Chapter 3 - Of Assistance

Story by FapDragon69 on SoFurry

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#3 of Of Touch

This one took an obnoxiously long time to come out due to a number of factors, like depression and physical health issues caused by my job, and then stress caused by leaving that job. However, comparing the finished product to the initial outline, I have got to say that this is so fucking much better than I could have even begun to conceive like a year and a half ago when I thought I was nearly done with this chapter.

In Chapter 3, we meet the third POV character, the much-maligned crown prince, Aiden. We also meet his lover... and someone else... both of whom you may possibly already know. With either one of those two around, it's bound to be a good time.

A lot less heavy on the domestic issues end this time. Originally, I was going to have a bit of plot with Thrande planning and setting up the prince-napping that he and Nira agreed to commit in chapter 1... but I wanted that to come after this scene with Aiden, and I felt like it would be awfully boring after a romp like this. Not to mention that this chapter is already pretty long.

Speaking of which, you'll miss some character description, but if you really just want to skip to the good stuff, search "I'll treat you like an adult" on this page to get there.


Gimme a fave if you liked it, a subscription if you want more, and toss me a comment down below! Any comment. I love em, thrive on em.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out how to cope with the fact that writing this scene awakened a couple things within me. On with the show!

In which the crown prince's sulking is interrupted by an unexpected visit from his lover, who brings an unexpected visitor along with her.

Also: hope deferred, sledgehammer bluntness, and a sudden burst of sordid inspiration!

The bang of the slamming door couldn't hide the clumsily snarled spell that only extinguished most of the lamps. Those that remained lit tossed reluctant, faltering light to bounce off of deep blue scales and flashing green eyes. Prince Aiden prowled across his bedchamber, casting about in the dimness for something worth the effort of lashing out at. When nothing caught enough of his interest to earn his ire, he let out a pointed huff, plodded heavily over to his bed, and threw himself across it with an overwrought sigh. Silence roared in the void left in the wake of the trailing melodrama. Still feeling the need to express his less-than-agreeable mood to the empty room, he huffed again. Feeble lamplight glinted on grimacing teeth.

A show. It had all been a show. It was always a show with that man! Sure, his father was perfectly happy to smile at him and preen over him and keep his gods-damned word to him, but only when others were around to see and be impressed by it. What a shame, then, that no one had been around today for his father to want to impress.

"Running all of Brinnfell requires much of my time, son," Aiden mocked, twisting his voice ludicrously. He buried his face in a pillow with a groan.

They were supposed to be hunting right now, he and his father, but some business of state had come up and the excursion had been called off at the last minute... after already being delayed by an hour or so. Several times. He had known with the very first delay that it would be called off, of course, but he'd still let himself hope a little each time. He hated that he had. It would've been easier just to accept the inevitable from the start.

An infuriating knock sounded at his door.

"That man is like a puppy," he muttered, pulling his head from the pillow, "always needing attention."

And louder, "What is it, Corrick?"

"A visitor for you, my lord."

Aiden tilted his head. He certainly hadn't been expecting anyone, seeing as he had expected to be gone for at least two full days. In any case, he was hardly in the mood to entertain a guest. A wave of dramatic irony washed through him, floating his voice up to an absurd aloofness of tone.

"Send them away with my sincerest apologies, Corrick. Something has come up, and I fear that it has left me ever so very _frightfully_busy."

The door opened anyhow. He lifted his head and looked over his shoulder to say something less than polite, but stopped himself when he saw her standing in the doorway, scales glimmering scarlet in the brightly-lit hall. She stepped in with her head held high and her neck gracefully arched, as if surveying her domain. Corrick tried to apologize to Aiden from behind her, but she kicked the door with a hindfoot, slamming it in the bodyguard's face. A smug little laugh hummed in her throat, and Aiden's mouth twitched into a brief smile, in spite of himself. Her domain indeed.

"Lady Melodie Fontaine," he greeted, standing up awkwardly on his bed and spinning about to give an unsteady approximation of a polite dip of his head and wings, "I hadn't expected you today."

She laughed again, though less smugly, and bobbed her head in answer. It was far shallower of a bow than he would've accepted from anyone else, not to mention that her wings hadn't even twitched, but he didn't particularly mind.

"A lady prides herself on her unpredictability."

Her ears flicked in that self-satisfied way that she had to know he found so inexplicably attractive.

"At least," she added, "any lady who means to maintain a powerful presence in the court."

A smirk stretched his mouth, and he slumped back down onto his belly, though this time with a more dignified posture than before. The only reply he offered her was a grunt.

"Well?" she prodded, trotting across the floor, "What are you so gloomy for?"

"I am not gloomy."

"Sure you're not. That's why your curtains are drawn and most of the lamps are out. Because you aren't gloomy."

She gasped in mock realization, poking at him verbally with an exaggerated air of excitement.

"Unless it's supposed to be romantic? It's supposed to be romantic, isn't it."

Ignoring his groan, she hopped up onto the bed, slid down onto her belly, and leaned far too much weight onto his flank to be anything resembling subtle.

"So you were expecting me."

Copper eyes flashed mischief as she traced a circle on the back of his forefoot with a claw. He pulled it away and tucked it safely out of reach beneath his chest.

"Not really, Melodie. Why are you here, anyway?"

He sighed at the hurt look she gave him.

"...Not that I mind you being here, of course."

Back to smiles in an instant. He knew perfectly well that she had him wrapped around her little talon, but even so, that transition struck him as just a bit too much. She laughed before he could worry about whether or not to call her out on the melodrama.

"My father and your father just left to go on a hunt or something. When they get back, they're going to discuss trade deals with delegates from Nelbion for a week or so. But it doesn't really matter what they'll be doing. What matters is what I'll be doing."

Her tail brushed lightly along the length of his.

"...Or who I'll be doing."

His body gave a small shudder, but his mind, being a far less reasonable thing than the flesh that housed it, raced along elsewhere without noticing her implications. Other implications fell into place instead, pulling the corners of his mouth into something not unlike a scowl as they marched through his head in neat, orderly ranks.

His father would have known in advance that Lord Fontaine was coming. Well in advance. The realization set his blood to boiling. His father had planned to leave him in a lurch the whole time! And, unless Aiden missed his mark, they'd never even go near the forest. No, they would be chasing an entirely different sort of game, one more commonly found in the high-end brothels of Brisport.

Melodie faltered while she waited for him to react. Finally, she twisted her neck over to lay the top of her head on his shoulder.

"Or who will be doing me."

Aiden huffed sharply, and she straightened, dropping the flirtation in favor of a deep smirk.

"Okay, grumpy. What's wrong?"


A light swat to the back of his head knocked a short-lived snarl loose.

"You know better than to lie to me, sourpuss. So, come on. Out with it."

He gave another huff, wondering how she alone could do something so brash as strike him without drawing the slightest bit of his ire. Anyone else would have lost the limb before he even considered why they'd done it. But not her, no. Partially because she was right, and he knew it. He gave yet another huff.

"You know that our fathers are not going on a hunt."

Her smirk deepened.

"Given that they left with nothing resembling a full entourage, I expect they're planning to hunt for some tail, if anything. So what?"

Anger boiled up, childish and hot, and Aiden almost snapped at her, but he quelled it and looked away instead, embarrassed.

"I don't like being lied to, is all."

