Master Jak - CH 01

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#21 of Commissioned Stories

A commissioned story for Bigchris369

First chapter in the Master Jak series.

Dominic 'Jak' Skrall recently became the Master of an extensive estate in the city of Paradise Cove, on a world named Rhio-3, inheriting it from his grandfather, who is now deceased. He is also now the owner of several pleasure slaves, since slavery is legal on this world. Jak and his closest friends, Elita, Felrasa, and Nekonya, are now getting settled in and beginning to enjoy their lives in this luxurious setting. This story series follows Jak and his friends' new adventures. I'll probably be doing at least three stories in this series, maybe more. It's designed to be an ongoing 'slice of life' type series.

This story arc takes place immediately after two previously posted stories, by other authors:

A slave's new life, by HornyBunny

followed by

Kate meets the family, by Joshiah

In this story, we learn more about Jak's newest slave girl, the sergal named Kate, and we meet a new and unexpected visitor.

Master Jak

A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for Bigchris369

Written April 2017

Ch 01:

Kate was a pretty, 21 year old sergal girl, who had been bred in the slave pens of a distant city, destined from birth to be bought as someone's sex slave. Slavery was legal and common on the world where she lived. Over a third of the world's population was enslaved, with some, like herself, born into slavery, while other slaves had formerly been free, but were enslaved for a period of time or for life, primarily as punishments for various crimes.

Her breeder sold her on her 21st birthday, just a few months ago. At her first Master's orders, her body fur - which was short and soft everywhere except for some longer tufts on her cheeks and legs, and her luxuriously long and bushy tail - had been dyed to her current unique color scheme. First, all of the lighter fur on her voluptuous body had been dyed a pale lavender blue. Then her darker fur areas were dyed an emerald green - on most of her head, except for her lower jaw, her cheeks, the front of her throat, and the inside of her ears; and that green color continued down her shoulders to her elbows, and all over her back and sides, and down the outside of her thighs to her knees, and in a wide stripe down the top surface of her tail to the mid-point of its length. The hair on her head - which was long and wavy and came to the middle of her shoulders - had been dyed a bright purple, and that color was continued in a narrow stripe down her spine and all the way to the tip of her tail, along its upper side. That purple color was matched by her lively and intelligent eyes. And as a final touch, a pink star had been bleached out and re-dyed on her tummy, centered on her belly button. Her slender, tapered muzzle was rather short for a sergal, and her back-swept ears were somewhat more mobile than most of her kind, and able to turn nearly to the sides when she was happy.

Her first Master had intended to put her to work in a resort brothel, and had chosen her colors and pattern to make her look more exotic. But he had died before forcing her to work as a common whore, and she had just recently been resold to a new Master, a rich and privileged Citizen named Jak, with her virginity still intact... until Jak had taken it just last night. Her groin was still sore from that experience, yet from what she had seen so far, her new Master was a kind fellow, who treated his slaves well. At any rate, her life as_his_personal slave was certainly likely to be _much_better than if she had become a brothel whore.

This morning, Jak had handed Kate off to a tigress named Elita, for 'further training', while he had gone to the city for a day on business. As Kate walked a half step behind the tigress, naked except for her slave's collar, her mind swarmed with questions, but she was quite afraid to ask any of them. Instead, she admired the rear view of the other woman as they walked. Elita looked to be a few years younger than Kate, and she was naked too, as were all the other slaves that they passed along the way. Yet Elita wore no collar, and was not a slave herself. In fact, Jak had described Elita as 'one of my most trusted companions'. From behind, Elita looked entirely feminine, with generous curves and breasts as big as Kate's, and straight hair that was as purple as Kate's own, cut in a stylish bob cut. But Kate had already seen that Elita was a true hermaphrodite, with a rather large cock that was likely to be every bit as big as Jak's when it was aroused, situated above a normal looking female set of genitalia. Elita was also a cyborg. She had one sparkling blue eye, but her other eye was cybernetic, with a glowing red iris that had no pupil, surrounded by black for the rest of the eye's surface, and framed in a silver metal that had been used to reconstruct her eye socket. Both of her arms were also cybernetic replacements, attached to the stubs of her upper arms halfway between her shoulders and her elbows. They were graceful and feminine in their design, yet no effort had been made to skin them over with a synthetic fur to make them look like living tissue. In spite of herself, Kate wondered how a girl who was so young could have lost both her arms and one of her eyes, and been able to afford the unimaginable expense of all that cyberware.

Elita stopped and spoke to a passing slave girl, then led Kate into an opulent dining lounge, with soft pillows to recline on, and low tables for food and drinks. "Make yourself comfortable," the tigress said, as she casually reclined on a gold-embroidered pillow, decorated on the edges with small gemstones, which probably cost almost as much as Jak had paid to buy Kate. "Our breakfast will be brought to us in a moment. Your Master, Jak, will not be back until tomorrow. Until he returns, you will take your orders from me, or from whoever else I send you to for training. But first, while we eat, I want to get to know you better. You seemed reluctant earlier to ask me any questions, and I guess that is understandable, given how most slaves are treated by their Masters. But you are a part of our extended family now, and I am _ordering_you to speak freely. You will not be punished for curiosity by anyone here, I assure you."

"Thank you, Mistress Elita. You are too kind," Kate replied. "I... can see you don't wear a collar, so I gather that you're not a slave yourself, even though, like me, you wear no clothes. Are... are you Jak's girlfriend? Or his wife? Have you known him for very long? You look like you might be younger than me."

The tigress smiled and replied, "That's more like it! I figured you were about to burst with curiosity, and seriously, no question is too personal or off limits. I'm almost 19 year old; I'm not a slave and never have been; and no, I'm not Jak's wife or girlfriend, although we _are_lovers. I guess you could say I'm more like a 'friend with benefits'. We met about five and a half months ago. Jak had gotten into a very bad situation, and I was sent by a mutual friend to find him. I saved his life, and it wasn't long after that before he saved my life in return. Then I brought him here in my space ship, so he could claim his inheritance and become the Master of this huge estate. But we haven't been lovers for very long. It was less than three months ago that he took _my_virginity - at my invitation. When we arrived here, I'm afraid his grandfather, the previous Master of this estate, assumed I was his girlfriend, and we didn't really have the heart to tell the old man that he was mistaken - especially since he seemed to take a liking to me. So most of the slaves here treat me almost as if I _am_the official Mistress of the household. But the truth of it is that Nekonya, Felrasa and I are just good friends of Jak's, and he has, as a courtesy, given us the right to command any of his slaves as if they were our own, as long as our commands don't contradict his orders."

