Lexi Left Bare, Pt. 6

Story by Coruscare on SoFurry

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#6 of Lexi Left Bare

Part 6 of the continued story.

Lexi felt sick. For the last few minutes, she'd watched the numbers climb. Already, they were over two thousand bits. It hurt her to think that there were this many people willing to bet on a person, and just for a night at that. Some sick part of her was almost flattered - they were spending so much money on her of all people. Yet, that small piece of her was thrust way back into her mind.

Every time she tried to sit, or bent her knees even a little, or even rested against the table, her master would jerk her back to her hooves. He wouldn't stand to let her not stand, as it were. She had to present herself at all times. Sometimes, her Master would even make her give a twirl around. It wouldn't have been so bad if that didn't make her skirts billow up, giving them precious peeks at what lie beneath.

The price reached new heights and slowly, nobles started to drop out. First, it was the low bidders, the ones only increasing by a bit or two each time. Only a few would stop betting at first, one or two maybe, but as the price kept going, full groups dropped out by the three or four. Her cost reached a startling thirty thousand bits and Lexi could barely breath. The ones who kept betting had to want her for something beyond sex, but what? How would they torture her, main her, or likewise ruin it?

Lexi shuddered, only keeping her eyes open from sheer fear. Only three remained in the running. The first and the most recent bidder was a tall lion. He stretched across the table, grinning lecherously at her through his full mane. He wore a perfectly tailored black suit and despite his height was thoroughly muscled. Lexi could guess what he wanted, could guess damn near instantly. He wanted to fuck her and had the money to do it.

The second, who just raised it to thirty one thousand, was a fierce, snow leopard. Her eyes pierced through Lexi, seemingly staring right through her clothes. She wore a fantastic red dress, embroidered with diamonds and enhancing her snow white fur. In another time, Lexi may have even called her pretty. But right now, those eyes just scared her, terrified her with promises of pain.

The last, who now raised it to thirty five, Lexi could not get a read on. It was another he, this one was a long limbed and thin gazelle. He wore next to nothing save pants to hide his modesty. Lexi didn't know what to make of him, didn't know what he wanted out of her. The other two were obvious, this one was a wild card.

And with that raise, the leopard dropped out. Lexi breathed a sigh of relief - the sexual lion and the wild card bid on, but that was one of her potential tormentors gone. Truthfully, Lexi was most happy about her dropping out. She'd been... taken already. She didn't have to worry much about that anymore, but the thought of being tortured made her hair stand on end.

The bid rose again, now up to fifty thousand. It couldn't go much higher, could it? The wildcard currently held the lead and the lion looked hesitant. He raised again - fifty three thousand. The wildcard quickly countered with fifty five, an exorbitant sum.

Mutters and murmurs filled the room, the nobles talking within their little groups, whispering to their significant others. Her Master raised his hand again, standing beside her. "Going once!" he called, voice loud and clear.

Nobody moved.

"Going twice!"

The lion looked like he would step up for a second, but sat right back in his seat.

"And sold!"

Cheers rang out through the room at such an impressive sum, the man who had won bowed his head and waved out to the crowd. He acted the part of a bashful winner perfectly, yet Lexi still felt as if something was... off about him.

Lexi didn't like it.

Not that it mattered. Lexi didn't even realize her master had moved until he yanked her chain roughly, forcing her to either follow or fall flat on her face. Given the choice, she almost wanted to choice the latter, it may actually be healthier for her at this point. She trailed behind, reluctant to draw close to the gazelle, the gazelle who had settled back into his seat with a smug smile. He raised an eyebrow as the two approached, one hand fishing through his jacket and withdrawing a fat coinpurse.

Lexi didn't like it at all.

"Sir Redhart, correct?" Her master asked, giving the gazelle and up and down. The winner nodded his hand and held out his purse, open handed and clearly giving. His other hand reached out as well, palm up and open wide.