Genuine contrition bled across her features, which bothered him even more than her melodrama had.

"I didn't mean to lie to you, I just..." she paused and tilted her head, "I didn't think that it mattered what they were really doing."

"What? No, it's not you," he said, offering a touch of his wing on her back, "He told me that we would go..."

Again, embarrassment gripped him as he realized how childish he sounded, and he reworded.

"My father lied to me."

"Ah," she gave him an understanding nod, "I get that, I suppose. Deception and subterfuge is the way of nobility, though, so I can't say I'm surprised."

"I know, but I'm not a child, and I wish he would stop treating me like one."

"What? You want to go with him to buy evenings with professional bedwarmers?"

A blush heated his cheeks.

"That's not what I meant, Melodie."

She leaned against his flank again.

"Of course not. Although it would be nice to be invited, right?"

He shoved her away with his wing, annoyed. She accepted the shove with a giggle, straightening up again with a grin that softened after a moment into something a little less salacious.

"You would feel better if you talked about it, you know."

He gave her a sideways stare, searching for something, anything, that he could use to find a way out of the conversation. He considered just talking about what he was feeling, but ranting to her would make him a petulant child, and he refused to justify the constant disrespect he was treated with. If he let slip his own dignity, then there wouldn't be much left to him.

"What is it that you want, Aiden? Talk to me."

She leaned again, pressing close, the heat of her scales annoying where a part of him thought that it should have been welcome. He pushed her away again and said, "What I want is to be respected, Melodie."

Her mood turning in an instant, Melodie took her turn to huff.

"Is this because I didn't bow to you, Aiden? Alone? In your bedroom? I thought we were well past the damn formalities, but fine."

She stood up, leapt from the bed, turned to face him, and bowed a deep, courtly bow, flourishing her wings before dropping them to rest their leading edges against the floor.

"My liege," she intoned, "I am humbled by your _magnificent_presence."

His insides twisted up. He didn't much like how the posture looked on her, not here, not now, not like that, and certainly not when paired with her severe distaste. He hadn't meant that he wanted her respect, and he thought about telling her as much, but the words lodged in his throat. A chopped huff escaped instead, and he went with something a touch less honest, and thus, easier to actually say aloud.

"Stop it, Melodie. I'm not anyone's liege yet, and you know it. Get up."

She stood and climbed back onto the bed. This time, she kept several feet of distance between them. Icy and proper, just like a noble and civilized Lady. The empty air pressed frigidly against his flank in her absence. A mild daze from her sudden change in demeanor caught up with him, and he gave her another sidelong look, trying to figure out what she was playing at.

My father manipulates me enough, thank you, he thought, only just clamping his teeth around the words before they could escape.

"Please don't do that, Melodie," he said, ears folding back and gaze finding something on the wall over her shoulder to fixate on.

She smirked, eyes darting away briefly before giving him an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, Aiden. That was a bit much, wasn't it."

"A bit."

The glass in the windows creaked as the wind outside shifted, pressing against them in a fruitless attempt to gain entry. Aiden shuffled his claws.

"I wasn't upset with you for not bowing to me."

"I know, Aiden. I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

She fixed him with a look of open concern.

"So what is it, exactly? You haven't really been yourself for a while now."

Her head tilted as she waited. Aiden stared at the wall, meeting her eyes only intermittently and saying nothing, wanting nothing more than to be having any other conversation at all. Emotion stirred dangerously in his bowels, confusing and hot.

"Just tell me, Aiden. Put down the mask."

He tried to glare at her, but failed, hating himself and hating her for being here at exactly the wrong time. Heat boiled behind his eyes, and he looked away. Anger and frustration and betrayal worked itself into a lump in his throat, but he choked it back. There was no way he was going to break down like an infant in front of her. He wasn't weak. He refused to be. He couldn't be. Not in front of her.

"I'm willing to drop my mask for you."

He huffed again at her whisper, choking down the part of him that wanted to rail at her for the barbs of guilt in the statement. She had a way of getting what she wanted, and he really didn't feel much like resisting anymore.

"I'm sick of being treated like an idiot child," he admitted, throwing a strategic shred of his dignity to the wind to save what he could of the rest, "I'm sick of being looked down on and given empty excuses. I'm tired of being lied to."

His voice rose, beginning to carry a growl along with it as his words sped up and a little more honesty slipped free than intended.

"If I'm supposed to rule one day, I'd like to be treated like it. I'd like to be told what's going on, what's really going on. Not lied to and manipulated and then left behind with a babysitter."

He paused, catching himself and shooting her a sheepish look.

"Sorry. Not that I don't want you here, Melodie. I'm glad you're here. I really am."

She offered him a small laugh.

"That's alright, Aiden. Feel better?"

As a matter of fact, he did feel a little better. Not good, exactly, but better. He supposed that better was better than nothing, if nothing else. He puffed out a sigh.

"I guess. I just wish he would treat me like an adult."

She scooted closer to him, nodding.

"I'll treat you like an adult."

He stifled a yelp as she shoved a forefoot beneath his belly and rubbed at his sheath. That still wasn't how he meant it. She knew it, and he knew she knew it, but that smile, the self-satisfied flick of those ears... He huffed yet again, cheeks heating up in mimicry of the heat suddenly gathering in his belly.

"Melodie, I'm..."

His words trailed into a low, purring growl as she shifted her grip and slid back, finding his balls and squeezing gently.

"Horny?" she giggled, "You seem horny to me."

"No, I'm actually not, but I..."

He huffed again and rolled onto his side, finding the touch pleasant indeed, despite his assertion. His hindleg practically lifted itself. A small laugh bounced from his chest.

"I won't stop you, if you want to do that."

Melodie waited for him to meet her eyes before giving a long, slow, deliberate lick of her lips and turning to stare between his hinds. Her digits rolled his balls in their sack as her other forefoot began stroking at his now vulnerable sheath.

"That's good, because I'm horny."

More even than her touch on his nethers, her sledgehammer bluntness stirred his arousal like nothing else could, stoking the fires of his lust. His member began to harden as those fires rose, and she squeezed it through his sheath, gaze sharpening with brazen desire.

"Maybe even horny enough for the both of us," she purred, hips shifting subtly to grind herself against the bed.

How such a girl could so charm the courts with her eloquence and propriety was beyond him. Of course, the rest of the nobility didn't get to see this side of her. Personally, he liked this side of her a great deal better than the courtly one. His tip began to slide free. She pinched it with a giggle, and a long hissing breath shoved itself from his chest as conscious thought was momentarily obliterated by a wave of cleansing pleasure.

Another knock at the door startled him, and he rolled back onto his stomach with a growl. Melodie held on for a moment, giving his sheath a final, fond squeeze before slowly pulling her claws from beneath him.

"I swear, that man is such a nuisance," he grumbled.

"Just send him in, Corrick," Melodie called. Aiden shot her a look, but she ignored it as the door opened again. Corrick glanced in, realized where they were lying, and looked away, embarrassed. Aiden bit back a growl, barely swallowing it, more because he didn't want to have to listen to the oaf apologize than out of any sense of mercy or restraint.

Apparently oblivious to the embarrassment of the bodyguard, a thin, grey drake walked around Corrick and into the room, all limbs and tail, with a narrow chest that swept back into his belly in an elegant curve. His golden eyes glinted like an amber sea in the lamplight. Aiden stared at him for a long, slightly-distracted moment before turning back to Melodie.

