Bio: Jace

Jace keeps many features of his red fox mother, sparing a few wolf parts from his fathers side. his jaws are stronger and his legs more powerful due to his wolf father, but his tracking skills fall just short of a normal red fox.

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Picking a gift for AK

Achaius grabbed a spare reptilian arm to replace his missing one. "you'll like this one, i promise!" he said, rushing to another fitting room. he frantically pushed the door open.

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From Zero to Hero, Part 3

I thank david for his advice and make my way upstairs to the spare bed. i get undressed but leave my boxers on, i then climb into the bed and close my eyes.

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Predilection: Ch 17: Raeleth's Fire

In the last hundred thousand years the creatures have even begun trying to bargain with me to spare them, but this is the true end.

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The Truth Comes Out pt.2

"your mother will be here soon with your spare necklace and cloths, and some spare cloths for you as well miss arcanine." my father says stretching. "h-hey dad?" i ask looking up at him. "hmm? yes?" he asks looking down at me.

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Eldorin's Lament - Chapter One -

A decision to spare or strike hung delicately in the balance. a choice aria realized - could sway the fate not only of herself and her prisoner - but the destiny of their warring tribes.

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In the Night, We are Dark (Story of NTN 560 Part 1)

From his old pants he pulled both the sidearm and spare magazines he had left, slipping the weapon into the fold out holster this one offered upon his right hip, and the two spares into the pouch pocket on the left side, within easy reach.

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The Alvinstar Affair: Chapter 2

He nodded, carrying her into the spare bedroom so they could sleep. she held tightly to him as she was picked up, and once they were in the spare bed she snuggled up against him, his presence a huge comfort to her.

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 2

I think he is worth sparing for now" jeseia chimed from the woods, deftly slinking from the darkness and moving to stand next to the wolf breed. it was almost comical, she was to me in size as i was to him.

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Behind Yellow Eyes: Chapter 22

Casey probably has the spare parts needed to fix the engines sitting in his personal quarters aboard _the hahkota_, or so she would guess. "ai?" casey asks.

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Adoption (Different Pokemon Arc)

He had a pack on his that stored spare clothes, a jacket, and a carrying case for badges, of which he had none.

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Our Day Off

With my spare paw, i gently tugged on his leash, and this caused his body to jerk even harder into mine. "huh, you like that eh?" i did it once more, and he just gasped into my paw leaving his breathing even more spastic.

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