Invasive Species: Chapter 2

Story by Lane Overfield on SoFurry

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#2 of Invasive Species

Kett investigates the previous night's events.

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More information is available in this journal entry

Kett stumbled back to her house in a daze, blinking heavily and rubbing her eyes. She assumed that the heat of the day had gotten to her, and that the episode she witnessed must have been a hallucination. But the next day, curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to return to the well and inspect the area for any sign of the previous night's struggle. She ventured back out to the nearby well, water jar in hand, in the midday sun. The plaza was bustling with the normal activities of the local populous, so it was rather hard to discretely determine if her memory served correctly, but she did manage to casually approach the well like she would on any other day. There was a short line of people waiting for access to the water source, so Kett simply stood in line and looked around the plaza. Nobody seemed distraught; nobody was talking about anything particularly scandalous; no guards or officials could be seen. Soon she was at the well, and Kett took the opportunity to cautiously peer over the stone ledge into the dark abyss. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It must have all been a dream. A hallucination.

But as Kett lowered the bucket to retrieve her water, the leopard woman in line behind her shrieked in horror. Something wet and slimy had grasped her ankle, she claimed, but as everyone looked around the culprit was nowhere to be found. Kett looked closely at the ground, fearing the worst, but only found some strange trails and disturbances left in the sandy dust on the baked earth. Turning around to face the well Kett looked closely at the masonry, but the cracks between the stones were too dark to see into. Cautiously, she continued to lower the bucket toward the bottom of the well until she heard the familiar splash and the rope went slack. Slowly turning the crank and looking around the plaza with a suspicious eye, Kett drew the bucket up until it had reached the top. She swept her eyes around the full perimeter once more, checking for any irregularities before turning toward the bucket.

Before Kett could begin pouring the water into her clay jar, a dark blur rushed past her face and toward the leopard behind her. Shrieks and yells filled the air as a mass of black slime clutched to the woman's face, and Kett snapped her gaze back to see the tendrils wrap around the back of the leopard's head. The woman struggled and stumbled, tearing at her face to remove the unwelcome organism, but to no avail. As the populous of the plaza witnessed the creature constricting and covering the woman's head, yells of terror filled the air and all but a few fled the scene. Those few who remained stood around the leopard, yelling at each other and her in order to plan a rescue attempt. The ooze soon covered the leopard's entire head, and little tendrils crawled down her neck and over her back, chest and shoulders, underneath her clothing.

Meanwhile, Kett stood in shock by the well, clutching to the bucket and watching in disbelief as the previous night's events replayed in her mind. Either her hallucinations were incredibly consistent, or there was something foreign living at the bottom of the well. But even as Kett knew what was going to happen to the women and the handful of would-be rescuers, she could not find the courage to so much as move from her position. Frozen in awe and horror, Kett watched as a large male lion grabbed the ooze on the back of the leopard's head and pulled, only to find his hand stuck to the growing mass.

The ooze crawled up the lion's arm and across his chest as it continued to seep down the leopard's torso. A white-furred canine grabbed onto the lion's chest and a fox grabbed onto the leopard's chest in an attempt to separate the pair, but soon all four were stuck together by the hungering creature. The final would-be savior, a small human female, attempted to back away from the amalgamate but a thick tentacle shot out and wrapped around her ankle, pulling her to the ground and dragging her toward the handful of struggling, yelling, quivering people.

Soon their screams died down, and Kett realized that they must be feeling the same kind of pleasure she saw the guards experience the previous night. The ooze pulled the five creatures together and covered their bodies, crawling under their clothing and clutching their flesh. Their struggling slowed and their clothing fell off, piece by piece, shredded by the writhing motions of the strong tendrils of slime. The male lion found himself pulled up close behind the female leopard, his chest pressed firmly against her back, and the male fox was pulled against her front, chest to chest. The ooze slid cool tentacles down over their midsections, over their thighs, and around the two males' ball sacks, squeezing firmly until their cocks slid slowly out of their sheaths. The tendrils constricted and pulled, guiding the two cocks into the leopard's asshole and pussy, the three moaning loudly as they joined. The male canine behind the lion was likewise drawn in, and his throbbing red cock slid up and stiffened while the black tendrils guided it to the lion's tailhole, plunging it deep inside in a single swift motion.

