Lexi Left Bare, Pt. 5

Story by Coruscare on SoFurry

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#5 of Lexi Left Bare

Part 5 of the continuing series

Gentle grabbing woke Lexi up. She almost knew instantly who it was; it couldn't be her Master or the butler, so who else but Quiet? Lexi rolled over in the wonderful bed, blinking slowly and trying to claw away from the cold clutches of sleep. Quiet's shaking kept on though, finally prompting Lexi to sit up.

She had bedhead. Bad. Her hair flared around her head, clearly not completely dried from her bath when she went to sleep. Great. She opened her muzzle, ready to ask what was going on, but already Quiet had gotten to work. The mare ran a long brush through her hair, Lexi simply blinking confusedly and accepting it.

Oh yes, her Master had talked about some kind of event tonight. He wanted her to come for some reason she couldn't possibly understand. Perhaps he would show her off like a trophy, parade her in front of the others as a prize. Then again, she didn't know who the 'others' were. He mentioned her being a consort, maybe she would be something akin to a date instead? That could almost be pleasant and would guarantee good food!

Still, she would need to prepare for that. On the bottom of the bed, she could see a parcel of clothing. All told, it looked rather... skimpy. And that was being generous to the word skimpy. Surely that wasn't for her? Regardless, she let Quiet do her work, straightening out her hair in long, beautiful waves, brushing it to perfection.

Eventually, Quiet stopped and patted her back, ushering her to her hooves. Quiet followed up with a hand on her shoulder, keeping her in place. The mare sauntered over to the parcel of clothes, picking up the first piece. Now that she could see it better, it definitely went beyond skimpy. Honestly, Lexi didn't know that it would cover anything!

The bottom of the outfit consisted solely of several long strips of gauzy, white material attached to a golden belt. Before Lexi could even complain, Quiet already fastened it in place, even tugging Lexi's tail up so that the belt went underneath it, keeping it driven up. Lexi could already feel a blush spreading rapidly across her face, threatening to paint her scarlet. She looked down, gazing at herself. At the leash, the gauze hid away her bits, but each movement would expose herself, and even sitting wrong would displace them.

Goddesses, this was worse than being nude.

Quiet held up the top next, just a simple band of white silk tied around her breasts. Okay, that was almost a little better than the bottoms. At least it was solid and would hide her chest from any lecherous viewers. Adornments came next, braclets, a golden necklace, even rings on her fingers, shining in the light. She'd never worn such wealth in her life, and now it would be used to simply show off her body? For shame.

Lexi stood straight again, looking over herself and marveling. She looked beautiful, she couldn't lie. But at the same time, she hated every part of the outfit. Disgusting, perverted. Quiet bowed once more before disappearing out the door, leaving Lexi alone in the bedroom once more.

Lexi wouldn't have to wait long. Her Master entered without a single warning, dressed to the nines. He wore a full suit now, complete with a tie and everything. To be fair, he actually looked nice. He was a handsome wolf really, and Lexi may have even been attracted to him if he weren't such a horrible individual. Already, he stared at her, ogling her body and lingering on her breasts and her nethers.

He grinned, clearly liking what he saw. His magic flashed for a moment, taking her long leash from the bed post. "You clean up well, little rat." He complimented, of course having to through in the insult as well.

Lexi remained silent, shifting on her hooves and trying to find the best way to stand to keep herself hidden.

"Tonight's a test. You fuck this up, you're useless to me. I've got friends over for a charity event. We're doing a donation drive for a school here in Mandas, and you're going to be one of the decorations. Guys like having pretty girls around, right? You don't have to do much. Just sit at my feet, eat and speak only when spoken to. Easy, right?"

It did sound easy. She nodded her head low, fighting against her blush. "Yes Master. I can do it." She answered. "If... if you give me real food." She added, a spark of courage settling in her chest.

Her Master simply stared at her for a moment. He broke the silence with a chuckle, shaking his head. "You're a brave little rat, you know? You were going to eat fine anyways, but you bought yourself a punishment later." He held a hand up, cutting off the start of her protest. "Don't complain or it gets worse."

