Cassidy x Zangoose x Jolteon/Cassidy x Dragonite

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#19 of Cassidy's Journey


Set a year prior to Cassidy beginning her pokémon journey.


Any supertext is subtitling for specific lines.


Existing; complete stories: 'Midnight.' (Male umbreon x fem trainer.) 'A Night She Couldn't Resist.' (Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer.) 'All They Knew.' (Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)'Only Crystal.'(Male human x fem espeon.)


All NSFW scenes: Chapter 4: Cassidy & Fenny.

M braixen x F human.

Chapter 6: Cassidy & Fenny.

M braixen x F human.

Chapter 7: Cassidy & Fenny.

M braixen x F human.

Chapter 11: Cassidy & Fenny.

M braixen x F human.

~ Non-canon:

Chapter 17: Añu & Violet.

M riolu x F liepard. Chapter 18: Fenny & Garna.

M braixen x F gardevoir.

~ Timeline of all stories and upcoming projects are available in my profile.

Cassidy exited her front door close to midnight, shutting and locking it behind her. She wore black boots, matching jogger pants, and a long-sleeved black tee to avoid standing out, and she'd left her Pokétch behind since she wouldn't be out long.

Under a starry night sky, the temperature in Laverre was a comforting cool. She looked up and down its vacant roads other than a few pokémon roaming about, some people taking night walks, and others enjoying the air on their porches.

Cassidy started walking east down the faded red pavement, past dead buildings for the night and trees rustling against mild breezes. She glanced at a couple of linoone she caught out the corner of her eye darting inside bushes as she passed.

She was officially lost. Elli had banned her from her group of maniacs three nights ago. He'd ripped her from her pills, her drinks, her sex-- everything that was keeping her sane, and the last two nights were the worst ones she had ever experienced.

Because she was forced to face acute psychological grief all night and had suffered withdrawals that would only get worse.

Cassidy could no longer take it, so she left her party asleep and was going out for a walk.

She wished with everything in her being to have alcohol or a type-pill to let her escape, or at least her boyfriend to comfort her. Cassidy would do anything for it. She felt helpless, pitifully desperate, and had no idea how to cope.

She didn't even know where she was walking, but even after she reached Laverre's limits in the next fifteen minutes, Cassidy didn't stop. She knew better than to venture into routes alone late at night. The warning applied to both genders but especially to young girls and women. However, she didn't care what happened, and secretly, she could be hoping for satisfaction of any kind.

Rich, orange leaves littered the route and trail that crunched under her boots. Rows of moonlit trees, bushes, and tall grass leading into miles of dark and deathly silent forest encompassed her. Cassidy still found herself watching her surroundings, feeling naturally uneasy.

And she started walking just slightly faster when she heard active rustling in those bushes and trees, which were just the pokémon of the route.

No one was behind or ahead of her, and she was now halfway through the route with a mile left to go.

But that's when Cassidy stopped and saw something emerge from patches of tall grass twenty paces ahead that she had to squint to make out. It was a short white figure with red streaks on its body that stopped on the guided path and was facing her. "Shit..." she muttered, swallowing, her breaths beginning to quicken.

Cassidy didn't want to assume the worst, but pokémon assaulting or brutally murdering humans was uncomfortably common-- and it sometimes became both, hence why the stark warning existed.

Maybe this wasn't the best idea after all. She couldn't control the actions of feral pokémon.

She turned around and started backtracking, but shortly after her next few steps, she shot her eyes to a yellow blur zip toward her from within the trees before she could react and tackle her legs from behind. "Uhwh-" Cassidy's feet abruptly slipped from under her, and she fell flat onto her back with a heavy thud and harsh huff, her head hitting the dirt and everything going black.

"Mh..." she groaned and grimaced upon feeling an intense headache and a dull, throbbing ache in the back of her head. Cassidy slowly opened her eyes to a dark blue sky dotted with stars as she noted earlier. She looked to her side and saw trees, tall grass, and general greenery running endlessly, then turned to her other side, wincing from the swell that flared in her head as she did so.

More trees. "Ughn... non, gh." Her assailants had taken her deep into the route where no one could hear her loudest screams. She knew. Cassidy raised her hand and reached behind her head, touching around until feeling a tender spot. "A-Ahs..." She brought her hand before her and looked at her fingers, seeing blood on them.

