Generous Contributions Part III

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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In this continuation of my Generous Contributions story series, David the stallion is again betrayed by the sperm bank he donates to... and this time, FemKahnso is the one tracking him down. Uh oh! <:3c

Read part 2 (and find a link to part 1) here:

This is one I had a lot of fun with! It took me a while to get around to finishing and editing this, but man, is the end result worth it. <3

FemKahnso and writing (C) me

David Vicente (C) FA: jazzeh

Illustration by FA: octopoodle

--Chapter One

"What I want," the tall vixen said, "is the best, youngest horse you got on file."

"Youngest?" the record keeper asked with a confused smile.

The vixen frowned. "Not like-, no. You don't have kids here anyway, do you? Fuck, don't answer. That's fucking gross."

The record keeper shrugged.

"Mid-twenties, okay? And he's gotta be local."

The record keeper, a middle-aged raccoon whose eye bags shone darkly even under his natural facial mask, leaned back in his desk chair. "That is very interesting, Ms. Kahnso."

Kahnso frowned with her eyes, smiled with her mouth. She reached slowly into her jacket as if going for a gun. One patch on its breast said Alpha Cunt and another, far too faded to read, showed the Grim Reaper who had a skeletal middle finger extended. Between the open flaps was a sports bra which tightly held her breasts but the two rows of nipples on her abdomen were uncovered.

"We have a strict policy on dress in here, Ms. Kahnso," the raccoon said without much conviction. "But I wouldn't say my private office falls under that rule." He smiled.

She smiled back and pulled a wad of bills out of her pocket. She dropped the bankroll on the desk. It landed so heavily he flinched. "Whoops. I dropped two thousand dollars," she said dryly. "I'm so clumsy. Total blonde moment."

The raccoon leaned forward, took the money, thumbed through it with his spindly fingers. When he was satisfied with its worth, he slipped it into one of the drawers on his desk then sat further forward, placed his paws in the proper typing position.

Kahnso sat opposite the raccoon in an uncomfortable plastic chair. It creaked under her muscular weight and she quickly stood. "Yeah, so," she spoke quickly, trying to draw his attention away from her attempt to sit, "mid-twenties, speaks English, local. Nice dick preferred."

The record keeper's fingers ticked away on his chiclet keyboard. He narrowed the database down to four possibilities. "I believe I have some names for you." He smiled his needle-like teeth at her.

"Print that shit out, then."

"I could do that," he said. "Do you really want these names?"

Kahnso leaned over the desk. "I could piss in your ear and see if it washes out the other side. Want to find out if it's a clear shot?"

"If working under middle management has taught me anything, it is to know when to concede," the raccoon sagely spoke. He clicked the small printer icon. When the inkjet on the file cabinet purred to life, Kahnso smiled.

When she had the sheet in her fingers, Kahnso said, "I was gonna suck your cock if you kept being stubborn. Thanks for saving me the trouble."

The raccoon rolled his chair back from his desk. His aged face gained a sly quality. "You would have? Because I'm not sure just the names will help you very much."

Kahnso looked again at the sheet. She focused on the four lines, the four names. Listed alongside them were breed, age, height and weight. As she studied the paper she began to feel very foolish. Then came the sound of a zipper. When she lowered the sheet, she saw now that the raccoon sat back with his flaccid penis hanging out of his fly. His smile was quite charming.

"I do have their addresses on file and I'd be so very happy to furnish you with an amended list."

She wadded up the sheet and tossed it across the room. It landed just short of the waste bin. Her knees landed silently on the carpeted floor and she pulled off her jacket, tossed it over the economy chair. "All right. You drive a hard bargain, ringtail. Any special requests?"

The raccoon steepled his fingers over his slight belly. "Just one," he said. "Breasts out, if you don't mind."

The vixen pulled her sports bra up and went to work. Half an hour later she left the office with a complete list. The raccoon invited her to come back anytime she required more information. He told her he would be happy to meet her needs.

--Chapter Two

David Vicente was having a wonderful day. He did not know that he was soon to be besieged by a horny vixen with a pharmacy in a suitcase and an insatiable thirst for horse penis. He only knew that he was enjoying a day in the park. Late autumn leaves rustled around his hooves, scooted across the short grass like flocks of startled animals in the breeze. The cooling near-winter temperature invigorated him, and he was still elevated by news he had received earlier in the day. An email from a friend included a photo of a newborn foal - a life David helped to create. Knowing he was now a father, albeit as nothing more than a sperm donor, pleased him greatly.

The Andalusian stallion sat on a bench with a view of the pond which would be a sheet of ice within a month, give or take. He took out his phone and snapped several photos of the serene vista. In doing so, he saw that he had a new text. It was set to vibrate and had been buried in the pocket of his heavy winter coat. It was no surprise he hadn't felt it.

His brow furrowed as he attempted to decipher the text. It came from an unknown number and was very poorly composed. Eventually he managed to read it; it told him that he was a lucky boy and there was a prize waiting for him at home. David, who never entered contests and was frugal with his contact information, dismissed it as a wrong number and went back to placidly taking photographs.

--Chapter Three

It was half past four when David slid the key into the front door's knob. He twisted it, pulled it out, turned the knob. He was mildly startled when it did not give. He quickly tried the key again and this time the door yielded to him.

