The Eternal Glade: Chapter 2

Alinae picked it up before it could fall to the ground and put it by the base of the large granite obelisk. they sat there in the nude both admiring each other's bodies.

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15- Warp

Above it floated a large obelisk, its deep purple edges bordering what appeared to be nothingness. sithris stood there in awe for a good few minutes, taking in all he could.

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Walls Book 1 - Ch 20 : Reconcile

Volkov's thoughts leaked from his mind and i hear it echo inside my mind, redgate and the obelisk. "don't play coy volkov, you did something in that mindscape link at the obelisk."

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 76 - Piece by Piece

Everyone wants the obelisks now! if i listen at all to lord teeny-weeny is because he obviously knows something we don't. he knew about the obelisks... he probably knows something about what is needed to drink the power out of them, too."

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Lunar Apex [TSR]

More and more his dick grew, forcing his hands from touching one another as his behemothian obelisk flourished in the light of the supermoon. his pupmaker thoroughly grew of its own accord without him consciously thinking about it.

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The legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Then there was obelisk the tormentor he looked after the food chain he made sure no beast went hungry unless it was there time he was blue and the biggest god he would lead the others if they needed it.

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Chapters 5+6

We then proceed to go to the obelisk, where we pierced the nigger's lungs and broke a falcon's neck and drew a raven. an egg of bones appeared, and we placed ravenclaw's object on the raven picture.

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The Map To Everything: Chapter 3

He was tired, drained of energy, he sat in the shade of a worn out, tipped over obelisk. he checked his jacket for an emergency ration of water. he had a small juice box in his pocket, crushed, but still have a couple sips of grape juice in it.

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Tournament of Transformation - Opening Ceremonies

Another thunderous roar erupted from the audience as red and purple lightning arced between the two obelisks as what appeared to be a mini storm cloud frothed and boiled between them.

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Dogs of War - Chapter 12 - Secrets by Firelight

At last cassius isolated the source of the emination "i's coming from the obelisk." he said. "don't be ridiculous, how could it-?" began dante before arafal interjected.

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The World Beneath (3/3)

Those six obelisks around it are all pointed out in order to radiate the magic coming from the portal they're creating in order to turn those they captured into monsters... permanently." "how do we stop it?" simon asked.

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