Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 36: Trouble Me (We Go Down Together Part II)

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#36 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures

Last Chapter:

On Free Counter Earth, Crippled by loneliness and isolation, in a moment of weakness Lady Ursa abducted her delivery person and used him as a stand in for her pet human whom had walked out on her months prior. Their interlude was interrupted when Sir Ram who was interrogating the Freezes, learned they had spoken with Alex Winter only weeks prior. [AND] On Chaundoon far and away from Conquered Counter Earth, after realizing they have no solutions to the problems World Seven and Chaundoon are experiencing King Dragon, Duchess Jua and the members of the colony council decided to start mingling with the populace to reassure them they are aware of their suffering. That was just before a large haboob hit the city... elsewhere Naomi convinced Annette to mentor a shunned and abandoned orphan after The Three Rivers Pride enveloped weakend neighboring tribes it had conquered after the monster blizzard and Bow and Pestle agreed to guide Kiwi, Tonka, Song and Naka through the S'mar pridelands as a thank you for freeing them from their ice tomb.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities

Chapter 36: Trouble Me (We Go Down Together Part II)

October 1st, YOE 35

7:00 AM Madam Olga's Psychic Truths (World One)

"Spirit!" I growled as I became bound to the partial beastial.

"Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time..." The tian mountain dog said blushing underneath his fur.

"Really, a penis snuggie?" I asked my beastial boyfriend.

"It was a means for us to spend some QUALITY time together, my comfort animal." Spirit replied.

"This looks more like one of those puzzles that binds two fingers together so that the user has to figure out how to free himself." I said slightly annoyed. "It is hard to imagine it is used for anything else- especially what you envisioned."

"OOOOOOH..." The partial beastial said as if he had some revelation.

"What do you mean oh?!" I said, cutting my eyes at him.

"I thought it was a penis puzzle, you know a way for a couple to be tied together without having to use a knot... in this case my knot." He said, kissing me on my forehead.

"Umm hmm." I said groping his bottom as he laid down on me. My emotional support animal's fur seemed particularly soft this morning.

"Hey! look! It's flexible."

"If it wasn't you couldn't lay on me like you are now." I said annoyed. I couldn't be mad at my tian mountain dog. The last few days we had been running errands for the new resistance, which had grown unnaturally quiet. Like something big was going on but they weren't saying anything.

"If all beastials treated humans as their equals, this world we be a much better place." Spirit said as I started massaging his shoulders, back and hindquarters.

For the most part the fur on his body was dark in color save for the white tip of his tail, his snout and cheeks and his groin where it was black and orange.

"Well I came from a planet of humans only to be stranded on a dystopian world of humans and animal people, who is not to say there isn't another world out there like this minus the dystopian part?

Spirit and I were tied together for the rest of the morning. I did like being with someone who liked me for me and didn't have an ulterior motive or sinister designs. But ultimately one of us had to answer the call of nature.

*tug* *tug*

"Something wrong my partial beastial?" I teased.

"I thought that this would have worn off by now." He grumbled.

"What's the rush? I thought you wanted some quality time together?"

"I need to make water." He said, tugging.

"You know, we should take a trip to one of the ponds in the area, no make it a stream that flows into a lake. All that rushing water is really invigorating don't you think?"

"Now I really need to make water." He said, still tugging.

"And how will you make that water Spirited Spirit? Standing up like us filthy stinking humans or lifting your leg like a canine?"

I got a grumble for my not so subtle attempt at humor.

"Well the trick to escaping these finger puzzles is to not tug- hold it still and remove your fingers- or in this case what we used in lieu of our fingers."

"Um, it is not working." My beastial boyfriend said growing alarmed.

"I guess it isn't." I noticed as we were still bound. "Plan B."

With that I started fondling the tian mountain dog's butt before moving to his scrotum and fondling him here and there. I smirked as his cub maker started growing and swelling inside the finger puzzle before...


"Freedom!!!" The canine said running outside my room with a noticeably swollen additional limb between his legs.

I looked down at what remained of the broken finger puzzle he had used as a penis snuggie. It was torn in many, many pieces. It must have been his big swollen knot.