"Who... who is this?"

"Close the door, Lucien," she said, still ignoring Aiden. Lucien obeyed.

"Now lock it."

And he did that as well. Tired of being ignored, Aiden growled in frustration.

"Melodie, who is this?"

"This," she gestured with a wing, "is my new Attendant. Well... not that new, exactly. It's been a few months."

She turned her attention back to Lucien, who lowered both his chin and his wingtips to the floor in a deep and artfully flourished bow.

"Your Highness," he greeted in a tone most regal and courtly. Aiden blinked.


"You could say he's like a friend, or a companion."

Aiden tensed at that, very much disliking the sultry edge Melodie's voice took on with the last word.


"Don't worry," she laughed, "He's not replacing you or anything. There are just times when I want to try things that... well, that I know you would never go for. Lucien here is a lot more adventurous than you in that regard. Not to mention that he's available to me far more often."

Incredulous dismay twisted Aiden's face.


Of course, he already knew 'what.' He knew exactly'what.' It wasn't understanding the 'what' that was giving him trouble, so much as accepting it. Having a servant for illicit purposes wasn't unheard of for unwed nobility. In fact, the practice of keeping a consort around and calling it an "Attendant" had rather come into fashion over the last few generations or so. Aiden knew of the practice, and he didn't have any issues with it. In theory. He thought that it sounded rather nice, in fact, and, truth be told, he rather wanted to get one for himself. It wasn't the idea of an Attendant that bothered him, or even so much the fact that she had one - which was fine! Really, it was! But rather, what bothered him was the fact that she had elected to tell him about it, and more, that she had elected to bring the drake here, to his bedchamber. The fact that neither of those things really surprised him ran a close third.

She chuckled at his expression.

"Don't worry, Aiden. It isn't like that. It would be very unlike a proper lady just to fuck a random servant. We aren't lovers. It's just... relief. And experimentation. Especially experimentation."

Of course, it would indeed be unlike any respectable noble to have sex with just any random servant, but the whole point of having an Attendant was that it wasn't just a random servant. They were handpicked by the Guild from a crop of volunteers, extensively educated, trained in the art of companionship, and implanted with enchantments that kept them from making or having children during the duration of their service. One didn't just fuck a random servant. One had an Attendant.

...And, he realized, these days, with the practice fairly well-established, one had an Attendant because one's parents had arranged for it. That she had one meant that her father saw her as an adult, while his own still looked at him as if he were a child. They were the same age, dammit! But he bit that thought back, stuffing it away in a little mental box for him to deal with later. There was more than enough for him to cope with right now as it was.

Rather than repeat his futile, feeble question, he just stared at her. She motioned to the other drake.

"Come here, Lucien. Let's show him what I'm talking about."

Aiden's eyes flew wide.

"Hold on, Melodie. I'm not sure I want to be shown anything like-oof!"

Before he could finish his protest, Melodie shoved him over onto his side, and then onto his back. She let out a giggle and dragged him around to the edge of the bed so that his hindquarters were facing the door... and Lucien. His tail, hanging off of the bed, twitched nervously as anxiety tightened in his chest at being so exposed in front of another male. At the same time and for the same reason, his member stiffened in his sheath, which frightened and fascinated him in equal measure.

"You know, Melodie," he stammered, feeling all-too-keenly the heat of the blush spreading across his muzzle, "you can do whatever you want with him, really. It's fine. You don't have to show me..."

Giving the softest of laughs, she leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Please, Aiden? Just a little experimentation? If you indulge me now, then I'll indulge you later, and I promise to make it very worth your while on top of that."

And then she treated him to a fleeting kiss. He shuddered, eyes flicking past her to the other drake. Lucien spared Aiden's privates a long, intrigued look before turning his quiet attention back to Melodie as he approached. Restless, Aiden squirmed. His voice sounded much smaller than he would've liked when he managed to shove it from his throat.

"What are you doing?"

He could have stopped it, of course, but a part of him was curious, as much about what Melodie had planned right now as about how she planned to make it worthwhile for him later. Of the two of them, she was by far the more sexually creative, and whatever she meant to reward him with was certain to be spectacular.

She laid a forefoot on the back of Lucien's head and guided it over the base of Aiden's tail. Lucien held Aiden's gaze with his own, those bright, golden eyes deep and intense. Hungry. Aiden thought he might drown in their all-consuming depths. He almost thought he wouldn't mind it if he did.

"What are you... what... oooooh."

Aiden's voice trailed into a moan as Lucien's snout pressed into the space behind his balls and huffed warm air onto his sack. Without consulting him first, his malehood swelled and began to poke out of its shelter. His heart pounded away at the inside of his ribcage as the air left him in a huff and his lungs refused to completely refill for a torturously long moment.

"What..." he murmured, but the will to speak fell away as curiosity won out over everything else, curiosity and ever-heightening arousal. Curiosity and fledgeling desire. Curiosity and blooming heat.

Lucien's tongue peeked out from between his lips, wetting Aiden's taint and coaxing a gasp out of him before retreating back into his maw. Aiden's malehood slipped the rest of the way out, bobbing in time with his pounding heart. Never so much as blinking, Lucien drew a long, warm lick over Aiden's balls and then along the length of his throbbing member while continuing to stare into his eyes. Aiden's face flushed even more, and his malehood jumped, a thick droplet of precum working up his shaft and out. Lucien's tongue lingered at the very tip, savoring the taste of his arousal.

"Usually, Lucien only has my toys to play with," Melodie explained, her voice barely registering in Aiden's mind as he watched Lucien lick him again with perverse fascination, "It isn't very often that he has the pleasure of playing with the real thing."

Another slow lick punctuated her words, as though intentionally timed. Finally breaking eye-contact, Lucien reached up and trapped the base of Aiden's malehood between both forefeet, nuzzling at it with a quiet, husky moan. Aiden shuddered, transfixed, hips beginning to nudge rhythmically upward of their own accord. The sensation of his member sliding over the scales of Lucien's face pulled a groan from somewhere in the vicinity of the base of his soul.

Melodie laid down to his right and joined in the teasing, nudging his balls with her snout. She made sure to curl herself in such a way that he could see her reaching down to press a forefoot into her belly, just above her glistening slit. A groan dragged itself out of his chest, so thick and languid and hot that it might have steamed in the air. Melodie lifted her head to tug at Lucien's ear with her teeth.

"Come on, Lucien, don't keep hiding that body of yours from him."

Lucien laughed quietly, treating Aiden's member to another warm lick before placing a tiny kiss on the tip and pulling away. Aiden found that he missed the warmth of that tongue greatly as Lucien hopped onto the bed and laid down to his left. Like Melodie, he curled so that his belly was exposed to the prince's view in a lewd mirror of her position. Unlike Melodie, Lucien's hindlegs were discreetly crossed, hiding whatever arousal dwelled between them. Aiden's eyes journeyed treacherously over those hips and along the lines of that flank, finding the almost effeminate curves much more enticing than he quite cared to admit to himself. Aiden wasn't built small by any measure, but that drake... there was something of hidden power rippling under those supple-looking scales. For the faintest instant, he thought he might almost be jealous of the attendant's physique.