"Oh! Are you all Citizens too?" the sergal asked deferentially.

"No, only Jak is a member of this world's Citizen caste. Felrasa and Nekonya are Freemen, the next caste below Citizens," Elita replied. "But as for myself, I'm an Offworlder, under the protection of Jak as his starship pilot, and also under the protection of the Dominion's Interstellar Merchant's Guild. You've probably never heard of the star system I'm from. It's a rather nasty, war-ravaged place on the spinward fringes of the Dominion. But even though my home is here now, _legally_I'm still a citizen of Harper's World, in Dominion space. The star system we're in now, Rhio, is in an independent sector of space, not far from the Dominion and my homeworld. Jak has recently applied to sponsor me for local Freeman status, as a dual citizen of both Rhio and Harper's World. But I'll have to live here for a full year before I can take the tests to become a Freeman, and then I'll have to live here for another year, without getting into any sort of legal trouble, before my Freeman status becomes permanent."

"Wow... I've never hard of _any_of those other places," Kate said. "You... have your own space ship? And you're a full _Citizen_on _your_world? Is that where your family lives now?"

Elita shook her head and replied, "I don't have a family, unless you count Jak and his household. I was orphaned when I was fourteen, in the same civil war that cost me my arms and my eye. Pretty much everyone I knew died then, but fortunately I was rescued, and adopted by the Dominion's Merchants' Guild. They fixed me up and trained me, and even financed the purchase of an old, beat-up space ship for me to use, in exchange for my agreeing to be a starship pilot on their more dangerous trade routes. You see, people like me were 'expendable' - but we were useful_to the Guild, if we could survive the work that needed to get done in those areas. And risky as the work was, it was a _lot_better than living in a war zone as an armless double-amputee who was blind in one eye! It normally would have taken me 30 years to pay off the loan on my ship, working as hard as I could. But Jak's grandfather generously paid the loan off for me, in thanks for saving Jak's life. And since my loan has already been paid in full, I've been allowed by the Guild to take a temporary break from traveling as a merchant, while I establish my residency here. Jak owns a luxury Star Yacht too, that he inherited from his grandfather, and I pilot that for him as well, when he needs me to. As for me being a_Citizen... well, we don't have the same caste system on Harper's World that you're familiar with. Being a 'citizen' _there_just meant you were born there, or had legally immigrated to that world."

"OH! I'm so sorry. I... I never knew my own family," Kate said. "I was born a slave, and raised in the slave pens, with a group of other female child slaves of various species and all about my age. The only thing I knew about my parents was that they, too, had been slaves for life. Did... well, when they were still alive, did your family treat _their_slaves as nicely as Jak seems to treat his?"

Elita laughed, and said, "No one I knew before I met Jak ever owned any slaves at all. You may find it hard to believe, but slavery isn't_legal_in most of Dominion space, on almost all of the thousands of inhabited worlds in the Dominion. I _do_understand and accept that it's legal here in the Rhio star system, and on some other independent worlds. Yet I also fully agree with the compassionate way that Jak treats his slaves. You don't need to worry about me treating you badly, Kate."

Before Kate could think of what to say next, three naked slave girls entered the room and quietly set down two heaping platters of food, and a tray with several beverage choices on it. One of the slave girls was the fennec fox girl, Luna, who Kate had met yesterday. Luna winked at Kate before she left the room. The pretty sergal blushed as she recalled that before her Master had taken her to his bed last night, Luna and her little sister Ashara had shown a _definite_sexual interest in Kate themselves. The two girls had each kissed Kate and intimately touched her body, and then they had openly engaged in lesbian sex with each other while she watched them in amazement. She shook her head, dismissing the lewd and unexpected thoughts that were creeping into her mind, and she tried to concentrate on the present, and her meal. Kate could hardly believe how much food she was being offered, or how wonderful most of it seemed to be. "All this is just for us? Or are others going to be joining us soon?" she asked.

Elita filled a small plate from her platter and poured herself a drink, then replied, "Oh yes, this is just for us. As for the others, breakfast and lunch both tend to be pretty informal here, with people getting the food they want when they happen to want to eat. All the others have probably already finished eating. I happened to sleep late this morning, so this is _my_first meal today as well. Now, why don't you tell me a little more about yourself, while we eat. I seriously _do_want to get to know you better, my dear."

"Well, there's not much to tell, really," Kate replied, as she filled her own plate primarily with several cooked fish that were each about six to eight inches long, and about as thick as her wrist. They had been cleaned and then grilled whole, with just the heads neatly removed. She ate them as she talked, pausing both for breath and also to swallow a whole fish, without even bothering to cut any of them up or remove the bones, skin or tail. "As I said, I spent almost all of my life being raised in my breeder's slave pens, in the city where Jak purchased me. My breeder was a cruel grizzly bear, and he punished all his slaves frequently. Honestly, about the only _good_thing I can say about him is that when he was pleased with me, he usually fed me lots of fish, which I absolutely _love_to eat. As a child, I was never allowed to see anything of what life was like outside of the slave pens, nor was I allowed to own anything - not even any clothing. All of us child slaves were kept naked and helpless, and tended like mere cattle. We never saw our birth parents, and in fact, I never saw anyone else of my species while I was there. Our education and training was almost exclusively to teach us the strict rules that we needed to live by as slaves. Other than that, we were educated just enough to be able to follow orders without making stupid mistakes. So I can read and write, and do simple math, and care for the needs of my body - but I know virtually nothing else that a free-born child normally learns in school. My breeder made it very clear that slaves are nothing more than property - to be abused or used for whatever purpose their owner desires. I... grew up believing that _all_Masters were just like he was, and that my only hope for good treatment was to always be meek and obedient. I never knew that _kind_Masters, like Jak, existed."

"Well, they do, fortunately for you!" Elita replied, refraining from commenting on the new slave's somewhat odd dining habits. "I know you were a virgin until last night, but didn't they at least teach you to perform oral sex as part of your training? Luna was trained_extensively_in oral sex with both males and females, including both of her parents, starting when she was only six. And when her little sister Ashara turned six, she was trained solely to be Luna's lesbian lover, although both girls' vaginal and anal virginity was left intact, for their first Master to enjoy."

