DREAD: Devourer of Dragons (Kobold)

Story by Nhoggy on SoFurry

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#1 of Dread: Sequential Roaming

Hello!Welcome to my little...adventures...into D&D. I am taking Dungeons & Dragons inspired material, pinning it down with chains, and then carving my name on it. In other words, I saw potential in the infinite universes of D&D and decided to spin my own. In this initial series, "Devourer of Dragons," you shall see what I've done with the the draconic and reptilian races; beginning...with the adorable kobolds. I've always found them to be fuckable little cuties.This series is sequential, meaning you may read each piece as they are for their own worth...or you may line them up in a row to engage in a larger story. But, overall, they exist because the execution of writing them is...a little bit of mental leisure, on my part.Please, feel free to add tags you feel are missing. I attempted to be thorough...but I am sure I missed a few things. If you like my work, be absolutely certain to subscribe. I shall be releasing at least one of these a week. More, in time.Enjoy!

They all stared, standing motionless. Daring not even breathe.

No gaggle of kobolds ever uncovered such a mystery. So far, at least, as any of them could tell. A few of their number crept closer, pickhammers gripped at the ready.

"Maybe..." the boldest began to suggest, "Maybe we should tell the master."

"Master would be angry, if it just nothing, Vud," a smaller...thinner greenscale cautioned. Same as all the others, adorning a simple tunic and trousers; dirtied by digging all day. But unlike the larger Vud, this one's form...held a much more feminine structure, with a ribcage more pronounced and the waist thinner. She kept her head low.

Vud jerked around sharply, but didn't fully turn. "Angrier if it something, Kir!"

Kir retreated. The others jerked their heads down, recoiling from his tone.

Turning his pickhammer in-hand, Vud returned to facing the strange...tall doors. He could tell they were metal. Each, it seemed, forged from massive pieces of a...a dark, coppery material. Its scent defied familiarity. He knew copper. This resembled it in tone alone. And the images upon them suggested a story of horrible, grotesque events memorialized. Reliefs depicting an ending world, retaining the coppery hues of the metal...while the base looked scorched. Seas of corpses, mangled together into singular masses of meat and bone. Tendrils, gripping all of them, weaving through them as ivy grasping a fence. And above it all, at the doors' apex...the relief of a canid skull. Perhaps canid. It possessed a third eye at the center of its brow.

Vud inhaled sharply. And started forward. He jammed the tapered end of his pickhammer into the crack between the doors.

"Vud..." Kir whined. She stole glances at the others, wondering if perhaps only she felt such apprehension. Hoping.

"Quiet!" Vud snapped, not bothering to turn. He swung a few more times. And at last, managed to get the pick wedged in. "Yesyesyes!" he yipped, ill-containing his excitement.

Of course, prying on his own meant nothing!. "Get more wedged in!" he barked at the others. They exchanged looks, then all at once swarmed the doors.

Several scaled the obsidian masonry around it, claws finding easy purchase in its many grooves and cracks. Those who weren't able to squeeze their way on, went for the edges--starting to dig away the outside. For their efforts, they only revealed more masonry.

"Is Dwarfish, maybe?" one of them commented aloud.

"No Dwarfish," Vud responded, "Not ugly enough. Draconic!"

Through tremendous effort, together they managed to pry the doors loose. It trembled and threw several of them. The rest scattered, pulling the doors wide.

A rush of air fled through the open doors. And in an instant, they all felt a chill grasp at their spines. A sort of...creeping cold...which coiled its way up their insides, wrapping their hearts in barbwire and stilling their lungs.

None spoke. Again, they but stared. Dared not breathe.

Creatures of the underground, nocturnal that beyond, darkness never hindered their sight. And yet...

None of them could see into the darkness of the opened chamber.

As before, same again...Vud spoke first. The confidence of a budding alpha, no longer present. "Maybe...maybe we should tell--"

A dark form speared forth from the chamber. With a sickening crunch, its jaws closed around Vud's skull. Before blood even began to ooze free, obsidian limbs shot out to grab two more--skulls smashed in the grasp of blackest flesh.

Their attacker twisted its head to a side, cleaving Vud's off with its teeth and picked up the pair of kobolds it held--doll-like in comparison to its looming form. Chain rattled upon its body.

"YEEP!" Kir squeaked out.

Like wildfire, the terror struck all those around her, too. They could scarcely turn to begin fleeing when the attacker's tail swung--bone-like, yet metallic at the same time...ending in a scythe-like blade. Its end sheared through several of them with so little effort, the momentum of trying to flee pulled their bodies apart before they even knew they were struck.

Those still whole began their attempts to escape, scrambling over each other. Over the walls and caverns. Their shrieks and frantic clawing at the rock echoed the mine.

Their oppressor launched after them. A whirlwind of shadow and blood. What its blood-soaked limbs didn't reach, its jaws didn't crush, and the bone shrapnel of its destructive fury failed to shred...the very shadows themselves fell upon. Chain-like tendrils of liquid darkness erupted from nothing, snatching kobolds out of the air and off the ground. The spear-like thorns covering each link tore through their scales and clothing like their own teeth gnashing apart at the tenderest meat.

Just as her comrades did, Kir ran like hell. She threw every ounce of strength, every strand of will to live, and all of her terror into those little legs. Eyes wide in horror, she felt blood spraying her from direction after direction. Heard, certainly, the manners of death convoluting the mine shaft.

It outmeasured the mere knowledge of knowing death loomed supreme around her.