Melodie lunged away for a moment, snagging pillows and propping them beneath Aiden's head and shoulders. That finished, she nuzzled the top of his head.

"I want you to watch," she whispered, nipping at his horn and returning to where she had lain before.

Lucien nosed at Aiden's sack before returning to his malehood with firm, methodical licks. Aiden tensed with lingering uncertainty, but surrendered as Lucien placed a forefoot at the base of his member and squeezed the middle digits together around it. At the same time, Melodie drew a lick up across his taint and pulled one of his balls into her mouth, sucking on it gently and caressing it with her tongue. He melted back into the pillows with a moaning sigh.

"Okay," he slurred, jaw slackening as he felt his member jolt and give Lucien another droplet of pre to lap up, "Fine. Show me."

Without the slightest hesitation, Lucien lifted his hind leg. It wasn't what Aiden had meant, but the movement certainly did show him something. A dark, stiff, and throbbing something with a bead of arousal crowning its head. Mesmerized, Aiden stared at it as Lucien gave the side of his shaft a pleasant, open-mouthed kiss. A shiver dragged tickling clawtips up and down his spine.

Lucien's member was longer than his, but the faint sting of jealousy that managed to reach him through his lustful haze was balmed by the fact that it was also narrower and much smoother, lacking most of the fleshy flanges, ridges, and barbs sported by Aiden's own girthy and luxuriously textured length. The only topography of note was the subtle bulge at the base and several ridges that trailed behind the flared head in a fading, fleshy echo. The whole thing throbbed extra hard as Lucien's long kiss became more heated. Aiden thought he could see a subtle swell move along the entire length of it before a pulse of precum dribbled thickly from the tip. To his surprise, he found himself wondering what it tasted like.

As if in response to that thought, Lucien shivered, pulled in a sharp breath, drew Aiden's tip into his mouth, and suckled it. A wild moan tore from Aiden's throat at the unexpected warmth and wetness enveloping him, eyes crossing and breath hitching. Those digits squeezed around his base again, and his wings jerked in pleasure. Melodie giggled at his reaction, then filled his hazy vision and pressed her maw against his. Sucking his tongue into her mouth to wrestle with her own, she moaned with a fierce hunger that set his hips rocking. Lucien moved his head with Aiden's hips, holding just the tip of Aiden's member firmly in his mouth and rolling his tongue around it slowly, maddeningly, toying one-by-one with each of the fleshy nubs that lined the back edge of his flare.

Melodie broke the kiss with a curt lick at his snout. He grunted at her as she moved back down to his haunches and bit at his thigh. The bite was gentle, but enough to focus his vision, and he swam for a moment in her lusty gaze.

Lucien gave a long, gentle suckle, waiting for Aiden to meet his eyes before grinning slyly and sucking extra hard. He pushed and squeezed with that forefoot at Aiden's base, applying delicious pressure to the side of his member and levering it over even as he tugged it back with his mouth. Aiden let out a groan that snapped into a yelp as his member popped free of the warm embrace of Lucien's muzzle and slapped wetly against his thigh. Squirming, the prince sucked air through the clenched teeth of a heated grimace, heat and pressure beginning to buzz inexorably in his core. Grin widening, Lucien levered Aiden's shaft around and slapped it twice against his belly before pressing hard against the base and rubbing slow, firm circles. Aiden ground his hips into Lucien's palm with a growl.

Melodie crawled across his belly, blocking his view of what was being done to his malehood but making up for it by rolling partially onto her side so that he could see her drag her tail around her glistening entrance in teasing circles. Lucien rolled another hot breath over his member and began to paint it with small kisses, but Aiden barely noticed. Most of his attention was seized by Melodie as she prodded the tip of Lucien's long shaft with her muzzle and stroked its smooth length slowly from base to head with a forefoot. Aiden felt Lucien's grunt vibrate through a kiss at his own tip, and the kiss deepened into another teasing suckle that set his hinds to quivering.

Melodie treated Lucien to another stroke, head to base this time, gave the tip a kiss of her own, stuck out her tongue to swirl around it. Pulled it inside. Lucien pulled Aiden's member into his mouth at the same moment and sank down over the first few inches, fluttering over the sensitive flesh with an unbelievably deft tongue. Aiden tried to buck his hips with a soft, breathy cry, but Melodie's weight held him in place. He tried and failed again to thrust, and she flicked her eyes over to meet his, smiled around Lucien's malehood, winked, and gave her head a quick, twisting bob followed by a long suckle and a low, hungry moan.

Lucien's tongue found one of the fleshy ridges on the underside of Aiden's member and toyed with it, poking, prodding, and flickering across it until Aiden gave him a sharp growl and a spurt of precum. Lucien gave a pleased grunt in return and pulled back to work the taste around the inside of his mouth. Melodie bobbed her head again, and, as if it had been a signal, Lucien did as well, returning his tongue to that ridge and probing it harder until Aiden's toes curled involuntarily and he let slip another, larger spurt. A low chuckle vibrated through his member, and he squirmed.

Melodie pulled back and bobbed again, jumping slightly as she tired of teasing herself and slipped her tailtip between her folds. Another bob took her deeper, bulging her throat slightly as she took most of Lucien's length and held it, swallowing hard around it before pulling back with a deep, throaty hum. Aiden's heart missed a beat at the sight and compensated by doubling its speed an instant later. He bit at his knuckle, in lieu of anything else to do, and huffed out a shuddering breath at the imagined sensation of her throat stretching around his own member. Again, she went down, taking Lucien up to the knot and holding there an impossibly long moment, letting him hump a little into her muzzle before pulling back.

Lucien pulled back as well, but, rather than dive back down, he feathered Aiden's tip with his tongue, drawing out a third spurt of pre and a ragged, needy groan.

Something gave in Aiden's head, finally overwhelmed by the sound and smell and heat of lust pounding at his senses. Growling, he tried to lunge forward, to reach his forefeet far enough to take the back of Lucien's head and press it down over the rest of his member, desperate to ram his girth as deep as it would go and stretch that little muzzle and throat to the limit. But Melodie shifted her weight with a sly little laugh, preventing him from doing much more than curling his neck and slapping ineffectually at her flank. He shifted his efforts, trying to get his hinds around Lucien's neck to pull him closer, but Lucien thwarted him by seizing his ankles and spreading them out to the sides, scarcely pausing at all in his ministrations to do so. A low whimper escaped Aiden as he relented, embarrassing the distant, sleepy part of his mind that still had some care about his dignity.

Slowly, Melodie pulled away from Lucien's malehood and met Aiden's foggy gaze. A gossamer strand of mingled saliva and arousal hung between her chin and that throbbing member. Aiden moaned at the sight.

"Do you want a taste of it, Aiden?" she murmured, low and alluring, an impossibly heady siren song. Lucien pulled away from Aiden's malehood with a lewd sucking sound and laid his head atop her flank to give him a smoldering, sultry look. Aiden shuddered and whimpered again, excitement and curiosity tugging at each other in his gut. And then, he nodded. Melodie nodded back.

"Alright. You just lay right there, Aiden."

Slowly, so slowly, she crawled the rest of the way over him. He squirmed, thinking briefly about taking Lucien's head and cramming his malehood deep into the drake's muzzle, but curiosity and desire kept him from trying it again just yet. Displaying that substantial strength she usually kept carefully hidden, Melodie took Lucien by the hips and dragged him around until his haunches were near Aiden's face. The display stoked the fire in his belly even more, as though it were possible for him to be any more aroused. He huffed out a lust-warmed lungful and shuddered.

