The Breach

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#6 of Writings

Another heroic tale of Booster, the All-American Squirrel Girl. It's Round 2 of our hero, and the dastardly villain, Apex! Will our heroin be able to stop this ape of a malicious ne'er-do-well? Find out today!

Thanks again go to Greg Panovich ( ) for allowing me to use his characters Booster and Apex

** The Breach**

Com Tech Corporation was an up-and-coming computer system database center that specialized in storage of all things computer. It possessed well over sixty million dollars worth of planetary and interplanetary data, as well as chemical samples from literally all over the planet, and some planets of the solar system. The corporation was still in its adolescence, though, and sometimes when they had a problem that they could not fix, they were forced to outsource. That's where Professor Jenner came in handy. He was said to be the foremost in his field of Theoretical Biochemistry, and was the one who could fix their problem the fastest.

And he was true to his word. Within thirty minutes, he traced the hack in their system back to a computer in East Texas, and he was assured that his help led to the arrest of a twenty year old bio-terrorist. However, he demanded to speak with the CEO. While he could not get ahold of him, they did open the office of the Lead Director of that building. He stormed into her office and threw the case-file onto her desk.

"Look at what I found in your private computer files, Miss Kelly Davis." Jenner said, pushing up his glasses as he scowled toward her.

The bear lady looked down toward the file, and while there was no recognition in her face, it didn't really mean anything, as she always looked like she was unimpressed.

"I knew I smelled methane as soon as this whole job started. That hacker was bupkis! You cooked up a half-baked story about a break in your system just to get me down here! I demand to know why!" Jenner stood strong, his arms out to his sides and his fists clenched. He even puffed out his chest.

"Well, Mr. Jenner--"

"Professor Jenner, I didn't suffer through those achingly boring courses to remain such a generic prefix."

"Well.... Mr. Jenner, you were such a hard man to get ahold of, and my employers were adamant that I track you down, and bring you in immediately, using any means necessary."

"My superiors gave me a direct order to come down to this building, even suspending my limited release orders. How in the hell did you get them to do that for something so menial?" The bonobo man pushed up his glasses.

Then there was a very sly, sadistic grin creeping across her face.

"You seem to think that all of them were acting in SHELL's best interest."

Jenner furrowed his brow, and frowned. She was obviously alluding to a mole, but not just any mole. This bear woman was talking about a traitor in the top ranks, perhaps even in the council seats.

Kelly got up from her chair and began walking around her very large desk. His eyes were drawn to her breasts, which were not especially large, but for some reason they seemed to bounce a bit more when she walked than the normal woman. It was evident, he figured, that she was not wearing a bra. She wore a small white spaghetti strap shirt underneath a gray, plaid, long-sleeve vest. She wore thin-rimmed glasses, and she kept that horrid grin across her face as she sat on her desk. Her skirt matched her vest, and only came down to her mid-thighs.

"This little charade was very carefully put together. We decided that playing by the rules has gotten us nowhere when it came to the true threat to our business." She crossed her legs very slowly, and Jenner could have sworn he saw something that he shouldn't have. He clutched the watch on his left wrist, which was already starting to turn orange. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. He maintained his composure.

"If it was so well put-together, then you knew that I would find out about this, and lead me into this office in order to make me an offer." He still had his eyes closed as he put it all together. Then he opened them to look at her. "You want me to sell out SHELL secrets. I imagine you will put quite a few zeroes on a paycheck, and give me benefits that would suit my needs as they were. If that is true, then this quote-unquote business of yours is nothing but a front for a much larger shadow corporation, one that is not on any official documentation."

"You are every bit as intelligent as I was led to believe, Professor." Her expression was toned down to a simple flirtatious smile, and a small wiggling of her shoulders. "I've been authorized to offer you the moon and the stars, as they were. In exchange, we want the full report on SHELL's current operation."

"SHELL has already paid for everything I could ever want and more, Miss Davis. I have been given compensation for a great many things, and there are certain details that your so-called "mole" did not tell you in his report. If you knew the whole story, you would not have been left alone with me in the same room. So, I must decline your generous proposal, and I am suggesting that, for your own safety, you allow me to walk out of this office before we continue this conversation." The ape turned around, only to see that the doors had already been sealed shut.

They were hard doors, too, just by looking at them he could only imagine that they were pure titanium made up to look like they were just wood. He could not open them, at least, not at that moment. He turned back around to see that she had already opened her legs to reveal that she was, in fact, not wearing any underwear.

"Oh, you underestimate my employers, professor. You only know me as Kelly Davis, but that is not even close to my real name, nor is it the name I am known for." Her fingers spread out her very tight-looking vaginal lips, and a very small bit of juice dripped downward toward her anus. "They call me Cynane. I was told of your extraordinary attributes, however, judging by the way you carry yourself, his report was severely understated."

