Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 112: So Close To Letting It All Go (The Future Of Our Future Part IV)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#112 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter

Feleen contacted the nomadic colony to update them on the whereabouts of the Lost Colony. After some initial shock, Naka and his followers agreed to also evacuate Counter Earth. The problem? They had to traverse uncharted territory in order to reach the agreed rendezvous location. That was their only concern until the group's resident serial killer and assassin discovered the second, they were being followed....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 112: So Close To Letting It All Go (The Future Of Our Future Part IV)

Day 252 continued [September 17th]

"I don't like that at all Black." The wolf said to the akita.

"Your time as a knight did not prepare you for any of this did it?"

The maned wolf grew very silent as he pondered his flock's predicament. Should he tell them? Should they confront it?

"For how long Black?"

"Since this morning after it got a taste of Ulu, maybe even yesterday morning." The akita said.

"When it scared Addy half to death." Naka said.

"Naka you ready to leave?" Song said approaching. "It looks like you two were arguing again. What's wrong?"

"Yes. Yes, I want to get to the otherside of the valley by nightfall."

"Also I suggest that those of us who have weapons keep them at the ready." Midnight Black said to the chakat.

"There is something going on isn't there?" The feline taur asked.

"Possibly. For now let's just say that we are walking through a 'v' shaped valley and exposed to anyone and anything who may be on the hills either side." The maned wolf said looking the chakat in her eyes.

"Remember when that badger said that we needed some more fighters?" The assassin asked. "Well the time is now."

"I know a little archery. Russell has his spear from his former colony." Song said as the group proceeded to move on. "Pabu has a javelin from his athletic years and Angi has a bo-staff."

"And Nikka has her 'strength'. That is seven."

While Song and Nikka led the group through the valley, Naka and Midnight Black brought up the rear and strategized.

"I am just wondering if whatever is following us will take us out while we are traveling or when we make camp?" Naka asked.

"Hey you two are falling behind!" Minka shouted. "Keep up!!"

"Ok Minka! She is so energetic."

"There. About a mile behind us!" The dark akita said. "I saw some irregular movement, some shimmering in the grass and brush."

"I didn't notice a thing. Is it in pursuit, stalking or hunting?"

"Given what happened to our wombat cook this morning I would strongly suggest the later my dear leader."

"Damn." The former knight grumbled.

"There is a very real possibility that none of us will reach the meeting point."

"Always the optimist Black." The maned wolf grimaced.

"What is the plan?" The assassin asked.

"Minka!" Naka shouted.


"Black and I, um, have to make water. Tell Song and Nikka that we will catch up."

"Make water?" The cheeky monkey girl thought for a moment. Ohhhh make water... Ok, don't be long."

"That is one way to get rid of them." The assassin said turning to the north after the rest of the group moved on.

"Let's see who or what we are dealing with." The maned wolf said drawing his sword.


The former knight and the former (?) assassin dove into some brush on either side of their trail and waited.

It wasn't long.

*rustle* *rustle*

The two heard the rustling of brush as the sound of steps as whatever was following them moved right by their location.

The maned wolf took a long hard look. There was nothing there! He traded glances with the akita across from him.

Was this reality? Or was it a terrifying dream?

Naka wanted to make sure. He picked up a paw size rock and threw it in the direction of whatever it was.


The wolf received his answer in kind.


This thing that was following them was calculating, cunning, quiet and patient.

Naka and Midnight Black duck back down into their hiding spots fearful that the creature was looking in their respective directions for the rock that had just hit it.

The akita took the initiative. Picked up a stone and threw it as hard as he could back the direction it had come from.



There was a breeze as the thing rushed by their location. The former knight nodded to the assassin that this was their cue to leave.

They found their group at an active river near the valley's end. Nikka and Pabu were fishing while Song, Russell and the younglings were trying to figure out how to cross.

"Could we walk across it?" Angi asked.

"Schwee...." Addy said shaking her head.

"Addy said the water is too deep." The pony said.

"Could we swim across?" Kiwi suggested.

"No the current is too swift." Arthur responded.