As it swung inward, an unfamiliar smell hit his nostrils, made them flare. He recognized the smell for what it was: estrus, but not equine estrus like he was accustomed to smelling in his home. This was more earthy, almost foul.

David Vicente stepped inside carefully. He scanned his cozy home with a stranger's curiosity. He twisted the knob and silently latched it.

He thought of calling out and decided not to. It appalled him how quickly he was ready to accept that his home was empty after he saw his uninhabited living room. It was possible he had left the door unlocked and had simply re-locked it when he came in. Yes. And that smell could just be food he left out. Of course. Except David was, according to a few friends, anal-retentive. He did not leave food out. He did not leave without checking that the knob would not turn.

He proceeded slowly through his home.

A low droning sound rumbled in the hallway. David tensed. He walked only on the rugs dotting his hardwood floors to minimize the sound his hooves made. He followed the noise all the way to the bedroom. It was there he realized with equal parts amusement and worry that it was a snore he heard.

The door smoothly opened to reveal a tremendous female form sprawled on his bed. David was a tall stallion with a large bed; the creature splayed on top of the blankets brought to mind an adult sleeping in a child's bed. Her legs bent at the knees over the edge of the mattress, claw tips almost touching the floor. She was a giant, and she was nude. The matte black peach of her vulva glinted in the waning sunlight.

David looked at the intruder uncertainly. He pulled his phone from his pocket with the intent to call 911 before he thought to look at the errant text again. Was this his prize? Long legs and muscle tone, blonde hair, round breasts and a big, black vulva all marked this woman as a fine creature - but David was rightly baffled by her presence in his home. Her musk filled the room and her clothes lay in a heap on his Persian rug as if she lived there.

The vixen snorted, coughed. She started to sit up, then rolled off of the bed and thudded against the floor. The laziness she exhibited when she stood convinced David she was hung over. When she wheeled on him with her bloodshot red eyes, he flinched away.

"Hey. David, right?" She scratched her behind. "David Vincent?"

"Vicente," David meekly corrected. "Uh. You-, you are?"

"What, you don't know who I am?" She snorted again. "I'm Kahnso! Dumbass. I've only got, like, four platinum records, stupid asshole."

The horse forced a smile. "I don't listen to much music. Ah, but I think I've heard of you." Faint memories of scandalous tabloid covers and vulgar entertainment news. One headline stuck out in his mind, the beginning alliteration of it amusing to him: F**ked-up freaky female phenom found guilty on drug charges, mandatory rehab likely.

"Yeah, well, doesn't matter." She lumbered up to him, hips swaying, hair waving. She shook the floor with her steps. "I'm here for that dick. I hear you're packing so let's see the meat."

"Excuse me?" David asked. He was more shocked than offended. "I don't even know how you got in here, and you want to-?"

"You think that lock keeps you safe? Took me like a minute to pick it." Now she scratched through her bush. Its hair was blonde like what was on her head and quite plush. "Hey! You want to know how I even knew about you, right?"

The horse nodded. Kahnso brushed past him, shoved him against the wall just by passing him. He stood stunned for a moment before he followed her. His eyes fixed to her heart-shaped behind; David Vicente unapologetically loved a nice bottom.

"Golden Prairie Cryogenic Fertility Solutions! Name ring a bell to you?"

David thought about the time a Clydesdale by the name of Garret Sampson solicited him through the sperm bank. A wan smile crossed his snout. "Ah. They sold my information again, I see."

She made it into the kitchen and dug into his fridge. David could already see the kitchen was a disaster. The six pack of beer he kept in the fridge for weekends and visits was gone, the bottles strewn around the counter like felled trees. She came out of the fridge with half of a deli sandwich he had put away the day before. Talking as she ate, she spilled crumbs everywhere. "You weren't cheap, either. Cost me two grand and I had to suck some guy's dick. Ended up letting him sniff my cunt and touch my boobs, too."

"Interesting," David said. He too wanted to sniff her cunt and touch her boobs.

"Uh-huh." She offered him a bite of his own sandwich. He politely declined. "Whatever. More for me, loser."

As Kahnso wolfed down the sandwich, David tried to tidy up his kitchen. He had had a problem with ants before and didn't want to invite them back in.

Kahnso snatched him up, interrupted his attempt to rinse the first bottle in the sink. She pulled him back by his hips and laughed as she wrangled him into her arms. "Fuck that shit, you're gonna nail me, not clean your fucking kitchen! What are you, gay?"

"I'm bisexual," he defensively said.

"So you're only halfway there. I can still save you." Her massive paws groped under his coat. A hiss passed her fanged mouth. "You're hard. Nice and muscular. Bet I could sink my teeth right into that ass you got."

"Figuratively, right?" David tentatively asked. "I'd be okay with that - figuratively, and only figuratively..."

Kahnso nipped his ear. Although he was a tall horse, she was taller and seemed impossible to deny. Her paws were hard and strong, stronger than any male touch he had ever known. "Yeah. I'm gonna eat your ass. Lemme see it!"

She thrust him away. He was no fool. He disrobed quickly, first his coat and shirt without any of the usual care he showed when dressing and undressing. He opened his fly and Kahnso dived on him, took him down to the tile with a yowl in her throat. David caught himself and managed to prevent a face plant.