All the while, Lucien continued to stare at him with those steamy, golden eyes. Aiden thought he could see lust in them to rival his own, boiling beneath a placid layer of slowly-churning desire.

He jumped as he felt Melodie's claws on the back of his head, but yielded to her gentle guidance, rolling onto his side to get a better angle. The smell of Lucien's arousal slapped him across the nostrils, deep and musky and intriguing, familiar and yet utterly alien. He had thought that the dim lighting had caused the flesh to appear so dark, but now that it was so close, he could tell that Lucien's member really was a slick, glossy black. In response to the throbbing closeness, heat he hadn't realized had begun to fade flushed back into his cheeks, burning across his face and muzzle with renewed vigor. The line of his mouth stretched into a tight smirk, crumpled into a wave by both excitement and the barest hint of shyness. A quiet little whimper slipped free of his grasp.

Lucien gave Aiden's malehood a lick, as if to warn him, before wrapping his muzzle back around the first few inches and bobbing his head. In turn, Melodie gave Aiden's head a gentle, encouraging push. He stuck out his tongue and slowly, furtively, licked the gleaming arousal from Lucien's tip. And moaned, hips rocking on their own initiative. He licked it again, then opened his mouth, closed his eyes, and fit the whole head into his maw, lashing his tongue experimentally over the heated flesh, seeking more of that intoxicating taste. It jerked and throbbed in response, but offered no more pre in return for his efforts. He reached up and plied the scales around Lucien's sheath with careful claws, giving a long suckle and moaning at the flavor that the act finally extracted before pressing more urgently around the base. Lucien quivered, rewarding the exploration with a deeper bob of his head that took in nearly half of Aiden's length.

Melodie moaned nearby, but Aiden barely noticed or cared, his head filled with hazy thoughts of pressing and sucking and swallowing, all overshadowed by the sharp, clear urgency of a hunger he'd never known he had. Lucien's hips rocked, and Aiden leaned ever so slightly into the motion, taking the first several inches of Lucien's shaft, pressing it against the roof of his mouth with his tongue, and sucking. The member withdrew slowly, fighting the hold of suction and Aiden's tongue until only the head remained within. It left a trail of pre in its wake, and he groaned softly as he tongued at the tip in search of more.

Once again, those hips rolled, filling half his muzzle with turgid, throbbing heat, so stiff, so hot, and so very deliciously, sinfully slick. The flavor and the scent surrounded him, drowning him, consuming him. Never had he dreamed of performing such an act, and something about that very fact multiplied the thrill. Melodie had sucked him off plenty of times before, but he hadn't really thought about whether it was actually inherently pleasant to do or if she just liked getting him off. Whatever her reason was, he was finding it far more pleasant and erotic a deed than he ever could've imagined.

Lucien massaged Aiden's swelling knot, only barely distracting him from the hot, turgid shaft in his mouth. But the pleasure built far too quickly, and Aiden pulled back in abrupt panic.

"Stop," he hissed. He wasn't ready to finish yet! He wanted it to last.

Lucien obeyed, freezing immediately before gently opening his mouth and pulling away without subjecting Aiden to any more torturous friction. After several long, calming breaths, Aiden took Lucien's length in a foreclaw and pushed it back into his mouth, bobbing on it uncertainly. Taking that as the signal to continue, Lucien also resumed his attentions, pressing his digits around Aiden's sheath and balls this time rather than rubbing at his knot. Growling out her lust, Melodie pushed Aiden's head down further, further, and he let her, revelling in how nicely Lucien filled his mouth, until the tip touched the back of his throat and he gagged. She let him pull back far enough to cough and catch his breath, then gently pushed him back down again.

"Swallow," she whispered, startling him slightly with the sudden closeness of her hitching voice. Her tone wasn't commanding, exactly, but it allowed no doubt as to exactly which of them was in charge. Blushing, shuddering, heart racing, he did as she said, and this time the tip found its way much more easily, pushing four or five inches down his throat before the knot slipped between his lips and his snout bumped against Lucien's balls. The girth of it, far greater, apparently, than it had seemed, stretched his throat strangely, wonderfully, deliciously. He opened his eyes and groaned as well as he could around the flesh, having to pull back again to release the air for the sound and suck in a new breath before Melodie pushed him right back down. After popping back into his maw, the knot swelled, slowly, inexorably, bulging more and more with every heartbeat that throbbed through it, but Aiden could sense that it was still far from reaching its full girth. He tongued at it hungrily, wanting it to swell and trap itself in his jaws so that Lucien would have no choice but to stay there, to spend himself in his throat, to give himself up to him. To be his.

Grunting, Lucien treated him to a deep suck and a swallow of his own. Aiden shuddered, thoughts and desires scattering, eyes tearing up, and pulled back with a muffled gasp. Melodie pushed his head forward yet again, but lifted away, leaving him to swallow, bob, and breathe on his own for a few moments. Physical, carnal desire clouded all, and he continued without any thought of protest, falling into a rhythm to match Lucien's, heedless of the pleasant little moans and grunts and nothings that tumbled wordlessly from his throat in fits and spurts.

Lucien's member pulsed, and hot, viscous pre shot into Aiden's mouth. Humming happily, he gave the shaft several long strokes with a forefoot while he pulled away to catch his breath and roll the savory taste across his tongue. His hips bucked sharply at the intensity of the flavor, decidedly thicker and stronger than it had been before. Lucien grunted in response and pulled off as well. Aiden's saliva-slick member felt cold in the open air, and his hips moved gently, absently, seeking entry again with a languid disinterest.

"Alright, Aiden," Melodie cooed, "That's enough sucking for now. Let's try something else."

Aiden turned to meet her eyes. His own were hazy and distant, clouded with heady pleasure. He wanted to protest, but the will to do so escaped him. His tongue had nearly forgotten how to shape words anyway, already far too accustomed to shaping itself around stiff, thrusting heat instead.

"Okay," he murmured, or at least he made a sound with a similar enough form. Her shoulders bounced with a soft, aroused laugh.

"I wish you'd give me eyes like that more often, Aiden. How does it taste?"

He tongued at his own mouth, thinking, all language momentarily eluding him. Slow thoughts melted through his head, taking too long a moment to congeal into anything articulate.

"Good," he answered, when his sex-drunken brain finally managed to supply him with the word. She laughed again.

"Let's try something else," she repeated. Lucien moved, taking his member out of Aiden's reach. Aiden missed its closeness greatly, but Melodie rolled him over fully onto his back, pinning him, and he forgot all but her weight and heat pressing down on him. He whimpered and squirmed, liking her dominance, as he always did, far more than he would ever dare to openly admit. She pressed a kiss against his lips that ended far too swiftly before pulling away and releasing him. Lucien's weight replaced hers, straddling his stomach, malehood sticking up and bouncing stiffly with every heartbeat in a way that Aiden would have found comical if not for the fact that he was being pinned by another male.

"My prince..."