"Hmm....." Minka pondered as Naka and Midnight Black arrived.

"We need to cross this river NOW!" The akita said to everyone present.

"Song we could use your bow and arrow and rope from the tent." The maned wolf said to his second in command.

"Good idea." The chakat said grabbing her weapon.

Naka tied a rope to one of her arrows. "Now."

"Oh alright." She said looking back at the assassin who was watching their six as she fired the arrow.


The arrow hit a tree dead center on the opposite side of the shore.

"Black?" Naka asked the akita.

"Nothing yet." The assassin responded.

"Arthur, Kiwi tie this rope to that tree over there. Tightly." The maned wolf ordered.

"Nikka, Pabu finish up we are leaving." The faux beagle called out to the skunk and groundhog.

"Alright Kiwi first, then Arthur, Minka and then Angi." Naka ordered the youngsters. "Hold on tightly."

"What is the rush?" The groundhog asked.

"NAKA we are running out of time!" Black yelled.

"Nikka, Russell, Pabu and Addy next." The former knight ordered. "Song, Black and then myself."

"What is the rush?!" The chakat asked as the akita pushed her forward.

The group waded into the swift moving current holding onto the rope for dear life with the exception of a blue slime who simply walked across the rope.

Miraculously one by one the members of the nomadic colony emerged on to the other side. Drenched but alive.

"Anyone want to tell me why we were in such a hurry?" Nikka asked.

"That is because we are being followed." The hedgehog boy said pointing at something bending the rope from on the other side of the river.

Whatever it was, it appeared to be invisible or blended well into the surroundings. It paced back and forth as evidenced by the disturbed brush and grass that it stepped on.


"Cut the rope!" The maned wolf ordered the Akita.

The assassin did as ordered. "Hopefully that thing can't swim."

"Was that the thing that ate Ulu?" Minka asked candidly.

"We think so." Naka answered.

"How long was it following us?" Song asked.

The dark akita started to answer, but was cut off by the hedgehog boy. "Since last night."

"Schwee...." The blue slime quivered.

"Make that since the first night." The pony said.

"That was the thing that scared Addy so badly?" Kiwi asked. "Naka, Black what did you know and when did you know it?"

"And exactly when were you going to tell the rest of us?" Song asked said piling on.

"Obfuscation, misdirection and lies ended with the previous administration." The preteen boy said.

"Since burying Ulu." Naka said to his followers. "Black and I confirmed it just now."

"Now if you don't mind, I would like to put as much distance between that thing as possible." The akita said candidly.

The nomadic colony continued southward clearing the 'v' shaped valley, a small mountain range and reuniting with the river they had crossed earlier in the day.

"Hmm this looks like the same river." Minka said candidly.

"And the four hand rock statues we have seen look like the first four we have seen in days previous." Angi said also candidly.

"It's getting late, where should we bed down for the night?" Kiwi said, throwing the question out there.

"Logic would dictate some place that we can easily detect enemy movement and someplace that is defensible."

"What about that island there?" Pabu suggested.

"Not too big or small, just about right." Song said.

"Very well we will make camp there. Those of you who have weapons keep them at the ready." The former knight said.

"We should also huddle together as well just in case. I have Nikka!" Russell shouted as the she skunk blushed.

Addy and Midnight Black just shook their heads.

That evening....

"Groundhog what is this?" Midnight Black asked looking at his dinner plate.

"Haddock, Nikka and I caught earlier today." The groundhog said. "Go on it is safe to eat... mostly."

"Tastes like chicken." Kiwi said smiling.

*clank* *clank* *clank*

"What is that?" The chakat asked.

"An early warning system I made just in case." The assassin said.

"It knows how to swim!" Minka said.

"Very interesting." Arthur added.

"Black." Naka said drawing his sword.

The akita nodded and drew his blade and followed the wolf into the forest to investigate the noise.

"Everyone together!" Song announced.

Countryside of World Three 2 ½ years ago...

"That, that is a nice jagged blade Mr. Beastial." A disheveled ungroomed man said pissing his pants in extreme fear.

"It is." The black akita said holding it closer to the terrified human's throat.