"Gimme the ass!" she shrieked, laughing as she pulled down his jeans. Then only his boxers remained and she brusquely yanked those away too. When his brown ass was bare, she gripped the cheeks in meaty fists and yanked them so far apart that David gasped with pain. His plump anus winked at her and she kissed it hard, mashed her lips into the flesh and her fangs into his ass crack.

David groaned. He felt helpless - and he was all the more exhilarated for it.

Kahnso's long tongue slurped through his ass crack with drunk hunger. Then she went back to his anus, smooched it, sucked on it like sucking a titty. The rim tensed under her lips and he gasped, arched his back, popped his butt into her face. "Good fucking lord," David breathed. "We just met!"

"Yeah, ain't it great? Just wait'll my cunt's in your mouth." She slopped her tongue up his ass crack again then nosed into the ring. She snorted him and sucked the musk right out of his asshole with the kind of shameless hunger David believed existed only in porno movies.

"God damn," the stallion bleated. "This might be the best day of my life."

"Died and went to horsey heaven, huh?" The vixen laughed and pulled back. She smacked his ass with her monstrous strength, sent a wobble through the flesh. She left a nearly perfect lithograph of her paw print beneath the fur. David's shriek brought her the same amusement a mouse's death rattle might bring to a cat.

"That was unnecessary! That hurt!" David whined.

"Oh, fuckin' shut it, pussy. Roll over. Lemme see some cock now."

David rolled over with some effort. He winced as he put his bottom on the cool tile. "Ow, ow, gawd. That stings."

Kahnso gazed on the dark meat of David's penis. Her rimjob had drawn it out of its sheath and her slap had not wilted it. It stood proudly - sixteen inches of black equine flesh. The girth of its shaft was comparable to his wrist, the flared head close to a fist in size. A dribble of precum rolled from its slit and Kahnso lapped it up.

"Christ, that's some jumbo dick. Thing's gonna clean out all those hard-to-reach spots I got," she said with a sigh. She swatted his cock gently, causing it to wag from side to side. "Your file said you're clean, is that right?"

David fixed his honey-hued eyes on the vixen's twitching red gaze. He answered, "Yes. I'm very careful about who I sleep with."

She glared. "That some dig at me? I'm clean too, asshole." Her finger stabbed into David's belly firmly enough that he flinched. "I mean, yeast infections don't count, right?"

"That's disgusting!" David cried.

"Oh, fuck off. I don't have one now. I don't think so, anyway." She grabbed his cock in both paws and gave it twisting strokes. Her efforts wrung a thick bead of precum up to the tip and she bumped her nose into it. The fluid smeared across her nostrils, filled her head with potent equine musk. "Christ, David. You smell damn good! Thinking I made the right choice. It was down to you and some Clydesdale fuck. I like big dicks and all, but shit, even I got limits."

David smiled. "I'm happy you chose me, then. I think."

Kahnso dipped her head low and slopped her tongue over the curves of his balls. His scrotum was taut around his plump gonads; its flesh as a whole throbbed against the broad surface of her tongue. David moaned at the lick. "You'll miss me when I'm gone," she growled. "You eat ass?"

"If the ass is worth eating," said David, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice. "Do you want-?"

"Yeah," Kahnso cut him off. She nuzzled the flare of his cock then opened her maw wide, tongue loping out like a pink carpet to welcome his meat. In one gulp, she took his cock past her jaws and notched it between her fangs. Her eyes drifted shut as the earthy taste of horsecock spread across her tongue.

David shuddered and rested his hands in the vixen's bouffant hair. His fingers moved tentatively to cup her head when she showed no averse reaction to the touch. Then he was able to watch - with a disbelieving grin on his face - as his cock vanished inch by inch. He felt the threshold of her throat, knew his wide cockhead was pressed to it. The hope that she was about to deepthroat him welled in his heart.

David was not disappointed. Kahnso forced herself downward, gagging but not too harshly. The big vixen shocked him with the casual use of her throat. As the malleable flare of his cock muscled down her neck, he relaxed on the tile and crooned in sexual delight. He said nothing, had nothing clever to say and no desire to annoy or scare off the vixen who had let herself into his life and now helped herself to his genitals as freely as his beer and food. David was far from a stupid horse.

The fox groped the base of David's cock as if throttling somebody by the neck. Her squeezes caused its flesh to grow busy with veins and its spurts of precum to decrease in frequency but thicken immensely. That was when she began to suck, something she did with obnoxious noise.

David blushed, grinned. He stroked through her hair in gentle motions. "You are-, you really are something very special," he whispered. "I don't know how long you plan to stay, but it can't-," he cooed with delight, "it can't be long enough."

Kahnso peered at David. Her bloodshot ruby gaze and prehistoric fangs gave her the look of something not of this world, and it thrilled him as much as it scared him. Although not a religious man, David still appreciated the wicked imagery of a demon. Or a succubus.

Her fingers played with his scrotum, fondled the testicles inside the dark sack. The touch was secondary to her vulgar oral sex. Thick ropes of saliva rolled down the uncovered portion of the horse's shaft and his balls. It gave his dark flesh the impression of a candy glaze. The warming effect of the slobber added to David's exultation and he pushed his fingers through her smooth hair. He marveled at its softness.

One of the vixen's paws raked down David's abdomen. Her blunt claws prodded through his shirt and tickled him, but not enough that he giggled. It only put an awkward grin on his face.