That was when the watch on his wrist began beeping uncontrollably, and he gritted his teeth, clenching up his midsection as he began to grow much larger. It started with his torso, and grew out to his extremities, especially a very bulbous, pulsing cock that broke through his underwear, and his pants without even trying hard, and grew to a ridiculous size.

Judging by Cynane's face, she was not given the whole story behind this condition. Her face was that of awe, and she didn't even notice that she was still sitting with her legs spread wide open.

"Oooohhh, I love stupid people, if it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have been out for months." The very large ape known as Apex stood with his head pushing up a ceiling tile above him. His fur was purple, and his skin was orange. Just looking at her made his cock grow to its maximum length, and bob up and down as he started to walk toward her. She got down off of the desk, and straightened into a very serious fighting stance.

"Please tell me you have extra durability." He licked his lips, and saw as she came toward him with a fighting spirit he hadn't seen in a while. Both of her hands grew out blades of energy that were around two feet long and as wide as her fists. She swooped in at him with both of them, he caught one of her wrists, and simply punched her other arm to knock it off course. Then he bashed her in the gut with his fist.

She slid straight back, her face in a horrid expression of pain, but she recovered quite well.

"Today is definitely my lucky day." He said, then looked at the beeping watch. "Need to hurry, though." Apex grinned at her once again, and she was obviously fumbling with her thoughts for a strategy.

"I've seen your type before." Cynane said with a sour look on her face. "And I know how to get you back to your normal form."

"Ohoho really? Well, by all means." In the blink of an eye, she jumped straight into his face with a kick powered by her own energy. It knocked him for a loop, and laid him onto his back. Then, to his surprise, she jumped onto his cock, causing him to enter into her very tight, but very wet, hole.

"I just need to make you cum! Then I'll--AH!!-- have the advantage! OOHHH!" She shouted as she struggled to keep it together. She was a bigger woman by stature alone, but even with her training, this was a stretch.

"Nnnn! I'll give you this, you are dedicated to your job!" He said, and then grabbed her by her sides, and pulled her down onto him, pushing her up, and repeating, fucking her harder than she anticipated. She screamed from such a fantastic sensation. His enormous cock reminded her of what it was like to be a virgin. Cynane ripped her top off, and grabbed both of her tits as she rode his giant cock.

"I'll make you cum! I swear, I'll make you cum!" Her warrior spirit was palpable in her words, but it only drew a grin from his face.

"Uh huh! Tell me another one!" He finally pulled her off of him, and then slammed her into the ground beside him, knocking the breath out of her. "Oh, I love the warrior bitches, they can take anything!"

He wasted no time in getting up and ramming it deep into her cunt, causing her to call out in sheer devastating pleasure as his massive dick pumped in and out of her, her juices pouring out of her, as well as drool from her mouth as her tits pressed to the ground and she called out with each thrust.

That was when Apex felt a hard knock to his right cheek, and he was knocked straight into the wall. The wall collapsed, and he was buried underneath it. Cynane had cum more times than she could possibly count. There were times she came with each push of his monstrous penis. She tried her best to get up, but the bear woman was spent. She could only roll over onto her side to see the blue shoes of another woman right beside her. There she stood, the All-American Squirrel superhero, Booster.

"Oh..." Cynane panted. "Thank God! Booster! He's gone crazy! I don't know-" She was stopped with Booster's hand pointed toward her with an open palm.

"Save it, bitch. I already know what you tried, and I'm going to deal with you and your damn company later. Just enjoy your gigantic dicking afterglow, and wait right there." Booster knew she wasn't going anywhere, but then the rubble moved over as Apex got back up.

"Oh! My kharma has been good to me today! My lovely lady, Booster has come back for a round 2!"

"Don't even think that this is going to be anything like last time, Apex!" She said, scowling at him through her blue mask. "I've trained five times harder for just such a situation as your return."

"Uh huh, I want you to scream that as you take my whole schlong down your throat."

Then there was a stand off. Booster pulled her blue glove down tighter on her right hand and clenched her fist hard. The orange-haired squirrel girl knew she had to keep her concentration around this one. She had to use every single advantage she had if she wanted to make it out of this. Most of all, she had to take care of this quick. The longer they stayed here, in enemy territory, the more danger they were in from all around. What the hell did she get herself into?

In the flash of an instant, Booster was directly in front of Apex, and she drove a right cross into his face so hard that Apex could have sworn he saw the sound barrier break as his face exploded in pain. He flew through yet another wall in the office, this one was made of solid concrete, so its impact did not feel much better than the punch itself. He once again decimated the wall, this time punching a large hole in it, but also causing a great deal of cracks all through it.

As she sprinted toward him, she strove to get to him before he could get up, however, she did not see his prehensile foot come up and kick her in the gut. She took a hard hit and slid back into the same wall, causing the already cracked structure to begin crumbling around her. Not only were there enormous chunks of rubble, but also the rebars that reinforced them were falling all around her. She took her hits, but she jumped back into the office once again with only a few cuts and bruises to show for it.

