much on the line, was making it far more exciting than usual.

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 1: Competition

"it's good to see not all of the competition will be... well, overly competitive." luke nodded. "i can already tell he and i could get along just fine." "yeah; he does seem pretty cool," hank agreed.

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(C) The Competition 2 - Messy Hallway

#32 of commissions story commission from xanc to continue the competition story he had me start a few months back (part 1 here).

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[Article] Commander Opinions: Competitive Players

If your whole playgroup enjoys one-on-one competitive commander, then more power to you.

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The Harem-Lympics 1: A Little Competition

"if this is to be an official competition, to make a point, then our slaves must know what they are competing for." "i suppose, yes.

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