The human woman lay on the ground, several tentacles wriggling over her body. While the slime held her torso tight, oozy tendrils found their way to the woman's holes, sliding slowly into her tight pussy and asshole. She moaned loudly as she let the moisture of the tentacles cool her skin in the hot noon sun, feeling the thickness of the ooze stiffen inside her and pulse rhythmically, pressing firm against her clit as she gyrated her hips against the creature's grasp. Slowly, the tentacles thickened and dragged her along the ground, closer to the mound of moaning and gasping. The human female was drawn upright and pressed against the enraptured leopard, the two entangling themselves in a passionate embrace, the leopard's breath hot and raspy as she clenched and quivered on the fox and lion cocks buried inside her. As the human female dug her fingers into the back fur of the leopard, her fingertips pushed into the pliable skin and penetrated the leopard's flesh. The cool and inviting ooze drew the human to push in further, burying her hands and arms into the leopard's back, clinging close as they kissed.

As the two women embraced, the tentacles forced the fox to pull his throbbing and twitching cock from the leopard. He could only pant and watch in clouded ecstasy as the two women kissed so hard that their heads melded together, their tongues dancing against each other's before their lips fused and sealed their moans behind skin and flesh. The tentacles drew their hips together, encouraging the human and leopard to press against each other in their heated embrace. Their hips ground, tighter and tighter, until their pelvises merged and their clits squeezed against each other and they became a single unified body of flesh.

Once the two women were conjoined, the tendrils around the fox yanked and plunged his twitching cock deep into the human's yearning ass, immediately hilting himself and sliding his pulsing knot into her tight hole. The fox and the lion moaned as they felt each other's cocks through the merged bodies, sliding through the hot flesh with a quickening rhythm, but the lion soon grunted as the canine's knot was pulled roughly from his ass by strong slime. The canine was dragged down to his back and along the ground until he was beneath the merged women, their pussies merged to create a single tight passage. Moaning as a tentacle grabbed him by the hips, the canine could only watch as he was lifted up and his cock guided into the dripping pussy, sliding in between the two throbbing cocks crammed into the merged women's asses, finally arching his back and pushing his knot into the searing-hot flesh and forcing a loud moan from the two women. The fox and the lion groaned loudly as the dog knot pressed against their own cocks, squeezing their throbbing members inside the women's tight holes.

Kett watched as the conjoined victims ground their hips against one another, moaning loudly into the midday sun. The ooze covered their bodies until the entire ensemble was a single jet-black mass of moaning and fucking. Each of the men and women bucked their hips against each other, the three stiff cocks pulsing and throbbing as they slammed into the conjoined women's holes. Forced into a wild frenzy by the delirious touch of the slime, the hapless citizens moaned and cried out, bodies tensing against the creature's strong grip. In a single moment the three men groaned and flexed their muscles, burying themselves in the tight flesh as they came, hot seed pumping into the merged holes. The women moaned against each other's transformed faces, rocking their hips forward and back against the three stiff members hilted inside their bodies, squeezing their holes against the hard shafts as the merged pair orgasmed together with the men trapped in the creature's embrace.

All five citizens remained attached and buried within each other as several long dark tentacles spread out from their feet, sliding along the ground so that the entire mass crept toward the well. Kett could only stare as they moaned at each other, and the tendrils guided their bodies up and over the side of the well before crawling slowly down the stone walls toward the bottom.

Soon the plaza was silent and empty except for Kett, who stood frozen in the same position, holding tightly to the water-filled bucket. She could hear moaning in the depths below her. The fox looked down into the abyss, but was suddenly greeted by the face of the human female who had just been dragged into the well. The woman was returned to her former state, un-merged from the leopard, as if the entire scene beforehand never even happened. She was supported by a single thick tentacle, dark ooze covering most of her body except her chest and face which were crossed with several dark lines of slime embedded into her skin. The woman opened her mouth, and a voice followed, but the voice did not belong to the woman, and her mouth did not move in accordance to what she was saying. The voice was loud and booming, and pronounced each word heavily and distinctly, as if they were not its own.

"You are not afraid."

Kett looked around behind her. "What the hell--."

"Maybe you are a little afraid."

Eyes wide, "I'd say so, yeah."

"You are not as afraid as the others."

"What's going on?"

"You are just the right amount of afraid."

"Alright, I get it, what the hell are you?"

The creature made the woman reach out her hand toward Kett, "Touch me and all will be known."


"Take my hand and we will commune and I will make known to you from where I have come."

"Commune? Is that what that was?"

"Take my hand and we--."

"Fine! Fine, sheesh." Kett reached out and paused, then slowly touched her fingertip to the ooze covering the woman's hand.

