Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 34: How Do You Choose Who Will Be Saved?

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 34: How Do You Choose Who Will Be Saved?** September 18th, YOE 35 7:46 AM Castle Wundagore (World One) \*AAA CHOO!!!\* The female brown bear rubbed her nose as her fur was dampened by water...

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Caleb's Predicament!

He should had known better to take a shower alone in the public bathroom on college. pondering around this, caleb snarls, yet mostly at himself for letting this happen.

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Entry 28

When i finally got up and got into the shower - and yes, i insisted on being able to shower alone for once, i wasn't in the mood to be teased or touched and if either of the guys decided to try anything i'd have probably killed them right there in

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Sylvester's Family Tales 14

Being around a watcher 100% of the time left him feeling pent up, it didn't matter if they let him shower alone, they were right outside the curtain.

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The Meeting Again of Lovers

**the meeting again of lovers** the day starts out like any other,waking up alone in my bed,showering alone,and even eating breakfast alone.

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Surprise Me

"you really shouldn't shower alone. who knows what evil things could happen. only...the...shadow...knows..." the black form laughs and moves closer to rafael, claws clicking on the floor. "it doesn't seem to be your lucky day, either."

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Sylvester's Family Tales 19

Top cat didn't have anything to be ashamed of, thought sylvester, but he preferred to shower alone. after putting away the net and balls for professor cedille while he showered the cats followed suit and went to rinse off.

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Sylvester's Family Tales 19

Top cat didn't have anything to be ashamed of, thought sylvester, but he preferred to shower alone. after putting away the net and balls for professor cedille while he showered the cats followed suit and went to rinse off.

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Solo Venusaur Masterbuation

Venusaur felt nervous, he would usually go shower alone but he was with his new buddy as he now called him. "uh.... y-yeah... sure..." venusaur muttered, too distracted by mightyena.

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Russian It? Chapter 7

After all, if you watched a scary movie before, you should know that one should never, and i mean _never_, take a shower alone. especially in a big, dark, empty place. "h-hello? anyone th-th-there?" i stammered.

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The Locker Room

The team had left a little bit ago and now chase sat in the showers alone.

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