And now he was going to have to urinate with a big massive erection hindering his... um, efficiency- served him right.

When Spirit returned he was holding a pile of cards he had found laying on the main table in the tent. They were not playing cards but the kind the new rebellion used to communicate discreetly with their agents.

"I found these near Madam Olga's crystal ball." Spirit said handing the largest card to me.

"They weren't there yesterday." I said taking it from him. It activated.

"Greetings operatives Spirit and Winters you two are needed." It was a pre-recorded image of William Masters.

Deer-feeder's second in command had a mission for the two of us. The details were scant, but 'Iron' Will stated that my name had come up during the Freeze's interrogation by the knight core and as a result they were looking for me. The resistance was going to take advantage of that.

_ _

1:00 PM Sam's Speakeasy (World One)

"Sorren!" I shouted seeing the goofy dragon sitting at a table within the corner bar.

"Little buddy!" He shouted standing up.

"Big buddy!" I replied running up to hug him.

"You seem to be doing well." He replied sniffing me over and over. "And have moved on too!"

"Yes I have." I replied sitting down at the table.

(In so many ways my friend.)

"So do you have a place to sleep, food, water and something that gives you purpose?"

"Yeah. It was hard leaving- but when I realized that I was more or less irredeemable in the core's eyes it wasn't hard making that decision. How are you Tauren and Lurie?"

"Lurie made senior maintenance engineer." The goofy dragon announced.

"My that is wonderful!"

"Tauren was promoted to dungeon supervisor."

"So he is responsible for those in the holding center and lockup underneath the castle?"

"Well one of many." Sorren blushed.

"What about you?" I asked curiously.

"Still just a cafeteria cook."

"Say where are those two?" I said looking around the bar and small restaurant. I only saw a few patrons and Sam behind the counter.

"Running late, but enroute. This bar wasn't the easiest place to find little buddy."

(That is why I chose it.)

"So what have you been up to?" Sorren asked looking up from the holographic menu.

"Oh me? Freelancing. Work for hire- performing odd jobs here and there just to afford a place to stay, feed and clothe myself."

"So you managed to stay away from having to live in the basement then?"


"Are you still active with the consortium?"

(The questions were coming fast and furious!)

"I help them out every now and again. But I have been keeping a low profile if you know what I mean."

"Just in case the knight core is searching for you?"


"They are little buddy. I have been asked routinely if I had seen you. Lurie, Tauren and even Lea have as well."

"How is that hot lioness?" I asked him.

"Still seeing Lian if that is why you are asking. Thought you had a shot eh?" The red dragon teased.


"No. Definitely not. She is in love with her nerd."


Eventually the conversation drifted to the question I wanted to ask but was afraid to do so.

"So how is she?" I asked folding my hands together.

"Lonely. She misses you Alex."

"She hasn't moved on Sorren?"

"I think she tried but just couldn't." The dragon replied as a bear knight entered the doorway into the bar. She was dressed in a blue full body uniform, service weapon on her right side, sword on her left with a neutral expression on her face that softened when she laid eyes on me.

"What is she doing here?" I said locking gazes with the dragon.

"I am sorry Alex. She really misses you and insisted on coming."

"You mean she wants me back in the worst way." I replied looking back at the doorway.

"Ermm... I will give you two some space." The goofy dragon said getting up and leaving the table. I expected him to take a seat at the bar. He didn't; he left the establishment entirely.

(Yup, this was a set up.)

"Thin gray shirt, baggy brown pants... very frontier-ish looking." The she beast said sitting down at the table. "Not wearing what I bought you?"

"I disposed of that the first chance I got mistress, I mean madam knight."

"You thought it might be bugged?" My former perfect person asked me.

"It is a symbol of my emancipation from beastial domination, manipulation and oppression." I said pulling up the holographic menu.

"So you claim pet."

"Why are you here?" I asked frowning.

"Checking up on you. Thank you for allowing me to live as normal a life as I can. But without you it is incomplete."

"So you are here to take me back and then what? Integrate my back into the fold?"

"I do admit that some missteps may have been taken during your reintegration process Alex...."