Slowly Kahnso pulled back. She emitted a brief, discomforted gurgle when the flare popped out of her throat. Then she took her mouth off of him, straightened herself out, scooted closer on her knees. Showing physical love which the stallion was leery of, she stroked and kneaded the flesh against the muscles of her stomach. She asked in a voice which was a bit raspy, "Ass or cunt, baby?"

"The cunt. Please, give me that pussy."

"Good answer, baby, good answer," said Kahnso, smiling so much that her teeth showed. The instability in her eyes was as obvious to David as their red hue but it only made him hungrier for the fox. He was used to safe, warm partners and found Kahnso as refreshing as she was frightening.

Then the vixen stood up and had a long and obviously satisfying stretch. David drank in the display of her naked body but his eyes fixed especially on the plump spade of her vulva. It stuck out both literally and figuratively, impossible to ignore and desirable in a way which was all but impossible to explain.

He sat up licking his lips. His nose bumped her cunt and his tongue slopped across it. The lick delivered to his lustful mind the potent musky flavor of the vixen.

Kahnso, growling, clutched the stallion around his ears and pushed her loins forward. "You gonna eat me then? You know I piss outta there, don't you?"

David exhaled against Kahnso. The full, somewhat spongy flesh of her vulva reminded him of his own penis in both texture and give but the smell was unlike anything he had ever experienced. Her musk was a stench - it clouded his mind and was not at all a smooth flavor. The stallion enjoyed many acquired tastes be they culinary or sexual, and already he found Kahnso delicious to the nose and the tongue.

Another thing he found as queerly charming as her stink was her sense of humor. Crude humor was not something David often enjoyed, but he saw no better way to lock horns with Kahnso. "You should be careful then," he said into her loins. "I've been known to piss out of my dick sometimes."

"Yeah, but you didn't. That's lame." She humped his muzzle, kept him from talking by occupying his jaws. When he opened his mouth to try and speak, her swollen box rubbed his teeth and tongue. David gave up on trying to snipe back but not on tasting her muff.

"Da-a-avid, I gotta be honest with you about something." She kept grinding and left smears of heavily-scented wetness on his snout. "That shitty beer is just not cutting it. I gotta get a buzz on like you gotta get a nut busted. Know any good liquor stores around here?"

To permit him to speak, she let go of his ears. He stayed close a few seconds longer and inhaled her spade with lusty snorts. When he pulled back, a daze was obvious in his features. He looked up at her face past her rows of nipples and pouting breasts. His cock throbbed.

"There's, uh, a place just in town. They have wonderful imports. Some craft brews. I know they carry very hard liquor." He tried to slurp her cunt, was denied when she pushed him back with a paw on his forehead. "Please."

"Booze first. Then we're gonna smash." Like he was a child, she rubbed him between the ears. His black hair, already mussed up into a bedhead, tangled into an even worse mess.

She turned and walked off, her buttocks wobbling like gelatin molds. David exhaled heavily and waited for blue balls to set in.

--Chapter Four

Two hours passed before headlights shone in the front window. Incredible relief bordering on elation rushed through David. In the last half hour, he had begun to worry that she would not return - and that he could have masturbated any time.

He opened the front door just as Kahnso trudged up. She carried a wooden crate with a cubist-styled chimera painted on its side. She set it down just inside the living room and bottles clattered inside of it with an almost musical chime. "I got a couple more of these and some loose bottles. Get your sweet ass out here and help me!"

David followed the vixen with the Alpha Cunt patch on her jacket. The storage area of her SUV was filled with liquor. Some was in wooden crates, some in cardboard boxes, others loose but kept together in plastic sacks. David pulled one of the chimera crates across the floor of the SUV. He grunted with exertion, struggled until sweat broke out on his brow. He slumped across it like it was a piece of driftwood, himself the survivor of a shipwreck. Kahnso smiled, nudged him away, picked it up effortlessly.

"Don't kill yourself, baby. Get the others. They're lighter."

David observed her as she carried the crate, new appreciation for her physique in his eyes. Being accustomed to Clydesdales, David was familiar with massive physical strength in his partners. Kahnso, he decided, should be kept happy at all times for the well-being of his bones.

When all of the liquor was indoors, David locked the deadbolt. Kahnso undid it and said, "Hold on. Forgot something." She smooched his cheek before she trotted down the steps.

The vixen came back carrying a large leather suitcase. David smiled slyly while he tried to guess at how many changes of clothing might be inside of it. "Staying a while? I don't think I'll mind."

"What?" She set the suitcase on his coffee table, had to push aside expensive bottles of assorted liquors to make room. "The only clothes I got are the ones I'm wearing, shithead. This is the party bag."

David huffed at the abuse. He glanced at the crates with the chimeras on them and decided not to confront her. "Party bag?" he asked dubiously.

The vixen spun the combination tumblers with practiced skill and popped open the suitcase. A veritable pharmacy lie inside. Stuffed pill bottles written on with markers nestled into velcro loops; a compartment towards the bottom housing numerous syringes still in blister packs along with a trio of scorched spoons. In with the spoons was a brown powdery substance, double bagged.

David's eyes scrolled across the countless other narcotics and assorted paraphernalia. An occasional smoker of pot, David found the vixen's glass bong attractive. Being only a pot smoker, however, he was shocked by the quantity and variety of the rest of the vixen's stash.