"Of course. It's an honor to be here tonight, and an honor to win such a lovely prize from your own bedside." The gazelle practically purred his words, something that wouldn't have been out of place from one of the larger cats. "Please, count it if you wish, it's all there." He added, raising the coinpurse up further.

Her Master, whom she now knew to be Duke Wilhelm shook his head, waving his free hand. "No need, Redhart. You're a trustworthy sort." In one deft motion, he took the purse and handed the end of the chain to the gazelle's other hand, it instantly closing into a tight fist around it. "Down the hall and to the left. A room is ready for you if you'd like to... sample your prize." He finished with a smile, a smile and an exuberant expression that Lexi could only watch his horror.

Lexi fidged in place, shifting from hoof to hoof and finally dropping her head. Already? She thought she still had time. She thought she'd at least be here until the end of the party. He... it couldn't really be happening! Lexi whimpered, just barely loud enough for the two to hear. Or at least, so she thought.

A swift swat smacked her rear, and the chain pulled her closer to the gazelle. Lexi winced but kept quiet, eyes flickering up towards Sir Redhart. Had her leash grown shorter? It felt like it had grown shorter. Oh goddesses, it had to, didn't it? There was nearly no slack between them, and a foot separated them at most. How had that happened, how had she not noticed!?

Her Master spun on his heel, leaving her behind.

Sir Redhart stood up and panic flared through Lexi. She pulled at the chain, eyes darting around and searching for an escape. Her hooves scrabbled at the floor, desperate to try and pull away somehow. She had to be able to get away, had to! Her earlier resolve to simply obey had disappeared, replaced with a terror that wouldn't go away. She looked around, pleading silently for any help. One of them had to have a kind heart, right?

But none of them even looked at her. Lexi may as well have not existed for the nobles. Lexi may as well have been invisible. That is, for all except one. Lexi heard a slight sigh, and within a second she was face to face with Sir Redhart. She could see him coiling the chain around his hand, pulled level with his face, forcing her to look at him. She winced, shying away but he wouldn't allow it. His eyes met hers and ice chilled her, freezing her solid.

All at once, Lexi stopped her struggles. Those eyes. His eyes. From afar, she hadn't been able to tell. But this close, she couldn't look away. Her Master suddenly seemed like a god of mercy in her mind, those eyes telling her she had fucked up. An overwhelming sense of dread settled throughout her body, and the doe couldn't help but whimper again. Slowly, she pressed her ears down, lowering her head submissively. Lexi didn't even realize it, not at the time. It was all instinctual, all driven by the sheer dominance the gazelle held over her.

Later, Lexi would think of this often. Why had this gazelle been able to simply silence her with a look? Why could he hold such dominion over her when her Master couldn't, despite him truly owning her? She had a few theories. Perhaps the biggest was the closeness of their races. Or perhaps it had been her mental state at the time. Or maybe it had simply been the crowd.

Regardless, when Sir Redhart broke the look, Lexi had been thoroughly cowed. She followed obediently as he led the way, head down, tail up. Her hands were clasped together over her chest, and she kept close to Sir Redhart. She didn't speak nary a word, only catcalls and the click of her hooves following their exit. As the door closed behind the two, the crowd's noises died down, leaving Lexi totally under Sir Redhart's control.

"Follow." His voice came out powerful, deep. Without the din of the crowd around her, she could make out an accent, though she had no idea where it came from. Regardless, he may as well have not said a thing. She obeyed. Her hands slowly lowered, dropping to her sides. The gazelle's stride lengthened as they walked, leaving Lexi hurrying after, the poor doe barely managing to keep up. But he didn't care.

Thankfully, they didn't walk far. His room was just down the hall, and he led the way inside. To no surprise of her own, the room was quite similar to her Master's though not quite the same touch of opulence. The bed, while similarly nice, wasn't quite as big, or canopied. On top of that, the surroundings were more sparse, fewer furniture and next to no decoration. But those stupid, infernal rings and bondage spots still decorated the bed post, promising what lie again.