"OH! So that's_why those vixen sisters are lovers? I had wondered about that, especially with Ashara being so young!" Kate replied. "No, my breeder didn't train slaves to serve others sexually before he sold them. He didn't even allow us to see anyone else mating. But it wasn't an act of kindness on his part. You see, he specialized in selling exotic sex-slaves to brothels, and to individual Masters with... _peculiar_sexual tastes. He had a lot of clients who enjoyed personally training innocent and unspoiled virgins by their own twisted methods. And I guess most of his clients preferred to buy adult slaves, because he didn't often sell a slave who was less than 18 to 21 years old. When we girls got old enough that we were showing some interest in sex, we were separated and kept in individual cages, so we wouldn't spoil each other's virginity. At that point I _was_allowed, and even _encouraged, to masturbate. They taught me how to do _that_for myself, in my solitary cage, when they taught me what the parts of my genitals were, and how things were supposed to work 'down there', for... someone of my species. But we girls were all warned that if we broke our hymen, we would be beaten severely for reducing our future sale value as a virgin. So as I grew up, I knew virtually_nothing_about sex, other than masturbation, and yet my breeder made it abundantly clear that my future owners could demand _any_sort of sexual service, and that I would have no choice but to comply."

"Yeah, unfortunately, that's how it often is here, for kids born as slaves," Elita replied sympathetically. "But you had at least one other Master before Jak bought you, right? Most Masters bed a new slave pretty quickly after they buy them. Didn't _they_teach you anything about sex?"

"Nope. He intended to have my virginity auctioned off first," Kate replied. "It was only a few months ago, shortly after my 21st birthday, that I was sold to my first real Master. That was when my fur got permanently dyed like this. I was told that the dye they used on me went right down into the roots of each hair, and changed something so they will always grow back in the same colors. Unfortunately, he was even more of a sadistic bastard than my breeder had been. Before he put any slave into one of his brothels to work, and before he auctioned off the virginity of chaste ones like me to the highest bidder, he first tried to crush our spirits with various sadistic mind games and torturous punishments. He made a point of training each of us in the center of his holding cells, and we were forced to watch him abusing our fellow slaves, and to be seen by everyone when it was our turn to be abused. But his severe cruelty was his downfall. Just a few days after he bought me, he was physically abusing a male slave, and that slave lashed out and killed him. But all of us slaves were still caged or chained in place, so we were stuck in the basement of our abusive former Master's home with his dead body, unfed and unattended, for three days, before our situation was discovered, and the authorities summoned. There was no doubt which slave had killed our Master. Only one of us could reach the corpse, and that slave was still covered in his former Master's blood, and freely admitted his guilt. He was summarily executed for his crime, and the rest of us were sent back to the slave market, to be auctioned off."

"Ewww! That must have been terrible, waiting in that basement with... that... in front of you, and not even knowing when you would be found," Elita said. She was rather glad that they had both almost eaten their fill before the conversation took such a turn.

"Yeah. We also had no way to clean our own waste out of our cages. The whole place stunk pretty bad by the time they found us," Kate replied, repressing a shudder. "Anyway, after we were returned to the slave market, the slave broker who was tasked with finding new Masters for us was also rather cruel and abusive. He knew that one of the slaves in our batch had killed their Master, and he wanted to make sure the rest of us were too afraid to follow that example. He did nothing that reduced our potential sale value, but there were constant threats, and electric shocks, and other punishments which were every bit as terrifying as being branded or severely beaten. I quickly did my very best to show him I was meek and obedient, and within a few days, I found myself on the slave market's auction platforms again, being bid on by several potential new Masters."

"Was that when Jak bought you?" Elita asked. "Geeze, after a life like that, I can understand why you were so skeptical that he was really such a nice guy!"

"Yeah, it still seems like a dream. You've all been so nice to me," Kate replied. "I mean, I certainly _do_understand that I'm still very much his sex-slave. Jak _quite_enthusiastically took my virginity last night, in front and in back, and I'm still pretty darned sore from that. And yet, giving my virginity to him was somehow, unbelievably, still a very loving and tender experience. I slept in his embrace all night last night, basking in his affection like I was his free lover. Honestly, I'm already looking forward to serving him in bed again, as soon as possible."

Elita grinned again, set down her now empty plate, and said, "Yeah, he's pretty darned good in bed, isn't he? And yes, you'll be his sex slave for life, unless he _chooses_to release you. But if you are obedient and stay out of trouble for at least five years, it really _is_a possibility that he _could_grant you your freedom. His grandfather freed several loyal slaves over the years. And some of them, like Kyra and Bender, have remained here as free employees of the estate. So you have that to look forward to. Did Jak have you do any _other_sorts of sex with him, or with any of the other slaves here?"

Kate blushed deeply as she said, "Well, he also started out by licking my crotch, the same way I've seen Luna and Ashara licking each other. That felt pretty good, but I didn't cum, because as soon as I got wet enough for him to get his cock into me, he moved on to seeking his own pleasure. I didn't get left out though. I had a really great orgasm while he had both of his cocks in me at the same time, one in front and one in back."

"So you still have much to learn. Good. Because now, I think we've had enough to eat. Or at least, I think I want to feed _you_something else," she said with a wicked look on her face.

"_More_food?" Kate asked cluelessly. "Well, I suppose I wouldn't mind some more of that delicious fish, but I'm getting kind of full. I'm not used to eating such big meals."

"Not food. My cock! Crawl over here and put that mouth of yours to a better use, little sex slave!" Elita commanded, holding her now throbbing and erect cock in one hand and beckoning to the sergal girl with the other. "It's time for you to learn how to suck a cock and lick a cunt, my pretty one, so that the next time you serve your Master, or when he commands you to pleasure another girl, you'll know what you're doing. So get over here, NOW!"

"EEEP! Yes Mistress!" Kate yelped, carefully setting down her plate and drink and crawling on all fours to the horny hermaphrodite tigress. "I... well, what do I do now? Just... put it in my mouth and suck on it?"

