The Game

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This is a story about Mageraz - an unusual, maned grey dragon found by a group of plain old scaled dragons after a cataclysm that left them alone as the last six plus one dragons around. Mageraz was promptly adopted by the group and apprenticed to Makor, the group's noble-blooded life-aspected magic user turned party herbalist, who it turns out is pretty randy and perverted at times, and likes to play a "game" where Mageraz is female.

The backstory is not necessary. The smut is pretty pervasive. This started out about a year ago as a brief what-if for my partner who owns Mageraz, which was then elevated to something a little longer, haha. Due to life circumstances getting in the way, it's taken a while to actually get around to finishing it - but here we are, now!

Themes of the story mostly revolve around Mageraz being steered towards seducing the older lorekeeper dragon of the party, who is very well-endowed, while playing their "game" where Mageraz is female (and being slowly influenced both mentally and chemically/magically to actually be so). So, I suppose the themes revolve around deception - but, given how invested Makor is in the scenario, who can say for sure how long it will stay a "game" ...

Mageraz stepped over the roots of the large tree that partially covered the cavern Hazeru had claimed as his own. Rykol with his magic had helped shape and adjust the cavern until it was something a little more homely and liveable, which was particularly important for the blue dragon with the collection of books he had stashed. When the day came that it was time to take them back to their true home, Mageraz imagined it would be quite the ordeal for the old dragon.

At least, Mageraz would have imagined that if the grey dragon hadn't been so preoccupied with other thoughts.

The taste of bitter leaves still clung to the grey dragon's tongue, reminding Mageraz of Makor's strict dietary additions.

Make sure to chew these leaves morning and night, he had pointedly instructed. You've been living in the wilds for years. We need to get your body acclimatised to a more draconic diet.

Mageraz wasn't unused to it. Makor had been feeding the grey dragon things for months, now. Berries that helped the wild dragon's body fight off infections that could be spread between dragons - not an issue for someone who'd lived alone their whole life. Tinctures that helped with vitamin deficiencies the grey dragon 'clearly' exhibited signs of. Roots that were good for scale shine that all dragons should eat.

Then of course there were the ones that Makor gave Mageraz only in private. Brall had some private medicine, too, being so physically young - but Mageraz didn't know about what he was taking. Makor called it 'confidentiality'. Just as he didn't disclose the leaves that Mageraz could still taste.

Those were just for Mageraz, to help the grey dragon with assisting the other dragons. Mageraz could still remember the first time that Makor had supplied them.

* * * * *

"Come now, if you wish to better play along, then chew these."

_ "Chew these?" Mageraz had asked._

_ Makor had nodded, holding the blue-green, broad leaves out to the grey dragon. Mageraz sniffed at them._

_ "They're bitter, but they'll help your body adjust to its role."_

_ "The... female role?"_

_ "That's right."_

_ Mageraz shuffled from side to side nervously._

_ "Do I have to?"_

_ "Do you enjoy our game, hmm?" he had asked. Mageraz just nodded, heart thumping slowly. The grey dragon had looked at the black and white herbalist, then gingerly inched forward to start chewing on the leaves. Makor nodded and padded around Mageraz. "That's it. Just chew."_

_ "Whah wih ih do?" Mageraz had asked as Makor's snout snuffled under the grey dragon's tail, giving it a deliberate lift. Mageraz writhed as the other dragon's snout gave one slow, soft puff of warm air against the now-chewing dragon's slit._

_ "There's not much sense boring you with the details, Mageraz," Makor said. He let his broad, wet tongue spill out to lick against Mageraz' slit, making the grey dragon gasp. "All you need know is that you'll be even more perfectly suited to help out. Doesn't that sound good?" Slrp. Schlrp. _

_ Mageraz had nearly choked on the leaves from inhaling so sharply as Makor's tongue went downwards. The grey dragon nodded quickly._

_ "Good," Makor's voice came. "Now, I'm starting to unsheathe," he prompted._

_ Mageraz' tail twitched. The grey dragon knew what that meant. Nervously, Mageraz took a step away._

_ "D-do... Can I take care of it?" Mageraz asked._

_ Makor gave a low, reprimanding growl, one that was somewhat playful yet still signalled that Mageraz had made a mistake. The grey dragon had bitten into the bitter leaves a little more, sucking on the distasteful fluids that coated each tastebud._

_ "You don't stop a dragon from taking his fill of you, Mageraz," Makor had reminded. Mageraz swallowed and stepped back again, rubbing slit against Makor's snout. The black and white dragon almost purred at that, his teeth bumping against the grey dragon's cleft as his tongue slurped once more for good measure. "Good girl," Makor had praised. "Coming along nicely..." Then he'd drawn back and stalked around to Mageraz' front. He'd sat down, then looked down expectantly._

_ Mageraz had seen that proud, fat, ridged length bobbing between his hindlegs._

_ "Now no talking with your mouth full."_

_ Mageraz had sheepishly complied._

* * * * *

Since that day, Mageraz had chewed on the leaves every day both morning and night. Slowly, sessions with Makor became more flavourful, with the herbalist's seed tasting both bad and yet so satisfying to splutter on. Mageraz suspected that the leaves had something to do with it, but whenever the grey dragon had asked, Makor had simply made a hushing noise. Never you mind, he would insist, and that would be that. Mageraz... trusted Makor. At least, enough to believe that he didn't have anything bad in mind for the grey dragon. So though he refused to elaborate on what the leaves were doing, Mageraz kept chewing them. And slowly, little by little, he tasted somehow richer to Mageraz' tongue.

Makor insisted that Mageraz smelled healthier each day, too, but the grey dragon suspected that it was actually arousing. It was a word Mageraz had learned Makor felt strongly towards Mageraz. A word Mageraz recognised because every day, Makor would unsheathe, and every day Mageraz would help it go back down.

The longing, aching moans of Makor as he pushed his knot against Mageraz' ass and promised to push in, to knot Mageraz as soon as the grey dragon asked - they still rang in Mageraz' head as the slightly blushing dragon slipped into Hazeru's cave. The look of absolute lust that clung to Makor's snout when his knot bloated against Mageraz' lips and his spaded crown throbbed while it erupted gouts of thick, draconic spunk spun behind the grey dragon's eyes.

Mageraz remembered the first time that Makor's words had stolen the grey dragon's breath away and Mageraz had asked. Makor had pushed his knot inside with painful effort, and before Mageraz could plead for him to pull it back out it had already doubled in size.

Mageraz had been locked to Makor's groin for nearly two hours before the dragon's knot had come down enough for them to separate. Two hours of slow, heavenly-painful throbbing and a steady inflow of spunk. Mageraz had vowed never to ask Makor to do it again.

It had taken less than two weeks to make a liar of Mageraz.

Still, it was infrequent, with Makor rarely pushing Mageraz to ask and even having denied the grey dragon on the few occasions Mageraz had asked unprompted. Makor still hadn't explained why, but the grey dragon gathered that it had something to do with social customs. Important enough that in four months, Mageraz had felt the stretch of a draconic knot twice since that first time.

Yet tonight, stepping over clusters of rocks that had been neatly stacked to reduce dust, Mageraz wondered if it would be the third. The grey dragon's slit felt tingly just thinking about it.

* * * * *

"Seduce Hazeru?" Mageraz had asked. Makor had nodded, rubbing up against the grey dragon.

_ "Yes. He might be old, but he's very much a horn dog. Hasn't felt a female's touch in far too long. Consider it a true test of what you've learned."_

_ "Isn't it a little dishonest?" Mageraz had asked nervously. Makor had laughed and licked the grey dragon's snout._

_ "Of course! Do you want him?" he asked._

_ Mageraz' tail lashed back and forth in thought for a moment. Then the grey dragon's head tilted a little._

_ "He's really nice."_

_ "And that is not an answer," Makor said. "But what did I tell you about what a dragon wants?"_

_ "...To feel wanted," Mageraz answered._

_ "Good girl," Makor rumbled, giving another lick. "If I ask you if my cock tastes good?"_

_ "It tastes so good," Mageraz answered, looking away with a blush. Then, "I need more..."_

_ "Yes, yes you do," Makor said. "Open."_

_ Mageraz glanced back to see the black and white dragon offering a leaf covered in some paste made with blue-violet berries. The ones that tasted sickeningly sweet and made Mageraz need to pee. Makor insisted that it was important Mageraz eat it every other day, though, so Mageraz did. As the grey dragon began to chew, Makor pressed a paw on Mageraz' head and gently pushed._

_ Mageraz complied, head sinking down to come to rest between Makor's hind legs._

_ "When you start helping everyone, as much as you enjoy their company - well, except Terzhil."_

_ "Ecthept Terthil," Mageraz grumbled, nuzzling Makor's slit while chewing on the berry paste._

_ "But you'll be a good girl and raise tail for him, won't you?" Makor asked. Mageraz grumbled. " Won't you?" Makor prompted firmly. Mageraz swallowed._

_ "...Yes," the grey dragon acquiesced, giving Makor's slit a gentle lick._

_ "Gooood girl," Makor had praised, sounding genuinely happy. His tip began to peek and bump against Mageraz' face. "As much as you enjoy their company, they can't all be your favourite. But you still tell them they are. It's dishonest, but it's okay because everyone knows. It's... like storybooks. You know they're not true, but they make you happy anyway."_

_ Mageraz nodded._

_ "So what are you going to do?" Makor had asked, popping the tip of his cock into Mageraz' mouth._

* * * * *

_ _ "Seduce Hazeru," Mageraz whispered, creeping in until the cave walls gave way from natural contours to something more deliberately made. Until the cavern began to look more like a study, or a classroom. Stone alcoves housed dozens of books, and in the back of the 'cave' was an upraised slab of stone that Hazeru sat before, poring over some text or other.

The grey dragon stepped inside, feeling immediately struck by how... male it smelled inside. It was a heady, cloying scent, and one that made the grey dragon's knees feel a little weak.

Mageraz still hadn't seen Hazeru unsheathe. In the months they'd been together, the grey dragon had only heard from Brall that he was 'quite sizeable'. Mageraz didn't know how Makor stacked up but, if Hazeru was even half the size of Makor... Mageraz could already imagine the squeals that would surely, helplessly fill the cave with those older, blue hips bearing down against Mageraz' upturned rump.

Hazeru probably had a really hot orgasm face. Teeth bared, tail bent forwards between his hindlegs, trying desperately in that primal way to force his swelling knot against Mageraz' body as his cumslit began thickening over and over as it delivered his gooey, hot load right into--

"Mageraz!" Hazeru spoke up. "You are somewhat earlier than expected. Why, nearly an hour, in fact! I had cleared aside this afternoon for your lesson," the blue dragon explained. "Is everything alright?"

Mageraz snapped to attention, blinking like a stunned hare. Hazeru looked on inquisitively for several moments before Mageraz shook free of the reverie and remembered to smile. Slinking in - light steps, sway your hips and not just your tail, keep your head low but stay looking at him - the grey dragon gave a little gesture of agreement.

"Maybe a little," Mageraz said, voice gentle and soft. The grey dragon remembered Makor helping Mageraz master that soft-spoken style.

Hazeru rose to all fours, then sauntered around from the desk. Mageraz tried not to peek between his hinds.

"What is burdening your thoughts, my dear?" he asked. Mageraz' tail swayed a little to and fro. What was it Makor had suggested?

"Terzhil said that I smell bad," Mageraz said, trying to sound glum. Terzhil hadn't actually said that, but it was just the sort of thing he would say. "And it made me feel a little bad. Makor saw me and said I should do something to take my mind off it, so... are you busy? I can leave," Mageraz offered.

* * * * *

_ "He won't turn you down," Makor had rumbled, forepaws pressed against Mageraz' upturned rump. Mageraz's snout had been buried beneath both paws, the grey dragon trying not to squeal. Between every other word, Makor was using his tongue to wetly, slowly slurp around Mageraz' slit, and it was driving the grey dragon wild. "Hazeru's a--" schlp"--bleeding heart. Mmph, those roots are doing wonders back here... Remember how uselessly big you used to be?"_

Mageraz' hindlegs trembled, and the grey dragon tried to stay standing. As if to punctuate his words, Makor had lifted one claw to Mageraz' slit and slowly tugged on the side of it, spreading the grey dragon open.