"I don't know what half of this even is," he cried, "and I don't want it in my house! What if someone-?"

Kahnso squeezed David in tight, silenced him in mid-sentence. His back popped, not an unpleasant sensation, but it reminded him of his incredible fragility to somebody of her strength.

"Honey. Rela-a-ax. In fact, here." She opened one of the velcro loops and took out a pill bottle marked oxycontin. "Have one of these, you'll chill out in a hurry."

David gingerly pushed the offered bottle away. "Please, that's not my thing."

"Really?" She opened the bottle and swallowed two of the tablets dry. "Mm. I found your bong. That was pretty lame shit you had, too. I had to smoke the whole bud to just to get anywhere."

"You smoked my pot?" David whined. "That cost me almost forty dollars."

She laughed. "I did you a favor, that was ditchweed." Then she took a bag out of the suitcase and pushed it on him until he took it. Inside a pair of nested sandwich baggies rested bunches of buds fatter than anything the horse had ever seen. "Give that shit a try, it's way better."

"I was actually-."

"No, seriously. Let's smoke some up. I get kinda cuddly when I'm baked. You wanna cuddle," she glared at him, "right?"

She took the bong out of its velcro loops and started for the kitchen. David gave the suitcase's contents a nervous glance before following her. It was so very easy to imagine a SWAT team suddenly bursting in the front door, probable cause sitting right there on the coffee table.

At the counter, Kahnso filled the bong then started plucking the seeds and stems. The kitchen soon began to reek of the fragrant drug.

"That smells pretty good," David admitted. He watched her work, surprised that she could do something so delicate with such large fingers. "What's it called? This strain."

"Amsterdam Astroturf or some dumb crap like that. It's grown in a lab in Michigan, so I don't know what the hell they're going for with the name." She glanced at David's nearby face and winked. "He-e-ey. You look like you need something to do."

"Do I?" Caution.

The vixen reached down and opened up her fly. She shimmied out of her jeans and left herself bottomless. "Yeah. Eat my ass."

David pressed in behind her and cupped the thick cheeks of her ass. He cared little about witty banter when the vixen was offering herself up. "Oh, my god," he breathed, reverence dripping from the words. He found the vixen's behind sweaty despite the cold she had just come in from. He realized it was probably the drugs she was already on which made her so feverishly hot. David liked the flavor and the smell of sweat on a good woman; he didn't care where it came from.

The stallion pushed his snout between her ass cheeks, bumped his nose into the wrinkled ring of her anus. He inhaled her smell in a few short huffs then slurped the pucker, smeared slobber across the gleaming pink. The smell of her musk was overwhelming; David was getting hard before he finished his third lick.

Kahnso leaned over the counter and gave him a better angle to work with. Her tail swished above the stallion's bobbing head. "Lucky me. I got a boy eats ass like fucking groceries. You eat man-ass like that too, or is it just for women?"

David plucked his snout out of the vixen's ass crack. He shuddered as he took in clean air, unsatisfactory after smelling down in the heart of her musk. "I eat ass if the ass is good," he succinctly remarked. "Your ass has all the features I love. It's big, shaped like a heart," he nuzzled a cheek, "and the smell is so good. You've got that-, you smell like a woman should, you understand? I want to-, god, I want to wash this before I lick it. It's almost disgusting how thick the scent is. Wonderful."

The vixen snickered. "Disgusting? I've been called that before." She undulated her hips, ground the cheeks of her behind into his face. It was like being hit with a pair of thick, warm pillows. "Get up here, boytoy. Take a hit of this and then get back to snorting my shitcutter."

"Shitcutter," David parroted. He sounded like his mother the first time he had uttered profanity in her presence - a where-did-I-go-wrong tone of voice. Kahnso was trash through and through - but unlike Mrs. Vicente's horror over her son's first swear, David loved the filth. When he stood, he pressed against her, crotch on her ass and arms looped around her torso.

"Get off," Kahnso grunted. "Shithead, I'm not here to cuddle. Smoke some of this already."

The stallion looked at the sticky, stinky buds on the counter and smiled. Whatever strain of pot this was, what Kahnso had brought into his home was remarkable. As he took the bong and the lighter, he asked her, "Do you share often?"

Kahnso watched David suck in a long hit. He passed the bong to her and she drank in the same smoke, pulled it deep into her lungs. David smoothly exhaled. Kahnso, her ragged lungs overfull, began to sputter and cough. She brushed off David's concerned hand.

"I-, yeah, I do with guys I'm fucking," she said between coughs. "Shit. I never cough when I'm smoking crack or crystal. I don't know what's up with this stuff."

"You smoke crack?" David asked her. "And-, and meth?" Somewhere in his brain, appropriate emotions were born and died. His concern and disgust felt like a pair of legs numbed by awkward sleep; present and visible but impossible to call into action. Instead he felt what he had only read of in the past: a feeling of zen induced by lab-grown marijuana. He sighed and leaned on the vixen, nuzzled her chest like a tired foal nuzzling mother's flank. He realized he could smell her armpit which stunk as if it had not even a casual relationship with deodorant. Kahnso was so repulsive; he liked her a lot.

The vixen had another pull on the bong. She offered it to David and he too had some more. This time the fox was a bit more composed and David was the one who coughed.

