In the Hangar

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Two aeromorphs enjoy one another for a breeding session in the hangar...

And there goes my aeromorph virginity! Enjoy it, lads and ladies!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Iron Author


In the Hangar

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Dragnor1 and WhiteTail-Designs

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The aeromorph F4J-32-MC soared, jetting down to the runway with more than one worry on her mind as the day drew to a close. The sunset splashed a myriad of colours in shades of red and orange across her grey wings as she made her way down, decreasing her speed and lowering her running gear to touch down as gently as anyone could have liked. Although she was not a typical sort of plane, she did well enough in the force and some would have even said that she was even more so at the top of her game for having the flexibility too that being of an anthro and ever so slightly humanoid shape and persuasion had for her.

There was no windswept look to be had though as Juno inspected herself, wheels folding away neatly into the midsection of her body: she would not need them back at base with the hangar looming before her. In the late hour of the day, it cast a long shadow across the runway but not long enough to hide her friend and, well, something of a lover too, Luke from her gaze.

The F-22 Raptor surveyed her with a grim sort of tight-lipped smile on his wider face as she walked up to him, the movement blessed to her inner parts after having spent so long flying. It was almost good to be on the ground again, as strange as it was for an aeromorph to say!

"I thought you were never coming back."

To anyone else, that statement may have been a shade too serious to be taken as a joke but she giggled all the same and shuffled back, wings arcing down against her back, although she had no reason, as yet, to tuck them away. It was hardly as if he needed a reason, however, staring at her with that darkly intense look of his. Like all aeromorphs, he was 'naked' or at least as naked as one who was born of a machine could be, the tapered nose of his face like that of an aeroplane, but he was thicker and bulkier than her as if he boasted humanoid muscles too. Of course, that bulk just held his inner workings, what made the aeromorph what he was, and any sense of strength or mass in his body was simply due to just how his body was put together.

But that too, of course, meant that he was able to show off what he had on offer, something that Luke was well-known for taking advantage of from time to time. As he shifted his weight back, her eyes wavered, struggling to focus on his face and not just what his body was designed to show off.

"Good flight?" He said, an aeromorph of few words. "You're late back."

He said it like a reprimand but Juno could not take it as such, smiling and shaking her head as she brushed it off the best she could. Poor Luke... Always misunderstood. He just needed an understanding hand and a little smile at the right time, even if he didn't quite 'get' that she needed a good meal and feeding up herself after such a long day of flying. It was harder on her body than it was on his.

"Yes, I am later than expected, but I had to make sure all was ready for tomorrow," she said, struggling to let go of the formality of ranking and her position. "It's going to be another long one and it would be longer still if the supplies were not already in place. That's the good thing about cargo planes: they can take more along with them than us."

"True," he said, patting his side, round as if there was a bulge of muscle beneath that should have been showing through there. "These hatches aren't what they used to be, nothing in the hold here."

She giggled but there was something more lying beneath that, an unspoken need that the two of them, undoubtedly, knew would have to come to the surface sooner or later. They may have been aeromorphs but they still had the base needs and instincts of any other creature and all it really took was a suggestive glance from the usually serious male for Juno's eyes to start off wandering in all sorts of wanton directions, lower and lower to the obvious sort of 'bulge' growing right where a creature's shaft should be.

No... She shouldn't be looking but he made the illicit, taboo nature of sneaking a peek even as conversation flowed oh so very sweetly between them, just as friends. And it was just as difficult to ignore the call of nature churning in her gut, nerves colliding with sweet need and anticipation as he finally smirked and rocked back onto his heels, showing off the obvious rise of his cock, growing in metal 'sheets' that interlocked together from the opening that could be controlled at the point of his lower abdomen.

It could not be accidental - not with the sheer amount of control that Luke naturally had over his body, head tilted in the slight nuance of aeromorph glee, although he would not have quite been so crude as to say it. She couldn't get any further words out, her own need evident and conversation trailing off to a natural sort of end just as simply as it had begun. And what more was there to say when his thick shaft was out, the powerful aeromorph offering himself and his body in open invitation? Juno swallowed hard and smiled at him, perking up just a little as the metal of her wings grated against one another very lightly. Well... It would be far more interesting than simply discussing a mission now, wouldn't it?

He brushed the tip of a wing against hers as he led her to his hangar when he usually rested up for the night, a nook in the corner made up with a bed and all the modern luxuries that any aeromorph could ever have wanted. And another benefit of being one of their kind in particular was that there was no need to remove one another's clothes in order to have their fun, lips coming together in passionate moans, his hands roaming her body as if he was a great deal more familiar with the intimacy and sweetness of it than he actually was. But that was the fun in coming together, tongues tangling as she sweetly allowed him to take the lead, trusting one who had, at least, not led her astray so far in her time at the base.