"PLEASE DON"T KILL ME!!!" The man said as he finished soiling himself. There was a very big stain running down the center of his brown pants. "WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!"

"You made me who I am." The akita said coldly letting the man fall to his knees.

"Do I know you?" He said looking up at the canine who had dark fur and an equally flexible black body suit that covered his torso, arms and legs.

"Have you ever taken care of any animals?" The akita asked looming over him.

"My bitch had a litter a few years ago. I got rid of them when they were old enough."

"Got rid of them, you mean as in drowned?" The akita shot back.

"No one knows that."

"I do Rosco. I was the soul survivor."

"Little Rufus?!" The man exclaimed.

"As I said. You made me who I am."

"It is you! Please, you have to believe me- I was in a bad place at the time!"

"So bad that you took it out on myself and my siblings..."

"I need, needed- a fresh start!"

"I received one as well- master and complete clarity."

"And now you have returned to settle old scores. Look, Rufus I am sorry." Rosco said bowing.

"Sorry you got caught." The dark akita hissed as he pulled a sharp curved sword from its sheath on his back.


"You, you didn't cut my head off?" The man asked.

"No. But I took something just as valuable." The black akita said re-sheathing his sword and walking away. "Fare well master."

Rosco felt unbelievable pain. He looked at his hands only to find stumps and blood where his fingers and thumbs had once been.


"So where is this early warning system of yours Black?" The maned wolf said as they approached the south side of the island. "Whoa."

"Here." The assassin stated.

Impaled between a virtual wall of sharp spikes was the creature who had followed them in full view. It looked like a giant apple wearing a large white sheet. It had a large eye and equally large mouth.

"Early warning system? More like a spiked trap. Nicely done." The maned wolf said inspecting the corpse.

Their fallen friend Ulu had been avenged.

"That thing is ugly. Is it native to this world? Or extraterrestrial?"

"Or escaped from one of those research facilities during the fall?" The akita surmised.

The two returned back to their base camp where the rest of their colony was on high alert- the chakat aimed her arrow as they emerged from the brush. Next to her the miniature horse his spear at the ready. Then the skunk with her club. The human preteen with his slingshot. The groundhog with a javelin in paw, the beagle with her bow staff and the monkey, hedgehog and slime who watched from the rear.

"Stand down everyone." Naka said to his flock.

"What do you mean?" Pabu asked.

"Midnight Black set an effective trap. The creature is dead."

"Well done Mr. Black." Song said. The akita's face remained neutral.

"Don't you ever smile?" The monkey girl asked the assassin.

"Only when I kill my prey with my own two paws." Was the answer.

"Um, ok I will be over there." Kiwi said, darting behind Arthur.

"This is great, we can now sleep in peace." Nikka said, yawning.

"Should we erect the tent?" Angi asked.

"You can if you want, but it is just for one night; we will be moving on tomorrow." The maned wolf advised.

Naka, Song and Black watched as the younglings in their group quickly erect the tent and then climb in. As did the skunk, pony, slime and groundhog. The akita on the other hand settled down beneath a nearby tree.

"I guess that means I have the watch." The wolf sighed.

"Mind if I join you?" Song asked.

"No. I appreciate the company."

"I was looking over the coordinates Feleen sent. It looks like we are about a day away from the rendezvous point. Maybe two at the most Naka."

"That is great news. I wonder what this planet we are headed to is like?"

"I wonder what our lives will be like? How will we fit into Barq's colony?"

"Trust me, we will adapt." Naka said candidly.

"What about Black?" The chakat said looking at the sleeping akita.

"Weapons maker. If he gives up on the assasinating and killing part and agrees to settle down and change his ways."

Day 253 [September 18th] 6:30 AM

"Look at those two." Russell said observing the sleeping wolf and the chakat. They are really close together.

"And the relationship grows." The beagle said. "I wonder who will take the next step?"

"Schwee...." The blue slime said.

"I think we should let them sleep." The miniature horse said. "Care for a walk in the forest before breakfast?"

"Actually, I wanted to see this creature Midnight Black killed." The human girl in the fursuit said.