"The missteps where I was led into believing there WAS a reintegration process... that things would go back to the way they were. But they didn't, that was why I left."

"Pet... Alex... I miss you."

"Is that emotionally or physically?" I replied feeling my feelings well up inside of me.

"Both. You and I have been through so much together...."

"We have and if I had been treated better after my incarceration we would still be together. Look, I still have feelings for you a lot of them, but they are still crushed by my anger; the answer is no."

"I will have you Alex Winter if I have to take you back by other means if necessary." The golden eyed ursine said, cracking her knuckles.

"Seriously, don't you have anything something else better to do?" I asked as the ground rattled.

My former fierce ursine warrior looked at me funny.

"You realized Sorren had set you up."

"I was prepared for that possibility." I said as the ground rattled again. "I also had a feeling that you would be significantly distracted today."

(Because I was the distraction.)

"You are not going to believe this!!" Sorren said running back into the speakeasy. "But there are these triangular ships flying overhead!"

The red dragon was joined by a female coyote and male bull.

"Do you mean as in large, black and triangular?!" The raccoon bartender asked.

"It is the aliens!" Another raccoon shouted.

"The one's the empire refuses to acknowledge?" A rabbit screamed.

"The same." Tauren acknowledged.

"Everyone get back!" Lurie shouted.

I admit I was more curious than scared. I stood up from the table waking past the bartender who was cowering behind the bar with several patrons, the bull, coyote and dragon who were trying to comfort the bear who was trembling uncontrollably- to peak outside the main entrance. I observed three huge triangular ships floating overhead in a V formation. All three ships were emanating some type of yellow beam that was rolling over buildings, vehicles and the populace like they were conducting heavy scans of everything and everybody in World One.

(Nice special effects.)

"Looks like the empire is going to have a tough time explaining that away." I casually commented folding my arms behind my head.

"Alex?" Lady Ursa said joining me at the door still trembling. We watched the ships head for the castle. Upon reaching the structure, they circled it emitting more yellow beams.

"Looks like the KLIS are back." I said playing it up really thick. "No. I think they are invading."

There was registered shock and disbelief from the patrons of the bar that afternoon and a registered look of horror on my former perfect person's face.

"They are attacking the castle!" Lurie shouted.

"Are you going to do something about that madam knight?" I asked, being a real dick. I knew after what she had been through with the KLIS the last time, she would have to summon all her remaining courage just to react.

(So this is the new rebellion's long game eh? Masterfully planned Deer-feeder.)

Lady Ursa ran out the establishment toward her hoverbike as the three triangles flashed a series of even more yellow beams at Castle Wundgore before taking off into the atmosphere at incredible rates of speed.

The knight core and the empire on the whole were going to be quite busy explaining away what happened this afternoon. I took that as my cue to leave.

"Tauren, Lurie it was nice seeing you. Sorren... well it was nice reconnecting with you again. But I could have done without the plus one." I said exiting the bar. "You three stay safe."

2:15 PM Rear Entrance (Castle Wundgore)

The bear knight quickly parked her hover bike, drew her service weapon and entered. She found the corridors and hallways deserted. She made her way toward Knight Command which she found completely empty. Not a single soul around.

6:46 PM Madam Olga's Psychic Truths (World One)

"A dark force has perpetuated an attack on the empire today. Initially thought to be folly, we learned the reports and rumors were quite true." The High Evolutionary began his emergency broadcast. "Tonight I acknowledge the existence of these extraterrestrials and the sobering fact that they are visiting this planet for what reasons I know not or why, but their actions today will be met with swift retribution!! THIS I COMMAND!!!"

I looked at Spirit. "It must have taken a lot of planning to convince the empire that this was an alien attack."

"Freckled boy, partial canine, this came while you were out." The ogre woman said handing me a large card with distinctive decorations on the back.

As soon as I touched it, it activated.

"Operatives Winter and Spirit."

"Operative Masters." I replied to the image.

"Good work out there today. Your efforts allowed us to stop the implementation of the beastials' new toy."

"So you were you able to destroy it?" The tian mountain dog asked.

"No it was too deeply embedded within the castle. The best we could do was stop them from using it."

"So the empire will not be launching human mind control device?" Madam Olga asked.