With the paw pulling the soft, plush flesh aside - the black, soft maleslit having engorged and taken on an almost puffy, faintly pinkish tone over the past month - two digits slowly sank inside. It only took a moment before Mageraz' entire body had locked up, every muscle tensing at once as a sharp "Ghh!" escaped from the grey muzzle.

"Look at you..." the black and white dragon breathed, letting his tongue play along the side of Mageraz' slit, breath wafting over the tender flesh as claws slowly danced over the faint, nubby protrusions. "Mhh... Good, I can barely even smell the salt anymore... Ah-- Mageraz, my paw is wet. Did you just finish?" he probed, an arched eyeridge underlining the not-quite-question. The amount of slime that had coated Makor's paw was testament enough. "Good girl... Your productivity has certainly gone up." His digits continued to massage and pump the bloated, swollen bumps that lined the inside of Mageraz' sensitive, inner walls.

"So nice and soft," Makor continued, crooning. "Feels just like when I used to pump you off, doesn't it? It's barely even visible anymore... Nothing more than a nice texture for my ridges to grind and rake against. You've come so far, my sweet female. You prefer it looking like this, don't you?"

The grey dragon had shivered at his words alone. Mageraz wanted to protest, truly... but the touches were far too hard to argue with. Mageraz had never felt better. Each caress was like electric fire, digging raw, undiluted jolts of bliss through the younger dragon's spine. The protest died as soon as it started, and instead a groan had sung out from Mageraz' jaws.

"Yeah... That's what I thought," Makor had delighted. It had taken Mageraz a long, quavering minute to gather enough wits to recall what they had been talking about, and the grey dragon had pressed both paws down tightly in embarrassment. Hiding beneath them was a tiny comfort as both hindlegs trembled.

"Wh-what if he ASKS Terzhil abOUT--"

_ "Paws away, girl," Makor rumbled, giving a tongue-filling kiss to the grey dragon's now-leaking slit. Mageraz shakily thumped both paws down onto the ground. "I told you. A dragoness--" sssschlrp"--is vocal. I don't want--" schlck!"--to ever hear my sweet--" schlp, schlp"--dragoness holding a sound back." A pause. "Clear?" Then, without waiting, Makor's tongue plunged into Mageraz' slit and the grey dragon's muzzle opened wide._

_ "AahHHH!" Mageraz howled loudly. Makor had slurped once more. His tongue filled Mageraz so completely, it was overwhelming. The grey dragon's slit wasn't really meant to take so much! At least, it hadn't been._

_ "Peeeerfect. You taste much sweeter than you did, too. Not so salty - just right. And your noise is so very attractive. It--" schlp... schlp."--announces to the world that you adore what your dragon is doing to you. Terzhil will deny it, but he always does anyway. Hazeru will believe you. Then you can have fun together. Okay?"_

_ "Y-yESs Makor!"_

_ "Good girl."_

* * * * *

"No, no, not at all!" Hazeru interjected. He gestured with his snout. "Come, let us sit together. I hardly can object to the splendid opportunity to pontificate and extoll the wonders of the arcane to an eager pupil for a little longer than anticipated, now can I?" the blue dragon asked. He sniffed a little. Just like Makor had said he would, if Mageraz said Terzhil said that particular thing...

"Thanks, Hazeru," Mageraz said, nostrils flaring as well. Hazeru did smell good. He smelled of salt and of old books, and of something that Mageraz could only categorize as male. Mageraz thought about what to do next. The itch_was there, tingling pleasantly beneath the grey dragon's tail, singing siren songs of what might happen if things really did go how Makor thought they would. Would Hazeru really do _that stuff to Mageraz?

Hazeru gave a faint smile, then padded his way around to a broad stone benchtop. Rykol had probably shaped it, given how flat it was. Mageraz tried not to imagine being sprawled across it, belly-up, with Hazeru's forepaws either side of the grey dragon's neck as he drove his hips down again and again and...

Don't hold anything back, Makor's voice echoed through Mageraz' thoughts. _You are beautiful, sensual, and deserve every ounce of delight. If your thoughts start fantasizing... let them. _ Mageraz remembered the warm, enthusiastic encouragement in Makor's eyes as he whispered those words to the grey dragon.

Mageraz blushed, then stopped trying to fight the fantasy.

Hazeru sat beside the stone slab as the grey dragon imagined them breathlessly, urgently rutting atop it. As the blue dragon moved a book to the stone and gently opened it, Mageraz was imagining his fat, dense knot ramming downwards as Mageraz pleaded with him to do it.

"Over here, my dear," Hazeru said with a quick smile, glancing back at Mageraz. The grey dragon jolted, then stood up and moved across to him. There was a little wet patch left behind where Mageraz had been sitting.

"Right," Mageraz said, easing down beside the blue dragon. Sniff, sniff, went Hazeru. Mageraz didn't bother to suppress a smile. "So what's first?"

"My, you seem cheery for someone who was just besmirched by that gold-scaled scoundrel," Hazeru said, eyeridges rising. He lifted a paw and tapped at the top of one of the pages. "Here. We'll begin with some geography."

"Well, I get to sit beside my favourite dragon," Mageraz said with a smile. Gently then, the grey dragon's tail brushed against the side of Hazeru's. The older, bespectacled drake sat a little straighter, surprise on his snout and the hint of embarrassment in his posture. Sniff, sniff.

"Well, I--er," he began.

Mageraz couldn't help but blink. Hazeru? Lost for words?

The grey dragon giggled slightly. That was something that Mageraz had thought impossible. Hazeru looked at the younger dragon, then cleared his throat. That male scent was slowly growing in Mageraz' nostrils. Makor would be proud.

_ _ "I am pleased that you are appreciative of my company," Hazeru said after a long moment. Mageraz pretended to look at the book. While the grey dragon knew that learning this was important and would have to be done eventually... right now, the potential for what might happen next was just too exciting to focus on it.

With a flash of inspiration, Mageraz understood exactly what words needed to come next. Which words were meant to drive the nail home and really change the dynamic they had.

"Am I your favourite?" Mageraz began. Then, "Hazzy?"

* * * * *

"It's a pet name Brall uses," Makor had growled into Mageraz' ear between panted, heavy breaths. Mageraz had nodded, eyes wide, moaning loudly as Makor's fat, squishy cocktip sank into the grey dragon's slit. "Oohh you feel so good , Mageraz," he had hissed. "Your slit is coming along so - rrh - wonderfully!"

_ "I l-love your cock M- Makor!" Mageraz had answered, claws digging into the dirt as the grey dragon pushed back. Dragon-style, Makor had called this. When the female was on all fours, and the male was breeding her from behind._

_ "Yes you dooo," Makor had groaned, dragging his tongue up Mageraz' neck. He had pulled his cock back, ridges raking along Mageraz' walls and leaving the grey dragon squealing. Mageraz knew better than to try and keep quiet. Loud was good. Makor loved it when Mageraz squealed for him. He wedged his shaft back inside, pushing as much of it as he could into the grey dragon's front._

_ While it had been impossible for the first few weeks, Makor's regular ministrations had been working magic on the grey dragon's equipment. Mageraz' own shaft didn't ever come out, anymore, and Makor was able to fit that much more of himself inside. And when he did - oh, when he did... _

_ _ The plump maleness that Mageraz had possessed at first, larger even than Makor's, had slowly receded and retreated to the grey dragon's slit - until now it was but a sensitive lining of ridging along the top of Mageraz' insides. It still swelled a little, engorging and growing more sensitive, but that just made Mageraz moan yet more loudly when Makor pushed what he could inside - or played with the grey dragon's slit with his claws. When Mageraz finished, it tended to just ooze out from beneath the younger dragon's tail rather than spurting in jets like it used to. The sweetness had only continued to build, replacing the bitterness that Makor had once commented on... It was embarrassing, but Mageraz couldn't hide how good it felt from the herbalist.

"Call him that... at the right time... and he'll be putty in--nnh--in your paws."

_ Mageraz had only been able to nod quickly, trying to relax as Makor lurched his hips forwards and skewered inch after inch of fat, greasy shaft into the grey dragon's vent. Mageraz had seen stars, back arching and plated underbelly bulging around the black and white dragon's cock._

_ "Yes! Yes!" Mageraz had shouted._

_ "Just like when I call you-- mmph!"_

_ Mageraz had squeezed around the herbalist's cock, tongue hanging out as waves of pleasure wracked every muscle._

_ "C-call me--?" Mageraz stammered. Makor's knot squashed against Mageraz' front and the grey dragon whimpered with need._

_ " Good girl," he had hissed, biting Mageraz' neck._

* * * * *

_ _ Hazeru blinked at Mageraz several times, seemingly paralysed. Mageraz looked back at Hazeru expectantly. The grey dragon could almost hear what Makor would have said - don't look like you expect him to say yes. And Mageraz didn't. The grey dragon just sat there, waiting to see what he would say... while subtly brushing tails.

"I--that is to say, I... am quite fond of you," he finally settled on. Mageraz smiled, then did the thing that Makor said was a sign of genuine affection between any dragon and her suitor.

Mageraz leaned a little in, then licked Hazeru's cheek.

The effect was shockingly immediate.

Hazeru spluttered slightly and was suddenly fighting with a bemused and helpless smile, trying to maintain some semblance of composure while wrapping his mind around the simple act that had just occurred. Sniff, sniff.

Mageraz peeked downwards and saw a distinctly plump, dark nub starting to squeeze out into the open from between Hazeru's hindlegs. The grey dragon looked away, heart suddenly beating faster.

No, no, Mageraz thought. Don't slow down now.

"Oh!" Mageraz said, looking down again. "Um, Hazzy? Are you okay? There's--there's something between your legs!"

Mageraz's chest dropped down as the grey dragon feigned surprise, looking between Hazeru's hinds. The blue dragon's shock was profound and potent, but his paralysis was stronger. He didn't move as Mageraz made a show of peering at his peeking dick. It looked so similar to Makor's, yet so different. It was spinier around the crown, and looked noticeably thicker! Mageraz' chest fluttered in excitement.

"Mageraz!" Hazeru finally managed, inching backwards a step.

Mageraz looked up at Hazeru, deliberately not sitting back up. There were only inches between Mageraz' snout and Hazeru's tip.

"Hazeru?" Mageraz asked.

"Yes - my genitals!" Hazeru declared, eyes wide and full of embarrassment. Mageraz' tail flicked, and the grey dragon suppressed a smile.

"...Your what?"

Hazeru bristled in confusion.

"My--what?" he asked. "How could you not know that?"

Hazeru's snout scrunched up in confusion for several moments as he processed the words and their meaning. Then, like the gradual peek of the sun over mountains, comprehension dawned. Sniff, sniff. Hazeru's nostrils flared. His eyes narrowed, then widened far more than Mageraz ever recalled seeing.

"Runes and etchings," he muttered. "Mageraz?"

Suddenly, Hazeru was on his feet, his slowly unsheathing erection sidelined in importance as Mageraz became the object of investigation. The blue dragon stalked right up to Mageraz and shoved his snout in against the grey dragon's side, taking a deep and loud snuffle of air. Sniff-sniff-sniff!

It was almost primal and wild in the way he did it, yet Mageraz didn't pull away. Hazeru sniffed over Mageraz' side, then nudged his snout down to the grey dragon's flank, then brazenly pressed it to the base of Mageraz' tail. The grey dragon yelped, pretending to be nervous. It was only half-pretend, really.

"Mageraz, are you--" sniff, sniff! "--a girl?"

Mageraz felt a simultaneous thrill of adrenaline, and a nervous pang of guilt. Hazeru... actually thought it. The grey dragon wasn't as certain about deceiving the lorekeeper, but Mageraz couldn't deny the wonderful, bubbly tingles it sent into every limb. Makor's knowing, encouraging face appeared in the grey dragon's mind, soothing away those anxieties. Mageraz was doing very well.

"A... what?"

Hazeru stopped and sat behind the grey dragon, dumbfounded.

"A... Mageraz - do you not know what the difference between a male dragon and a female dragon is?"

Mageraz looked back over one shoulder at Hazeru, then gave a little head-shake.

"Is... it to do with that?" Mageraz asked, looking at the half-hard spire pulsing ever so slowly between Hazeru's legs. It was, slowly, starting to recede again. Mageraz bristled a tiny bit.