"Addy let's go too." Russell said to the blue slime. "You could use some closure."

"Pabu and I will have breakfast ready when you return." Nikka said.

The pony picked up his spear and the beagle her staff as they proceded into the forest.

The trio soon arrived at where the assassin's trap had killed Ulu's killer.

"Wow, that creature is hideous." Angi said.

"Schwee.... Schwee...." Addy started trembling

"It's alright Addy." The faux beagle said, trying to comfort her.

"SCHWEE!! SCHWEE!!!" Addy said shouted.

"What did she say?"

"You don't want to know." Russell said to Angi while wetting his pants.


"Russell!! Something has got me!!!" Angi screamed as she was violently dragged away.

Meanwhile at the river...

"Minka?!" A startled preteen said finding the monkey girl at where he had planned to bathe.

"Yup." She replied lying on her belly looking at something moving in the river.

"What are you doing here?!" Kiwi asked.

"Enjoying the scenery." The monkey said, sighing.

The blond preteen looked at the center of the river to find a black canine rinsing himself off.

"Midnight Black?! You know he is a serial killer and assassin right?"

"And has the most beautiful body, muscles, nice bulk in the right places, not an ounce of fat on him and look at that tight behind, you could bounce a marble off of that!"

"How can you distinguish any features? You can't see anything; his fur is all black!" Kiwi said.

"Why are you two watching me?" The assassin asked the boy and the girl.

"Just admiring your dreamy physique." The monkey said.

"She means we were waiting our turn... patiently." Song's charge said as the naked akita started swimming towards the both of them- quickly.


"Aiiee!!! Something's got me!!!" Kiwi shouted as he was dragged by his legs.

Meanwhile back at camp...

"Pabu, Nikka breakfast almost ready?" Arthur asked.

"Just about." The groundhog said.

"What is it?" The hedgehog said asking the she skunk.

"Red herring we caught it when we were fishing yesterday." Nikka.


"My someone is hungry." Naka said, yawning.

"That wasn't my stomach." Arthur stated.

"Well it wasn't mine." The maned wolf said.

"Nor mine." Song said stretching.

"Not me either." Pabu said, turning to Nikka who shook her head no.

"Oh bother." Arthur exclaimed.

"Naka, Pabu, Nikka your weapons." The chakat said grabbing her bow and arrows. Naka unsheathed his sword. The groundhog picked up his javelin and the skunk her club. The four encircled the hedgehog boy.

"So the one Black got wasn't the only one." Naka said calmly.


"I heard another." Pabu said.


"And another over there." Song said.


"And then there is the noise behind us." Nikka said.

"I just had a horrible thought everyone. What if the one that was trailing us and killed Ulu was just a scout?" Arthur theorized.

There was the horrifying moment of total clarity where the five realized that this quite possibly could be the end for all of them devoured by an unforeseen enemy.

"Song, how many?" The maned wolf asked quivering.

"Four maybe five.... I think." Was the response.

"The creatures are roundish shaped with one large eye and a large mouth." Naka said trying to hide his fear.

"Right, if you take out the eye you can disable them." Pabu said.

"It would be much easier if they weren't invisible." Nikka said.

"Everyone huddle together." The chakat warned. "Wait for them to make the first move...."

Meanwhile back at the river....


"Something's got me!!!" Kiwi shouted as he was dragged by his feet. The boy tried desperately to claw at the ground to crawl away but the tight grasp on him moved from his feet to his shins; almost of a third of his body was in something's maw pulling him toward its gullet. Then suddenly and violently he was tossed into the air.

The naked akita charged out of the river and reached his weapons just in time.


The creature was about to catch and swallow its morning meal when it made a loud screeching noise as its eyeball was pierced by a sharp blade.

Kiwi bounced off of the creature's head landing face first into the ground.

"You alright?!" Minka shouted.

"Mmm hmm." The boy said standing. He then ran over to the black akita and hugged him. "Thank you, but why?"

"Yeah, I thought you hated humans... all humans?" The monkey girl asked walking up to the intimate pair.