"That will do, for a start," Elita said, guiding her shaft into the innocent sergal's open muzzle. "But try to use that long, slick tongue of yours too. Lick the tip, and let me feel my cock slipping in and out along the soft length of your tongue. Then see if you can swallow it into your throat as easily as you've been gulping down those fish!"

Kate swiftly complied, engulfing Elita's entire shaft in her long, tapered maw and feeling its tip pushing all the way into her throat. She had no gag reflex, so she effortlessly took as much as Elita had to give.

"OH! Well well, that feels wonderful!" Elita sighed, happily cradling the back of the slave's head with both hands and muzzle fucking her. "That's _very_good. But be careful of those sharp teeth of yours, my dear! Keep me centered in your muzzle, so I can fuck your face without scraping against their points. Mummmmm, yes! Just like that! Now... get ready to... swallow... a lot more... Unghhhh! Ohhhh, yeah, that's it!"

Kate choked for a moment when Elita unexpectedly flooded her throat with her hot, sitcky seed. But she instinctively swallowed, again and again, until the flow lessened enough for her to feel safe about easing back enough that she could actually get a taste of the tigresses creamy offering. She savored the taste, keeping her mouth sealed around the shaft so as not to waste any of what she had been so clearly ordered to swallow. It... wasn't bad at all, really. And from the look on Elita's face, she had done well at pleasing the pretty Mistress.

Elita sighed happily and petted the sergal's pretty head. "_Well_done, my Pet! Are you _quite_sure you've never done that before? Most slave girls have a hard time taking a cock as big as mine right into their throats like that!"

"Never before Mistress, I promise!" Kate replied, as soon as she could get the cock out of her mouth. "My species have no grinding teeth at the back of our mouths for chewing, nor cutting teeth in the front, so we swallow our food whole or in largish chunks, to digest at leisure." She opened her maw wide, and showed that she had only twelve fang-like teeth, three on each side, above and below, midway back on her jaws. Then she giggled and added, "It was as easy for me as swallowing those tasty fishies!"

"Well, Jak will be greatly pleased with that_skill! If you are equally adept at pleasuring my feminine parts, you truly will be a treasure for us. So, you said that you saw Luna and Ashara pleasing each other with their mouths, by licking each other's sex. And you said that Jak has done it to _you, as well. Well, now try your best to do the same for me, and see what you can do with that long, dexterous tongue to please me. There's a spot deep in most girls' vagina, about five inches in and on the upper side, that is particularly sensitive." Elita grinned and held her deflating cock up and flat against her belly, exposing her feminine parts.

"I will do my best, Mistress!" Kate replied eagerly. She was pleased that Elita was praising her first efforts so highly. And she was quite intrigued already by the delicious scents coming from her partner's aroused feminine parts. She bent lower, to seek the feminine flower of the tigress. Except for the cock shaft above it, Elita's cunt looked quite similar to Luna or Asahara's, and surprisingly, since Kate certainly wasn't a hermaphrodite herself, a bit _more_similar to Kate's own genitalia. She licked and nibbled at the other woman's clitoris, and then plunged her tongue deep into Elita's wet vagina, seeking her taste and that elusive sensitive spot that she had mentioned. Her slippery sergal tongue was quite nimble, and when she had her tongue stuck out as far as it could go, it could extend almost a foot past her nose, tapering from a thin point at the tip to a good two inches thick where it passed through the tip of her muzzle.

"OHHHH yes! That's _so_good!" Elita purred. "You'll never get as deep as Julia can, but no one else here has a three foot long tongue like that exotic girl has. You're definitely next in line after Julia for tongue length and dexterity, my dear. Ohhh yeah! Fuck me with that tongue, baby!"

The tigress' savory juices were utterly delicious to Kate. Were all girls this tasty? No wonder Luna and Ashara loved licking each other so much! She needed no further encouragement or instruction at all to eagerly and deeply tongue fuck her temporary Mistress.

"Oh! Umm hummm... OHHHHH! Ahhh, fuck! That's so good!" Elita growled, arching her back as her climax took control of her body. "Damn, girl, you're really good at that!" She fell back on the cushions, panting heavily and purring like a motorboat, as waves of pleasure flooded her senses.

Kate hungrily lapped up Elita's juices, elated that she had managed so easily to bring the other woman to an orgasm. The tigress' vagina clenched tightly around Kate's tongue as she came, and her juices flowed freely. Kate happily slurped it all down, and didn't disengage until Elita stopped quivering and lay limp and panting on the cushion. "Was that good, Mistress?" she asked coyly.

"No... That was... fantastic!" Elita replied, barely able to talk. "I think I came... four times in a row! My legs... are shaking so bad that... whew! I don't think I can walk. Dang, girl! You were worth every bit that Jak paid for you, and don't you _ever_doubt it! I'd love to return the favor, but I can hardly move right now, I'm so spent. When I _can_move again, I'll ask Luna to find you, and give you as much pleasure as you just gave me. Take a well-deserved break, dear. Go explore the estate gardens, or whatever pleases you, for the next hour or so. If Luna doesn't find you by then, come back to the mansion and ask Nekonya or I to help you find Luna."

"Thank you, Mistress! I'm so glad I pleased you!" Kate replied. She licked her maw happily as she left the room, enjoying the aftertaste of the other girl on her face. She was _quite_aroused herself, but she could wait for the pleasures that Luna would surely be happy to give her later.


Kate strolled aimlessly through the gardens near the main mansion, and rested for a moment on a bench that overlooked a small lake. Trees shaded the bench, and as she gazed at the lake she saw steam rising from one area, near the shore. It seemed there was a natural hot spring over there.

"Enjoying the view?" asked a male voice behind her.

Kate twisted her head around almost backward to stare at Felrasa, who had approached so silently that even in the quiet of the lakeside garden, she hadn't heard him approach at all. "OH! I hadn't realized you were there, Master!"

"I'm not your Master, though you _should_still follow any orders I give you," the Husky replied, leaning casually against the tree. "Just call me Felrassa, okay? Or sir, if you feel you must use an honorific. On some free time, are you?"

"Yes Mas... I mean, yes sir," Kate replied. "Would... would you like me to serve you, sir?"

"Not really," he replied casually. "Oh, don't get me wrong. You're _quite_pretty, and I imagine you'd be a lot of fun in bed. But Nekonya is my preferred lover, and we rarely mate with anyone but each other."