"Yes of c--yes, yes it is," Hazeru said. He drew in a deep, slow breath. Throb. Mageraz tried not to smile. "Oh dear. Oh dear. This is most unexpected."

Mageraz waited, quietly. Waiting for the right moment to interject as Hazeru's thoughts raced.

"This changes quite a bit! Runes and etchings, we've been neglecting so many needs you surely have! I'll need to reprimand Terzhil properly, and Makor will need to be notified so that he can fetch the proper--"

Hazeru began rattling off a whole list of things that would need to be adjusted to accommodate this newfound 'discovery'. Mageraz blinked, stomach tight as he spoke. Again returned that pang of guilt - Hazeru seemed to be talking about a lot_of things that would need to adjust, and seemed actually irritated at some of the others for 'misidentifying' Mageraz as a male. What would happen when he discovered that Mageraz was, in fact, _not actually a female dragon? Makor did intend to tell him eventually... right?

"--how in the world did we not notice before?"

Mageraz' tail flicked. The conversation was getting away, and the grey dragon needed to finesse back the advantage. Swallowing heavily, Mageraz eased a question in.

"Why _did_you notice now...?" Mageraz asked, innocently as the grey dragon could manage.

"Because you smell like you're going into heat," Hazeru said offhandedly, as if answering a brief distraction. "Rykol will need to start setting up a--runes and etchings you're going into heat!" he yelped.

"Heat...?" Mageraz asked, belly fluttering. The grey dragon honestly wasn't sure what that meant, but Makor had said that if the old dragon mentioned anything about the temperature, Mageraz should jump on it.

* * * * *

"Temperature?" Mageraz had asked, making a face. The grey dragon had been laying there on one side, trying to drink down a bitter brew Makor had made. It tasted awful, but Makor insisted that every drop had to be drunk.

_ "Mmhm," Makor had rumbled, sitting on Mageraz' hindleg. The grey dragon's other one had been lifted high up in the air, the bone-faced dragon gingerly inspecting Mageraz' rump. He was rock-hard, his plump and ridged arousal aimed right at the grey dragon's slit. He wasn't using it, though, and Mageraz wasn't sure if he would._

_ Mageraz had been told not to ask._

_ Makor would decide if he wanted to fill Mageraz or not, and the grey dragon would enjoy it either way._

_ "If he mentions temperature - feeling warm, or hot, or heated - call him out on it. Ask him if you can do anything to help. Make sure you lift your tail just enough that he gets a little sight of this wonderful slit you have here, Mageraz," Makor had rumbled, using one paw to rub at the grey dragon's vent._

_ Mageraz had whined gently, squirming and trying not to spill the bowl._

_ "That's it. Keep drinking. Your body is coming along so very well, you know. You look so much... better than before."_

_ "More h-healthy?" Mageraz had groaned._

_ "More fuckable ," Makor had whispered, inching his hips forwards until his plump crown kissed Mageraz' vent. The grey dragon had only been able to stare down at that touch, knowing that Makor only had to push forwards a little more... and then they would be mating again. It was entirely in Makor's paws._

_ Mageraz felt giddy being held by him._

_ "Your malehood has taken remarkably well to the motherbloom. If we give you enough of it, who knows, the effects might even become indefinite. I can hardly feel it inside you anymore," Makor crooned, his shaft pulsing slowly._

_ "Motherbloom?" Mageraz asked, sipping at the liquid. The grey dragon tried to relax. _

_ "The sweet one you said you liked the flavour of," Makor had rumbled absently. "I had hoped that it would keep you from swelling... but your malehood seems to be little more than a series of bumps along the top of your slit, now, Mageraz," he said. Mageraz' belly fluttered, and the grey dragon looked back at him for a moment. Makor smiled. "That's a good thing," he had assured Mageraz. "Most females have one little pleasure button at the top of their slits... you've got the equivalent of five or six along the inside of your vent. They still swell with your arousal, hmm. The frontmost one," he had crooned, lowering a claw and squelching it into the grey dragon's slit, "is what is left of your crown. A natural female would urinate from a little further back... but I doubt that's of much concern."_

Makor had chuckled lightly, twisting his claw around inside the grey dragon's slit. Mageraz' eyes had widened, and the younger dragon had let out a low, urgent groan. Makor had begun to rub and touch the sensitive bumps along the inside, teasing and tickling them. "The rest were your ridges, my girl. They should all be very sensitive to proper attention. Let me demonstrate," he'd whispered.

_ Then Makor had pushed his shaft inside, and Mageraz had very nearly spilt the bowl. As the herbalist's fat girth stretched out Mageraz' slit, the grey dragon had had to concede - it did feel like a good thing._

* * * * *

_ _ "Yes, heat," Hazeru stammered. "No wonder you smell so intoxicating. Oh dear, the entire group will be able to smell it soon. We'll all be walking around unsheathed and... Mmph," the old dragon cut off.

"Un...sheathed?" Mageraz asked. The grey dragon lifted tail just enough to give Hazeru a glimpse of the slickened cleft beneath Mageraz' tail, passing it off as part of a motion to turn around. Even as Mageraz twisted to come to face the blue dragon again, it was obvious that Hazeru's eyes had been on the gap beneath the grey dragon's tail. "I'm really sorry," Mageraz said. "I'm causing trouble somehow, aren't I?"

Hazeru straightened, then opened his mouth to speak. Mageraz jumped in before he could.

"Tell me how I can help? If being ... unsheathed? is a problem, then how do I make someone not be unsheathed?" Mageraz asked. Hazeru's planned sentence died on his tongue. Mageraz could see his thoughts racing as he sat there, and as his thoughts raced, his maleness began to thicken again. Throb by slow, pendulous throb. Mageraz' own body tingled, and a tickle of sensation flushed through the grey dragon's slit. Where once that might have left Mageraz' starting to slowly throb like Hazeru, now it only left the younger dragon feeling sensitive, and eventually kind of damp inside.

"You... I shall need some time to--" Hazeru hesitantly began, only for Mageraz to step right up to him so that there was hardly any gap at all. The grey dragon gazed down at the plump, dark spire of flesh wavering on the threshold of peeking out altogether.

"Pleaaase?" Mageraz asked. "I'll feel so guilty if I can't help," the grey dragon said, giving him the most watery-eyed look manageable. Mageraz' head hung a little, body drooping overall. Hazeru was breathing heavily, now. Move in for the kill. "Would it help if I rubbed it better?"

Hazeru was deathly silent. Then,

"Well, it's complicated," he croaked.

"So it _might_help?" Mageraz asked. Hazeru gave a shaky exhalation, his eyes closing as his claws dug into the rock.

"It... if you did it correctly, then technically--" Hazeru mumbed as his tailtip set to twitching. The blue dragon swallowed. Mageraz heard it. This, Mageraz knew, was the chance. The grey dragon lifted a forepaw as Hazeru's brow furrowed in thought. His maleness was pulsing slowly, as if indecisive - as if Hazeru were trying to will it to go down. But Makor had given Mageraz a task, and the grey dragon wouldn't be dissuaded.

With a deliberate, careful motion, Mageraz reached out with a forepaw...

...and touched the glossy flesh between Hazeru's hinds.

It felt_warm_. No, it felt hot against Mageraz' paw. Immediately, Hazeru's eyes shot open and he looked down at the grey dragon.

"Mageraz!" he gasped.

But he didn't pull back.

He didn't try to push Mageraz away. He just sat there, staring.

Mageraz looked up at him innocently, paw resting on the topside of his shaft. It was ... fat. It was already thicker than Makor's, by a lot. Mageraz didn't know how to feel about that. Makor's was thicker in the midsection, and a little easier near his tip and just before his knot. What Hazeru was sporting was simply thick_the whole way. The idea of it ending up _inside Mageraz--

Mageraz stopped, hesitating for a moment, almost not daring to entertain the fantasy. Yet then Makor's words of encouragement came back again, and the grey dragon breathed slowly out. With a quiver, Mageraz imagined how much it would ache_to feel Hazeru's shaft pushing urgently inside, stretching the grey dragon's tailhole - or vent, even - out. Imagined the warmth inside, and the way his slime would _drool_from under Mageraz' tail. _Squeeze. Mageraz felt a tingling pseudo-throb that left everything feeling that little hint slimy. Mageraz knew how much Makor liked it when that happened and, truthfully, the grey dragon kind of liked it, too.

In only moments, Mageraz felt warm and flush, and was softly panting while still staring down at that now rapidly hardening spire of flesh.

"Correctly...?" Mageraz prompted, eyes slowly tearing away from his maleness.

They were both frozen. Mageraz could tell - Hazeru was paralysed, not daring to make the next move. The move that Makor had sent Mageraz to provoke. Which meant that Mageraz wasn't succeeding. The grey dragon needed to nudge him just a little more. To work him on his home ground.

"There are ... expectations," Hazeru said, blinking as his shaft thickened and stiffened against Mageraz' paw. "Oh, runes and etchings, Mageraz, what are we going to do with you?" he asked. Mageraz slowly withdrew that paw from his shaft, then brought it up to give it a thoughtful sniff.

"Ohh," Mageraz crooned softly, letting both eyes lid. The grey dragon kept a careful eye on Hazeru through slitted eyelids, carefully pressing that slightly slimy paw closer, really sniffing at it. "...Is it meant to smell like this?" Mageraz asked.

"Like... what, my--my dear?" Hazeru asked. It smelled bad, truthfully - it was salty, and pungent... and yet it made Mageraz' body feel warm, and a little tingle trail along the grey dragon's spine. Somehow, it smelled bad, yet Mageraz wanted more of it. Instead of all that, though, the grey dragon breathed out only a single word in response.


Hazeru sat there, staring at Mageraz with his cock slowly, achingly pulsing_between his hinds. Mageraz could see him thinking - and more importantly, could see his maleness suddenly pulsing and bouncing to full thickness. The wrinkled flesh of his ebony spire was smoothing out as it engorged, each heartbeat making the folds of Hazeru's cock grow to proper, glistening fullness. Mageraz felt a note of _pride well up deep inside. Mageraz could almost _feel_Hazeru's thoughts tumbling into place. His willpower was faltering. His arousal was taking hold, slithering those warm and pleasant thoughts all about, and slowly melting away his reservations.

Then, like a key turning in a latch, something clicked between them. Hazeru drew in a deep, slow breath, a certain tension leaving his body as he accepted the situation.

"...You realise, of course, that this changes everything," Hazeru rumbled, his voice low and slightly breathy. Mageraz opened both eyes and peered back at him, feigning innocence. Then again, in this instance, it wasn't actually 'feigning'.

"Oh?" Mageraz asked. Hazeru stood on all fours, then let out a sigh. He reached up with a forepaw and idly adjusted the glasses that he wore for better sight, balancing on three legs. Then he sauntered up even closer to Mageraz.

"I think we shall have to adjust your lesson for the day. To begin, draconic society has gender divided roles," he said. "And we have been treating you entirely incorrectly. I feel somewhat dreadful, truthfully." He shook his head, then sat himself down in front of the grey dragon, so close that they were nearly snout to snout. Again, that little pang of guilt. Mageraz tried to push it down, for now. "When the guild attacked during the exodus from our cities, we lost most of our group - we six were the only survivors. All male, one would note. After we encountered you, we erroneously identified you as much the same. This is quite the important revelation."

"I see," Mageraz said, head lowering. The grey dragon looked up at Hazeru. He carried himself with more confidence, now. He was slipping back into his home territory - education. "So... I've been doing the wrong things?"

"Quite so," Hazeru said. "But that is hardly your fault - you've never known otherwise. But now that we do, we will need to begin correcting your habits," he explained, clucking his tongue. "Especially with your heat coming on."

"Heat," Mageraz said, nodding, his words reminding the grey dragon. "So, what is that?" Mageraz had almost forgotten to press that line of inquiry! This would probably help with the blue dragon's confidence, too. Hazeru snuffled, his tail flicking as he sat in front of the grey dragon. Then he gestured downwards with a dip of his muzzle.

"Lower yourself again, my dear," he said. Mageraz looked at him curiously. However, that pause left Hazeru smiling faintly, as a parent might to a hatchling. He let out a breath, then nodded his head. "You have expressed an interest in my genitals. That is quite perfectly natural, all things considered. Being female, your hormones will naturally impel you towards the male anatomy. Begin with your paws. Lower yourself, and try touching me, as you suggested."