However, Apex was already onto her. His hand grasped her arm, and then his other hand caught her incoming fist before it could hit him. That was when she felt his very massive shaft protrude into her bikini bottom and create a large amount of pressure on her pussy lips. She blushed, but then he picked her up by the arms, and threw her into the next room where the wall was already dropped.

That was when Apex took three bullets to his chest. He looked down at his torso, then he glanced over toward two guards who were firing their rifles at him. The bonobo ape rolled his eyes, scratched the place they shot him, and picked up a large piece of rubble, gripping it with his foot and threw it at the first guard, knocking him low and out. Then he kicked up Cynane into the other guard, knocking him down hard.

Then he looked toward Booster, and she was already picking up the enormous meeting table and swinging it into his head like a baseball bat. He cringed a little, but then grasped hold of it. He picked her up on the other end, and smashed her against the ceiling, making her fall to the ground.

"I'll give you this, you certainly are a challenge this time around." He said as he strolled over to her, and picked her up by her head. He could already tell that she was tiring out. Apex looked at her hair, how it was held up by those frilly blue hair-ties. That was when he got an idea. He pulled it out, watched her hair fall to the length of her shoulders, and it looked like it was just the right length. He dropped her, and then he wrapped it around the very base of his cock.

"There." He grinned down at her, then got all of those metal bars that attempted to enforce the concrete walls. He broke them down to bare metal. With that done, he wrapped them around Booster's limbs, making her arms hold out to her sides, and forcing her legs to widen. He even made himself some handlebars to hold onto.

"Wha-what the hell are you doing?" Booster said, looking down at the bondage he held her in, and blushing deep as he ripped off both her bra, and her bottoms. Then he pushed her down, making her lay on her front. With that, he jammed his giant hard-on into her hole, which was already dripping wet from being tied up by metal bars.

"Do you really need to ask?" He laughed as she cried out loud! For the first time ever, she had cum from the very first thrust. He wasted no time in pumping her hard, his balls slapping against her groin as he fucked her with her cries of passion growing ever louder. She looked back toward him, although the metal bar close to her throat made it difficult. Her tongue hung from the side of her mouth as he slammed his hot rod into her ever pulsing pussy. His hands squeezed her tits together. She struggled to put her hands onto his, but she only shivered as all she could see were fireworks going off in her brain as each thrust crept her closer to her next orgasm.

Apex was then shot in the ass.

"Ow..." He said as he stopped suddenly, allowing Booster to catch her breath a little. He looked back toward the one who shot him, and saw a very long line of guards set up with guns pointed directly at him. CTC apparently had a crack security staff on hand, Apex thought with a highly sarcastic tone in his own head.

"Surrender now, Ape man! There are reinforcements en-route!" Before he could say anything else, the bonobo picked up the long meeting table that was still left in the room, and then chucked it into the ceiling above all of the guards. They shot him several more times, but then noticed that the table crashed so hard into the ceiling above them that more and more rubble crashed down toward them. The table caught a few of them, but the rest retreated as the room reigned down on top of them.

"Geez, a guy can't even get a proper fuck in before some assholes come and ruin it."

"Awww..." He heard Booster say in a surprisingly vigorous tone. "Are a few bullets enough to throw you off your game? How sad." She gave him a devilish grin, and he scowled toward her.

"Oh! Oh, you think you're reeeeeeal funny, don't you, Booster-chair? Well get a load of this!" He picked her up off the ground fast, held her by the handlebars he crafted, and pushed her ass down into his cock. "Your ass is MINE, Superslut!"

"OH! You fiend!" She blushed deep as he buried his boner deep into her rectal cavity and gave her one of the most amazing ass fuckings she ever had in her life! It was beautiful! It took no time at all for her to cum, the fluids dribbling out of her vagina as she took the anal reaming with squeals of bliss! Even he was having a hard time keeping it together. The bow was in place on his thick shaft, but her tight little ass was squeezing his junk something fierce!

He even started panting as he started to feel the pressure build up. Booster grinned back at him once again, and in that very instant, he was somewhat worried. However, he was too late! She flexed her ass hard on his ginormous dick! With that pressure added, the little bow above his balls snapped off!

"What?! NO!" He shouted as he came like a fucking firehose straight into her ass. She sang a very high octave for a moment as she felt his head pulse inside of her butt, and unload! It was a glorious moment, and Booster cringed as she bent her way out of her bonds. With a heave, she pulled them off of her legs, and threw the crude restraints to the ground, and turned around to see a naked Professor Jenner standing in front of her.

"Oh, Professor, you don't understand how amazing you can be."

"Nor do I want to understand." He sighed, feeling inclined to cover up his genitalia. She smiled at him, and took his hand, pulling him behind her as more security guards entered the room, guns at the ready.

"Stay close, professor. This might get messy!" She said as she lashed out at them, naked as the summer sun and lively as ever! In no time flat, she smashed them into unconsciousness, and laid waste to the whole building of guards! With Cynane on her shoulder, she got out of there, getting Jenner back safely to headquarters.

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