Lucien gave another very courtly bow, a gesture most ludicrous and absurd, given their position. And Aiden did find that comical. The laugh it coaxed from his throat eased some of his nervousness away to be replaced by an eager tension. Lucien leaned forward to knead at Aiden's chest scutes with gentle claws. His voice came sonorous and low, sensuous pleasure made manifest as sound. It was honey, smooth and sweet. Honey, golden and rich. Golden and rich and deep, like those captivating eyes.

"I can promise you the most incredible pleasure you have ever felt."

The prickle of those claws coaxed heaven from his core outward. Aiden squirmed beneath the tingling warmth being kneaded into his scales, not doubting those words in the least.

"May I pleasure you, my prince?"

Lucien accepted the weak moan that Aiden managed as the permission that it was intended to be and slid back, haunches rubbing briefly over Aiden's member before he sat at the base of his tail. Giving a soft growl, he hooked the back of his ankles around the tops of Aiden's thighs and pressed his malehood down onto Aiden's with the back of a claw. The pulsing of heated blood in Lucien's member amplified that in Aiden's own, and a choked gasp tried and failed to quite escape the prince's throat at the unexpected buildup. Lucien seized a malehood in each forefoot and rubbed their tips together, mingling their pre and their saliva into a lewd coating of slick lust. He chuckled as Aiden started to pant, jaw slack and eyes wide. Another pulse of precum from Aiden thickened the mixture. The scales of his face blazed.

No sooner had Aiden thought that he might have grown accustomed to the exotic sensation than Lucien took both of their members in a single forefoot and began to stroke them. Aiden gasped sharply, vision blurring, hinds kicking. Lucien wrapped his other forefoot around their tips and pressed them against each other in his palm, squeezing and twisting and working at them with skilled, experienced digits. Aiden tried to gasp again, found his lungs already overfull from his previous gasp, and coughed.

"Are you alright, my prince?"

Aiden managed a nod and shuddered at the calm, self-assured smile he got in return. Lucien treated the two of them to three more slow, thoughtful strokes. Then, he swung his left hindleg back behind Aiden's right and clenched their nethers together as he dropped his chest down onto Aiden's.

"Then grind," he said, confident and commanding. Aiden obeyed without even thinking, hinds wrapping around Lucien's haunches for leverage as his own hips began to pump. Lucien pumped back, his throbbing member sliding through the crease of Aiden's hip and rubbing against his malehood so that it stoked his fires like a poker. Their balls rubbed together blissfully as they humped, cutting little nicks and hitches into Aiden's every panting breath.

Lucien was narrow and graceful for a drake, fitting nicely between Aiden's hinds, but his small frame was packed with dense muscle, strong and powerful. Aiden realized that he might not have been able to overpower Lucien if he tried, and that thought sent another thrill coursing through his nerves, from his nose down to the very tips of his claws.


Aiden and Lucien both turned their attention to Melodie, each shivering at the sight of her bent over with her claws dipping in and out of her femininity in furious masturbation.

"Kiss," she commanded breathlessly, grinding her free palm against the top of her slit.

Lucien leaned in immediately and pressed his mouth against Aiden's, exchanging the taste of Aiden's arousal for that of his own. Aiden locked his jaw in shock, hips rolling, tail lashing wildly before wrapping itself around Lucien's. Melodie moaned, and Lucien broke the kiss for just long enough to make eye-contact with Aiden, tilt his head to the side, and dive back in. Aiden returned the kiss this time, letting himself melt into the thrilling otherness of it. Lucien's jaw was squarer than Melodie's, and his tongue was stronger, thicker. It pressed in and wrestled with his own tongue, winning.

Moaning into Lucien's mouth, Aiden gripped at the small of his back, claws raking harmlessly over silvery scales in an attempt to grind harder and press the kiss deeper. Lucien clenched at the small of Aiden's back in return, finding purchase and gaining the leverage that Aiden hadn't. His member prodded at Aiden's belly, burning and stiff, trailing wet warmth in its wake. He pulled back suddenly, breaking the kiss for the briefest of instants before latching onto Aiden's lower lip and worrying it gently with his teeth. Aiden jerked and grunted, quivering at the pleasure buzzing from what he was certain should have been painful. He ground his hips. The friction of the other drake's scales tugging at his ridges and barbs pulled another dribble of pre from his member. Releasing his lip, Lucien dove back in, pushing his tongue between Aiden's teeth once more and moaning hungrily into his mouth. Aiden kissed back, hungry, starving, flexing and rolling with need, before coming away with a gasp, desperate for air and hating his lungs for daring to make such demands. Lucien nuzzled at his snout, keeping close, almost pressing in again, haunches still working in a tireless rhythm.


A delightful shudder dragged its clawtips down Aiden's spine at the tone of Melodie's voice.

"Lucien, be a dear and free up his mouth for me."

Lucien lunged into another deep kiss, working his jaw in time with his hips, only to pull away just as Aiden was drawn once more into the heat of it. A whimper left Aiden's throat. Melodie laughed, suddenly standing over them both and cradling Aiden's head in her claws.

"Open up," she murmured, and Aiden obeyed, grunting in surprise when her tailtip snaked into his maw. He closed his mouth around it on something like instinct, working his tongue around its girth with a whimper of desire.

"Now suck."

And he did. And he liked it more than he cared to acknowledge, and not just because it tasted heavily of her lust. She pulled it away before he could examine the sensation too much. A moan and a strand of saliva followed her tailtip out of his maw. Lucien's muzzle moved in again, fitting as though it were made and molded to the shape of Aiden's jaws, and Aiden melted instantly into it with a shiver.

He jumped as wetness trailed along his taint. Melodie giggled, dragging her slick tailtip across his scales to rub at his pucker. Aiden jerked again, eyes wide, a half-question forming on his lips as he pulled out of the kiss. The question died, its remains tumbling into a low grunt and moan as the very tip of her tail slipped in. His hips bucked, grinding his iron heat against Lucien's belly and pulling the tailtip free. Her digits replaced it, pressing against his entrance and rubbing in small circles. Excitement sparked through him, warm and lightning-hot, radiating out from her touch and across his scales in arcing, tingling lines. He almost tried to ask again, but he knew both what and how, and he rather wanted it to happen. Still, his body squirmed beneath her teasing as he lost himself again in the golden pools of Lucien's gaze.

Feeling a whimper building in his throat, he lunged forward, using another deep, heated kiss to muffle the sound when it escaped. Lucien moaned into his mouth, kissing him back with a passion that set his legs to trembling almost as much as Melodie's circling, teasing claws did. Then she slipped a digit in, and Aiden yelped. And moaned. And gyrated. The digit pulled away, to be replaced again by her tailtip, and it pressed in, deeper, further, stretching him with its tapering girth. A groan rumbled in his chest, chopped short by another, deeper thrust of that tail.

"Ahh," he gasped, pulling out of the kiss and slamming his head back against the pillows, "Fuck!"

All other articulate speech died as Lucien humped into his lap, nibbled at the underside of his jaw, and murmured sultry nothings in that rich, golden voice. The tailtip pulled back a little and curled, stretching Aiden's insides delightfully, deliciously. Never had he felt anything like it, and a thready snarl left his throat as the sinful delight of that decadent fullness threatened to overwhelm him completely. Then, the tailtip turned the other way and thrust, sending a jolt through reality itself as it curled and pressed just so. Aiden spasmed underneath Lucien, hips jerking and claws scrabbling, helpless against the thick heat exploding from his belly and surging through his length to spread forcefully over his stomach and chest. The flood came in time with his pumping hips, rushing from deep, deep within, deeper than he ever could've imagined feeling anything. Molten bliss escaped him in long, thick spurts as he moaned and gasped and writhed and bucked.