Mageraz swallowed, looking down at his slow-twitching shaft again. Gradually, the grey dragon sank down into a laying position until Hazeru's shaft was right there.

Up close, Mageraz could truly see how big it was. It was as thick as Mageraz' foreleg, really - Makor's shaft had nothing on it, at all. Nervousness suddenly flared in the grey dragon's belly. It was pointed right at the grey dragon, and every pulse and throb made it twitch a little, the blue dragon's urethra almost glistening before it had even begun to drip. With each throb, it lost some of the wrinkled nature of its flesh as it swelled with blood and became fully glossy and stiff. Mageraz didn't think it could get much harder.

"Okay," Mageraz said, staring at his maleness.

"That's it. Well done," Hazeru rumbled. "Reach out, now."

Hesitantly, Mageraz did just that - lifting and extending a paw and pressing it down on Hazeru's shaft. The blue dragon gave a low rumble.

"Don't press down on it, my dear. You wish to rub it, not squash it to the floor."

Mageraz' tail twitched, and the grey dragon looked up at Hazeru in questioning. The old lorekeeper simply arched his eyeridges, though, and Mageraz took that as a sign to continue. Gingerly, the younger dragon did.

Truthfully, Makor hadn't ever taught Mageraz about this sort of thing. The herbalist was much more interested in using Mageraz' mouth, or the grey dragon's other end. Treating a male's shaft with a paw was something that Mageraz felt legitimately unskilled in, and it left the younger dragon genuinely feeling a little anxious as it happened. Hazeru really was teaching his pupil something new.

Down... and then up. Not too firm, but not too gently, either. Mageraz began to rub and caress the top and side of Hazeru's dick, applying a middling amount of pressure. Each time the grey dragon's paw slid downwards, his cock pulsed in excitement.

"Nnh... Much better," Hazeru crooned. "A male's shaft appreciates stimulation, you see. Pressure, rubbing, squeezing. There are two actions which are the most stimulating of all, however," he explained as Mageraz' paw slid and stroked beneath its plump weight. It felt heavy - much moreso than Makor's. It felt nice to be praised for doing the right thing.

"Two actions?" Mageraz asked, genuinely, gazing upwards at him.

"Mmhm," Hazeru said. "I shall inform you of what they are in due time, my dear. For now, I suggest experimenting with your paw there. You are doing quite well right now."

Mageraz' tail twitched a little, and the grey dragon felt a tingle of pride. The praise was pleasant. Even if Hazeru wasn't part of Mageraz' and Makor's game, that somehow just made it feel_more_.

The grey dragon spent a minute or so just playing with Hazeru's shaft, learning the little things that he seemed to prefer - or not, as the case may be. Mageraz learnt how Hazeru enjoyed having the spot just beneath his thick crown stroked slowly, and how he preferred to feel more pressure along the midsection where it was less sensitive.

After a little while, though, his twitching grew more pronounced, and a clear bead of fluid began to _drip_from his onyx urethra. That made his scent grow even stronger before Mageraz' snout.

"Aah... Perfect," Hazeru rumbled. "Alright, Mageraz. That fluid you can see leaking from my shaft? That is most commonly known as precum. Now, I want you to bring your nose in close, and try smelling me."

Mageraz felt a tingle of embarrassment flush through each nerve.

"Really?" Mageraz asked. This next action wasn't anything the grey dragon hadn't done to Makor before, but somehow even so... Here and now felt different.

"Mmhm," Hazeru rumbled. He lifted a paw, then placed it on Mageraz' head. "Come, my dear. It may seem strange, but I duly attest that you will find it an enlightening experience."

Mageraz swallowed, then placed both forepaws back on the ground again. Instead, the grey dragon inched forwards until Hazeru's shaft was pulsing just an inch away. Purple eyes lifted to behold the blue dragon above. He gave Mageraz a subtle nod.

Slowly, Mageraz inhaled.

The grey dragon's lungs burned. It was strong. If Mageraz had made a show of sniffing at the faint sheen of slime that had rubbed off from Hazeru's shaft, taking an inhalation from the source was something else altogether. Makor didn't smell anywhere near as potent!

It was earthy and thick, and it made Mageraz almost want to cough. The grey dragon's snout scrunched up for a moment as a strange feeling began to pervade each sense. Salty, and pungent, musk mixed with the faintest traces of urine - and yet, Mageraz' body began to feel warm.

"That doesn't smell good," Mageraz complained quietly. Suddenly, the grey dragon tensed up. Makor would dock points for a comment like that. Hazeru, however, seemed unfazed by this. Instead, he chuckled, his paw rubbing the back of Mageraz' head.

"I am unsurprised. How do you feel, though, my dear?" The way he asked made it clear that he was looking for something. Mageraz hesitated... then drew in another long, slow breath. It made everything feel oddly warm.

"...Warm," Mageraz breathed. The grey dragon's breath over Hazeru's dick made it jolt a little.

"Delightful," Hazeru said. "You are feeling this way because the female dragon body is physiologically equipped to enjoy the scent of a male's equipment. It is instinct, you see. In turn, this encourages your body to heighten your own scent, and advertise your... enthusiasm." The blue dragon gave a knowing smile, then made a show of taking a deep sniff. "I can smell you quite clearly, now," he commented.

Mageraz wasn't actually a female, though. The grey dragon's tailtip twitched. It was probably due to one of the concoctions Makor made Mageraz consume.

"Oh," Mageraz breathed.

"Now, the second most pleasurable thing that one can do to a male," Hazeru rumbled. "Try tasting my shaft."

Mageraz' stomach knotted slightly. The grey dragon had been waiting for this. Having it happen made everything feel hot and tingly. Mageraz looked up at Hazeru, words suddenly failing. What was there to even say? Hazeru, however, took the grey dragon's anticipation as hesitation.

"Anxious, my dear? Quite understandable, although we will have to ease you through this. Our group comprises almost entirely nobility or highly affluent practitioners, and when someone of such social status instructs a female of your position, you shall be expected to follow, hmhm. Though fret not - they will be doubtless courting you, not mistreating you, lest they have me to answer to. Now allow me to assist you. Open your mouth, then close your eyes. I shall help you begin. Go on."

Mageraz couldn't object. It was such an easy statement. Makor would approve. Mageraz' eyes slowly closed, and the grey dragon anxiously opened wide with tongue unfurling like a cushion.

Silence followed. Mageraz could feel the warmth radiating off Hazeru. Could hear his claws clack and his scales shift against the stone. Then - felt firm, slimy warmth glide forwards.

Hazeru's cock gingerly eased into Mageraz' mouth, stretching the grey dragon's jaws a little wider. It was so big. It was so heavy. And his taste smeared over the grey dragon's tastebuds, spreading the flavour of musk, salt, and male right throughout Mageraz' thoughts. It was overwhelming.

The grey dragon's tongue reflexively twitched and slurped back inwards, but this just seemed to make the blue dragon's cock jolt in appreciation as it slid against his flesh.

"Easy," Hazeru's voice came. "Slowly. Let your tongue explore, hmm? Your body will know what to do. Now, heat... Have you been feeling strange, lately?" he asked slowly, paw coming to gently encourage Mageraz' mouth further onto his shaft. The grey dragon's tongue hesitantly moved to press against his glistening flesh.

Mageraz gave a muffled "Mmn" of agreement - it wasn't untrue, after all. Slowly, the grey dragon closed began to touch and feel the black shaft's ridging and girth, exchanging saliva for preslime.

"Mmph! That's it, Mageraz. Perhaps you have been needing to relieve yourself more frequently?" Hazeru asked. "Feeling a bothering warmth under your tail, or feeling agitated or distractible?"

Starting to ever so slowly suckle on the blue dragon's shaft... Mageraz remembered Makor's words.

* * * * *

"He's always--nngh--right," Makor had groaned as he drove his hips into Mageraz'. The grey dragon had moaned out, jaws agape and slit squeezing around Makor's dick. He was so big! He used to only fit inside Mageraz' tailhole but, recently, the black and white dragon squeezed his shaft into Mageraz' front more days than he didn't.

_ "A-always right!" Mageraz answered. Makor pulled his hips back, his ridged maleness dragging on Mageraz' slit and making it distend ever so slightly outwards. The grey dragon nearly saw spots, and spread both hindlegs a little wider. The way the underside of Makor's ridged shaft rubbed and ground in a sawing wave against the six nubby bumps that the grey dragon's own shaft had been reduced to was so good , and Mageraz' drooled watery excitement from the last one._

_ "Good girl! Whatever he tells you, you agree," Makor had panted, clutching Mageraz to his chest. They had been doing dragon style, that day, and Makor's cock had been squashed into the grey dragon's slit so deeply that he could rub his knot against Mageraz' front. He hadn't pushed that into Mageraz' slit, but the grey dragon didn't know if he would have been able to, anyway._

_ Makor had been drilling into his pupil that Mageraz was to agree with whatever Hazeru said. No matter what, Hazeru was right, about everything._

_ "If he tells you you're horny?" Makor crooned, grinding his shaft in and out of Mageraz' slit, leaving his spaded crown to tug and threaten the grey dragon's vent. When it dragged against the top of Mageraz' slit, it sent overwhelming waves of sensation through the grey dragon's body, and liquid lust dribbled around Makor's cock._

_ "I'm needy!" Mageraz had panted. Makor had rewarded that answer with a hump that buried almost all of his dick into the grey dragon at once. The slimy, breath-knocking squelch of his breeder schlucking into Mageraz had made the grey dragon's tail spasm._

_ "If he says you want him?" Makor had growled, dragging his tongue up Mageraz' neck. He had been throbbing harder, then, and Mageraz knew that he was getting close. It was still an alien feeling, him being so deep in Mageraz' slit, but it was such a pleasurable feeling now, too._

_ "I want him so much!" Mageraz had answered with a shaky shout. Again, Makor's hips drew back with gooey, draconic preslime oozing from the grey dragon's slit._

_ "Yes you do," Makor had moaned, humping his fat, veined cock all the way inside again until his knot squashed Mageraz' front. Mageraz had been howling to the open air before they even realised it. "If he tells you that you're begging for him?"_

_ "I ask how he knew!" Mageraz had whined, feeling the edge rising up inside. Makor's steady, rhythmic thrusting, pounding Mageraz' hips towards the ground with that overwhelmingly sensitive slit spread wide around his black flesh was driving the grey dragon into a stupor. Just like Makor had wanted._

_ "Gods above, you're fucking hot," Makor had groaned. "You've come so far... No one would even guess you used to have a shaft in here, it's perfect... Isn't it?" He'd ground himself into Mageraz, waiting for a moment as he worked his hips in and out. " Isn't it?"_

"AaaAAH YES!" Mageraz had shouted. The grey dragon had been nervous upon finding out that Makor's ministrations were affecting Mageraz' anatomy, but it felt so good... And like Makor had pointed out, Mageraz hadn't been using it, anyway.

"Nnh... I'm going to cum inside you, Mageraz," the herbalist had panted, his thrusts growing erratic. Sharp. Mageraz had closed both eyes and pushed back against him - inviting him. Begging him without words. Makor cumming was the ultimate praise, he'd taught Mageraz. It meant that Mageraz had done the best job.

_ "I need it, Makor!" Mageraz had moaned, lifting tail and humping eagerly back against him. It ached to have him inside, but it ached so good. Makor had clutched around Mageraz, then bitten hard into the grey dragon's neck as his dick began to spasm and pulse desperately. Mageraz had been all but paralysed as he began erupting thick, custardy gouts of spunk deep into Mageraz' slit, flooding the grey dragon and leaving everything a gooey mess. Mageraz hadn't quite finished, but it had felt so good all the same._

_ When Makor finally had recovered his breath, his teeth letting go of Mageraz' neck, he was pant-growling softly into the grey dragon's ear._

_ "Nngh... Perfect." He had tugged backwards, lifting a hindleg and helping pop his fat, mind-blanking dragonhood from Mageraz' slit. "Now lower your hips some, I'm claiming your tailhole next, for old time's sake."_

* * * * *

_ _ "Perhaps you have been needing to relieve yourself more frequently?" Hazeru asked. "Feeling a bothering warmth under your tail, or feeling agitated or distractible?"

"How did you know?" Mageraz asked, popping Hazeru's dick out from between both lips just long enough to speak while feeling flush at the memory of Makor's lessons on agreement. Hazeru snorted, then offered a wry smile.