Cassidy hoped not to have a concussion. She heard nothing but wild ambiance, including distant cries from bidoof and a mix of other pokémon, hoots from hoothoot perched in trees, and eerie breezes around her. The air was significantly colder, and she looked down to see the terrain she was left on, which was chilly, moist dirt with spots of grass.

It seemed the pokémon that had set her up weren't in sight, so maybe she could get out of here if she acted fast enough. Cassidy wasn't in her right mind and had learned her lesson. She placed her palms on the ground, turned onto her stomach, and pushed, bringing herself up and ignoring her headache as best she could.

However, as she raised her head mid-push-up, everything in her utterly sunk. She couldn't even breathe, and the horror was spelled out in her eyes.

Before her was a zangoose standing over her with a solemn, intimidating expression. Cassidy glanced at its long claws that could tear her skin with ease and the red streak along its chest.

It hadn't moved a muscle, keeping its light red eyes that pierced through the darkness on her face.

"L-Liste- g-gh," Cassidy choked as the zangoose lunged and held her throat with its paws, keeping her locked with its claws and slightly lifting her up. Her heart raced, her eyes widened, and her breaths had never been faster.

It could kill her right now, and Cassidy had to comply. She was in its world with her life in its paws. Literally. "P-Please, I- don't kill mhhgh." It pressed her neck tightly, cutting her words and rendering her unable to breathe. Cassidy opened her mouth and found no air, digging her nails into the grimy soil beneath her.

The pokémon released and dropped her on the ground, watching her hack and gasp for air.

Cassidy held her throat and breathed heavily for several seconds before somewhat catching her breath, looking up at the zangoose with a hint of fear, though she attempted to stay strong. "Wh-What the fuck d-do you want?"

But it only stared, squinting a little to glare.

"Because y-you don't want to... want to kill me," Cassidy spoke between breaths. She knew what it wanted, but it wasn't taking any action.

She then heard rustling in nearby tall grass and felt a presence behind her, and by the time she turned to look, it was already on top of her, the yellow blur that had knocked her unconscious. It was a jolteon.

Cassidy looked aside as it positioned itself over her rear, flushing her cheeks. Its paws were on both sides of her, and it dragged its hips over her upper thighs until pressing its groin to her clothed cheeks, where she felt its stiff tip protrude through her pants and poke her. She could also see a dominant smirk spread across his face alongside a couple of sparks light up on his cheeks as if a threat.

As she thought. She then looked back at the Zangoose. "Tu veux sexe... (You want sex...)" Cassidy shot her eyes between them. "You idiots didn't have to knock me unconscious for that." Although this situation was unfavorable, it was part of what she'd been kinda, sorta searching for initially, and she was no stranger to this, which was why she didn't feel too violated.

"Zan," it grumbled in a deep voice and peered at her. The zangoose brought his index claw and pressed it to her throat until it dimpled her skin.

"Ghn." She grimaced and pushed her upper half up off the ground again, raising her head to alleviate some of the pressure, and he lowered his claw a moment later. "I-I get it." Cassidy had to remind herself that these were ferals. They only had their interests and desires to fulfill, which involved using a lone teen they'd dragged deep into a route in the dead of the night whether or not she wanted to be fucked.

These were awful pokémon. They wouldn't take kindly to a human berating them.

She felt abrupt tugs on the back of her pants and looked to see the jolteon biting and pulling at them. He wasn't making much progress since all of her weight was on her lower body, so Cassidy helped by raising herself using her arms, working to keep herself in place against his actions.

The jolteon pulled them and then her panties down to her knees after a few moments of struggle. He didn't need for them to be off, just enough to slip in, which he wasted no time proceeding with after gazing lustfully upon her wide hips fair, ample thighs, and thick rear. Her vagina stole his breath and peaked his feral arousal. It was small with thin lips, which he knew would be a tight fit that'd drive him wild.

Cassidy felt him hop between her legs and spread his hind ones so he stood outside and against her thighs, his cool fur touching her exposed skin along with the dirt under her, making her shudder. "Hm. Nf." She bit her lip as he moved up and prodded his tapered tip around her labia multiple times before fitting it between them.

