Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 34: How Do You Choose Who Will Be Saved?

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 34: How Do You Choose Who Will Be Saved?** September 18th, YOE 35 7:46 AM Castle Wundagore (World One) \*AAA CHOO!!!\* The female brown bear rubbed her nose as her fur was dampened by water...

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my sad story about blitz

Once was a wolf pup named blitz the wolf he lived with his mum and dad when they found out he was gay they beat him up and were very mean they fed him dry bread all day everyday so one day he runs away and finds a friendly adult wolf which goes by the


The visitor

He is very mean. gorilla: u have me and machoke now. your safe here baby. he unties my hands and hugs me. me: mmmmm daddy your fur feels nice. machoke: a bear named papa bear is here. gorilla: everyone this is my old boyfriend papa bear.

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So Knotty! (A playful Poem I wrote under the influence of Jager Bombs)

_ those vixen are wild and are very mean when you take them by surprise! how was i to realize she was the policeman's daughter? you should have seen his face when he caught us be being... _naughty-knotty!

Belial: Shades of Purple

very mean, isma corrects hirself. they'd never hugged hir before, which was new. they wanted hir to believe so bad, but shi wouldn't. shi wouldn't do that again.

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Dory: Fighting Love

Cried dor very meanly and whoristically, licking her putrid lips like a megawhore, her face like elsa in the let it go scene. she then snapped magali's neck and threw her corpse at the angelfish, but to no avail. it too caught fire!

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That's naga he is very mean but when he found out who your parents are he might lighten up." naga glared at miri and yelled. "runt get over here now!"miri rushed over to naga and bowed in respect. "i-im m-miri daughter of the warrior queen and entei sir."

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Zrask Chapter 3

Seraisa looked down at his hands, "what you said to me isss very mean. i know i no know many thingsss about the way you live, but you tell me, and i am learning.

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Trouble in Paradise

"you're very mean!" it wagged its finger accusatorily, before the angel's silver hand crushed it into a bloody, broken doll. light and fire raged on their heart.

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Housepets: Curse of the Werenut, Chapter Three

"i don't know how you two managed to make that burn look so real last night, but it was a very mean thing to do.  your mother and i were worried sick!" "sorry, dad," grape muttered, looking down and shuffling her feet guiltily. 

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My 2015 FBA Draftee: Erik Kijani

"when i played soka as child, i was very mean and very rough. i had fire in my heart and i saw that i gave it to erik." said dembe. as a result, erik was kicked off the team in the middle of the season.

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Facesitting Story #9 - Badili and Mapigano

Until one day, a very mean and aggressive leopard named mapigano came into the picture. he was a stronger and more opposing leopard, who was ready to take over badili's territory and take advantage of his kind and shy nature.

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