"No." Iron Will responded. "The project's personnel have gone missing."

"How did you manage to do that?" I asked Deer-feeder's second in command.

"We contracted out." The well dressed man replied.

"You mean those weren't special effects?!"

"It was an effective distraction to get our targets to swarm in one place and then poof! No violence, no bloodshed, just a simple collection."

"So the KLIS abducted those involved in the project?" Spirit asked.

"Think a little bigger operative." Mr. Masters advised.

"The scientists involved and some of the knights?" Madam Olga suggested.

"More like all beastial life within the castle." William Masters replied as I gasped.

"WOW." The three of us said in unison.

"Reports are still coming in but Sir Ram and the majority of knight command were in the castle at the time and now are... part of the KLIS beastial research project whatever that is."

"With Sir Ram gone the project is over and Riz's revenge is complete." Spirit observed.

I was relieved that Sir Ram, got what was coming to him perhaps the KLIS can strip the evil out of him like they did with Triceraton.

But the collateral damage was too horrible to consider. The other knights I had worked with over the years, some despite whom they served were quite honorable. Quite a lot to mow down just to get to Sir Ram.

But something was still bothering me...


To Be Continued....


October 1st, YOE 35

7:00 AM Infirmary (World Seven)

"You don't seem any worse for wear mistress. Just a lot of sand all over the place." I replied.

"Thank you pet." She said stepping down from the examination table.

"Same for you too Lady Barq." My devious person said to the badger warrior.

"Good. I for one could use a shower."

"It is going to be a while maintenance is still removing the sand from the bathroom." I commented.

"And there is a line." Shakara replied.

"Any casualties?" My perfect person asked.

"A lot of cases of sand in the lungs. But no deaths.... Yet." Shakara commented. "We have been on extraction duty most of the night."

"Corey and Rumble are helping with the dig out." I added. "Boris and his team are trying to get vital services up and running first, then everything else.


September 30th, YOE 35

7:10 PM Infirmary (World Seven)

"And another long day draws to a close." I said to my lioness as I finished up seeing the last patient of the day.

"Anyone notice that King Dragon, Duchess Jua and the council seem to be more accessible lately?" Shakara replied.

"Now that you mention it I have seen them around a lot more especially today." Penny replied.

"I believe they are trying to calm everyone's fears." Psi replied as Penny started to swoon over the handsome sand dragon.

"Really?" She asked grabbing the former statue on the arm.

"They are attending social events and public gatherings within the city." The gray dragon said offering his arm to the she penguin.

"That is a good thing." The head of medical replied.

"Say where is Nezera?" I asked.

"Probably running late." The red eyed lioness replied.

"Please tell me she did not stop to get something to eat..." I started to say as a gray female bat ran into medical


Receiving confused looks from the four of us, the vampire bat dove onto Shakara and me covering us with her wings.

Psi took a glance outside the windows just in time to see her source of concern- a large haboob was making its way toward the city. He reacted similarly diving on top of Penny shielding her with his body as the winds kicked up and sand was blown everywhere.

It was like a massive snow storm, without the cold and with sand. Plenty of it. It lasted for a good twenty or thirty minutes with winds the must have been about 60 to miles and hour. When it passed the infirmary was plastered with sand drifts.

"UGH!! What was that?" Penny said as her dragon helped her up.

"Sandstorm, a giant one? But this far out?" Psi asked.

"I have sand in places I didn't know I had!" Penny complained.

"Aye, that was nasty!" Nezera replied shaking sand off her person.

"Nezera..." I said to the vampire bat.



"Thank you." I replied.

"Same here." Shakara said joining in.

"You are most welcome." The lady bat replied. "But, we need to check on those who were outside during this."

The five of us ran out of the tower and down to the street. World Seven looked like some sort of ancient ruin archeologists find partially buried in the desert.

"Is everyone okay?" Penny shouted.

"Tina, Little Gia are you alright?" Rainy asked the dingo girls.

"I think so. If not for you we would have been buried alive." Tina said thanking the black sand dragon.

"Don't worry about that now, there are more that weren't so lucky!" The he dragon replied.