"Shit," Kahnso puffed. "Don't cough, you don't get off."

David chuckled, almost giggled. His hands caressed Kahnso's wide rump. Without prompt, he cooed, "I think a nice ass is the most important factor when it comes to attraction. For me, at least. I just love a good, round pair of cheeks..."

"Ass slut," Kahnso snickered. "Ass is pretty good. My one boytoy, he's got this really nice ass. Totally skanky guy otherwise, but his ass is fucking perfect." She caught a whiff of her own armpit and raised her arm, smelled it indulgently. She growled, "And he smells so damn good. Fucker doesn't bathe."

The stallion nosed barely into her armpit, smelled her through the layers of her jacket and shirt. "Smell is nice, too," he admitted. "Musk and sweat. You have a great smell."

Kahnso looked at him dumbly. Her eyes had a stoner's glaze. She startled David when she kissed him, then smiled without malice. "Fuck. This shit is making me mellow. It's like being on E, I hate it."

"It's nice," David cooed. He leaned back on the kitchen counter and looked around, really took in the kitchen that he took for granted. "Wow, my kitchen is really big. I should cook more."

The vixen nodded. "You should cook. For us, I mean. I'm fucking hungry."

If there had ever been a better idea, David hadn't heard it. He was hungry, too, and a good high always inspired him. However, whatever super-weed the vixen had brought him had also taken with it most of his expansive culinary knowledge. He stared into his open fridge, rife with fresh ingredients, and felt none of his usual spark.

Kahnso pressed up behind him. Her vulva was warm against his bottom. "What're you cooking?" She sounded like a curious younger sister to David.

David let the fridge close. "I have no clue," he admitted to her. "I forgot."

She pulled him by his arm, dragged him to the living room. He followed her placidly and looked with naked interest at her wide, silvery bottom. "Your butt is so nice," he sighed.

"My ass is awesome," she confirmed. Then she plopped it down in front of the coffee table where her portable pharmacy lie. "Get us some food, David, we need food," she urgently said, almost whining.

"Okay. Food. Food," David mumbled. He picked up his cell phone. Couldn't decipher its myriad functions. Grabbed his laptop instead. That was easier to use. He pointed his web browser to a popular pizza chain and started to add ingredients to his pizza; everything looked good except for the pineapple. Even anchovies sounded superb. By the time he'd finished and had tacked on stuffed crust and extra cheese, the pizza sounded like a kind of sexual fulfillment going by its list of ingredients alone. He placed the order and then said triumphantly, "Pizza's on the wa-a-ay."

An acrid smell filled the air. David looked back at Kahnso and saw that she now had a small glass pipe in her mouth. In its bowl was a dirty-looking rock; its sickly white color made David think of diseased chicken eggs.

The vixen pulled smoke deep into her lungs, shuddered, exhaled. One bloodshot eye looked at David like an out-of-focus camera lens. A smile twisted up her mouth. She pulled another hit off the pipe, set it down in the ashtray, exhaled her smoke away from him. "This is nice shit. I got it local. You ever smoke any of this, David?"

"Is that crack?" the horse asked. Revulsion and concern were both still phantom limbs. He was more darkly fascinated than repulsed; he had never seen crack in person, let alone watched somebody puff it.

"Yeah, it's crack," Kahnso said, shrieking with witchy laughter. Then she pounced on David, kissed him hard. The foul smell of burnt, crystallized cocaine was heavy on her lips. As he withdrew from the stench, David felt a pang of irony: he had been sniffing her crack a minute ago, but now he didn't want to smell her crack. "How long 'til that pizza gets here?"

The horse realized then he hadn't looked at the ETA. It didn't matter - it was never accurate anyway. Looking at the vixen's expectant, somewhat manic face, he said, "Maybe half an hour."

"Half-hour's plenty of time to bust a nut," growled Kahnso. She smooched David and this time the flavor and the smell of the crack was much thinner. The horse tentatively kissed back. "Puss-puss or butthole?"

Her ass was wonderful to smell - but given the choice of two holes to fuck, David was a man of tradition. "I want your pussy," he huffed. Hands feeling over her back, erection starting again. The stallion was in his twenties but sometimes thought he was still a teenager; erections came on so quickly, and often so unprovoked, that he was pitifully easy to arouse.

"Yea-a-ah, in the cunt," snarled the vixen, and she rubbed against him, smeared her swollen spade onto his penis. Her box rubbed the base of his shaft, big black lips smooching his scrotum and leaving streaks of musky moisture. She kissed him hard. Her tongue swabbed around his mouth. It slapped over his teeth and gums like a fat cut of meat come to life. The flavor of marijuana and crack was thin; David tasted mostly her slobber.

The vixen straddled David like a cowgirl mounting up on the mechanical bull. She held onto his cock, guided it with both paws to the lips if her spade. And then down she went, gouging open her box. A deep, satisfied rumble rolled out of her mouth like thunder loping over an open plain. Her feral eyes speared his with ferocious lust.

David's stoned gaze flitted from penetration to tits to face, bouncing between the first and latter often, the second fleetingly. He held onto her hips, fingers digging into ass cheeks and pliant breeder fat for dear life. The dark inches of his cock vanished into her black fortune cookie. He thought about mares he'd been with and how even they struggled at times with him - but Kahnso just slid down like he was nothing. It made her seem tremendous and him tiny.