"Heat, my dear, is your body announcing that it very much needs to be bred."

"Bred? You mean...?" Mageraz asked, eyes widening as the grey dragon glanced down and stared at the plump, twitching black spire between Hazeru's legs. His paw urged Mageraz' snout back onto his shaft. As it sank back inside, Mageraz shivered, tasting his potent slime. The grey dragon began trying to lick at him.

"Quite so. Oof... It does this by emitting a scent which males such as myself can pick up, and which has quite a profound effect on us. A highly distracting, downright debilitating effect, hum hem," the blue dragon rumbled, his jutting spire pulsing potently in Mageraz' muzzle.

"Mmnh?" Mageraz mumbled around it. Hazeru flashed a slight smile.

"I am currently fighting a great urge to pin you down and make you mine, my dear. If I didn't have decades of willpower beneath my wings, you would currently be face down, tail up, with this ruining that sweet-smelling slit beneath your tail until you could not walk properly. Instead, I am holding myself in check so that we may proceed at an appropriate pace."

Mageraz felt a sudden, sharp pang of sheepishness. The grey dragon swallowed, saying nothing. Swallowing around Hazeru's cock made it throb, and a gooey warmth spread across Mageraz' tongue. It felt so salty, and the blue dragon eased his hips forwards to fit a little more inside. Mageraz was again reminded of how big he was compared to Makor. It was a little frightening! Luckily, Hazeru didn't seem to mind Mageraz' silence, and kept on.

"Heat will continue to plague your body, addling your thoughts, too. In a few days, you will find yourself itching sorely to be touched. While - obviously - I have never experienced heat myself, from my conversations with dragons of the more feminine persuasion, I am able to inform you that this itch will not abate until you have been deeply, thoroughly inseminated. Or, in about three to six months - if you ever elect to wait it out," he said. "I will warn you that you will not be waiting. Until that time, you will grow more needy, affectionate, and eventually promiscuous - until you inevitably begin flagging your tail at anyone who might be able to mate you."

Thoughts swam through Mageraz' mind. Would that really happen? Would it really feel so irresistible? Though this was all part of the game Mageraz played with Makor, the herbalist had long since proven that he knew some very special concoctions that could 'help' with the game... could he make Mageraz feel like that? Truly? Mageraz let those thoughts settle down and instead focused on licking and tasting Hazeru's dick. With each new wet, slow slurp, it tasted a little less strongly. Mageraz was cleaning him, tongue curling and exploring each ridge and bump of his shaft.

"So," Hazeru rumbled, his eyes widening behind his spectacles for a moment as Mageraz sucked. He blew out a breath of heated air, nostrils flaring. "Mmph! Your duty while you are in heat is quite simple. You are to - ahh - give into it, wholly and fully, my dear. You will no longer be required to do physical labour like setting up or maintaining camp - instead, you will have a more interpersonal_labour. ... Gods above, Mageraz, your tongue is _enthusiastic. It's as though you want me to rut your pretty tail right now, hmhm. When someone approaches you unsheathed, your role will be to satiate him. Instead of sleeping alone, you will find yourself approached by the others to share their bedding for the eve - if more than one aaahhh_sks you, it shall of course be your d-discretion, but given our _unique situation we shall have to see to it that you are appropriately... shared."

Hazeru offered a thoughtful nod, his nostrils flaring again. He closed his eyes for a moment, then began to slowly, gently pump his hips back and forth, bumping his shaft into the grey dragon's mouth.

"Oohf, runes and etchings, Mageraz... You are a natural... I am getting close, my word..."

"Buh... Haheru," Mageraz mumbled around his wetly sliding dick. "How hu I... thathiahe thomeone?" A pause, then, "Gehing khose?"

The blue dragon continued working his hips back and forth as his dick began to bounce and bob faster and harder in Mageraz' mouth. It stiffened and fattened to a mouth-watering girth, sputtering and spurting little dollops of slime that the grey dragon readily licked clean.

"Quite like this," Hazeru crooned. "Runes, you have such a... _fuckable_face," the lorekeeper croaked. Mageraz looked up at him and saw his half-lidded eyes gazing downwards from behind his half-moon spectacles. "I find myself quite enamoured with the idea of painting those pretty grey scales a pearly white... Nnfh!"

Back and forth, and back and forth, Mageraz slurped and licked at his shaft with all the diligence that Makor had imbued. The grey dragon's eyes closed now and then to help Mageraz focus on pleasuring the enormously oversized girth the blue dragon boasted, while dollops and spurts of tangy, salty precum erupted time and again from his urethra.

"Oohh, I almost want to knot your jaws, my dear, and watch you struggle with the excess... Nnh, it is fortunate that- that you were not hatched in my town, my dear, or I would have certainly pumped several clutches into your heated little womb by now." His words came out almost as a hiss, his claws digging into the stone as his cock throbbed harder and harder with increasing, burgeoning urgency. His crown flexed against the grey dragon's throat. "Mageraz..." He sucked a deep breath, then pressed his paw to Mageraz' face. "...Stop. Stop!"

Mageraz did, going still. The blue dragon shuddered, then licked his jaws.

"Gods above, Mageraz, I was quite on the edge! Yes... Yes. It is most definitively time to teach you the most important lesson. After all, with such... voluptuous hips - so slender a neck, it is a wonder that we overlooked your proper sex, my dear. Nnh... You will most assuredly begin having to deal with aggressive males fighting for a turn on you - I will have to ensure you are equipped for handling them, in all the relevant ways."

"How... do you know I will face aggressive males?" Mageraz asked, snout inching back from the blue dragon's plump, fast-twitching shaft, the dense spear drooping under its own weight once it left the grey dragon's mouth.

Hazeru's nostrils flared, and he slowly craned his neck down to press his muzzle to Mageraz' ear.

"Because with a body like yours, I will very much be one of them," he whispered, before using his teeth to gently bite Mageraz' ear. The grey dragon's body quivered."Now, turn away from me, my girl, and lower your chest to the ground. It is time you learnt the most pleasurable thing."

Mageraz' heart skipped a beat. The grey dragon stared at Hazeru, then remembered his desire for expediency. Mageraz turned around on all fours, then sank slowly down to the ground, looking out at the cave entrance. Hazeru chuckled quietly.

"Your chest only, my dear girl. Keep your hinds up."

Slowly, Mageraz stood back up on all fours... and then lowered down - this time only in front. It felt nerve-wracking to be positioned in front of Hazeru like this, and have him so close behind. Mageraz had only done this with Makor. The grey dragon knew what would come next - Hazeru would leap up onto Mageraz' hinds, and then waddle forwards, eager to line himself up and--


Mageraz gasped, head lifting off the ground. A wet, rolling sensation dragged_across Mageraz' slit, and the grey dragon's whole body stiffened. _Hazeru had just licked Mageraz' slit.

"Relax," Hazeru rumbled, his warm breath puffing over the grey dragon's most sensitive spots. "To teach you the most important thing... you first need a mite of preparation..." Then Mageraz again felt the broad, flat lap of Hazeru's tongue, pressing against that soft parting and dragging right up towards Mageraz' tailhole. The grey dragon groaned, claws digging into the stone. "What I am doing now," Hazeru rumbled, pressing his nose to the gap between Mageraz' slit and ass, "is called cunnilingus. I am using my tongue to stimulate your vent, which will help your body ease into a heightened state of arousal." The blue dragon again licked there, sending slimy sparks of pleasure through Mageraz' body.

"This feels--" Mageraz panted, eyes bulging slightly. It felt good.

"Good?" Hazeru asked as he licked and kissed under Mageraz' tail again, and again. His breath was hot and sensual as it billowed over the grey dragon's slit. "Of course," he crooned. "I do know what I am doing..."

And Hazeru did a lot of it. His tongue lapped and dragged against Mageraz' slit as the blue dragon hummed and rumbled in clear enjoyment. He drew circles around Mageraz' puffed, quivering vent with his slimy tongue, viscerally promising of the sensations that would follow as soon as he pushed it inside. He wiggled the very tip just barely into Mageraz' slit, then dragged it from one end to the other in a slow, teasing journey that made Mageraz' eyes cross.

Then he slowly, oh so slowly began to feed his plump tongue inwards, into the grey dragon's vent. Mageraz couldn't suppress a whine. His tongue twisted, then curled - then flicked against Mageraz' 'clit'. Mageraz gasped. Hazeru's tongue traced it inwards, flicking against the second bump that Mageraz had, and the grey dragon whimpered in pleasure.

Hazeru's tongue slurped wetly back out.

"Mmph," he crooned, his voice mumbling into Mageraz' vent. "Mageraz, this is... most interesting."

"Aah?" Mageraz panted, head turning back to look at the blue dragon. Mageraz couldn't even see his head from this angle. Makor's ministrations had over time actually left the grey dragon with noticeably wider hips, and Hazeru's head was obscured by them. When Mageraz tried to shift them to catch sight of Hazeru's face, the blue dragon just lifted a forepaw and urged the younger dragon's rump back into place.

Without answering, Hazeru simply _threaded_his tongue back into Mageraz' slit, filling the grey dragon out. Mageraz panted, eyes widening and vent contracting a little around his tongue. It didn't take long for the younger dragon to feel Hazeru _slp-schlp-slp_ing at that sensitive nub at the front of Mageraz' slit.

"Mmph... Yes," Hazeru rumbled, drawing his snout back just a fraction of an inch. His hot breath billowed over Mageraz' sensitive slit. "It seems you have multiple sensitive points, my dear," he almost purred, his voice curious in its teasing. "Quite swollen, by the looks of them... Tell me, does this feel good?"

Before Mageraz could ask what he meant, his oral appendage had squashed back into the grey dragon's sex and was starting to wetly, shamelessly slurp around the partially engorged spots that the lorekeeper had found. Mageraz eyes went wide, and it took everything the grey dragon had not to shove back against his snout.

"Y-YES!" Mageraz yelped, toes flexing and curling. Hazeru chuckled.

"A quirk of your lineage?" Hazeru asked, giving a broad, flat lick to the outside of Mageraz' slit. "Or perhaps a rare, beneficial defect? My... very beneficial, I daresay," the blue dragon almost purred. "We shall have to have Makor examine you thoroughly, my dear. I very much shall be interested in the differences your anatomy presents. Though not before I have a chance for my own investigations, hmmh..."

His oral muscle squirmed its way back into the grey dragon's slit, plunging inwards just a little and flicking against every spot it seemed to find - which was a lot of them. He seemed keenly_interested in the 'unusual' spots Mageraz had, and within minutes, the grey dragon was actually _whining and trembling on wobbly legs, trying not to pull away from him. It felt good - even better than when Makor did it, the grey dragon hated to admit.

In and out it worked, squelching into the grey dragon's slit. Mageraz felt thoroughly embarrassed, especially since it felt so good. His tongue was enormous and felt like it filled every inch of the grey dragon's sex. Mageraz felt little pangs of anxiety that Hazeru's investigation would somehow uncover the truth - that Mageraz wasn't truly a female... yet it never did.

Not when his tongue flicked and licked at the nubby bumps at the top of the grey dragon's slit - the tincture and potion-altered remnants of Mageraz' shaft... and not when he poured the entirety of his tongue into the grey dragon's body, squirming it as deep as he could to toy with Mageraz' most hidden pressure points. He seemed to have decided that Mageraz was an _unusual_female, and was far more interested in exploring the differences. Perhaps Makor had been so diligent that this was a more likely answer than the truth?

In less than a minute, the grey dragon was gasping and quivering, legs wobbling like rubber, and Mageraz' slit was utterly slimed with saliva.

"Mmh... I think we can athertain," Hazeru growled lowly into Mageraz' slit, his tongue rubbing_and pushing against the grey dragon's innermost bumps, "that your front ith the motht..." A lewd, embarrassingly loud _squelch emanated from the grey dragon as Hazeru's tongue undulated. "...thenthitive of them all."

Mageraz' toes curled, and the grey dragon's eyes crossed as the older male's oral muscle writhed and slithered inside, keeping everything just that little bit stretched.

Hazeru's thick tongue finally slithered back into his snout, his scaled muzzle withdrawing as well.