"This is the best argument for glass windows I have ever seen!" I shouted.

"Little cutie! I hear muffled screams this way." My lioness shouted.

"Everyone spread out!" Penny ordered us.

"Save as many as you can!" Psi added.

7:40 PM Inside the Haboob

*Lady Barq, Lady Ursa we have landed.*

"Since when do giant sand storms have solid interiors?" The bear knight asked her friend.

"Overwatch what did we land on?" The badger knight asked.

*We are inside some sort of chamber. It is the only structure I am detecting.*

"Convert to echo location I want a schematic of this place."

*I have it Lady Ursa.*

"Look familiar?" Lady Barq asked her friend and rival.

"Yes like the platforms of the spacegate." The ursine warrior replied.

"Should we investigate?" The badger asked.

"You even have to ask that?" The brown bear commented.

The female warriors stepped out of the blue coupe and drew their weapons.

"Overwatch deploy side-pods weapons at the ready." The badger ordered.

"Continuous scans." The brown bear said as she approached the platform.

*Lady Ursa, Lady Barq I detect incoming!*


"It is just the Chado." Lady Ursa said as three dark beings with glowing eyes appeared on the platform.

"Who are you and what is this place?" The badger warrior asked tapping her mace on her left paw.

The three looked at each other then attacked.

*screech* *screech* *screech*

One jumped at Lady Ursa, it was met with the back end of her sword.


"Why are they behaving this way? Is it the crazy?!" Lady Barq said as she tossed one of her attackers back on the platform. It landed and was about to charge when it was stopped by the third of its companions who landed right on it.

The three receiving a shock from a static pulse cannon.

"Good shot Overwatch!"


October 1st, YOE 35

1:00 PM Prison Pit (World Seven)

"Who are you and why did you attack?!" Rhinox asked.

*screech* *screech* *screech*

"Can you make any sense out of this commander?" Sanda asked.

"I can't tell if this is the crazy or are they just refusing to cooperate?" The rhino replied.

"It is odd. I thought the Chado were our friends? I mean they brought us to this world from Counter Earth. The caracal added.

"According to Ursa and Barq our spacegate is not the only one- there was another inside the haboob. What does this all mean?" The commander of the knights asked.

"Perhaps we can find out." Rhinox and Sanda turned around to see a female gray bat joining them at the prison pit.

"Nezera!" The rhino warrior said surprised.

"Cover your eyes boys I wouldn't want to whammy you two by mistake."

2:15 PM S'mar Pridelands (Three Rivers Pride Territory)

Saber the vicious decided to conduct some reconnaissance. Was he planning on pillaging and plundering nearby prides? No, not this afternoon. He was going to see how those who were enveloped into his pride were doing. Were they integrating or just biding their time amassing their power so that they could attack and topple him? Well if you come after the king, you better not miss.

That afternoon the leader of the Three Rivers Pride dismissed his slaves for some alone time. Some spying time. From a secluded spot he observed acolytes from the dissolved Kokee Pride:

"Alright Sticks plant your foot-paws like this." Malee instructed his former tribe member. "Store power in your right arm, aim with your left paw and launch the javelin in one fluid motion, like so."

Sticks watched as the weapon hit a wood stump just past the village limits.


"And that is why you were one of our pride's best warriors." The youngling with the big ears remarked.

"We don't talk about Kokee." The well built male feline warned. "This is our pride now. You don't want them to think we are plotting against our new leader."

"Right." Sticks said swapping places with Malee. "So you like it here?"

"This is a strong pride with a strong leader. They survived the white death like it was just a minor annoyance." The muscular male replied watching the sub-adult take his stance.

"If you say so." The youngling replied adjusting his white loin-cloth and backstrap. He planted his foot-paws, hoisted the javelin, aimed, fired and missed the target badly. But he DID hit another.


Right in the backside...

"So sorry!" Sticks shouted to his unintended target. "Um, you should really get that looked at."

"And as someone who is new around here... it would be best for you to stay on everyone's good side." A slender male warrior said chastising the orphan.

"Yes!! Yes!! So sorry!!"

"I see you are having trouble fitting in." Malee said, placing his paw on the boy's shoulder.