"But I thought she was an android? She's your...? You mean she can...? I'm confused..." Kate stammered. "I thought she was just a medic droid."

"Yes, she's an android. And quite skilled as a medic. But she was built from a sexual pleasure android base design, so she could also provide... personal comforts... for her patients and for the staff of the lab she was created to work in. She has the mind of a very real girl, though. Imprinted onto her cybernetic brain and then trained and conditioned for her duties. But she still has the same emotions as that real girl had, and even some of her childhood memories. And she knows what love is, and she loves me. And I love her."

"Ohhhh. That's so sweet!" Kate replied. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked about her like she was just a machine. Especially not when I've been told she can also give me orders."

"Well, she and I will likely only give you orders when we feel something is needed to make the estate run better for Jak," Felrasa said. "But I _would_like you to come with me, if you have some free time. I was heading over to the warehouse to inspect a shipment of food that just arrived. While I wait for the slaves offload each of the crates for me to check, I can also get your biometric data and slave ID information entered into my security database. Shouldn't take more than twenty minutes or so of your time. And while you're there, if something looks tasty, Jak won't mind if you help yourself to a few things. You sergal like fish, right? There's supposed to be some fresh fish in this shipment. Trout, I think."

"OH! I _love_fish!" she replied happily. "And I'm free for at least the next hour, so please, lead the way!"


Felrasa examined the shipping container's inventory list and manifest with his datapad, after he unsealed the truck-sized cargo container's security locks. "Hummmm. Normally they would have shipped this on the same day they started loading it, and it would have only taken a few hours for it to be delivered to us once it left the warehouse. But it says here that they held it at the warehouse for three days, almost fully loaded, so they could add the fresh fish to the shipment just before it left. I hope the fruit and other perishable stuff in the order hasn't spoiled. That container isn't climate controlled at all, and the weather's been pretty warm this last week."

The interior of the container was stacked to within scant inches of its translucent ceiling, and right up to the door. Several slaves operated a platform hoverlift to remove the contents, with one or two slaves standing on the platform and sliding crates onto it, to be brought down to ground level. As expected, the containers marked as fresh fish were right at the front, in insulated crates. Felrasa opened one, and dug a fish out of the shaved ice it was packed in. The eleven inch long trout had been cleaned and beheaded but was still raw and obviously had never been frozen. "Looks pretty good to me. But I'm no expert on fish. Do sergal eat _raw_fish? Would you like to try one of these, to check the quality?"

"Raw or cooked doesn't really matter to a sergal. Though they _are_more tasty when cooked and nicely seasoned, like the ones I had for my breakfast today. I'll be happy to taste-test that one for you. Thank you," Kate replied. She licked the raw trout to taste it carefully, and then sucked on it for a moment, savoring it, before tipping up her muzzle and gulping it down whole. It made a very visible bulge in her slender throat as it slid down her gullet. "Very nice! That's very fresh, Sir! And quite tasty."

"Good! Now let me scan the ID number on your collar while they get more crates down for me to check," the husky said. He held his datapad near the ID plate on her collar, collected its data, and asked her a few questions, entering that additional data and confirming it against the central slaver's association databases. Then he set the pad aside as the platform lift was about ready to ascend again. He gestured to the two burly dragon and bear slaves who were doing most of the heavy lifting, and asked Kate, "Would you mind helping offload for a bit? Those smaller crates right at the top will be easier to offload if it's done by someone slender and flexible, like you."

"Sure! No problem," Kate replied, leaping onto the already rising lift platform with a graceful bound. When the slave got the platform positioned for her, she squeezed into the space between the front rank of large crates and the container's roof, and slid several smaller crates of spices and condiments that had been shoved in atop them past her hips and onto the platform. "Just a couple of small ones up here," she said. "Hummm. This last one's cockeyed, like it fell back into an empty space. It's not very heavy, but it's long and thin. There! Here it comes. Now, what else is... OH! Felrassa! _There's someone in here!_A young girl!"

"WHAT?" Felrasa shouted. He grabbed the landing skid of the hover platform lift, swung up to grab the bars surrounding the operator's cage, and clambered off the lift to lie beside Kate, atop the larger crates that she had just cleared off. "Damn! I can't even tell if she's breathing! Ramos! Get that platform back to the ground, off load it, and then remove the crate between me and Kate, as quick as you can!"

"YES SIR!" shouted the slave operating the lift. As soon as Felrasa and Kate had scooted to either side, he adeptly maneuvered the lift to extract the indicated large crate.

Felrasa rolled down into the place the crate had been, as he peered into the space the girl was in. It looked like the lighter crates that Kate had just helped to remove had been re-stacked from that further back area, and shoved back along the top of the already loaded cargo, much as Kate had done, to conceal the girl's ill-chosen hiding place. "She's alive, but barely. This container's been sealed for three days, and was only re-opened briefly when the fish was added. She's probably been stuck in here, with no food or water, for all that time. Help me to get her out, Kate."

"Of course, sir!" Kate replied. Together they gently got the unconscious girl onto the empty platform that was now in position for them, and down to the ground, to get a better look at her, and see if they could revive her.

She was a very slender tiger, whose fur was gray, marked with dark brown stripes. She looked to be about 14 years old, or perhaps even younger, with small, budding breasts, and she wore an inexpensive bright red cropped top that covered her chest only barely, and didn't fit her very well. She also wore a very short pleated skirt with an elastic waist, yet she had no panties or footwear, and no jewelry or collar. She had long, violet hair and a young, thin face; fur that was a soft gray around her eyes, and dark brown across her muzzle. Her body fur was gray, marked by stripes of the same dark brown. And she had _two_tails!

Felrasa examined her quickly. "Nothing in the pockets of her skirt. The fur of her neck and wrists and ankles don't look like she's ever worn a slave's collar or cuffs. She needs to be taken at once to Nekonya, for medical treatment. But regardless of who she is, or how she got here, she is an intruder, and under house arrest until Jak can determine her fate."

Kate knew all too well what it feet like to be without food or water for that long. "I'll volunteer to rush her to Nekonya. I'll be responsible for her, sir," Kate said. "But I would appreciate someone's help with a stretcher, to get her there gently."

"Very well. And thank you. Have Nekonya contact me as soon as the child is conscious and able to talk. I really want to know how she got into that container, and why she was there," the husky said. He pointed to the bear who had helped to offload the container, and said, "You are to help Kate get this child to the infirmary. Then return here and resume your duties."