"Though that is to be expected," he almost purred, his snout inching back down just long enough to drag a wet, indulgent lick to the grey dragon's slit again. Mageraz panted, chest heaving from the tingling, incessant ministrations Hazeru was insisting on supplying. "Such a sweet taste, my dear... No doubt this trait is your body's answer to your diminutive stature, hmm? To... aid you in copulation." Then he nudged Mageraz' tail upwards with the tip of his snout - and Mageraz was all too happy to comply, by that point, even as everything thrummed and buzzed with nervous anticipation. It took only moments for Hazeru to walk forwards, pressing his forepaws down on Mageraz' hips and finally living up to the grey dragon's earlier expectations.

"No doubt... it will make breeding you feel every bit as good as it will ache." His paws slid into the gap of Mageraz' thighs, pulling the grey dragon's rump back a little. His snout inched down until his breath poured over the back of Mageraz' neck. "Oh, but you are so very attractive," Hazeru breathed, easing his underbelly down onto Mageraz. "How did we miss such an _obvious_factoid? Tsk, I am getting easily misled in my old age," he added as his body weight began to bear down on the grey dragon. "Now... Do you feel me?"

Mageraz quivered beneath him, then nodded.

"Yes," the grey dragon panted. Hazeru chuckled, then lowered his head to place his muzzle beside Mageraz' ear.

"No, not my body," he clarified. Then he shifted his hips...

...and Mageraz felt that warm, heated, slimy shaft nudge against one leg. The grey dragon quivered, gasping.

"Ah, there_we are," Hazeru whispered. "_Now you feel me."

"Yes," Mageraz repeated emphatically. Hazeru chortled quietly, then applied a wet, longing lick to the back of the grey dragon's ear.

"Good. Now... this is traditional dragon style," he explained. Recognition flashed in Mageraz' eyes. "I want you to relax. We are going to show you how to satiate a male, hmm? You'd like that, yes?"

"Yes," Mageraz panted in agreement. Hazeru's chest pressed down against the grey dragon a little harder. His body was heavy against Mageraz, despite his older age. His scent was strong in Mageraz' nose suddenly, and when he next moved, the act took the entirety of Mageraz' attention. He lifted his hips and _eased_them forwards, until Mageraz felt the spaded tip of his cock bump against the grey dragon's rump. He moved a little, dragging its slimy tip against Mageraz' undertail until it came to rest against the grey dragon's slit.

He held there for a moment, rubbing against Mageraz, letting the grey dragon simply _feel_his stiff arousal.

"H-Hazeru," Mageraz gasped. It was enormous. Not even when it was throbbing in Mageraz' mouth had it truly sunk in how huge it was compared to Makor's. It was only now, feeling that fat, speared tip pulse against Mageraz' slit that the grey dragon could truly appreciate how unfathomably fat the older dragon's cock was.

Then he slowly began to push. Just a little, making that eyewatering tip spread the grey dragon a fraction - before he eased back again. Instead, he began to rotate his hips, dragging that heated, slimy spear around the grey dragon's slit in a languid, teasing circle. Mageraz' muscles quivered, tensing and relaxing in sudden anxiousness.

"Hazeru... Your thing is so...big, it won't--"

"Mmh, shh," Hazeru rumbled, easing his tip back to the grey dragon's slit with a wet kiss. "I am used to Brall, and you know how small he is, hmm? Based off your lovely little traits, your body will utterly melt beneath someone of even my_prodigal size. You are so very accommodating--so very _curvaceous, Mageraz. It will very much fit. Now hush, my dear, and let me fuck you."

Then the blue dragon pushed_his hips forwards, and his spaded tip sank slowly into Mageraz' slit. Mageraz' eyes went _wide. His cock spread Mageraz' vent open around him so slowly, sinking slimily into the grey dragon's body. It wasn't like Makor's - Makor's had a thinner tip that eased everything in. Hazeru's crown was plump and it felt like he was battering his way into Mageraz' slit.

The grey dragon groaned, trying to keep both hindlegs apart - like Makor had taught.

"Oofh, good girl," Hazeru praised, dragging his tongue along Mageraz' neck. "You are quite_tight," he rumbled, giving a few short, shallow thrusts that nearly stunned the grey dragon. His slick shaft _squelched into Mageraz, then pulled back, doming and dimpling the grey dragon's slit as he did. "This will change in the coming weeks as--nhh--you are regularly bred," he assured with a soft groan. "Much like Brall's body adapted, hmhm. And it will be regular. Does this feel good?" he asked.

"Yeees, it feels gooood," Mageraz gasped, claws digging into the ground. It ached, in truth, and it was hard to even force the words Makor had taught out. The grey dragon was rewarded with a very heavy, noticeable throb. Hazeru's dick fattened as it sklrtched inwards, and the grey dragon gaped in sensation.

"Hmhm... telling lies, Mageraz?" Hazeru crooned in pleasure. "Be honest, my girl. It aches, I am quite certain, but... rrhh... Worry not, my girl, all females go through this. But by the time I am done with you, those words will be oh so very true on your tongue," he assured as his dick wetly squelched inwards another half inch. "Now, answer me truthfully."

Nothing so big had ever tried to ram its way into Mageraz' slit like this, and the grey dragon could barely hold back a whimper. Mageraz nodded quickly, instead, tail trembling against Hazeru's belly.

"S-sorry. It... hurts, Hazeru," Mageraz breathed, teeth clenching a little. The grey dragon felt a pang of strain-amplified uncertainty.

"Mmhm," Hazeru rumbled. He leaned his head down, then applied a lick to the back of Mageraz' grey-scaled neck. Somehow, that felt oddly soothing. Makor's lessons said to be positive, like that, but now Hazeru was saying something different. It was its own brand of good.

"Better. Honesty about your body's signals is very important during breeding, my dear. It would not do for a big male like me to harm a delicate little thing like you, hmm? Right now, I am sundering your hymen, my girl... a rite of passage for every female. Once the ache passes, and my precum coats enough of your insides, this will feel much smoother," he crooned, hot breath panting into Mageraz' ear. "And your body will start to react much more positively... I am very_interested in how your unusual anatomy responds to _proper breeding, after all. With so many pleasure spots, hmhmhm--" he broke off with a chuckle that sounded positively eager. "I am quite certain you will be feeling equally much pleasure as you do ache. My dragonhood should be _exquisitely_shaped to grind into each and every spot you have." His voice was husky, sending shivers up and down Mageraz' spine.

"O-okay," Mageraz trembled, bracing against Hazeru as the older dragon wedged his shaft a little deeper... and deeper. It felt overwhelming, and every muscle in the grey dragon's body felt like it was trembling.

"Moreover, once you are comfortable with me... you will be very well adjusted for the others," Hazeru almost growled into the grey dragon's ear, his shaft pulsing_thickly inside Mageraz' slit. The underside of his shaft _ground against Mageraz' sensitive spots and made spots dance in front of the grey dragon's eyes. "As the only one without gezx - those arcane stripes you see, hmm? - to stymie my aging... I am the only dragon fully developed to a proper elder wyrm's size, my dear." He punctuated his statement with a little hip-thrust that made Mageraz gasp out loud, slit squeezing shakily around the blue dragon's dick. Hazeru licked Mageraz' ear in response.

"H-Hazeruuu," Mageraz groaned. "I feel like- like I'm breaking..."

"Wonderful... Rrh, you are going to fit your new role eminently well," Hazeru panted. "Tell me if you feel any sharp pains, or pains that do not fade after a few seconds, hmm? Now... as I put in all this work to sate both our urges, my dear," he crooned, starting to slowly, oh so gently hump into Mageraz. The grey dragon's eyes bulged as he did, because he began trying to fit more of his cock. It quickly began to thicken around the middle, leaving Mageraz unsure on if it even could_fit. It was both terrifying and _tingle-inducing to know that Hazeru was intent on trying anyway. "You shall be - aahh - trying to recall our... lessons!"

"I- wh--" Mageraz began, before Hazeru's hips drew back - and then sank forwards, plunging inches of his ridged dick into the grey dragon's body. Mageraz gasped, nodding quickly.

"What city is renowned for its libraries?" Hazeru asked, dragging that rock-hard spire backwards and out of Mageraz' slit.

"I... don't know!" Mageraz squeaked.

"It is the city of Bux," Hazeru attested, and drove his hips forwards with his tail coming down. It squelched_his dick back into Mageraz' body with such force that it put a little bulge in the grey dragon's front, and Mageraz _yelped. "Good or bad?" Hazeru asked.

"Good!" Mageraz gasped.

" Honesty , my girl, your body is adjusting to a very large size and you are not experienced. I would not forgive myself if I harmed you."

Mageraz gulped air, panting heavily as realisation began to sink in. It ached immensely, but... but it genuinely did feel--

"Really good, H-Hazzy!"

Hazeru growled breathily into his pupil's ear, and his overwhelming cock throbbed that little bit more.Approval. That very much got him going.

"Alright, then. You tell me if it ceases to be 'good', though, am I clear? Now... What colour are the fruits of the cadava bush?"

"Y-yes Hazzy! They're ... pin-- no, blue!" Mageraz panted.

"Mmh, pink was correct. The berries grow in clusters of three," Hazeru whispered. "Push back, my dear, I'm going to put more into you now."

Mageraz knew better than to not comply, and pushed back against Hazeru's hips. At the same time, the blue dragon sank himself forwards, skewering inch after inch of thick, draconic, throbbing dick into Mageraz' hole. The grey dragon moaned helplessly, trying and failing not to tremble.

"Now," Hazeru growled into the grey dragon's ear. "We are going to play a little game as I breed you. I have been going gently, my dear, for your pleasure. Now, for every correct answer, I will make you feel very good. For every wrong answer, I will instead focus on training your stretch - you do need to get used to some force, after all; Terzhil or Makor I am certain will be quite enthusiastic about you once they learn of your true gender, after all," he crooned. Then he rubbed his muzzle into the back of Mageraz' neck.

Hazeru was going easy, for _Mageraz'_pleasure? The grey dragon could scarcely imagine it, with how enormously _fat_his shaft was. It was occupying most of Mageraz' focus just being inside! But diligently, Mageraz nodded, heart hammering.

"Good girl, my dear. I knew you would understand... Now then. Once again. Which city is renowned for its books?"

* * * * *

Time blurred. Mageraz' body trembled with each new hump of Hazeru's hips. The blue dragon, despite his age, was every bit as energetic and enthusiastic about putting his dizzyingly thick cock into Mageraz - over and over again. The grey dragon tried hard to answer Hazeru's questions and, to Mageraz' great surprise, got most of them right. Each time the right words left Mageraz' snout, Hazeru spent a few seconds humping in deep, filling thrusts that squelched a little more of his ridged spire inwards. It made it feel like Mageraz' bladder was going to burst when he sank more than half of himself inside.

When Mageraz didn't answer correctly, Hazeru showed the grey dragon exactly what he'd meant. The moment the wrong answer slipped from Mageraz' muzzle, Hazeru's forepaws slid back to press into the cleft of the grey dragon's hinds - and then Hazeru would growl_softly and begin to truly _buck his hips, slamming his engorged dick right into Mageraz' slit with mind-breaking eagerness. The grey dragon _squealed_when he did, legs shaking and body nearly collapsing under Hazeru's humps.

His cock outdid Makor's. There was no other way to put it - his thick, ridged shaft raked along Mageraz' walls, and its ungodly girth was enough to scatter Mageraz' thoughts any time it sank inside. His ridges were so much bigger and they dragged_against Mageraz' own engorged pleasure spots, making it feel like the grey dragon was going to lose control entirely. But oh, it felt _good, too. Each jab of his crown deep in the grey dragon's belly. Each squish of stiff flesh as it speared into Mageraz' slit. Each thrust that came with a panting groan from Hazeru - it felt overwhelming.

_ _ And it lasted for forever - or so it felt like. Mageraz knew it couldn't have been too long, but had long since lost count of the questions. Of the thrusts. Of the plap-plap of Hazeru's dick as it sank into Mageraz' slit. The herbs and tinctures Makor had given Mageraz made it feel so much better than it had when Makor had first started using the grey dragon's front. It made it ache less, too, despite Hazeru's size - the grey dragon was firmly convinced that if not for Makor's intervention, Hazeru wouldn't have been able to fit more than the crown inside.

Instead, he was _schlucking_the full girth of his shaft in and out with increasing ease, each wet _squelch_making Mageraz' eyes roll in their sockets.