"No one here likes me."

"Well an aim like that isn't going to help matters. But give it time, you will find your place."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I have." The warrior said as a broad arm and bicep grabbed his torso.

Sticks looked up to see Malee being led away by the same ferocious female warrior who had claimed him as hers days prior.

All the while the pride chieftain watched the exchange.

3:30 PM Rings and Torch's Hut (Three Rivers Pride Village)

"You sharpen in the direction of the blade like this." Rings instructed.

"Yes ma'am." Sticks replied to the pregnant warrior. Her belly seems to be growing a little more each day.

"It is important to always be prepared; weapons must be at the ready." The female warrior warned.

"But isn't life here relatively stable?" The orphan countered.

"It is and we owe that to our chieftain, but that isn't an excuse to become lazy. Now you try."

Sticks picked up the sharpening stone and started sharpening Rings' circular blade along the edge.

"Careful! Not like that!" The female savage warned.

"OUCH!" The youngling shouted as he cut a paw-finger. Drops of blood splattered on his white loin-cloth.

"You need practice with weapons sharpening." Rings said looking at his injury.

"I guess I do."

"Alright lesson's over. Go get that bandaged up." She ordered. "Before you start bleeding all over the place.

3:50 PM Staff's Hut (Three Rivers Pride Village)

"My, that cut looks deep." The elder said fetching some ointment.

"I am not a warrior elder."

"Why do you say that?"

"I can't handle weapons without injuring myself. That includes sharpening and throwing them." Sticks replied as Staff placed something on his paw to stop the bleeding.

"Nonsense, you just need to find where you belong. I am no longer advisor to the chieftain of Kokee Pride but I think I can prove myself useful to this pride's chieftain."

"So you are saying that I need to do so too. But it is hard when no one really likes me." Sticks said dejected.

"Well young one you will need to determine where you belong within this pride and soon otherwise you will be at risk of being culled." Staff warned as he bandaged up Stick's paw-finger. "I also would not let anyone learn of your nickname either. 'Bumble, It would make your integration that more difficult."

The youngling watched as Staff was soon led away from his hut by the two elderly females who had claimed him only days ago. It dawned on the boy that Staff and Malee were well on their way to regaining their stature and status they once held in their former tribe with their present one.

6:46 PM Village Center (Three River's Pride Village)

"No, boy not like that! You stir it gently otherwise..."


The cauldron and the stew Torch was teaching Sticks how to make exploded sending meat and broth in every which direction!


Torch said nothing but pointed indicating that the boy from the Kokee Pride should take a seat by the bonfire and leave the meal preparation to him.

Sticks complied, unaware that he was still being observed by the pride's leader.

"I can't believe they made us shovel most of the afternoon!" Naomi complained.

"Well, it was a lot of what do you call it? Oh snow."

"My arms almost fell off! Where is dinner?" Saber's youngest slave protested.

"It is going to be late." Sticks said sitting down next to Naomi and Annette.

"What happened?" The freckled teen asked the male feline.

"I did."

"OH." Annette and Naomi said in unison.

"So um, how was your day master Sticks?" Naomi said noticing that his white loin-cloth was only front facing. It did not cover his rear.

"Well I learned what I was not good at." He replied.

"Bumbled your way through again?" The husky female next to the teen commented.

"ANNETTE! Nurture not criticize." The brunette human said chastising the barren female.

"That was my nickname in my former tribe. I wasn't supposed to tell you that."

"Bumble? Master Sticks we won't call you that." The teen said as her tummy rumbled.

"Yes but you better figure out where you fit in around here otherwise we will be calling you CULLED." The female with the big breasts and wide butt warned.

"So what if you can't cook, hunt or fight. There has to be something you are good at that will benefit this pride." The freckled teen said trying to cheer him up.

"Um, Naomi, that is pretty much the top three."

"ANNETTE! Don't worry master Sticks, we will help you find your place." The brunette teen said to the dejected Kokee Pride boy.

7:16 PM Marble Canyons (Perna Pride Territory)

*cough* *cough* *cough*

"Bow, you don't sound well." The witch doctor said examining the former Kenja Pride leader.