Nekonya carefully examined the unconscious girl, giving her several shots and setting up an IV drip to re-hydrate her. Luna joined them after the first hour, and once she had been told what happened, she also volunteered to stay and watch over the girl. The unclothed feline android medic barely paid any attention to anyone else, as she worked quietly and efficiently for over two hours, while Kate and Luna both hovered around uncertainly.

"Will she be all right?" Kate asked, when Nekonya finally sat down to make some entries on her datapad, and to send a note to Felrasa to update him on the situation.

"Oh yes, I think so," Nekonya replied cheerfully. "She clearly dehydrated, and when she wakes up she's going to be ravenously hungry, if Felrasa was at all right about how long she has been without food or water. But I don't think here will be any lasting harm from _this_particular bad experience in her life. I'm more worried about what she's been through _before_she got trapped in that container. She shows several signs of long term malnutrition, and she's filthy. I don't think she has bathed properly for the last several months, at least. She may be homeless - possibly an Outcast. I don't think she is a runaway slave, though. Collars and cuffs leave marks on the fur after even just a few months of wear. If she _is_a slave, she hasn't been one for very long."

"When do you think she will wake up?" Kate asked.

"Soon. Felrasa needs to at least know if she's free or a slave and how she ended up in that Container. But she will be weak and disoriented. Go and get some easy to eat foods for her, and when you return with that, I'll give her a stimulant to awaken her," Nekonya replied.


"Whuhhh... Where am I?" was the first coherent thing the child asked, as she struggled to focus her eyes on her surroundings.

"In a private medical facility," Nekonya replied. "You were unconscious when we found you, so we brought you here to help you recover. Can you tell us your name?"

"You're in a safe place," Kate added quickly. "Look, we'd like to know what happened to you, but whatever it was, we're not going to hurt you. I'm Kate. I was the one who found you, locked in a shipping container."

"I'm... Sayomi," the girl replied. "I... I ran away from my daddy. Please, don't send me back to him!"

"Girl, you could have died in that shipping container! How did you end up in that thing?" Kate asked. "Why risk your life, to get away from your own family?"

"My daddy is a perverted, horrible monster!" she insisted. "He's a Freeman. Mommy was a Resident, but daddy sponsored her for Freeman status when he married her. So I'm a Freeman too. Well, I _kinda_am, under my daddy's sponsorship. Daddy used to have a good job, working at a warehouse in town. He even got promoted to a Manager position, when I was about five, and he got approved to own up to three slaves. We... we were all pretty happy back then, as long as d-daddy didn't drink too much. He gets _really_mean and nasty when he's drunk. When I was eight, he lost his job, because he started getting drunk too often. When no one would hire him, he stripped mommy of her Freeman status and enslaved her, and since then he has been forcing her and our other slave, Marci, to work as street whores at the starport. He drinks most of what mommy and Marci earn, and wastes more money feeding just himself at bars and restaurants while he is pimping them. The three of _us_hardly even had enough money to buy enough food for us to eat. But... daddy has... now he's been threatening to... to enslave _ME_too, and force _me_to... to work with mommy as... as a whore, and... to service _him_in bed, too!" She broke down in tears, sobbing into her hands.

"Oh, that's awful!" Kate said. "To be... to be free, and then enslaved like that? Without committing any crimes? Is that even legal?"

"Yeah, it is, unfortunately," Luna said. "I've known several kids from big, poor families that got sold as slaves, 'cause their families couldn't afford to feed 'em. He coulda even enslaved _her_right when he did it to her mom, even though she was only eight! And how old you are, or who your parents were _before_you became a slave, doesn't matter. It isn't considered incest for a slave to be mated with a relative, nor is it illegal to have sex with a slave who would be under the age of consent for a free person. Child slaves get used for sex a lot, and sometimes they even get bred to relatives intentionally. So if her daddy _had_enslaved her, he could have fucked her as often as he wanted to, or made her work as a whore, or he could force her to have sex with her mother, and no one would have stopped him, even if she was still a child."

Sayomi looked up and said, "I know all that, yeah. I mean, he got away with doing that to my mommy. An' he's _almost_been treating me like a slave already. I haven't been allowed to go to school since he enslaved mommy. He threw away all my clothes, and hid my ID card, and he kept me naked and locked in our apartment when he was off pimping mom and Marci. When he was home, he would stare at me an' talk about how much he was going to enjoy fucking me, if mommy ever failed to obey his commands. And... he... he'd begun telling me that he was going to enslave me anyway on my 16th birthday, no matter_what_mommy did. So, on the day before my 16th birthday, I stole some clothes that had been bought for Marci to wear when whoring, and which only fit me 'cause of they have elastic in the right places. I... couldn't find any panties or shoes that fit me. Then I threw a chair through the window, and ran away."

"Well, I can't say I blame you, there," Nekonya said. "But how did you manage to get inside a locked cargo container?"

Sayomi sighed and said, "Before he became a nasty drunk, daddy used to take me to work with him sometimes, on the weekends. While he worked, I used to play hide and seek with some of the other worker's kids in the warehouse. The older kids taught me the temporary default codes that the warehouse workers set for the electronic locks on the cargo containers. So I could open any of them that hadn't yet been sealed for delivery. Of course, as a kid, I was very careful never_to hide in a container that was almost fully loaded, or to allow the door to shut all the way without shouting for help. But this time, I_wanted_to get sent far, far away. So I hid in one that looked like it was almost ready to ship, and stayed silent when they locked me inside it. But then it didn't go anywhere for _days, an' it was so hot and stuffy in there... I didn't have anything to eat or drink. I guess I passed out. That's the last thing I remember, before I woke up here. That's the truth! So please don't send me back to daddy! I'd rather _die_than be his slave whore!"

"Please calm down, or I'll have to give you a sedative," Nekonya said sternly. "Your father can't_enslave you now - without having you in his control at the time. To legally enslave a free dependent, he would have had to file legal paperwork and have it accepted in court, with the new slave present before the judge, and then he would also have had to present that slave at the slave owner's association _in person, for their slave registration. If he failed to do any of that when he enslaved your mom, then your mother _really_is still free, and at worst a Resident, and your _father_could be enslaved himself, for treating a free person as a slave. He_also_broke the law by keeping you out of school. Without having you in his direct physical control, the worst he could do to you now is to disown you and revoke his provisional sponsorship for your Freeman status. But you're still the free child of a Freeman, and could get another sponsor, as long as you are not convicted of a crime that causes you to lose your freedom."