Lexi's heart pulsed, tail lashing in irritation and anger. She'd grossly misread this situation and forgotten her place. She didn't consider herself a slave and she'd always been something of a negotiator. Then again, her skills relied upon using her body as well. It was infinitely easier to seduce a buck and get him to do what she wanted than to simply talk to him. But she'd lost that advantage here. Her Master could take her when and where he wanted, no seduction. She'd have to reevaluate her position.

"Come along. You know better than to resist the chain now, correct?" Her Master asked, leading the way from the cool bedroom.

She nodded, falling into step behind him. The silks moved with each step she made, bustling out behind her and making an effect not entirely unlike wind. Each step also sent the back upwards, her tail staying forced up and giving peeks at her nethers. She hated that, hated that she could feel the cool air against her slit. She grit her teeth, unintentionally baring her fangs.

"Good girl." Her master mumbled, distantly. Already, she could hear the sounds of a crowd, the laughter, the talking, even the sound of dinner plates and the clink of glasses. She pulled against the leash, wincing away from the sounds. She already didn't want her Master to see her nude, much less a large crowd of people.

But her Master's harsh grabbing of the leash wouldn't let her go. He held her tight, and up ahead she could even see the butler posted outside of the dining room. Tonight wouldn't be her escape either, and she would simply have to go along with whatever he wished. Fuck him, fuck him hard.

The butler opened the door, letting the pair step through into the room beyond. Her eyes instantly went to work, searching over everybody and seeing what she had to deal with. Women and men both decorated the room. Normally she wouldn't have used that word, but nothing else truly fit. Their clothing was fantastic, over the top, beautiful, colorful, eye drawing and a million other adjectives beyond. Even she, chosen specifically for her beauty, paled in comparison to some of the flowers. Which wasn't to say she felt ugly - no, she, rather uncomfortably, noticed that many of the male's eyes were drawn to her, to her breasts and to her curves. She sneakily tried to hide behind her Master, but he wouldn't even let her do that.

But ladies and lords weren't the only ones in the room. No, she noticed a few slaves as well. Some of there were garbed similarly to her; that is, skimpily. But others wore full dress and simply stood behind their masters at the ready. Only ones like her stayed on the floor. Her master pulled her forward, showing her off to all the nobles, a few even reaching out to grab or touch at her. She hated that the most.

Lexi couldn't help but stomped her hooves as she walked, almost happy to take her seat on the ground. She peered up at her master, hatred in her eyes but remaining silent. Her Master raised his hands, silencing the crowd.

"Good evening, friends!" He called, voice booming and projecting. He lowered his hands back down, melding her leash to the hefty, thick table leg. "Thank you for joining me. Tonight we have a most special guest and most special prize. All of your proceeds benefit the royal Mandas University tonight. I' m sure most of you are wondering what the winner of the auction goes home with tonight.

"And I answer that with a 'you've already seen her'! One lucky owner will go home with my pet." He said, gesturing to Lexi sitting at his feet.

Instantly, Lexi's blood froze. He was kidding, wasn't he? He couldn't be serious. She blushed, shrinking back against the cushion, feeling as if the world dropped out from underneath her hooves.

"The bidding starts at five hundred bits! But first, dinner!" He called. "Eat, be merry, and be giving!" He bowed his head and a cheer broke out, complete with clapping and all.

Lexi looked down. If she looked up towards her Master she would snap. She couldn't believe him. Just this morning he'd talked about letting her have her time, just this morning he had talked about almost caring. He had reinforced that she was a possession, yes, but nothing in her worst nightmares could have come close to this.

"Why?" Lexi whispered, hopefully loud enough to be heard.

She must have been, because her master chuckled and leaned back in his seat. "Because I can. Remember, slut, your body is mine, to keep or to loan out. And you'll pull in such a good bid, imagine all the kids who will have brighter futures because you can take a cock!" He teased, tapping her with the edge of his paw. "I have some advice for you, by the way. There's no guarantee the person you spend the night with will be as kind as I. Obey or suffer the consequences. They aren't allowed to do anything permanent, but remember how much even spanking can hurt." He warned.