Sir Redhart closed the door behind them, locking it tight. With a small shove, he directed Lexi towards the bed. Her obedience forced her onto it, making her take a seat on the edge. She looked up at him, shifting uncomfortably, for some reason blushing just as his gaze.

Sir Redhart leaned close, pulling the chain she was forced to tilt her head up. He kissed her deeply, Lexi, for some reason she couldn't understand, kissed him back. She even opened her mouth for him, the gazelle deepening the kiss more than any she had had in her life. For a few, brief seconds, the pair shared an intense experience, Sir Redhart forcing her back onto the bed, climbing on top of her.

Just as quickly, he pulled away and sat to the side instead. He had even let go of the leash, leaving Lexi dazed on the bed. "Take your clothes off." He ordered.

Before the words even finished, her fingers were working at the top. She sat up, just to slip it off her head. Lexi wiggled out of the skirt next, tossing it to the side like it was nothing. Some part of her knew that she should be embarrassed, knew that she should be ashamed of herself. But the much more dominant part of her forced it away.

Oh goddesses, what was she doing?


Redhart turned to her. Somewhere along the way, he'd lost his pants, sitting naked on the bed beside of her. His hand reached out, grabbing her shoulder and moving her into a proper sitting position. He stared deep into her eyes just like how he had earlier, locking them together no matter what. Lexi shivered from the intensity alone, her body completely numb.

"Ground rules." He started, his voice containing just the hint of a growl. "You obey every word I say. I am not going to threaten you, because you will simply obey. No questions asked. Understand? You will call me master or master Redhart. I don't care which."

Lexi nodded dumbly, her muzzle weakly hanging open. "Y-yes master Redhart." She mumbled out, practically mesmerized by those eyes. Why couldn't she look away? So entrancing...

"When I snap my fingers, stand up. You're going to do a slow turn for me and show off your body. I'll give you more orders from there."

Lexi once more obeyed without question. She moved to her hooves and turned in a circle. She even kept her arms down and lifted her tail, giving him completely unfettered access to look at absolutely any part of her body he wanted. She stopped as she turned to face him again, desiring his approval more than anything else in the world.

With a thin smile, Sir Redhart scooted towards the edge of the bed closest to her, sitting with his legs off the side. "Good girl." Warmth swam through Lexi's body at the words, her muzzle twisting into a small of its own. She was good. He called her good. That's all that Lexi needed. "Get on your knees."

Lexi dropped swiftly, looking up at him from her new kneeling position. It brought her face to face with his cock, the doe finally looking at it for the first time. It was long, thin, like that of her kind. Her people were not so modest with their nudity within their own race, so Lexi had seen many like it. It wouldn't hurt her going in, not like her Master's had. She almost wanted it, or at least wanted to taste it. Yet, she didn't know why.

Redhart's hand reached out, gentle petting her head. "Good girl. You've been good so far. Next, I want you to beg. Explain what you are. What you want to be, and beg for my cock." His voice reached her very core, the doe nodding her head swiftly.

She bowed her head low, keeping it down and facing towards the ground. For now, she didn't even think she deserved to look at his cock. "S-sir.. I-I'm a worthless slut, a-a slave nothing more." She started, a blush covering her face. Even when craving obedience this was embarrassing. "M-master was right to call me an animal," she kept on, squirming on the ground. "I um, d-don't deserve your cock. But... please, please, I'd do anything just to taste it."

And right then, she didn't lie. Her eyes kept darting up towards the gazelle's length, focusing on it. Oh goddesses, she could smell it. She could smell his musk, his scent. It was intoxicating, driving her wide. For the first time since coming here, she felt her nethers start to drip with their own need. She wanted him inside of her. No, she didn't want it, she needed it.

"Good girl." Those words sent another shiver through her body, Lexi having to close her eyes just to ride the way through. Slowly, teasingly, the gazelle moved away. He lay back on the beg, crossing his legs gently. All the while he moved, Lexi stared at his cock, like a cat with a toy. "Come and get it~" he whispered.

Lexi leapt after him.