The moment he did, his smirk grew, and he pushed his hips, parting her vaginal lips with his length that his sheath uncovered against until pressing his hips to her butt. "Jolh," he sighed in relief, feeling her slick, warm walls encompass his cock and stop at his growing knot. He moved his hips while tilting his head aside.

"Oh-h," Cassidy gasped and looked back, watching his vulnerable expression while he humped her pussy, then drew her eyes to his hips in motion and hind paws grounded in the dirt. She'd never had a jolteon before and found them cute with their glossy purple eyes and spiky, ruffled fur.

She turned forward and lowered her head, dropping her jaw and shutting her eyes while he took her faster. His hips tapped her ass, which was clearly audible among the surrounding faint ambiance. "Ouais... Oh yeahh," Cassidy whispered, trailing to a pleased whimper.

She felt his cock spread and massage her walls and tease her sweet zone while his knot tapped her labia. Her arms quivered from holding her weight up for so long, so she lowered herself onto her palm and forearm, her chest closer to the ground.

Not only did it feel amazing, but it was taking her from reality and sending her to the very familiar world of pleasure she largely preferred living in.

As she got wetter, so did the jolteon's thrusts, filling the forest's air with soft slicks, wet squelches, and his accompanying grunts with faint electrified crackles heard on every exhalation, as his ability stores were in his lungs. The heavier his breaths were, the louder the effect was.

The zangoose watched with a growing red erection of his own, nearly twice bigger than the jolteon's size. He glazed over his friend's actions, who was leaning over their capture and pounding her with purpose. His expression reflected how lost he was in pleasure. His eyes were soft, head cocked, breaths increasingly rapid, and his mouth had curled into a small, twisted grin.

However, the zangoose saw that Cassidy was experiencing the same and didn't like that so much. Perhaps she needed another reminder. He kept his austere expression and again grabbed her neck with a minute smirk as he saw those green eyes shoot open and panic, squeezing while lifting her and listening to her choke again. "Goose. Zan." He looked past her and spoke to his friend, who slowed momentarily to acknowledge his words.

Cassidy couldn't get a noise out from how tight his grip was. She pushed out her tongue, dread again filling her dilated eyes that rolled while euphoric pleasure flowed along her walls, and the confused rush from being choked created blissful chills.

She didn't know why he had to fucking abuse her, but again, these two were tormented souls that got off to it. He wasn't letting her breathe at all, though, and tears began forming in her eyes. Cassidy raised her hand and held his arm, tugging weakly at it and begging for air with her gaze. Her face was turning pink, and she felt enough hot pressure in her head for it to explode.

"Jolt-teh." The jolteon pumped harder and gritted his teeth while the teen's grooved slimy walls caressed his glans, frequently oozing pre inside her. He felt his peak stir within his groin already from her limitlessly tender affection. He sparked his cheeks and ran the intentionally weak, channeled electricity down his body and legs, where it connected to her.

That's when the zangoose released and let her hit the ground again, and the moment Cassidy whimpered and gasped deeply for air, it cut. "Ihzyh!" She first retracted against it until feeling a stronger voltage that made her tense completely. She felt burning tingles flare throughout her entire being while the jolteon continued thrusting, mini zaps of light blue electricity visibly running and zagging up her vulva, legs, sides, arms. Her entire body.

The intense static surging throughout her that spasmed her muscles combined with his cock stimulating her walls brought her to an immediate blended full-body orgasm. Cassidy was still stiff once the shock faded, curling her toes and digging her nails into the dirt, drool oozing from her agape jaw.

"U-U-Uhhhh..." she let out a hoarse groan, wide-eyed and dazed, and couldn't catch air just yet, engrossed in sensational orgasmic waves that spread from her pelvis and ran up her body like otherworldly, exaggerated hot chills. It blurred her vision and was infinitely more powerful than any orgasm she had ever experienced, making her squirt against the jolteon's fur and on his moving shaft. It only began to fade after several more dragging seconds.

"Fuckkkhnnn!" She fell limp onto her chest with her cheek on the dirt, her quivering arms out beside her, and had cried out with a scratchy voice from strangulation loud enough for it to echo through the air, resound among the trees, and kill any nearby ambiance.