Her eyed dilated. She felt a consciousness inside her, something probing her thoughts, wrapping soft tendrils around the edges of her mind. There were no words, only ideas. Ideals. In a single instant she simply knew that the ooze, the black mass at the bottom of the well, was a creature born deep within the hidden reaches of the planet. It was a rare breed of symbiote who could only survive and grow by absorbing other life forms. Specifically, the organism had a great need for the particular mix of nutrients and chemicals produced during the act of lovemaking. The creature had captured the guards from the night before, and the more recent citizens, and melded them into its own body. This melding process was unique in that it created a permanent physical and psychological bond between the two parties but also preserved a modicum of individuality on the part of the host. The ooze creature provided the many hosts with unending pleasure, both physical and mental, and the creature frequently stimulated the hosts into orgasm so that it may survive.

This particular creature had found its way to the surface from the bottom of the well, fleeing the changing world underneath and fearing for its safety in the realm it came from. Kett was filled with a sense of benevolence as the creature probed her mind. She knew that it desired to survive here, and in order to do that it must, in part, protect the welfare of the people nearby. But at the same time, it must also consume a fair amount of people in order to grow and survive. Willing additions to the symbiotic family, as it was called, were far more beneficial than unwilling prisoners, as the willful would find themselves more aroused and could give more of the fluids the creature needed.

As the creature was mostly unable to move from the area around the well, and could only catch new hosts on its own if they ventured very close, the creature needed an outside agent to bring in new members. Kett could see that the creature intended for her to be that outside agent.

Her head swam as the creature poured knowledge into her mind, and she lost her vision and sense of time. She felt alone in a non-space, floating amid nothingness, but feeling an immense pleasure. She knew she was under the effects of the creature, but it showed her how it was able to transform flesh at will, and how she would be given the same ability. It showed her how she would be transformed, and she liked what she saw. She didn't have a chance to disagree, nor did she particularly want to.

Some of her vision returned and she could see the human girl in front of her again. Kett stepped up onto the side of the well and into the woman's arms, and felt an instant rush of pleasure as the ooze of the creature touched her body. The human woman embraced her, and turned her so that Kett's back was pressed against the woman's smooth chest. Her clothes were torn off and the ooze crawled up her feet and ankles, spreading them at a wide angle. The ooze took a hold of her wrists and bound them to the wrists of the woman, pulling them both out straight. Kett's vision darkened again, and she felt herself consumed by an all-encompasing pleasure as tendrils crawled from the human woman's chest, around Kett's sides and over her torso, thin lines wrapping up under her firm breasts and squeezing, then curving around over the top to just barely touch her nipples. More tendrils crawled up her neck and over her face, and even more spun up her shins and thighs.

She began to drift in and out of consciousness as she felt a thick tentacle slide up between her legs. It was slick and hard, and pushed slowly at her tight tailhole. It slid in slowly, filling her as she had only felt a few times before, and numbing the area as it crawled deeper inside her. Then, beneath her, an offshoot of the slime grew forward, another tendril rubbing up over her wet pussy lips. It hardened and pressed firmly against her clit, sliding down over her pussy until it found her wet entrance and pushed up inside her. She inhaled deeply as it filled her, feeling it press inside her against the tendril in her ass. The two tentacles only slid in, further and further, until she thought she was as full as she could ever be, and then they only continued sliding into her wanting body.

Again the slime beneath her grew forward, another appendage reaching up over her clit, pressing firmly against her pelvis. The thick tentacle slid up her belly until it reached her bellybutton, and then separated from her torso, attached only at her clit. This ooze grew in thickness and hardened until it was a stiff rod standing almost straight up from her pelvis, massaging her clit underneath with powerful waves of pleasure. The tentacle throbbed and pulsed, digging into the flesh above her clit, molding it. Suddenly Kett felt as if the tentacle was a part of her body, and she could feel her pulse racing inside of it. She tensed every muscle in her body, clenching and arching her back as the ooze grew veins and contours down the sides. Kett could feel a burning inside her pelvis and bucked against the tentacles buried deep inside her ass and pussy, yearning for release but unable to reach a final climax. She twitched her whole body involuntarily, clenching muscles in her pelvis she didn't know she had, squeezing and finally screaming in pleasure as a single powerful wave ripped through her entire body, her back arching as a channel shot through the center of the tentacle above her pelvis and a thick jet of cum pulsed out. Kett could only look down in amazement as the tentacle twitched and spasmed, sending hot cum high into the air. Her vision faded as her blood pulsed in her head, body clenching from head to toe. Soon the ooze wrapped around her entire body, pulling her down into the depths of the well in order to complete her transformation.