Lucien laughed above him, seizing Aiden's pulsing malehood and stroking it with a vigor that curled him up into a tight, snarling, thrusting ball. Helpless, Aiden cried out with the last of his breath and gasped, writhing in excessive pleasure, all the world flashing to white and exploding into fireworks behind his eyes. Everything clinched and held, jerking and spasming as he rode out the incredible, impossible tide. On and on and on, it stretched, Lucien's pumping, squeezing claws dragging what should have been a few intense seconds into tight, breathless eons upon eternities.

At last, everything abated at once, and Aiden collapsed, a ragdoll toy of an exhausted prince, limp upon his bed beneath a drake he'd only just met. His head swam comfortably in residual pleasure, eyes gently unfocussed as he basked in the afterglow. A soft kiss at the edge of his jaw brought him around, slowly, so slowly.

Melodie kissed him on the mouth as Lucien began to suck and nibble at his neck. Aiden moaned, head still swimming and eyes only half-focussing. She pulled her tail gently out of him, and a huff of mingled relief and reluctance pushed half-heartedly through his teeth. He missed the fullness, but the pleasantly humming ache it left in its absence was just consolation enough for the loss.

Aiden's legs twitched as Lucien dragged his still-very-erect length across his softening member, sliding back and down, kissing and nipping at the edge of every scute his muzzle passed as he went. His teeth left a warm tingle in their wake. Melodie pulled back, letting Aiden breathe, and took her turn to plant long, tingling kisses into the crook of his jaw and the hollow of his neck. Lucien's kisses turned to licks as he reached the top of the wet warmth Aiden's climax had spread across his underside.

"Such a messy prince," he murmured, his low, soft, sonorous voice almost as intoxicating as the caress of his tongue or the teasing of Melodie's teeth at the very edge of Aiden's ear. A long sigh trailed its leisurely way from Aiden's chest as he relaxed more fully, tension soothing away beneath the ministrations of his lover and her attendant. Distantly, absently, a tiny, barely-coherent part of his mind decided that he was quite alright with it if Melodie wanted to keep bringing the servant to visit.

Lucien's slow, methodical tongue reached Aiden's lap, and inevitably, inexorably, found the softened heat of his member, mostly retreated now into its sheath.

"Now this won't do."

He paused to lavish Aiden's softness with a long, gentle suckle.

"That bit needs cleaned most of all."

Another suckle set Aiden to hissing in through his fangs, his foreclaws finding the top of Lucien's head. Gently fondling Aiden's balls, Lucien returned to slow licking, methodical and deliberate in his every touch. Melodie nipped at Aiden's neck again, and his shoulder, before returning to his ear and giving it a long, firm tug with her teeth. Aiden gasped and shuddered and sighed as the attention warmed the spent coals of his lust into slowly glowing embers.

"Good little prince," she whispered in a teasing singsong, "Such a good little prince. Good things come to good little princes like you..."

Her voice trailed as she dragged her muzzle along the back of his jaw before trailing kisses once more down his neck to his shoulder. With a soft, shuddering laugh, his right forefoot left Lucien's head and found hers, resting there and encouraging her to continue, but letting her move wherever she willed. She moved downward. Lucien suckled again, another kiss against the side of his shaft. Melodie's muzzle joined him there, suckling at Aiden's sheath even as it began to swell with the renewed arousal of the malehood half-concealed within.

Aiden stared with rapt, slack-jawed attention, his tongue lolling out, panting slowly, as Melodie stroked at the very base of his sheath, pulling it back to reveal more of his thickening shaft for her to kiss. Lucien worked at his tip, alternating between lapping with his tongue and giving long, luxurious kisses. Every beat of Aiden's heart throbbed through his member, stiffening it again beneath their relentless ministrations, coaxing tongues of flame from the embers in his belly. He moaned breathlessly as he watched them, letting his hips flex and relax, pressing down on their heads occasionally so they knew he wanted them to continue.

Finally, he was fully erect again, harder, possibly, than he had ever been before, his forefeet curling at his chest in patient anticipation while his tailtip flicked back and forth with excitement. The two of them held his member by the base, pointing it straight up with their claws so that they could kiss and suckle at either side of it. They worked their way slowly up the shaft until they met at his tip, sharing a heated kiss around it that drew forth a dribble of hot, thick pre. Aiden moaned again, smiling faintly, reaching down and pressing around the base of his member with his own claws, squeezing at it as he watched the pair of them begin to kiss and grope and fondle each other around his tip. He rocked his hips, drawing moans from both of them. Lucien caught his gaze with a soft, throaty laugh, glancing briefly up at him only to wink and give his shaft a meaningful squeeze before moving his claws to Melodie's chin and returning to making out with her.

The drake's confidence worked at Aiden's mind, poking at it with needling claws, and desire sparked where perhaps should have been jealousy. A possessiveness flared to life deep in Aiden's chest that encompassed both his lover and her attendant rather than just one or the other. Power surged through his muscles, fuelled by a sudden burst of sordid inspiration, and he lunged, rolling forward onto his feet and shoving both Melodie and Lucien down onto the bed in one smooth motion. A lusty growl ripped from his throat as his hips thrust at the empty air. Excitement tightened in his gut, leaving him pleasantly, thrillingly breathless at how easily his claws pinned each of them down. Melodie merely blushed and squirmed, but Lucien moaned and shuddered and gasped, surprised enough by the sudden dominance that his air of confidence and control finally fell away.

Aiden's teeth found Lucien's throat, giving a meaningful squeeze before he moved to growl a low order into the drake's ear.


Satisfied that he would be obeyed, Aiden lifted his hold from Lucien, grabbed Melodie by the hips, and pulled her around. When he had her beneath him, belly-up and utterly at his mercy, she stared up at him with a quiet whimper, giving him submissive doe-eyes and wiggling her haunches. He stood over her, claws planted firmly at either side of her head, lust dribbling onto her belly from his pulsing tip, and revelled in the quick, excited pace of her breath, in the thrilled whine edging each exhalation with a hint of her voice. In the way she lay beneath him, willful, tenacious, independent, confident, powerful, strong_,_ and yet utterly, completely, and willingly his.

With another growl of lust, he sat on the base of her tail to pin her in place, freeing up his claws to grab Lucien by the haunches and drag the smaller drake into position between them.

"You want her so badly?"

Lucien gasped and whimpered in delight as Aiden bent over his back, pressed him down onto Melodie's chest, and bit sharply at his ear.

"Fuck her then," he rumbled through a wicked grin, lifting just enough weight off of Lucien's back and haunches to let him maneuver and hump. Melodie panted beneath them, eyes hazy with excitement and already-scarlet cheeks glowing bright crimson with heat. She squirmed as much as she could, rocking her hips, trying to help guide Lucien's member in. A long, pleased sigh rattled through her teeth as Lucien grunted, his questing member finding purchase and entry at last. Aiden bucked his hips in excitement, placing both forefeet on Lucien's shoulders and shoving down hard. Both of them moaned beneath him. The sound stoked at the growing flames within him, and a low, steamy laugh escaped his chest.