She grunted on every harsh exhalation and struggled to gather any composure after such pleasurably traumatic pain in succession.

"Nhh, nhfuck... f-fuck. Please... oh, plh..." Cassidy muttered repeatedly while the jolteon kept pounding her pussy, bringing her pleasure she could no longer handle. Her limbs jolted, and she genuinely felt as if she would pass out again. She was practically dripping with sweat from pure exertion under her clothes, all over her face and brow, and her thighs.

The jolteon leaned in and placed its forepaws on the trembling mid-section of her back, thrusting harder and pressing into it whenever he entered, which forced her cheek, bare thighs, and clothing to drag slightly against the dirt against his motions.

He stuck his tongue out, shut his eyes, and held his breath while nearing his peak, listening only to the girl's helpless pleas, the amplified wet smacks from his rough humping, and the sweet squelches and gushes from her vagina.

Her orgasm had loosened her well enough that his knot slipped inside her pussy with his cock, popping in and out against her labia and forcing his length deeper.

The zangoose shot his eyes between both, more aroused than ever. His cock stood upright and twitched in anticipation. He watched his friend thrust wildly, shoving his hips to her plump ass that rippled against the impact. His expression was strained, his panting swift, and his pleased grin grew with an open mouth upon closing in to his peak, fixed deep into blinding immersion.

The zangoose then looked down at the girl, running his eyes over her body, as he had always been fond of humans' build and fragility. She appeared weak enough to seem dead. She was unmoving, her husky moans and breaths shallow through her drooly mouth, stammering, but just as rapid, and her body moved against the grimy soil with no pushback. Her eyes were shut, opening only on occasion to roll back.

"J-olt-Jolt_nn_..." he growled and leaned in, wincing tightly and giving the hardest, fastest thrusts he could manage while his climax swelled and was ready to release. The jolteon tilted his head back and felt overwhelming waves of soaking hot pleasure stroke his glans that ran over every groove along her walls convulsing against him, throbbing against dizzying pleasure.

After humping several more times, a more than worthwhile electrifying orgasm inundated him, rendering his mind blank while he continued pumping his hips, shoving his knot in and out of her tight pussy. "Jollll," he groaned. His cock was warm with friction, surging with explosively orgasmic waves while semen spurted copiously from his tip and marked her walls.

His frenzied and swift thrusts while cumming made a lot of it spurt out on the ground whenever he pulled his hips back, creating a messy and overly-slick-sounding climax.

Cassidy huffed and could properly release the moment he slowed and pulled out. She felt him unmount and took deeper, complete breaths while closing her eyes, but she still couldn't move a muscle.

She didn't know what the fuck she had gotten herself into. On one hand, Cassidy had never been so torn between literal torture and the best possible orgasm she could ever have experienced.

On the other, she was lying on the ground like a pitiful slut before a wild zangoose's paws while covered in sticky sweat. Her clothes, face, and legs were stained with dirt, and jolteon cum was dripping from her pussy. She was also fearful because she didn't know the outcome after they were done using her for their pleasure. Many were never seen again, but even if they murdered her, she had nothing but her party to live for.

The jolteon sat back, smug. He eyed his thick fluids oozing out her vagina, then looked up at his friend with a tired sigh. "Jol. Jolteon."

The zangoose nodded, exchanging a brief smirk. This was an exceptional catch indeed, their best yet, although this had only been their second in a week. Their first had been much older, so having a perky teen was a treat.

They had been planning these temporary nappings for months but had always been deathly afraid to act on the idea, as pokémon that assaulted or fatally harmed humans usually got put down, but after seeing enough females stroll the routes in sometimes skimpy outfits daily, they wanted to experience one.

So, here they were, on their second helping. It was odd that this catch hadn't shown reluctance, but it made the process easier.

The duo had known each other since birth, four years ago, as their parents were good friends, and they both used to be good pokémon too, raised to be kind, caring, and everything. It was too bad that temptation got a firm hold and found a way to topple their values. They couldn't possibly mate another pokémon again, so they would risk the consequences and live the rush until it caught up to them.

The zangoose looked down at Cassidy, who wasn't even close to recovering, but fortunately, that wouldn't be necessary. He grabbed her arm and turned her onto her back, kneeling before her face.