Luna patted the girl on the arm, and said, "You can certainly stay here and get well, and no one will hurt you while you are here. My Master will be back tomorrow and then _he_will decide what will happen to you."

Sayomi, who has been pretty dazed as she recounted all this so far, suddenly realized that the sergal girl and the Fennec Fox girl who she had been talking to were both wearing slave collars. "Your... _Master?_Oh no! This place belongs to a _slave owner?_Let me go! He'll send me back to daddy!" She struggled to stand, but was too weak.

Kate caught her before she fell off the table. "Calm down! Jak's a nice guy! I really don't think he would send you back to that bastard!"

Luna sighed and said, "I don't think he will either, but kid, you have to understand your situation here. You're on the personal estate of one of the richest _Citizens_on the planet! Regardless of how or why you ended up here, you've been caught trespassing in a forbidden area. Do you understand what that means? You can be _enslaved_for that crime, if the owner of the land wants to do that to you. My own little sister, Ashara, was recently caught in someone _else's_forbidden area, and she got repeatedly raped and then sold at action as a slave as a result. And it was _legal_for the people that caught her to treat her that way! But _she_was already a collared slave, while _you're_still presumed to be a Freeman. That gives you some legal protections. For one thing, no one will be allowed to _rape_you. At least not while you remain free. You can consider yourself under Jak's personal protection, until he decides otherwise. Jak _may_be merciful and let you go. But until he makes his decision, you _have_to remain in our custody. And don't even _think_about trying to escape. The entire estate is surrounded by a wild animal preserve, stocked with vicious predatory animals, so there is nowhere to run to."

"I... all right, I guess I am your prisoner. I won't try to escape," Sayomi replied meekly.

Luna grinned and said, "Hey! It isn't all bad. While you wait for his return, as long as you don't try to run away, you can be free to enjoy the hospitality of the estate, as our guest. Tell me, are you a virgin?"

Sayomi blushed and said shyly, "Y-yes. Daddy _threatened_to rape me more times than I can count, but he never did. He wanted my first job as his new whore to be him auctioning off my virginity to the highest bidder. But you just said no one here would rape me, so... why did you ask that?"

"Well, Jak will want to know, for one thing. If he does_decide to enslave you for trespassing, then you'll become one of his personal sex slaves, like Kate and me, and he'll want to take your virginity himself. But he _may_give you a voluntary choice in the matter - becoming his slave, or him letting you loose, where your daddy might just catch you again and enslave you himself. Honestly, at your age, you probably can't support yourself, can you? If you had any other family that would take you in, wouldn't you have gone to them? Anyway, I'd like to make you an offer. Strictly voluntary on your part. If Jak is kind enough to give you a choice in the matter, you should know what you are agreeing to. So I'd like to introduce you _properly_to the lifestyle you'll have to get used to, if you decide to stay with us as a sex slave. While you wait to meet Jak, the other slave girls and I could, _if you're willing, make your unintended visit here quite... pleasurable. I promise we won't rape you or take your virginity until Jak has rendered his verdict on your fate. But you could at least watch some of us enjoying sex, and join in on things that won't take your virginity. You could do a lot worse than becoming one of Jak's harem of slave girls, believe me. Think about that, okay? Nekonya? When do you think she might be up for some playtime?"

"She's severely dehydrated and malnourished, but with another round of IV for fluids and some more nutrient shots and real food, I think she should be up and around and have a good appetite by diner time, though she will still be rather weak. She has to recover not only from the ordeal of being locked in the shipping container, but also from being malnourished for the past several years, which has weakened her system badly. Incidentally, that's why she is so thin and underdeveloped for her age. The lack of food likely kept her post-pubescent development from progressing normally. Her breasts are likely to remain small, and her growth stunted."

Sayomi flinched at that comment, and asked, "You mean I'm gonna be ugly? Are you saying I might never get as pretty as Kate and the other girls?"

Kate was quick to say, "On the contrary, I think you are _extremely_pretty just as you are! I promise I won't allow anyone to harm you, okay? I'll stay with you and protect you."

"Rest then, and if you want to play with us, meet me at the bath house about an hour before dinner, okay? See you later!" Luna said, smiling and departing.


Kate spent all afternoon bringing tempting bits of food to Sayomi, and the famished tigress eagerly ate everything she was brought. By late in the afternoon they were chatting like old friends, and Sayomi was even smiling and making jokes.

Kate looked at the time and said, "You know, I'm pretty certain that Luna was quite serious about wanting to introduce you to the more_sensual_aspects of life with us. I've only been here a few days myself, but the others here are already like a loving and very intimate family to me. So... do you feel up to a little sexy fun?"

"Well, I would _definitely_like a good bath!" Sayomi replied. Then she added shyly, "After that, well, I suppose I _might_like to see what Luna had in mind. But I'm still pretty wobbly. Ummm, could you carry me?"

"I'd be glad to," Kate said. She sat on the edge of the table and said, "Get on my back, piggy-back style."

"Okay," the tigress replied, wrapping her arms around Kate's neck, and her legs around her waist.

Kate stood and carried her new friend through the mansion and out to the bath house with very little effort. "Here we go! Take a look at how pretty this place is! All of us slaves live here too, in rooms so nice you won't believe it! No cages or slave pens here, that I've seen."

Sayomi giggled and snuggled with Kate, and said, "Kate, I trust you completely now, but can Luna and Jak _really_also be trusted?"

Kate nodded and said, "I think so yeah. I mean, so far, everyone here has been absolutely wonderful to me. It's really more like we're all part of Jak's extended family, even though I'm just his slave. As for Luna, well, she was already planning on having some sexy fun with me today, but she would _never_risk displeasing her Master by harming someone who was under his protection. You _should_see how the sex slaves here live. It's really nice."