Lexi felt a warm flash of fear pass through her. She still remembered. Her ass still hurt from the rough hitting, even with the cushion underneath her. Lexi let her tears start to flow again, the future making her stomach tense up in anticipation.

"Give me a yes Master." He reminded her, tapping her shoulder lightly.

Automatically, her head tilted up, looking towards him. "Yes Master." She mumbled, voice sounding emotionless, almost broken. She would never get out of here alive and well, would she? She would die a slave.

It hadn't even been a day yet and she was giving up.

Distantly, she felt her Master start to scratch between her ears. "Perk up, pet. It's not all bad. Tonight, you eat with the best of us. Tonight, you can have whatever you want. You still eat from the floor, but you eat whatever you want, understand?"

"Yes Master." Lexi repeated again, voice just as hollow. The food was good, but not even bribing her would help right now. She was too far gone, almost trying to become the idea of a picture perfect pet. It would mean less pain for her, an easier life, even if that life was constantly under the heel of another. She just couldn't shake the despair, not easily, and so she wallowed in it.

The food was already arriving, and her master had some diverted to her bowls. She stomach growled, but she ate mostly on automatic. All the while during her meal, her Master kept talking, often times to others, but just as often herself.

"Tomorrow will be a day for you. Be good tonight and be rewarded." Her Master added, feasting down on a perfectly cooked steak. Lexi settled for the vegetables again, eating her fill of the deliciously prepared greens. At least these were good, a small comfort in an uncaring, cruel world.

"I'll buy you one piece of clothing of your choice, any food, and a day of rest. Won't that be nice?" Her Master went on, obviously trying to coax her back into some form of spirit. Why, she couldn't answer. Wouldn't he just want her to be an obedient slave?

"Yes Master." Lexi intoned again, stirring lightly and trying to recover her will. What was wrong with her? She was a fighter, right? She could do this. Lexi looked up at the table again, falling over each of the assembled guests. Who would win it? That lion? The big equine? She shuddered at the thought, there was no way she could fit that beast inside of her.

Maybe one of the girls? There was a nice looking tiger. Or that svelte gazelle? She was honestly surprised her Master allowed them here - the gazelle was a prey species after all. Once she thought about it, maybe she wouldn't be too upset about spending time with one of them. They would be gentle, right?

Lexi tried to tone the rest of the conversation out, eating her food as slowly as she could. But as the hours passed, the dinner started to roll to an end. Only a few still picked at their plates, and mostly just on desserts. She had no sweet tooth of her own, but it seemed like every noble did. Lexi almost wished that they would go on eating forever, perhaps it would mean that her auction would be delayed until tomorrow.

But that wouldn't come. Her Master held a hand up, silencing the crowd again. "Now that we've all enjoyed a fine meal, let's hope your pockets feel a little looser!" He called, earning a few chuckles with his joke. But Lexi could only think about how he was joking about her life, her freedom.

Lexi suddenly found herself being jerked to her feet, her position at the head of the table letting everyone else seen her. "This beauty will be yours tonight provided you win!" He called, standing as well and gesturing to her like she was some kind of piece of meat. "Look at her, the subtle curves, the petite frame, the antlers perfect for a handhold during sex. Freshly caught as well, for any of rougher folks. She could always use a little breaking in," he added, clearly teasing. Another chuckle rose from the crowd, revulsion rising instead in Lexi. She could see a few of the slaves looking at her with pity; she almost suspected this had happened to them at some point as well.

"Or, if that's not your thing, she folds easily. A few spankings and she'll do whatever you want, right my pet?" Her Master tugged on the collar again, forcing Lexi to nod her head. She jerked her head back up instantly, glaring at him. "But not without a little fight, aye?" This round of laughter came louder, more boisterous.

"Without any further ado, bidding starts at 500."