Down and down. His head nosed between her thighs and the aeromorph female gladly granted his entry to her sex, her folds rounded in to offer up the sweetness within. Juno, of course, was already primed and ready for him, her pussy slick and wet and gripping his tongue even as he pushed it hungrily into her, tasting of her essence. That didn't mean though that she wasn't amenable to a little foreplay, her heart pounding anxiously and wantonly for the main event, taking his thick shaft eagerly between her own lips as he rested over her on all fours, his tail end to her head and vice versa.

There was something about the sweetness of enjoying a partner in sixty-nine that was so lustful that her head spun, although Luke was hardly better, rocking his hips and grunting constantly, the light above seeming to cast his hide with an unearthly sort of glaring light that rimmed him in a halo. And it was that that stoked the fire of her need up even more, Juno groaning and arched her back for him, hips thrust up for his attention as she breathed the words that he'd so very much needed to hear all along.

"I need you..."

And then he was off the bed, leaving her without the warmth of his covering, rubbing his chin and slowly spreading her legs apart as he left her there only to push in again, cock questing for one part of her and one part of her along. Juno clung to his arms, head falling back on the bed sheets, although she knew that aeromorphs did not really need sheets or anything like that to stay warm: it was more of a comfort thing for them. And she appreciated that comfort very much as he bent her legs back and back, pressing the tip of his hot length up to her entrance without any pause for patience as her folds, very slowly, accepted his rod in.

There was no sense of protection from pregnancy when it came to aeromorph love and, well, it was well-known, at least, just how potent Luke could be. Any condoms that aeromorphs had sought to use in the past had simply melted off during intercourse from the secretions of sex sweetly ensuring that there was no barrier to true lovemaking and they had, eventually, given up and accepted sex for what it was. And all that meant was that Juno would leave with something very special in her belly that she didn't even mind in the slightest as he pushed into her, groaning deep up in the back of his throat as their bodies came together in the most intimately carnal of ways.

He pushed her legs back as he fucked her over the bed, feet scraping lightly against the part of the floor in his preferred nook, metal on metal producing a grating noise that would have surely abused the ears of those lesser than them. She moaned and tried to rock her hips up but was pinned happily in her current position, holding onto his arms to keep herself in place as he thrust and thrust, easing more of his shaft into her each time. He was not harsh with her but loving in his claiming of her body, hot breath washing over her face and neck as he huffed and grunted, eyes rolling back into his head with a raw sense of pleasure in taking what his body so desperately needed.

The full length of his aching shaft slammed into her as she huffed, struggling to get enough breath into her lungs, large enough to take in enough oxygen at high altitudes, head spinning with an odd mixture of lust and adrenaline. Was she really doing it - with Luke? Oh, she could not have chosen a more ideal partner to enjoy the pleasures of the body with, his shaft filling her so perfectly as he sweetly bottomed out inside her, his cock seemingly made for her body. And the pleasure he brought was entirely unprecedented and untold, teasing over that patch of overly sensitive nerve-endings inside her passage that had her loins tensing up and up until she could no longer contain her shrill shriek of ecstasy.

Holding on to her lover even as he too bellowed out his orgasm, Juno rocked and ground up at him as much as she could, climax barrelling her like a wind that knocked her for six, yet the storm was only just beginning. Hot seed filled her cunny as her passage clenched and rippled erratically around him, trying to milk him of every last drop that she thought his body maybe, just maybe, had to offer (and then some too), Luke clenching his jaw and working his head from one side to the other as if he was trying to hide his vulnerability even in the moment where, truly, he was the most vulnerable.

For not even an aeromorph could retain a strict sense of serious dignity at the pinnacle of climax, hot bodies coming together as they heated up beneath their exterior 'hide' of metal, panting heavily and moaning through the throb and ebb of sweet, sweet bliss. And, through it all, his virile cum pumped into and flooded her sweet cunny, cock unwrapped and semen questing for what it had been planted there, of course, to find in the first place.

With his cum spurting into her cunny, the last dribbles refusing to let up, she placed a hand on her stomach, eyes half-lidded with the typical pleasurable satisfaction of an aeromorph who had been well-seeded. For at least a time, everything was right with the world, Luke groaning and heaving his mass back, shoulders rounding with the effort that mating took out of him. But that was alright: he would be good to go again and fuck her in just a little while.

Yet only time would tell just how quickly she would swell with his offspring.

Predator: Chapter 8

**Predator** **Chapter Eight** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by preyitem_ _ _ _ _ A blur. It was all a blur. Everything came together in laughter, sex and song as they gathered outside, one by one, and the liquor...

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