The group thinned out. Just feet away from the bend out of the dig, Kir saw more and more of her companions just...fall behind. Each time, heralded by frantic breathing cut short. And the spray of more sanguine.

She turned the corner.

Her eyes never so much welcomed the vision of a yawning pit, lit beneath the night by a thousand torches upon carved ledges. Just one breath of that crisp night air, and the taste of freedom. Of survival and escape.

And then...felt the sticky, warm, and rock-like hand close about her head.

Her heart jumped into her throat. And her spirit plummeted into the abyss.

Kir opened her mouth, ready to squeal. But in that short, dismal little bit of time, the hand pulled her back into the darkness; slamming her side against a wall.

So instead of a scream, no more than a squeak of fleeing breath emerged.

Quick enough to feel like it happened in the same instant, the stunned kobold felt a finger brush up under her tunic. Then hook her trousers.

One yank, and it tore off.

Her expression of shock plunged air back into her lungs. She managed just a lone wriggle, before she found her leg up and her frame grinding against stone.

A taloned thumb curled under her jaw, and pulled it shut--the grasp of her skull tightening. Kir couldn't scream as the first penetration wracked her body. Her depths.

Much too great for her frame, even were they of the same height, her attacker's cock seemed to jam right into her ribs. Her dangling leg jerked. Her whole frame spasmed, breath rushing out of her nostrils. Refusing to return, even as the second thrust sent a tidal wave of force throughout her quivering body.

By the third thrust...she just wanted it to be over.

Each thrust struck harder than the last. With less pause between them. She scratched at the wall. Only a couple times. But the power ramming into her again and again just sapped her of the ability to do more than hang in his grasp, after they besieged her every sense. Resigned to be a sleeve for cock.

She whimpered.

A noise so pathetic...so muffled...it didn't even seem like hers. Kir knew better, though. Overwhelmed by the pain of being fucked into the very wall, her body began to turn numb. She shut her eyes tight, and hissed.

Blood dripped from her palms, her own claws piercing them without her being aware. A warm trickle of blood ran down the side of her head, smearing into the rock wall. With the blood of so many others coating her delicate frame, she wouldn't even be able to tell what belonged to her, regardless of whether she could feel anything more than the two feet of cock threatening to burst through her ribs at any moment.

Just when she thought the pain couldn't worsen...the cock swelled. She let out a silent cry of utter agony, then felt her insides bloat with the deluge of seed given her.

A few retching noises escaped her, the sounds warped by her still-clasped snout.

He tore himself out of her. His cum spilled out after him, splattering the ground. The thumb pinning Kir's jaw moved.

In an instant, she tried to seize upon the chance to breathe--opening her mouth to greedily drink in every breath her lungs could get. She paid little attention to being moved. By the time she realized it--and by virtue of where he moved her--she couldn't close her mouth quick enough.

His obsidian cock jammed straight into her gullet. Kir gagged right away, suffocating around him. Gurgling, each time the shaft rammed her throat and crushed her windpipe.

He pumped her throat a few times...grinding himself against her flattened tongue. And then, deciding himself...sufficiently cleaned...plucked her from his loins.

Strings of saliva followed Kir's tongue, and she choked and coughed. She hit the ground before having any opportunity to anticipate being dropped. Convinced he intended to do something else to her, the kobold curled up as tight as she could--wrapping herself in her tail and all but cowering inside her tunic.

The next thing the quivering reptile registered...was a clawed foot booting her side.

She shrieked out of her trance and launched, flailing, at the owner. A shield greeted her--swung into her side to throw her back to the ground.

A semblance of sense knocked into her, she looked up. Five figures in full armor stood over her, all clad in half-plate over padded gambesons. They carried triangular shields--decorated with the crimson and black sigil of Derakaan Rabah--and pikes, with falchions hanging at their sides.

Kir blinked. "Is...is over?" She looked from one to the next, unwilling to believe her ruby eyes.

"Seize her," the leader of the five coldly commanded the others. They didn't hesitate to snatch her up and drag her away.

As soon as Kir beheld the mine, outside, she understood why. She could sympathize, even. Had she not been part of the gaggle responsible for unleashing a...a fucking demon, she'd be desperate for answers too.

Sprawled across hundreds upon hundreds of feet of a strip mine, nothing but corpses. Corpses and blood. Every last one of the thousands of kobolds laboring--and living--in the mine...

The pain of her...particular encounter...left her numb to even reacting. She already watched her gagglemates eviscerated. Wrapping her skull around the idea of such a fate consuming every life there...just wasn't going to happen.

Best she could manage, Kir glanced back at the tunnel. Even if the dragon highlords themselves deigned her a coward unworthy of survival, it'd be better. A life jailed, or just cut short by feeding her to the cattle. Either, still, were better.

Better than ever seeing that again.

01 - The Magician

* * * The railships arrived. Students... of all kinds. Some making their return. Some coming for the first time. From all over, they came. From the north, from the south, and most certainly from the east and the west. Coming, as they were always wont...

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00 - The Fool

The world awaited! How could he _not_ be excited? His whole body alight with warmth. His heart rushing. Jubilation elating him, leaving him weightless. He threw his belongings into a trunk. Humming, all the while. So giddy, he thought butterflies...

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In Words, A World

* * * No patience. No, not impatience. Eagerness. I sloughed in, today. My mind elsewhere. Everything came automatically. The hellos. The how-are-you's. The typical instructions to my students. Sit down. Shut up. Books out. Pencils out. Assignment...

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