"My time traveling with all of you, I have come to realize my existence is contingent on your existence. Now if you would release my arms boy."

Minka watched as the nude assassin picked up a short sword and ran past her and Kiwi striking their invisible attacker again and again and again. The creature charged at Midnight Black one last time and was impaled as a result.

It let out a wimper-moan before falling over and becoming visible.

"That thing is uuuuuugly." Kiwi said.

"Remarkable." Minka squealed. "And you did this completely in the nude too!!"

The black akita looked at his cub maker and the two younglings. "There wasn't time."

"I suppose you would like your clothes back." Minka said eyeing the perfect canid form in front of her.

"If you please." Midnight Black said.

"On one condition." The monkey said looking at his groin and the spectacular package there.

"Are you black-mailing me girl?!"

"Minka?!" The blond pre-teen asked.

"The condition is that you assassin look out for Kiwi and promise here and now to make sure that he never winds up on the wrong side of your blade. Angi too. Do we have a deal?"

"And if I say no?"

"You can remain indignant if you want, but you will stay in the nude." The monkey girl said lying on her stomach.

"She thinks you are a magnificent representation of your species." Kiwi said trying hard not to look at what was between the akita's legs.

Midnight Black looked at the monkey who was guarding his clothing.

The smirk on her face just said it all 'YUM!!!!'

"Very well girl, now give."

"Perfect timing Mr. Black." Kiwi said.



"Wow, it brought friend!!" Minka said as the akita stepped in front of her and Kiwi.

Meanwhile back in the woods....

"Angi!! Angi!!" Russell shouted. He and Addy rounded a bunch of trees just in time to see the fursuited human start to disappear into an unseen mouth.


Fear gripped the miniature horse and the blue slime hard. Russell realized he had to throw his fear aside and act now or the girl would wind up like Ulu. He grabbed his spear, and made an educated guess as to where the creature's eye was and charged.



The creature let out a loud screech as its sight was lost. That was his opportunity; he grabbed Angi's paws and tried to extricate her from the creature's mouth. He was partially successful.


"My suit!!"

"Forget it! We have to get out of here!!" Russell said to the human girl who was now only wearing a beagle's head.

The pony attempted to retrieve his spear which was wedged in the creature's eye. Each tug only angered it until....


"AUGH!!!" The pony shouted.

"SCHWEE!!! SCHWEE!!" Addy said running to the opposite direction. She splattered onto the face of another unforseen enemy.

"Russell!!!" Angi shouted. "Addy?! There were two?!"

"And it has claws?!" The grey and white horse said wincing in pain. He looked to his side, there was blood dribbling on to the forest ground his blood. "Oh no!"

"Take this!" Angi said stuffing her beagle head into the maw of the second creature. It started choking.

"Addy!! Russell we are leaving!"

"But my spear."

"Leave it!" Angi said retrieving her bow staff. She let him lean on her as they started back towards camp.

"Angi how bad is it? I have to know." Russell said solemnly. "The pain is unbelievable."

The girl looked down below his tail where his pants once were. "Your backside has been slashed.... Badly. I don't think you will be sitting down for awhile."

Meanwhile back at camp....


"AWK!! Aim for the eye!!" Naka shouted as he was slashed.

"If we could figure out where that it is!" *BASH* "I think I hit one!" Nikka said recoiling.

"I wonder if they would make a great stew?" The groundhog said stabbing the air with his javelin before something bit down on it hard.

"NOT THE TIME PABU!!!" Naka yelled as he had the wind knocked out of him.

"This isn't working!" Arthur shouted looking around- Naka was bleeding, as was Song from one of her fore-legs. Nikka was swinging wildly trying to hit anything that moved and Pabu was playing tug of war with the enemy and his javelin.

"Then it is time for plan B." Nikka shouted. "Everyone to me!"

Naka, Song, Pabu and Arthur stood behind the she skunk. She then dropped her pants, turned her back away from them and lifted her tail.

"No anything but that!!" Pabu screamed. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"


"EWWWWWW!!!! That did it." Arthur said waving his paw at the stech that permeated the camp.