"Oh my god," David moaned and shifted his hands from hips and ass to ass and tit. Her breasts were natural and he was so glad for that. They were plump and a bit sagged but that was infinitely preferable to obnoxious, perky balloons which never felt right in the palm of your hand. "Such nice breasts, love 'em."

"Nice dick, retard," she snorted. She stopped as if David had at last proved to be too much for her. There she gyrated on him, perhaps five inches to go. His shaft was like the stick to some lollipop, the candy of which was her black peach. Then she wriggled her way down the rest of the way, pushed herself down into his lap until she settled atop him. A satisfied grumble welled up, spilled over into a rumbly moan. She closed her eyes and tossed back her head. Blonde locks glinted healthily in the artificial lamp light. "Before you ask, numbnuts," she began in a warning voice, "I'm on the pill. I'm not here for some baby daddy shit. You're gonna cum inside me."

Good, because I think I'd kill myself if you had my children, you deplorable woman, thought David in what was a decidedly un-zen manner. It was a decidedly un-David thought, too; the horse almost felt startled that such coldness resided in his heart.

He pushed away the thoughts the way a hot sleeper pushes off blankets. His penis throbbed dully within the slippery confines of Kahnso's vagina. "Want to go for a ride?" he coyly asked her.

Kahnso gave no reply. She bounced on David, rode him like he was her show pony. Long, slow strokes imbued the sex with a surprising amount of sensuality. Her paws rubbed over David's chest, his athletic lines and slender muscle enticing her to touch and trace. She opened her eyes, gazed down at him with a look that was mercifully more mellow than before. David supposed crack must not last for very long.

"This good?" she asked, voice a puff between breaths. "Good for you, babe? It's good?"

"Yeah, good. Damn good," David said on the exhale and turned the words into a long sigh. He thought of bucking into her, it wouldn't have been difficult - but David liked sex when it was slow and careful. Rough fucking had its place, but he knew that Kahnso was made of rough sex. If she wanted it slow, he would take it slow gratefully.

David twiddled her nipples on her breasts and fleetingly stroked the others running down her belly; all nipples deserved love, must not forget the others simply because they had no tits to adorn. His hands wrapped around her plump thighs and he helped her by pulling her down, pushing her up. He was well aware that his actions were only symbolic. As his honey-hued eyes drifted closed, he crooned a soft lie, "You're one fine woman."

"Fucking right I am," huffed Kahnso. She straightened herself out, slid down into his lap, paused for a moment.

David opened his eyes and saw her rifling through the pharmacy again. The idea of her imbibing further worried him; he imagined himself telling her enough was enough, then imagined the beating which would probably follow. So he said nothing as she opened up a bottle and popped four tablets into her mouth. Continued to say nothing when she cracked open a bottle of that chimera beer and gulped the pills down.

As if she had never stopped, she rode again. The beer bottle stayed in her paw and she sipped from it a few times, then brought its mouth to David's lips. The stallion drank down some of the brew; some of it went down his chin and dribbled on his chest but he didn't care. His mind was on sex - on release.

"You're good," he said, wonderment in his voice. "Really good."

"What do you sound surprised for?" she asked, annoyed.

The horse blinked and blushed. He squeezed on her hips and said nothing, hoped she would forget. She did. Within a minute she was bouncing and bucking, tits bobbing, ass jiggling. "Yea-a-ah, yeah, good shit, good fuckin' dick," she grumbled. There was a hint of a slur to her words and her motions grew sloppy.

Her uncanny movements reminded David of zombie films. He always wondered how anybody got caught by such uncoordinated, slow monsters. The idea of Kahnso as some walking dead almost made him laugh. Oh, yes, you're hungry for meat.

"Fu-u-uck yes," Kahnso slurred. She dropped the beer bottle and the rest of the brew spilled across the hardwood floor. Then she fell forward and David flinched, but the crashing vixen caught herself and bellowed laughter. "Fooled you, dumbass! You thought-!" A tremendous belch issued from her lips. The stench of beer and the sandwich she'd devoured slapped David in the voice. She smacked her lips and murmured, "Sorry."

"It's fine," David grunted. Despite all of this he was still hard and still getting closer. He couldn't put into coherent thoughts why he liked this repulsive woman so much, but he did. She was so unlike the well-mannered men and women he invited into his bed. She was raw and rotten like a festering wound. He couldn't resist the vulgar charm which hung around her like her sickening musk.

Kahnso's bounces slowed. She was horribly uncoordinated now. Had David not seen her pop the pills, he would have assumed the vixen was having a stroke. "Fffucker fag'it," she burbled. Kissed him, wet and slobbery. Drool poured out of her mouth. "Da-a-avi-i-id, fuck me." Then like a chant she repeated it: "Davidfuckme, Davidfuckmeee."

She rolled onto her side with a heavy thud. It made David wince but the vixen only laughed idiotically. David, feeling suddenly like he was babysitting Kahnso, rolled atop her and pinned her on her back. He fucked her more for himself than for her, but she moaned like a beast caught in a bear trap. She snarled and yowled and muttered badly slurred encouragement to the grinding stallion. Her eyes were like a pair of defective marbles, each pitted with angry red capillaries, staring in David's general direction but not quite at him. And the drool was horrible, so constant and thick that she looked as if she'd put on a bib made of saliva. She pawed stupidly at David and attempted a kiss. Her tongue swabbed his lips and failed to do anything else.