"Nonsense. It is just because I was caught in that storm." The nude feline replied.

"In a block of ice frozen solid." Tonka replied.

"Your head is warm and your nose is running too." Kiwi said joining Pestle.

"I will muddle my way *cough* through." The group's guide announced.

"That may not be the best option." Naka said approaching with Song. "If you are ill it could affect your judgment."

"Naka is right. All of us are relying on you to guide us through this hostile unfamiliar territory with minimal confrontations and or conflicts." The chakat side piling on.

"Here Bow, take this." Pestle said giving her some green herbs. "It should lessen the coughing and runny nose. I can't do anything about the warm forehead though."

"We need to find some water." The leech boy observed.

"But where in all of this? How do we even know what way to go?" Naka said looking at the high painted dusty walls all around them.

"This place is a giant maze of mud, sand and stone." Song said. "By the way what do we know about Perna Pride?"

"The tribe that lives here lives here for a reason." Pestle said moving on to Kiwi Goodfellow. "The terrain has largely prevented them from running into conflict with other prides."

"Those that inhabit this place most likely can use it to their advantage to fend off invaders." Bow said, motioning the six of them to move forward.

"Not much is known about Perna Pride." Pestle announced.

"What about their size and number of warriors?" Naka asked.

"They are thought to be a moderate size tribe one that the neighboring prides steer clear of. Even the chieftain of my pride." The witch doctor announced.

"Curious, I wonder why?" Song asked ask Kiwi stared at Bow. There was just something about the feline form... her form.

Kiwi watched the S'mar warrior's athletic frame, her beautiful posterior sashaying boldly, confidently, then there was that tail and her exposed groin with that unassuming vaginal slit, out there for the whole world to see. His nose started bleeding again.

"Hmm.... I can't figure out why that keeps happening." The witch doctor said turning his attention to the preteen. "Place you paw-finger here and hold it for a little while."

Kiwi watched the lithe S'mar witch doctor pick up his supplies, strap his pestle to his back and start to follow Bow- he was every bit as nude as she was. Unlike Bow, Pestle was tall and thin. His long butt a tell-tale sign.

His other nostril started bleeding. Perhaps he should walk besides the two naked felines?

And so...

"It doesn't appear that this side of the planet is as bad off." Song said walking.

"Well you have the multicolored skies still taking place, but the daylight is more consistent." Naka said.

"But what about the snowstorm?" The leech asked.

"Yeah, there was that." The maned wolf replied.

*cough* *cough*

"I still can't believe that the fourth moon is responsible for all of this." The female warrior added.

"Bow, we are stating what we know is true." Kiwi said trying not to look at the nude savage.

"They wouldn't have a reason to lie especially when they know that their very lives are in our paws." The witch doctor said piling on.

"You meant that to sound creepy didn't you?" Kiwi asked the slender male.

"Looks like we found some water." Pestle announced side-stepping the question.

The group stared at a blue pond before them. Within was a geyser that shot water about twenty feet in the air. There was also an eerie mist floating above the clear water and some type of fog emanating from that.

"Something weird about this place." Tonka commented.

"One warning from our resident water-sucker." Kiwi replied.

"Still we should replenish our supplies, we don't know what is up ahead or when we will have another chance." The maned wolf said kneeling at the shore of the pond.

As he stuck his paws into the water he was covered by the mist.


"Naka!" Song shouted.





The chakat watched as her party collapsed all around her Kiwi, Tonka, even Bow and Pestle! Her mind grew soft and her eyes heavy. She soon joined them.


The group was soon surrounded by the savages who territory they had trespassed on.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 37: Inevitability Of Truth (We Go Down Together Part III)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 37: Inevitability Of Truth (We Go Down Together Part III)** October 2nd, YOE 35 8:30 AM Master Koala's Lab (World Three) _"The investigation into the attack at Castle Wundagore is still...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 34: How Do You Choose Who Will Be Saved?

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 34: How Do You Choose Who Will Be Saved?** September 18th, YOE 35 7:46 AM Castle Wundagore (World One) \*AAA CHOO!!!\* The female brown bear rubbed her nose as her fur was dampened by water...

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