This is a story based on "Sonic the Hedgehog: The Animated Series" or others know it as "Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM)" Sonic and his friends find a young human that joins them but the human seems to be different from others.
It was nightfall and Sonic...
Coyote, Dragon, Fox, Hedgehog, Human, Rabbit, Satam, Series, Sonic The Hedgehog, Squirrel, Walrus
I hope you guys like it ^-^
chapter six
adrian was happy to be dressed in his usual loose fitting jeans and long sleeved t-shirt he had worn holes into, fitting his thumbs through the sleeve; a bad habit he'd had since high school.
Cunt Boy, Gay, Male, Sex, Story Progression, Vaginal, Wolf, white lion
# Perfect Fit For Dual Dicks
Xan's babysitting profile was a work of art. Awash with glowing recommendations from thrilled clients, underneath the extensive list of his years of child-caring experience, and with such a low fee as well... the big...
Balls, Blood, Boy, Cat, Cock, Cub, Cum, Death, Dragon, Gay, Gore, Horror, Kitty, M/M, M/b, Male, Male/Male, Musk, Rape, Snuff, Underage, babysitting, double cock, skull, smell
"Come on Nix!" Brandon yelled behind him as he ran off towards the crashing waves with his board in hand. "You're going to miss the fun!" The otter quickly reached the water, his natural habitat as he liked to claim, and sent his board out into the...
Anal, Anthropomorphic, Aqua Sex, Breathplay, Cum, Cunt Boy, Deep Thrust, Double-Penetration, Feline, Gay, Humping, Lust, M/M, Precum, Shark, Swimming, Vaginal
#4 of health and fitness
chapter four of my cunt boy story. there is finally sex in it :d
hope you guys like it.
chapter four
when they got out of the cave, adrian stretched his aching limbs, looking out to the thick forest in front of him.
Cunnilingus, Cunt Boy, Male, Oral, Romance, Story Progression, Transgender, Vaginal, Wolf, white lion
#3 of health and fitness
this is chapter three of my c-boy story. hope you guys enjoy it. there will be porn in the upcoming chapters.
chapter three
adrian woke up before sunrise to the sound of someone tapping on his door.
Ape, Camping, Cunt Boy, Leopard, Male, Panther, Romance, Story Progression, Tiger, Wolf, c-boy, intersex, white lion
#2 of health and fitness
here is the next chapter of adrian and his crazy college shenanigans.. which are probably not really shenanigans.. but whatever, there's some sex stuff, so that's nice.
Ape, Bunny, Cunt Boy, Leopard, Male, Masturbation, Panther, Shower, Story Progression, Tiger, Transgender, Wolf, c-boy, white lion