"Day-, Day'vid," she burped. Chest heaving, breasts sagging close to either armpit. Her vagina was snug but slick; its muscles seemed to be the only part of Kahnso which had not turned into a jelly. Her paws groped at him, brushed his hair and clubbed stupidly at his back. "Day'vd, fuck'm, fu-huck."

"Yeah, David fucks, David fucks," the horse huffed, privately marveling at how far the vixen had degraded. After a surgery, a doctor had given him two prescriptions: one for an opium-based painkiller and the other was for a muscle relaxer which he said would help David fall asleep. Even taking the two together on nights where the pain was overwhelming as muscle tried to mend and biodegradable stitches absorbed into his flesh, David had never been so far-gone. What the fuck did this woman take?

"Ooh, oogh, Day," she bleated. An idiot giggle bubbled past her lips. "Oogh." Her climax made her tighten around him like a fleshy vise. It was still easy to fuck her; she was slippery as a frozen road. David railed her as she came around him, coated his equine cock in unnecessary coats of hot, lubricating honey thick with abhorrent musk. She pawed all over his back, whimpering senseless baby words to him. Her tongue dangled over onto her cheek like a ribbon. Saliva dripped from it.

"Mmm, god, goddamn," David huffed, ignoring the babbling, leaning into the vixen's climax. He railed her, gave her everything that he had. Stoned beyond all recognition or not, Kahnso was still a gorgeous, trashy woman. David pumped her mightily like a hero burying his sword in some vile dragon again and again. Plump and dark equine meat reamed the quivering vaginal walls of the vixen, made her squeal and burble wildly as sensitive flesh became even more tender in afterglow. She groped at his back, muttering stupid words even she couldn't know the meaning of. It was sensitive, so sensitive that it hurt, but she was past conveying concepts succinctly.

The stallion mashed his loins into hers and his climax wracked him. The last few thrusts were always unnecessary but they were always the best. He slammed into her faster than ever, working madly like a star burning out the last of its fissionable elements in one brilliant final display. His balls bounced like a pair of smooth dark maces, crashing into her fuzzy tail over and over again. As they swung through the air they dumped their payload into the chemically infertile fox, blasting her full of the prime stud seed so many had paid thousands to use.

David panted, brayed with pleasure as he collapsed atop Kahnso. Semen leaked around his penis like condiments from an overfilled sandwich. His head lay in her cleavage and she mumbled incoherently to him. As if he were a dog who knew not words for tones, David listened to the sweet cadence of her nonsense and smiled.

"Yeah, you bet. It was good," he assured her, and then he kissed her.

"Muh, Day'vd," she mumbled. Her eyes tiredly fluttered shut.

David was exhausted but satisfied. He grinned, thought as he looked on her face, I fucked her to sleep. I fucked her stupid.

The knock on the door five minutes later broke David out of his reverie. Kahnso was totally gone, her snore droning and deep. The knock came again and David lurched up quickly and awkwardly. "Who could that be?" he muttered before he remembered the pizza. He looked at the disaster area that was his living room. Another knock; helplessness rose in his gut like heartburn. Quickly he closed the pharmacy suitcase and threw a blanket over Kahnso's sprawled body. It fell against and began to adhere to her vulva where his semen oozed free. The blanket covered her but it did not cover the musky stench of sex in the room.

Another knock came. David imagined the impatience. For lack of anything better to wear and with no time to trifle with pants, he pulled another blanket around his hips as if it were a towel. It flowed behind him like a flannel wedding gown. Holding it at the hip, he opened the door and forced a grin for the pizza girl.

"Uh, Mr. Vicente, right?" she asked him and smiled politely. It looked quite sincere on her Rottweiler face.

"Yes. Yeah. I'm David. Mr. David Vicente, uh," he looked for his wallet, "I'm sorry, um, I don't seem to-."

A belch from Kahnso split the air open. David and the Rottweiler stared at each other for several seconds. Then she pulled the overloaded pizza out of the insulated bag and handed it off to him. "You added a tip to your order online," she said helpfully. "So, uh, I just need you to-," she eyed his towel and how he struggled to hold it on. Then she realized it wasn't even a towel. She glimpsed the outrageous amount of liquor and the woman asleep on the floor who had shrugged off her blanket, exposing her breasts.

"You know, you're fine, just-, have a nice night." She smiled again and left David to his pizza. Little did he know he had just become the single most interesting customer she had ever delivered to.

David closed the door, dropped the blanket, locked the door and put the pizza on the table by the suitcase. He thought about waking Kahnso up for several seconds, but like a bad smell, the idea passed. Now that his nut had been busted and the weed was wearing off, he saw Kahnso as the repulsive burden she really was. Still a very sexy woman, but trouble to the core.

The stallion ate his overloaded pizza and thought about how best to broach the subject of her departure. He decided he would tell her outright that she needed to leave; women like Kahnso didn't respect pussies. He would have to be firm. He would be blunt. And he would wait until she woke up on her own to tell her she needed to leave.

It was close to five AM when she came to. She devoured half of the cold pizza, woke David, and then tongued his anus so hard and so deep that he eventually had an orgasm because of it. He stopped thinking about how to get rid of her and she spent the next three weeks in his home.