Chapter 1 Beginnings

Myles kneed his sides while the hybrid's paws tried pushing him away from him. the golden retriever pressed himself, using his strength to pin him against the hybrid.

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Day 26) Desire

The yeen fennec hybrid drank a small amount. lips wrapped around the vial. loquie grabbed the yeen fennec hybrid's hand and forced slyvester to chug the entire thing.

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Be Careful What You Wish For...

This made yùnqì chuckle, although the hybrid wasn't sure what about what he'd said had been funny.

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Of Gryphons

Thelekiin glanced sideways at the young hybrid and smiled slightly as yogoloth noticed. "you're not what i expected.", the gryphon admitted. "you expected hybrids to be weak or stupid.

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A Night In The City

The hybrid's answer was quick, and unmuffled... but that warmth still seeped across the hybrid's feet; how could he talk and lick at the same time!?

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One Stormy Night

Lips met hard as the hybrid made out with the supposed demon.

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Swingers and Portals

Spreading the hybrid's cheeks apart, the pit bull spit onto the hybrid's tailhole, before pressing the tip of his thick cock against it.

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The Meaning of Lunacy

Rising to her feet, the suicune hybrid sighs.

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Violet in love- Chapter I- A Gray Muzzle fan request.

For years, he had been fascinated by hybrids. haeos decided that there could be commercial interest in a piece about the hybrids. the hybrid story goes back to the mid 1960's. researchers in genetics began working on gene splicing.

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