Five thuds were heard as the creatures around them dropped from the horrid smell.

"FINISH IT." The maned wolf ordered.

"Is that the last of them?" Arthur asked as creature corpses started appearing around the five of them.




"Now it is." Song said lowering her bow.

"Everyone ok?" The maned wolf asked.

"We took our lumps, cuts and bruises but we are still drawing breath somehow." Nikka said resting her club.

"But breakfast is ruined." Pubu complained. "And our camp now stinks!!"

"Better to lose your breakfast than to become someone else's. Ow!!" The chakat groaned.

"Song, your leg!" Arthur shouted.

"It is tender but I can still walk."

"Great job everyone but what about Minka, Kiwi and the others?" Nikka said.

"Present!" The blond preteen said appearing from the forest to hug his chakat. "Why does the camp smell like skunk stink?"

"We were attacked at the river. Midnight Black saved Kiwi and then me on the way back." The monkey girl announced proudly.

"Black you are hurt." Naka said.

"There were two of them." The dark akita said.

"Naka, Song, Pabu and Nikka fought off five here plus your two makes seven." Arthur said.

"Nine." Angi said, appearing with Russell and Addy. "One of those things tried to eat me. It got my suit instead. The second one, my head."

"And my backside." Russell moaned turning around.

"Let's see." Arthur said, examining the wounds to his posterior. "That *snicker* looks bad."

"Patch him up. And then see to Black and the others. I want to break camp as soon as possible." Naka said.

Song tried to treat the pony's posterior wounds as best she could. But their medical supplies were somewhat limited. The chakat ended up carrying him on her back.

The group proceeded across the river and back onto their path southward about thirty minutes after surviving their ambush.

"Addy status?"

"Schwee." The blue slime said.

"She said no monsters in our present vicinity." The pony advised. "But you're worried."

"Arthur believes that the monster Black trapped yesterday was a scout. The nine that attacked us this morning...."

"Naka?" Song asked.

"Out with it." Nikka said.

"Could be the core of this group of monsters." The former knight said.

"Or the first wave." The black akita said.

"You mean there are more?!" Kiwi said.

"Probably a tribe." Minka said, thinking.

"Which means the hand rock statues were more than just markers; they were warnings about these thing's territory." The hedgehog boy surmised as the group passed yet another one.

"A territory we blindly crossed." The she skunk said to her companions.

"Like a group of lionesses watching a stupid gazelle boldly trot about their domain." Angi said. "In this case we were the gazelle."

"Are you saying we brought this upon ourselves?" The pony asked.

"We did. Look at our casualties- Naka, Song, Black and you- the bulk of our fighters are injured. If and when we are attacked again..." Pabu said as his voice trailed off...

"It will be the end of all of us." Kiwi said.

The basement World Three Two Years Ago....


"Dad! Dad! Can you hear me? There is something wrong with the door, it won't open!"

"There is nothing wrong with the door pumpkin." A stone face man in his thirties called out from the apartment window above."

"Then why can't I open the front door?" The preteen shouted up to her father.

"Oh that, your mom decided to have the locks changed."

_"Why?" _

"Well as you know times have been tough for your mother and I and we got to talking. We realized that we had more children than we could afford."


"So starting today Angi honey you are out are your own. Sorry pumpkin. Your mom and I have cut back to just three children. I will tell Tony, Ricky and Micky you decided to leave to lessen the burden on all of us."

"Father how could you?" The girl asked crestfallen.

"Pumpkin life is cruel and unfair you will realize that as you get older now shoo!!"

"Angi? Are you alright?" Song's charge asked. "You look like you are light years away."

"Don't look at me!" The fursuit-less preteen said covering her face.

"Why? I rather like this version of Angi- without the paws and tail."

"Sorry to interrupt you two love birds, but have you noticed the adults have been rather quiet for the last few hours?" The monkey girl interjected.

"Feleen? Feleen? This is Song please come in!" The chakat said shouting into the cube.

"Any luck?"

"All bad Nikka."

"Are we there yet?" Russell asked from the Song's taur back.