"My dear," Hazeru crooned as he drew back, then squashed himself inside again. "I think... we shall start having--nnh--all our study sessions be--be like this."

Mageraz could only moan in answer. That sounded good.

"You are--ohh, runes and etchings--answering questions remarkably well. Perhaps being properly fucked_improves your memory?" he asked with a breathy, shaking chuckle. Then he clutched the grey dragon tighter, and buried his muzzle in Mageraz' mane. "_I am getting close," he crooned.

As if to punctuate the point, on his next hump he pushed his hips with slow, unyielding force. Mageraz felt his cock sinking inwards as deep as it had before... and then deeper.And deeper. Mageraz' jaws parted in shock as he pushed more of his cock into the grey dragon than he'd dared even on the 'wrong' answers - until suddenly Mageraz felt a thick, plump swell kiss home.

It was Hazeru's knot.

"H-Hazzy," Mageraz panted, giving a slow squeeze around the blue dragon's dick. Hazeru rumbled, and Mageraz felt his wet tongue lap against grey scales.

"Rrh, the way you use that name... Brall would be envious, if he knew how hard you have me, my girl. Let us change position," Hazeru said. "You have experienced dragon style... Roll over, onto your back, my dear. Don't permit my shaft to leave you."

To assist, Hazeru reared up - his body rising into the air as he balanced on his hind legs. It became an interesting problem for Mageraz to solve, to rotate and roll over without letting Hazeru's cock slip out. A problem that the grey dragon rapidly found was_overwhelming_ in sensation. Feeling the blue dragon's plump, twitching cock rotate inside them was an entirely new experience. Apparently it was a good one for Hazeru, as well, for as Mageraz' legs twisted around, the grey dragon felt Hazeru's dick heave and fatten, before a warm gooiness lanced into Mageraz' slit - a heated jet of precum.

_ _ Mageraz' back hit the floor, and the grey dragon looked up to see Hazeru's bespectacled gaze. It was different, now, though. Hazeru's face was masked in desire. His eyes were lidded, his jaws ever so slightly slack. His nostrils were flared, and Mageraz dimly realised that he was drawing in thick, eager drags of _Mageraz'_scents. The scent of sex.

Hazeru's forepaws came down and thumped_either side of Mageraz' neck. As he did, his dick slid several inches back into Mageraz' slit - this time, the grey dragon could _see it happening. His shaft was enormous, and it had Mageraz' slit stretched into almost an O shape around it.

"Ohhnn... H-Hazeru," the grey panted, toes curling.

"This, my dear," Hazeru crooned, "is commonly called the lover's position." He lowered his own chest until it was bumped against Mageraz', sealing off the grey dragon's view of their meeting groins. Again, Mageraz could only feel the intense size of the blue dragon. "I'm going to finish in you like this."

"F...inish?" Mageraz asked, almost dreamily.

"Orgasm, my dear. It's what lets us males sheath again... and what leaves eager things like you properly impregnated. Well, should we be lucky."

"Impregnated?" Mageraz asked, _squeezing_around Hazeru's cock as he began to languidly, leisurely hump inside.

"Mmhm. Bearing eggs. It's the whole reason your body is entering heat. It yearns to bear eggs, and it will drive your poor mind mad to make that happen. Fighting it is quite silly, and problematic to the whole party. Better for us all to let biology take its course, hmm? Besides," the blue dragon rumbled, craning his head down and dragging_his tongue along Mageraz' neck. The grey dragon _shivered, writhing underneath him as his cock pulsed and spurted another gout of watery precum inside. "Doesn't this feel good?"

"Yesss," Mageraz hissed out, eyes closing.

"Good girl... Now. One more round, to take us over the edge. I'm going to continue questioning you until I finish, my dear. Understood?"

"Yeesss," Mageraz groaned.

"An excellent answer," Hazeru praised, and humped forwards. His hips moved in a rolling motion that dug_his cock inwards at an angle, then _squitched it back out again. Mageraz' jaws opened in a gasp. "Which stone channels energies of fate?"

"D...diamond," Mageraz panted. It had to be correct - because only a moment later, Hazeru began to piston_his hips in and out of the grey dragon at a deep, slow, inexorable pace. His knot kissed against Mageraz' slit, then drew out all the way to the spaded crown, only to _squelch back in again. The grey dragon's tongue hung out in bliss, a tingling pleasure brewing somewhere in Mageraz' lower belly.

"Mmph! Which plant has numbing properties, for injuries?" Hazeru's question came, his breath hot and humid against Mageraz' ear. His cock drew slowly out again, pulsing wildly inside Mageraz.

"F-fell...weed!" the grey dragon answered.

"Good!" Hazeru trumpeted,driving his dick back into Mageraz' body. The grey dragon's eyes lolled and both wings quivered, nearly unfurling over the floor from the sheer overwhelming stretch that Hazeru's maleness added. His tip dug deep into Mageraz' body, and the grey dragon moaned. "Who constructed the gates between draconic cities?" he growled.

Mageraz hesitated, jaw quivering. Ivan? Iklan?

"I-I... I...ban!" Mageraz yelped.

"Tsk," Hazeru clucked. He looked down at Mageraz with a coy smirk. Then he held Mageraz tightly, and began to piston_his hips. His cock drew back with a wet, slimy _schlurk, only to be slammed_back into the grey dragon the mere moment it had pulled out. Slime dribbled out from Mageraz' slit as his cock sank in, and the grey dragon's whole body became nearly _electric with sensation as Hazeru began several long seconds of roughshod, wild rutting. It ached, but it ached so good. Mageraz' tongue hung out, and the grey dragon shouted into the cave as Hazeru set into a feverish rhythm of raw, untethered fucking, his knot _bouncing_on Mageraz' slit.

Then he stopped, tip just wedged inside the grey dragon's drooling vent.

"It was Ituan. Did you handle that alright, my dear...?" When Mageraz nodded shakily, Hazeru's muzzle split into a coy smile. "Who is a needy dragoness?" His jaws were parted, saliva clinging to his teeth, his tongue glistening just within. Mageraz' eyes were locked onto his, though. The grey dragon sucked in a deep breath. That wasn't...

"...I... am?" they breathed, looking sheepish. Without a word, Hazeru immediately began that slow, sensual humping, skewering his cock back into the grey dragon's slit and melting Mageraz' world into an overwhelming, stretched sea of pleasure. His dick plumbed Mageraz' vent and ground his knot right against that slimy slit, adding new tiers of pressure that Mageraz' body hungered for.

"Good. See?" Hazeru asked, slowing down again. "You're such a diligent student when we're taking care of your other needs, hmm? I'm actually getting close again... Now, with confidence, my girl. Who is a needy dragoness?"

He punctuated his question with a slow thrust that filled Mageraz' slit up entirely, putting a little bulge in the grey dragon's lower belly.

"A-ah--I am!" Mageraz gasped.

"Good girl!" Again, Hazeru began sensually drilling his dick in and out of the grey dragon, almost deliberately dragging his ridges against the sensitive spots in Mageraz' slit. In this new position, he could hit a lot of them. Mageraz' limbs trembled in pleasure. "How does it feel to have my maleness plunging in and out of you?"

"G-good!" Mageraz groaned.

"Honesty, girl, I'm one of the biggest dragons you'll likely ever take!"

"O-overwhelming!" Mageraz howled.

"Better!" Hazeru bore down on Mageraz, humping his shaft in and out with wet, sloppy squelches_that made the grey dragon's muscles spasm and twitch. The rough, stiffened intensity of Hazeru's cock sinking in and pulling out made every inch of Mageraz' slit _jolt and spasm with pleasure, leaving the grey dragon's vision turning white. Mageraz' forepaws wrapped around the blue dragon's chest for urgent support. "You want to be a good girl, don't you?"

"Y-yes!" Mageraz gasped, squeezing around him. Hazeru growled in delight, continuing his steady, pulsing thrusts that left Mageraz positively writhing.

"Good! And good girls are honest about their feelings! So when I ask you a question--"

"I'll be honest, Hazzy!" Mageraz panted, hindlegs weakly kicking as he kept up the constant, steady, rhythmic breeding.

"Good giiirl," Hazeru rumbled breathily into the grey dragon's ear. "And when I ask if you're looking forward to my telling the other dragons the truth about you, and ensuring you begin living into your new role?"

Mageraz gaped for a moment, clenching hard around Hazeru's cock. The knowledge that Hazeru was going to tell everybody else slithered through Mageraz' mind - the game would spread to everyone, and they would all think--would all know that Mageraz was--

"Answer me, my dear," Hazeru breathed.

"I feel tingly, Hazeru," Mageraz gasped.

"Good or bad?"

"Good! Good good really good!" Mageraz yelped. Hazeru growled in what Mageraz could only process as lust, and his shaft pulsed heavily inside the grey dragon's slit. Warm slime pulsed into Mageraz, and the younger dragon moaned, tail lashing left and right in overwhelmed sensation.

"Now, what position has been your favourite to be bred in so far? So I know what to inform the others."

Mageraz groaned, looking up at the ceiling of the cave. It took a moment for the grey dragon to answer.

"Which...ever one... you want me," Mageraz breathed. Makor would never have accepted any other answer. Hazeru, however, merely quirked an eyeridge.

"You are very cute, my dear. So cute, in fact, that I shall give you a passing grade. Hinds spread.We are both finishing."

He didn't give Mageraz any further warning. Instead, he simply lowered his chest down and then pushed his snout under Mageraz' own, giving himself full access to the grey dragon's neck. Then he lifted his hips - and dropped them, burying his dick inside. It felt like a punch as it stretched Mageraz out, but Hazeru didn't stop.

He drew back, and Mageraz felt the slimy withdraw. Felt his dick as it inched out of that quivering slit, gooily tugging on the grey dragon's sensitive parting. Mageraz gasped, feeling the slick spurt of another rope of precum, knowing that it was Hazeru's slime that was oozing inside.

Then, he humped again. And again. And again. Each thrust came faster than the one before it as the blue dragon's limbs set into steady motion, barely giving Mageraz' body time to recover from the shock of having such an enormous girth wedged_inside. The grey dragon's forepaws came up to press against Hazeru's body, but the blue dragon gave no sign of slowing nor even caring. His face was contorted into a mask of _concentration as he began to increasingly wildly buck.

And Mageraz felt it building, too. The tingly, aching drop in the base of the grey dragon's stomach. The toe-curling, wing-fluttering tightness that spread throughout their belly and overwhelmed their thoughts. It was coming, with each new thrust and shove that Hazeru buried inside.

"Haz-" Mageraz gasped.

"Shh," Hazeru growled. "Hush, my dear - I - am - breeding you - right now!" his voice came. Then he drew his head back to look down at the grey dragon as a steady, rhythmic _pap-plap-plap_filled the air. The stink of male was thick in the air, staining Mageraz' nostrils. Hazeru's knot kept kissing the grey dragon's slit. It was impossible to ask.

Mageraz needed to ask.

But Hazeru had said hush, and Mageraz had to listen. So instead, the grey dragon did the only thing that made sense. Hazeru's knot rammed against Mageraz' front, and the younger dragon quivered on the floor, hinds spasming in the air. Hazeru's cock plumped, and the blue dragon moaned as well.

Mageraz' hinds wrapped around Hazeru's waist, and the grey dragon stared up at him. It would ache. Oh, it would ache, but...

Mageraz pulled. Hazeru was forced to push. His half-formed knot ground against Mageraz' body, and the grey dragon brought full force to bear, trying to relax at the same time. His knot stretched Mageraz so much that it hurt! It spread the grey dragon wider_and _wider. His tip jabbed achingly at the very back of Mageraz' slit, and the grey dragon didn't know if it could fit, but--

"M-MAGERAZ!" Hazeru gasped, suddenly alarmed - and then...

Sssschlrtch- POP!

_ _ The blue dragon's dense, stiff bulge squelched into Mageraz' vent, and almost instantly began to swell. And swell.

And swell.

Mageraz felt the pressure grow unbearable in only a heartbeat, and Hazeru's knot only grew bigger. It went from big, to blissful as stars exploded before Mageraz' eyes. Hazeru howled something to the air, but Mageraz was already losing control, too lost in the sudden and helpless contractions to hear what he said. But the grey dragon could guess - for even as Mageraz' slit began squeezing again and again behind that dense, bloating bulge, Hazeru's cock had begun wildly throbbing inside.