"Now kiss," he commanded, and they obeyed, kissing deep and long, working jaws and tongues in an ever-quickening rhythm. A wicked thrill shuddered through Aiden's body at the sight, devious and deliciously foreign. But that sordid inspiration pressed, having solidified into desire, and that wicked, voyeuristic thrill suddenly wasn't nearly enough. He knew what he wanted, and he knew how he wanted to get it. Another shudder raced through him, riding the wings of a deep, rumbling growl.

He drew up, dragging his palms back along Lucien's spine and rocking his hips forward, wings mantling as he ground his hardness against Lucien's gyrating hindquarters. Lucien's whole body jerked, back arching in response to the touch, but neither he nor Melodie broke the kiss. Another growl trickled aimlessly from Aiden's mouth, mindless and unheeded, as his claws gripped the smaller drake's haunches and held them still, squeezing them, kneading at those supple, supple scales and the firm, rippling muscle beneath. Lucien moaned again, while Melodie redoubled the movement of her own hips, driving herself onto his length with a raw, panting laugh. He lifted his tail, and Aiden took it in his teeth, delighting in the submissive tremor that passed through the drake beneath him as he gave it a firm tug.

His member prodded at Lucien's entrance, and he bent over slightly, just enough to wrap his foreclaws around Lucien's waist and tug him back into his short, exploratory thrusts. He slipped in more easily than he had expected, heaving a sharp grunt from his chest as tight, shuddering heat squeezed around his tip. Growling at the pleasure, he jerked his hips forward in search of more depth, once, twice, thrice. On the fourth try, he found it, lining up just right to sink half his length into Lucien's squeezing depths.

Aiden snarled, but Lucien mewled, breaking away from Melodie's muzzle halfway through the sound and shuddering violently with pleasure. His hips spasmed and bucked, pulling him forward and away only briefly before slamming back and spearing himself further onto Aiden's member. Aiden snarled again and fell forward in bliss, hips settling choppily into their own lusty rhythm as he pinned Lucien to Melodie's chest, worrying at the nape of his neck, growling and shuddering with possessive desire. Each push found new depths, and each withdrawal pulled deliciously at his barbs and ridges, those depths reluctant to release their hold and yet ultimately powerless to stop him from doing whatever he wanted.

Lucien jerked and bucked erratically beneath him, mewling out his helplessness, each undulating movement sending tantalizing waves of tightness rippling up and down Aiden's member. Melodie moaned and huffed beneath them both, claws scrabbling at both of their flanks in a vain quest for purchase or leverage. Her tail thrashed, aimless and wild, before finding Aiden's tail and twining with it. Lucien tensed continually around Aiden's pistoning length, hot and tight and deep, and yelped as Aiden's bulging knot began to slap him in the ass with every thrust.

"Please," he begged, breathless, hardly able to form words amid his mewling cries, "Oh please, my prince! oh please, oh yes, oh please..."

The cries goaded the fire in Aiden's belly into a tingling, electric inferno, searing away any restraint he might have had. He thrust harder, faster, biting Lucien's neck, pinning his wings to the bed with his claws, and pressing his shoulders down with all of his weight. Melodie gave a sharp cry with Aiden's every thrust as Lucien gave up any semblance of control and let Aiden's hips drive his shaft into her and draw him back again, and again, and again.

Need surged through Aiden, ancient and primal and deep. A need for depth, for release, for the raging torrent building in his nethers and tingling through his thighs and pulsing at his core with every rapid beat of his heart to be spilled as deeply as possible into the drake beneath him.

The muscular ring of Lucien's entrance thrilled and infuriated him, refusing to let his engorged knot pass but stretching just far enough to tease him with the possibility, goading him on with the promise of its embrace. Closer, closer, further with each thrust, he snarled at the building ache in his limbs, at the looming exhaustion that threatened to cut his pleasure short, at the pleasure that threatened to burst free and spill forth before he could achieve his goal. Melodie let out a cry closer to a roar, shuddering and spasming in the throes of her peak, far away and distant, barely existing at all as all the world, all the universe, shrank down to only Aiden and the drake he sought to claim as utterly as possible.

Deeper, deeper, closer, closer ever closer, impossibly close, unbelievably close, infuriatingly close, and yet still that final fraction of depth eluded him! Still the turning point where his knot would be drawn in and locked there remained just out of reach. His teeth found one of Lucien's horns and yanked it back as his hips gave a particularly powerful, desperate thrust, and another, and another. Lucien moaned and whimpered and shouted in helpless bliss, unable to do anything at all but endure the relentless hammering. Aiden felt the surge travel through Lucien's body as his thrusts tipped the smaller drake over the edge, felt the climax tremble through him, tightening around his own member as masculine bliss flooded through Lucien's nethers and deep into Melodie beneath. The tightness was too much already, but the sound of her redoubled cries mingling with those of the helpless drake spending himself inside of her was too much layered upon too much.

With a mighty roar, Aiden gave one great, final heave of his hips, and finally, finally, that last barrier gave, and he sank blessedly, euphorically deep into that impossible tightness. Lucien's cries trailed into whimpers that were carried away and drowned out as Aiden released the floodgates with another mighty roar, his blood thundering and his heart singing in his ears with a victorious song of ecstatic domination. The torrent of heat and lust and ecstasy dragged at his veins as it flowed free, a roaring turbulence that scoured him clean of all he had left to give. His hips bucked feebly in an attempt to prolong his climax, his swinging balls meeting Lucien's with pleasantly buzzing slaps, but strength fled him as his peak faded, leaving him empty and drained and adrift upon a hazy sea of pleasure.

Distantly, he heard Melodie panting and Lucien whimpering. The latter squirmed feebly, as if overfull. The movement was too much for Aiden's oversensitive member, buried so deep and still leaking errant, straggling jets of seed, but a firm bite around the top of Lucien's neck stilled the squirming drake. Aiden's weight settling fully down atop his back sealed the stillness further. At the bottom of the pile, Melodie sighed a deep, satisfied sigh.

Her claws caressed the side of Aiden's face, but he was too exhausted to react. At some point, his eyes had closed, and he hadn't even realized. He left them closed, more than content to lay sightless atop the prison that trapped his throbbing member in the vice of its tight, hot grip. Melodie managed something like a laugh, hoarse and breathless though it was.

"Rest up, my prince," she whispered, stroking gently behind his ear, "because later, I'm going to want you to do to me what you did to him."

That sounded like an excellent plan, Aiden agreed, or tried to. As it was, he scarcely managed to make any sound at all before exhaustion stole his consciousness away and dumped him off into a deep and satisfied sleep.

Different Tastes - A Hot Lunch

This story is the fourth part in an ongoing series, and the second part featuring these particular characters. While it isn't necessary to read the preceding parts to understand what's going on, it might be helpful to have some context. You can read...

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Different Tastes - Firsts

Milo stirred reluctantly from warm and carnal dreams, trying with all of his might to cling to the sounds and sensations that were already slipping from his grasp. They fled anyway, of course, as they always did. The drake relinquished his hold on them...

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Part 2 - Seconds

_This is the second part of a longer series of stories. To understand this one, it would probably be helpful to read [the first part]( _ _After an incredible night, Asher wakes up slightly before Kiell, who treats...

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