"No." The hedgehog boy said lifting up the miniature pony's bandages. "I am not a healer but it looks like your wounds are becoming infected."

"And more good news...." The grey and white horse said.

"What are you going on about creature?" The dark akita asked the blue slime annoyed.

"Schwee!! Schwee!! Schwee!!"

"Black what is it?" The former knight asked the assassin.

"About two miles behind us a lot of shimming on the landscape." The akita said looking at Addy who just trembled.

"There were more of them." Arthur said.

"They are coming up behind us fast." Naka growled.

"So this is truly the end then?" Pabu said. "Nikka what about your strength?"

"I can only do that two more times at the most." The lady skunk said.

"Can she spray us? Could it lessen the likelihood of the creatures wanting to eat us?"

"Pabu." Song said looking at the groundhog.

"Not particularly, they might just kill us for killing their comrades besides, I have no desire to face my final moments being skunked." Midnight Black said.

"We cleared mountains, canyons, valleys, forests, rivers and are now in the plains- we should be close." The chakat said.

"Speaking of close, those shimmers are within a mile now." Angi announced.

"Angi, Kiwi, Arthur, Minka and Addy. We will hold the line here." Nikka said.

"The rest of you make a run for it." The maned wolf said.

"You must make it to the meeting point." The chakat said.

"No Song." The blond preteen said to the chakat. "I am not leaving you to die; we have been through too much. I go where you go. Friends forever you and I."

"Friends forever you and I." Arthur said, echoing Kiwi's phrase.

"I consider all of you my family." Angi said.

"Besides I want to be around for Naka and Song's first date." The Monkey girl said. "Are we going to let that unforeseen monstrous horde deny us of that?!"

The maned wolf and chakat blushed as they prepared for their last stand.

"SCHWEE!!!! SCHWEE!!!" The blue slime shouted. She then started dancing.

"Addy?" Pubu asked.

"She says we are saved." Russell said as two RVs approached from the south. They stopped just short of the group.

They were followed by a blue coupe and a black utility vehicle.

"Goodness!!" Pabu exclaimed as the dome to the blue vehicle opened revealing a stern looking badger and very eager young mongoose.

"You are late." She said to them. "We thought you had gotten lost."

"There were some complications." The wolf said to the badger.

"That is for sure! I am reading about twenty behind them and closing fast." The mongoose boy shouted.

"We may have trespassed on someone's territory." Pabu said.

"Yuppers." Minka said channeling Flo.

"And they want retribution for us slaughtering some of them after they slaughter some of ours." Arthur added.

"It is complicated." Angi concluded.

"Naka get your group to the RVs." The warrior barked. "Alex, Mina let's convince them otherwise."

The weapons launchers opened on both sides of the blue coupe at the same time the grill of the utility vehicle dropped, its hood slid upon the windshield and the weapon's turret locked onto the nomadic colony's pursuers.

Massive weapons fire was heard as Naka, Song, Nikka, Russell, Arthur, Kiwi, Angi, Minka, Pabu, Addy and Midnight Black boarded the RV.

"Wow, this is nice." Kiwi said looking around.

"Greetings everyone. I heard so much about you. I am Aboa and I have come to take you to a better place." A female cervine said smiling at the group.

"That sounds divine." The maned wolf said smiling back as he stared at his flock.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 111: Unaware and Terrified (The Future Of Our Future Part III)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 111: Unaware and Terrified (The Future Of Our Future Part III) In Bloom Flower Kiosk approximately one year ago... "I am sorry sir but we don't have anything available at the moment." A snooty...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 109: The Future Of Our Future Part 1

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 109: The Future Of Our Future Part 1** Day 312 [November 17th] 11:58 AM (Friendship Park) \*scribble\* \*scribble\* Nut's. It has been twelve days since I made a journal entry. So much for trying...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 108: Task And Purpose

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 108: Task And Purpose** Day 299 [November 3rd] 6:58 PM (The Wild's Restaurant, Central Tower) "Any more coffee Mr. Winter?" The she centaur asked me. "Yes." I replied. "Something wrong Mrs....

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