She opened her eyes and saw him staring down at her, along with his testes and cock hovering over her face. "Ghiv..." she began. "Give me another minute, p-please." Cassidy didn't have the energy to please. They had drained her for the night, but seeing as how she had no say, she at least wanted to prepare.

But he didn't want to wait. He reached and grabbed her arms, pulling her across the dirt until her face was under his testes, then extended his arm and placed a claw below and at the center of her chest.

Cassidy flinched and looked down, feeling panic all over again as he pressed it against her shirt, but she internalized and reduced it to her heart racing and fists clenching that rested atop the dirt. She watched him draw his claw up and slowly tear her shirt up to her collar, where he stopped.

She could have just taken it off, but whatever. These two had issues. At least he hadn't split her chest open.

The zangoose held both ends of her shirt beside where he made the cut and tore it in half to expose her breasts, hearing a rip. The sight alone stiffened his member. They were as perky as the rest of her, rounded well and big enough to hold with small nipples.

He pulled her under him a bit more, then leaned in and set his member between her breasts, holding and gently squeezing them against his shaft with his paws.

"Shuh..." Cassidy shivered upon him setting his warm, twitching cock onto her chest and his pads pushing her tits against it. She just hoped he would continue to be this gentle. She could rest for now. The most she had to deal with was the potent enough musk to make her eyes water emanating from his privates that she was directly under.

Cassidy was just glad most wild pokémon used ponds, or else their fur would reek too.

"Zn..." he grunted under his breath and started slowly moving his hips, gazing at her breasts that massaged and stimulated his glans. Feeling warm skin around his cock was a luxury he would savor every second of.

"Jolt," his friend said while watching, seeing the zangoose look up at him. He was bored already and wanted to see real action. Maybe a bit of struggle from their captive. They just hadn't done enough. "Jol jolteon. Jolteh," he smirked.

Cassidy felt him stop and move back some, then prod his tip at her lips. "Mhn..." She hesitated to open at first because she just knew this one wasn't going to give a damn about her well-being.

"Goose..." He gritted his teeth and prodded harder, poking his tip at her lips.

Ugh. Cassidy parted them and felt him push his tip inside that touched her tongue, filling her mouth with a taste as putrid as he smelled.

And of course, he didn't stop there. He went deeper, his cock filling her mouth until prodding at the entrance to her throat. "Hk." Cassidy briefly widened her eyes and raised her arms.

But the zangoose promptly pinned her wrists to the ground and pushed even deeper, watching her eyes widen enough to pop until pressing his hips to her face and seeing a bulge form against her throat. "Zhng..." he huffed and closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the relief her narrow, wet throat provided hugging and warming his erection.

After several seconds of no air, Cassidy strained her throat and pulled against his weight, raising her hips while trying to get any kind of sound or inhale a pinch of oxygen while his length sat uncomfortably inside. More tears formed and glossed her eyes over, and she began feeling lightheaded and hazy. The sound of her heartbeat amplified in her ears.

He slightly pulled back after a couple of seconds and heard her immediately start to choke and cough around his cock, joined by whatever guttural whimpers she could get out between them.

Keeping her wrists pinned, he began thrusting again, starting slow and hearing her slimy throat stroke his glans with care alongside her frequent gags and stammered chokes whenever he pushed in. He felt her lips purse around his member often, her tongue raise and lick at it, and her throat tense against his movement, sighing frequently under pleasure.

"Znghs..." he groaned and opened his mouth, squeezing the girl's wrist while consumed with mesmerizing pleasure, spurting pre down her throat.

"Gh-hh. Nk. Hh-ghk!" Cassidy's eyes rolled back often, and tears streamed down her cheeks. Fucking Arceus, this felt awful, a fleshy rod forcefully shoved deep down her throat in an awkward position whose size she couldn't accommodate. She couldn't even swallow.

The discomfort was staggering, dizzying her beyond repair. She could barely breathe, and when she had an opportunity, she wasted it on choking, whining, and moving not even a second later that she knew only enhanced the zangoose's experience. Cassidy fell limp again. There was no use to continue wasting energy she would need to get back home if they let her live.