"I understand more than I want to about the things sex slaves have to do for their Masters," Sayomi replied. "A year after daddy lost his job, we also lost our nice big apartment, and had to move into a small studio apartment, over one of the warehouses at the edge of the starport. There was just a large mattress on the floor that daddy, mommy and the other slave girl all used as their bed, and a pile of blankets in the corner for my bed. Daddy loved to tell me about all the depraved things mommy and Marci were doing for him as whores, and he frequently fucked both my mom and Marci, or ordered mommy and Marci to pleasure each other, while I was forced to sit in a chair beside the mattress, naked, and watch. But now I've seen that the slaves _here_seem to live a _much_better life, and to somehow be... happy. So I _do_want to see how all of you really live."

As they stepped into the bath house, Kate asked, "Have you had any sexual experience at allyourself, other than watching your parents and Marci fucking each other? Masturbating or whatever?"

"Nope! The way daddy was acting, I didn't dare_to show any interest in sex at all. If I had seemed the least bit curious about sex, I was _certain_daddy would not have hesitated to 'instruct' me, _personally, despite his stated intent to auction off my virginity. He could have raped me in _lots_of ways that would leave my hymen intact. So I always denied the urges my developing body was starting to impose on me. Even when I was alone, I didn't try to touch myself the way I saw my mommy or Marci doing, for fear that daddy would smell my arousal and rape me."

Kate sighed and hugged the girl as she set her down, and said,"If I have anything to say about it, no one, not even Jak, will be allowed to harm you, Sayomi."

"You know, I believe you," the tiger said. Then she looked at the fancy bath house's interior, and gasped. "OH! Wow! This place is bigger than my family's whole apartment! Is it like this all the time? With the water all hot and ready, and a tub the size of a swimming pool to bathe in?"

"Yeah, though we'll wash off the worst of your dirt on the deck beside the pool, before we get in," Kate replied. Then she slowly knelt in front of the younger girl, and said, "Since you're still free, and a guest of the estate until Jak says otherwise, I would be pleased to treat you as my Mistress, and pamper the you as _your_personal slave for the night. I offer you my full submission, for now, and to serve you tonight, in any way you wish."

"R-really? That... that's so sweet of you!" Sayomi said with a giggle. "So, what now?"

"Relax while I undress you and bathe you," Kate said. "No offense, but you really _do_need a bath, dear. And I intend to bathe every _inch_of you. Very thoroughly."

"Yeah, our apartment only had access to shared bathroom down the hall, and often as not, the shower there didn't work, or only had cold water. Ohhh! That pool full of hot water looks _sooooo_inviting!" Sayomi said, as the other girl pulled her skirt down to around her ankles, and she peeled off her own top.

The sergal set the dirty clothes aside, and filled a small bucket with hot water from the bathing pool. Then she used a sponge, a washrag, and some scented fur shampoo, and slowly began to wash the younger girl. She started with her hair, and when that was clean and rinsed, she worked her way down Sayomi's back to the base of her twin tails. "So unique. Did your parents also have two tails like this?"

"Mom did. Not dad," she replied. "You... like that?"

"I think I like _everything_about you," Kate replied honestly. "Your rump has such a sweet curve to it, Just a pleasant handful for me." She cupped each of the girl's butt cheeks with her two hands as she said that, working the soapy lather in, but also enjoying the intimacy of the moment.

"Ohhhh, that's nice," Sayomi said, as Kate rinsed off her shoulders and back. "I... should do this for you, too."

"Some other time, certainly. But tonight is just for you," Kate replied, soaping up her hands and embracing the girl from behind as she lathered up her chest. As her hands cupped the tigress' breasts, she said, "_These_are a perfect size too. Just fills my hands."

"Ohhhh!" Sayomi sighed, as she began to purr. She'd never felt _anyone_fondling her breasts like that, and... she liked it. She leaned back against Kate, shivering in anticipation as the other girl's hands slowly worked lower, then opening her eyes in disappointment when Kate stopped just barely above her pubic mound, and rinsed her off again with another bucket full of steaming hot water. "Don't... don't stop there," she whispered, barely able to form the words.

"I don't intend to miss _any_part of you, unless you forbid me to touch something, Mistress," Kate replied seriously, as she knelt in front of the girl again. "Spread your feet apart, so I can wash your beautiful legs and tails."

"Just... there? You... you can... wash... everything. It's all right," Sayomi said shyly. She had virtually never touched herself in her groin area, except to bathe, and she could hardly believe she was inviting this other woman to touch her there now.

"I'm saving the best part for last," Kate replied, as she lovingly washed the other girl's legs and both of her tails, while still avoiding her groin area. "Do I please you, Mistress?" she asked, smiling up at the other girl as she rinsed her lower areas.

"Y-yeah... I could really get used to this," Sayomi admitted. "Are you trying to convince me to stay?"

"Maybe. Is it working?" Kate asked hopefully.

"Maybe?" Sayomi replied, blushing fiercely.

"I hope so. I really do," Kate said, as her soapy hand cupped the younger girl's pubic mound, and one finger carefully parted her labia, washing the folds of sensitive flesh and downy fur, but careful not to penetrate her virginal vagina at all. Her other hand reached down to her own groin and stroked her clit, where she had opened her vaginal flower to expose her sex submissively. Her groin was burning with desire, and she had yet to even kiss the other girl.

"OOOOOHHHH KATE!" Sayomi squealed, as she felt her clitoris being gently caressed. Her knees almost bucked as a powerful orgasm flooded her senses.

"Started the party without me, I see? Fine thing!" Luna scolded playfully as she walked into the bath house. Then the fennec fox girl got an almost predatory gleam in her eye, and she said, "_Now_it's time for _me_to have _my_fun..."

Alpha Bitch - CH 07

Alpha Bitch A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for dilbertdog Written March 2017 CH 7: On a sunny Wednesday afternoon, shortly before the end of the school day, Justine left her beauty salon and drove to the park near her daughter's school. She...

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Swiss Mix - CH 576-580 - WIP

Swiss Mix - Chapter 576-580 -- WIP Written by DoggyStyle57, February - March 2017 Chapters 576 through 600 of Swiss Mix have been sponsored by fuzzywolf123 at SoFurry === Swiss Mix - Chapter 576 By DoggyStyle57, February 2017 This chapter was...

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The Houseboy - CH 07

The Houseboy A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for Phrax Written February 2017 Chapter 7 Bern, Switzerland: June 24, 2010 (Thursday morning) At breakfast on Thursday, Remiel and Peter were still dressed in maid uniforms, as Rebecca and Penny....

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