Splt... spltch-splrt--

Hazeru's cock bulged and heaved as it began delivering thick, heated gouts of slime directly into Mageraz' slit. The grey dragon writhed and wriggled in bliss as orgasm overwhelmed Mageraz' mind, resonating with the blue dragon's own climax.

Mageraz' hips quivered and jolted as the grey dragon weakly kicked, wings fluttering in overpressured ecstasy. The grey dragon moaned aloud, eyes rolling in pleasure as Hazeru felt that stuffed slit begin to spasm and quiver around his knot. Mageraz' fluids drooled out around the blue dragon's cock, the ridged remnant of the younger dragon's shaft engorging slightly against Hazeru's overbearing knot like a plumping clit and forcing Mageraz even deeper into climax. The grey dragon's sweeter, glistening fluids spilled from Mageraz' 'clit', but were rapidly lost in the sudden, backwashing surge of Hazeru's own slime. Suddenly, Mageraz couldn't stop howling.

Then Hazeru's jaws came to Mageraz'. The grey dragon looked up in surprise, only to see his head tilted and pushing down - and suddenly his jaws were pressing Mageraz' own apart. His teeth slid over Mageraz', and his tongue plunged into the grey dragon's mouth. Suddenly locked together, their tongues occupied the same space, grinding against one another.

Mageraz could taste Hazeru's saliva, feel his breath and the slick warmth of his tongue. All the while, his hips continued their fervent, wild humping, digging his cock back and forth as much as his still-swelling knot would allow. A kiss, Mageraz knew, eyes glazing over in bliss.

Only, bliss soon began to turn to pressure as Hazeru's knot kept trying to swell further. Then turned to a squirming, groaning ache. Soon, the grey dragon was writhing and shuddering in their kissed climax, unable to pull off Hazeru until his body was well and truly done - and only beginning to realise that his truly prodigal size applied to his knot as much as it did the rest of his cock.

Wave after wet, gooey wave flooded Mageraz' senses. The grey dragon writhed and clutched at the blue, tail thwapping against the stony ground - until Hazeru's own tail twined and curled around Mageraz', catching it in his serpentine grip. In moments, both their tails began swaying from side to side, driven by Hazeru's own eagerness.

They rocked there, together, grinding back and forth as time bled away in slimy, gooey throbs that left the grey dragon breathless and Hazeru delightedly rubbing against Mageraz. With each new spurt it added to the sticky, heated goo that was pasting their groins together, neither able to pull away. But eventually, after what felt like far too long and yet somehow still not enough... the pressure began to abate. Mageraz' slit began to lose some of the aching warmth that came from being so obscenely stretched, and the steady flow of gooey slime began to die down. Hazeru parted their muzzles, and relegated himself to affectionate, slow licking of the grey dragon's neck.

Finally, he tugged gently - then a little more forcefully, but his knot didn't quite come un-stuck. He let out a soft sigh, then chuckled wryly.

"Oh, my dear Mageraz... look what you've made me do. Knotting you... How will I explain this to Brall?" he asked, breathing hard. His cock pulsed, and his face was masked in pleasure. "Aah... you have truly, nnfh, complicated my role, haven't you? How are you feeling?" he asked. When Mageraz began to answer, he leaned his snout down and gently licked across Mageraz' lips. "Honesty... please."

Mageraz felt flush, and looked sheepishly away. His request sounded so earnest in the grey dragon's ears.

"...Sore," the grey dragon finally breathed. Hazeru nodded, then pressed his shaft a fraction harder against Mageraz. It added a little ache deeper in - but eased the throbbing pressure of his bulbous knot against the inside of Mageraz' slit, actually providing a little relief.

"I must apologise, Mageraz," Hazeru rumbled, sounding mildly ashamed. "I should have known that your heat might make you do brash things. I could have done far worse than leave you sore... perhaps we shall chalk this fortunate durability up to your slightly unusual anatomy, much like your lovely mane. Even so, after this, you will be going straight to Makor."

Mageraz tensed up, looking up at Hazeru and placing both forepaws on his chest.


"Indeed," Hazeru rumbled, giving a gentle lick to the grey dragon's neck. "I shall not take no for an answer, either. We shall need to make sure you have no injurious issues, my dear girl - taking a knot, particularly one sized as mine, is no casual affair, even with experience. Social ramifications notwithstanding."

Mageraz paused again.

"Social ramifications?" Makor hadn't ever taught Mageraz about those, but his reactions had been enough to hint to the grey dragon that there were some.

Hazeru looked somewhat guilty, then, eyeridges lifting briefly behind his spectacles as he panted from the exertion. "...Yes, indeed. When a dragon ties his lover, it is quite the statement, you see. It says... Well, it says, 'you belong to me'. It is... hmm. In your storybooks, I imagine you heard of marriage, yes? It is... not dissimilar."

He looked off to the side as Mageraz' eyes slowly widened, his body language radiating a vague hint of shyness of his own. Mageraz swallowed heavily.

"Then, you mentioned Brall because..."

"...Yes," Hazeru continued haltingly. "This is... a slightly compromising position, I am afraid."

"O-oh no," Mageraz said, feeling waves of guilt begin to bud once more. Now Mageraz was harbouring a secret from the blue dragon ... and had compromised his relationship with the gold-scaled seer! Mageraz sucked in a breath to say more, when Hazeru leaned in and gave a soft lick.

"Now, shh, my dear. I am your senior. Please, do not fret - it would be simply unforgivable for an old codger like me to leave you in distress after your first mating. I shall do what I may to make things right for all parties involved. Besides," he added, inching his head back so that he could look at Mageraz properly. "As I said, I should have been in better control of my faculties."

Mageraz looked up at him, then slowly nodded, tail twitching anxiously in the grip of Hazeru's own.

"Plus," Hazeru said then, craning his head down to rest the side of his muzzle against Mageraz' own. "If anyone can figure out how to make matters right, then surely it is the last grand lorekeeper of the dragons, hmm?" He gave a wry smile. Mageraz offered a faint one back. Hazeru could tell that his knotted partner wasn't quite persuaded, though, and he let out a ginger sigh. "I have upset you. I must apologise," he offered.

Mageraz blinked twice, feeling that pang of unease return. This wasn't going at all like the grey dragon had intended. Mageraz slowly looked off to the side.

"No, I... just feel bad," Mageraz admitted, finally. A little honesty, as Hazeru had been requesting. "The truth is... I really like you, Hazeru, and I made you regret our first time together."

At this, Hazeru lifted his head. He gave a faint smile, then pressed his snout to Mageraz'.

"Regret it? Is that what you think my feelings are?" he asked. Mageraz looked up at him, then nodded gently. He wouldn't have knotted Mageraz, if the choice had been his, after all. "My dear girl... I may have a conversation to have with Brall, but if I _truly_regretted our time, then would my shaft be so eager for a second round?" he asked.

As if to punctuate his point, Hazeru's plump spire throbbed. The blue dragon smiled, lifting his eyeridges behind his spectacles.

"I... but you wouldn't have knotted, if I hadn't--"

"Perhaps not," Hazeru said, his voice tender. "But that hardly means I regret the blissful pleasure of feeling a young dragoness squeezing around me so eagerly. Of having a devilishly alluring new mate to dote on, hmm? On the contrary - this lesson has been a delight. Please do not worry. For me?" he asked. He gave a gentle lick across the bridge of Mageraz' snout, and his smile seemed earnestly warm.

Mageraz felt a quiver of a blush creep in. The grey dragon gave a tiny little nod.

"Now, since we have properly tied as we have... I do believe that we should spend some time officiating_it, don't you agree?" Hazeru smiled, his shaft throbbing fatly inside Mageraz and leaving the grey dragon tingling beneath the tail. "Worry not - you will learn to adjust quite rapidly with Brall and I, I think. And you _do need to learn about the more tender forms of mating, and when better than between mates, hmm? Now... try to relax."

He shifted his hips and, as the pressure in Mageraz' slit began to shift, the grey dragon couldn't help but gasp - and sheepishly smile.

* * * * *

Several hours later, Mageraz lay in a grove, belly to the sky as Makor carefully inspected the damage. The black and white herbalist crooned out in deep, rumbling pleasure as his claws touched and gingerly prodded Mageraz' slit.

"And you actually took his knot?" Makor asked, his tail swaying languidly from side to side.

Mageraz nodded, looking anywhere but at him.

"My, you have been a _very_good girl," he delighted. He craned his snout down and pressed his nostrils to the grey dragon's slit, then puffed out a deep breath of air. Mageraz felt it billow over a dozen sore muscles and gave a wriggly shiver. The grey dragon lifted one hind leg and placed it over Makor's shoulder.

"A-about that," Mageraz breathed.

"Hmm?" Makor asked, rubbing his snout into Mageraz' slit. The grey dragon groaned. It actually was genuinely sore.

"Hazeru knotting me... He's mated to Brall," the grey dragon mumbled, tailtip twitching. "He tried to reassure me, but I still feel... a little bad, because..."

"Because you let him knot you?" Makor asked casually, pale eyes flicking up to peer at Mageraz.

"Because... I'm lying to him," Mageraz squirmed. To this, though, Makor just chuckled. The herbalist lifted his paw and slowly began to rub at Mageraz' belly, watching onwards with mildly amused delight.

"Oh?" he asked. "What are you lying about, Mageraz?"

Mageraz wriggled on the ground, back digging into the dirt. Makor knew just how to speak to leave the grey dragon huffing. Of course, he was baiting Mageraz - the grey dragon had learnt at least that much about Makor over their months working together.

"...Why do you like me pretending I'm a female?" Mageraz asked, instead. At this, Makor just smiled coyly, gazing downwards at the reddened, slimy mess that was Mageraz' slit. He slid his paw back... then swatted Mageraz' rump.


Mageraz yelped and wriggled in place, giving him a questioning look. It was a shock more than it actually hurt.

"If you are going to break character, Mageraz, then perhaps we should stop playing, hmm? Would you prefer that?" Makor asked, voice teasing and knowing, both. "If you no longer enjoy our games, you are free to stop." He rose and sat back on his haunches, then began to inspect one of his paws. Mageraz squirmed into a half-sitting pose, looking at him.

Makor knew what he was doing, and they both knew it. Makor's cock was already peeking from between his hindlegs, even as he pretended to be disinterested.

"No, I... I just... don't want to complicate Hazeru and Brall's relationship," the grey dragon explained. "I think I might be... entangled with both of them, but Brall doesn't even know yet. He might not be..." Mageraz trailed off. At that, Makor just smiled.

He placed his paw down, then walked over Mageraz - stepping over the grey dragon's body and forcing Mageraz to lay back down until he stood directly overhead. His forepaws bore down on either side of Mageraz' neck, while his hindpaws dug into the dirt either side of the younger dragon's quivering tail.

"Well then, the answer is easy, Mageraz." He craned his snout down, bumping it against Mageraz'. "There is something a female like you can do to make their relationship equal and strong as ever, even with your involvement. To even the scales as they should be." He lowered his muzzle, nuzzling against Mageraz' neck.

Makor's plump tip bumped against Mageraz' rump as he lowered his body ever so slightly. Mageraz knew what was coming. Hazeru had lain claim to Mageraz' slit, so now Makor wanted to re-stake his claim elsewhere. When Hazeru had dropped Mageraz off and 'calmly explained' the situation to Makor, the blue dragon had all but said that he expected Makor to do this.

And Makor would hardly make a liar out of Hazeru.

"What... what can I do?" Mageraz asked breathlessly as Makor's shaft began to slowly thicken against the grey dragon. Mageraz sheepishly pressed back against him, kissing tailhole to crown.

Makor just smiled, then slid his snout along the side of Mageraz' neck, bringing it to the grey dragon's ear. He snaked his tongue out to lick at it as he rubbed his glistening tip against Mageraz' trained tailhole, preparing to push inside.

"Seduce Brall."

Expecting Company - a City of Nodd Interactive Story


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The Beguiling Eye - a City of Nodd Interactive Story

**THIS IS AN OFFSITE INTERACTIVE STORY FOUND HERE:** \> \> \> [THE BEGUILING EYE - AN UNOFFICIAL CITY OF NODD INSTALLMENT]( \< \< \< (Edit: Unfortunately as this was my first project,...

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