The zangoose felt her give in and took one paw from her wrist, placing it on her throat and rubbing the moving bulge over it. He felt the vibration of every sound she made, growing a smirk while speeding up his pace, pumping into her mouth faster and tapping her face with his hips and testes.

"Zangh... oosse." He winced and wore a forceful glare as the sensations rose with every thrust, making him breathe faster. The overwhelmingly wet pleasure was irresistible, and he wouldn't hold back.

So he humped harder while she repeatedly gagged and took whiny breaths that he felt hit his shaft. He looked ahead and saw her shift and tense her legs, bringing up her knee just to straighten it out again. He assumed it was her trying to deal with his work.

The jolteon twitched his ear to everything he heard, eyeing his friend whose expression exuded the spell of pleasure he was under while he humped relentlessly. He was happy he was taking his turn and experiencing similar sensations he had.

It had aroused him all over again, though, especially while listening to the teen choke and moan on his friend's cock. He eyed her vagina and walked to it, lying between her legs that occasionally jerked and leaning in, where he stuck out his tongue and drew it along her labia, tasting her and his own bittersweet fluids.

"Mh... khg... hnm..." Cassidy's choking and noises gradually grew weaker as she did. She felt a slimy appendage lapping needily at her pussy and clit, a slimier cock ramming her throat without rest while the zangoose behind it grunted and groaned, deriving as much pleasure as his wicked heart desired, and she felt her body quiver and echo with shock.

Her vision was fading that she fought to keep in place, and everything started going numb. She didn't know when this would end. Time ran in slow motion, and she didn't know what they had in store next, but Cassidy knew it wouldn't be any lighter on her body.

The zangoose felt his climax begin to brew quickly, forming in his stomach and making him gasp. "Goosee... Hz." He looked down at his cock slipping in and out her mouth, then drew his eyes to her breasts that jiggled subtly against his motions. He reached and held them in his paws, pushing and massaging them, and glanced ahead at his friend busy between her spread legs.

He heard every noise and move she had been making stop completely, the air filled only with his breaths, gruff grunts, and wet gushes during every thrust that pushed her body.

He was seconds from cumming and shut his eyes, savoring the soaking heat enveloping his glans that surged intensely, closing to a peak with every stroke. "Gsss..." The zangoose thrust roughly, his breaths reaching a higher pitch, and following several more, a hot, dreamy orgasm layered his being.

It filled his cock with orgasmic sensations in abundance. He stuck his tongue out and pushed her tits in while thrusting without a pace, often shoving and pressing his hips to her face while shooting his thick load down her throat, his breaths stammering from exaggerated pleasure while at his peak.

The jolteon sat up upon feeling his friend stop moments later, sitting up while licking his lips. He stared at him hunched over while catching his breath, staying in the girl's throat. "Jolteon?" he asked with a slight grin.

The zangoose gathered himself before opening his eyes, nodding. It was very good, and a part of him wished he could... keep her. He pulled out of her mouth with a string of saliva following, sitting back and taking deep breaths while staring at her agape jaw.

The atmosphere was utterly silent. Both pokémon stared at the teen lying motionless on the ground. She was still alive, told by her stomach and sides expanding with her breaths.

"Zang. Za goose." He felt they should leave before she woke up. They'd gotten what they wanted for the night. It was time to go as far as they could in case she woke up and ran to authority.

"Jolt." He stood and stretched. It's what they did last time. They weren't fond of killing anyone after they were done. They'd seen it happen before their eyes once, and that stupid pokémon was caught anyway because it stuck around the area. The best they could do was run. The girl had already given them something and had many years left to live.

Cassidy opened her eyes to the same night sky above her, clearing her sore throat and contorting her face from the sour taste sitting in her mouth.

She felt something pull her leg, making her gasp from how easily she slid across the dirt and was lifted up with her entire backside pressed against something. Something warm and huge.

She looked up and saw a dragonite staring down at her with big, grayish-green eyes while snaking its arm around her stomach. Her heart dropped all over again, and her cheeks flushed. Cassidy didn't bother uttering a word. She looked down and watched it pull her pants off her legs, dropping them on the ground, and saw his erection as well.

"Wow..." she whispered. He was almost as long as her forearm, slightly bigger than the dragonite from her group, and with a thicker girth, so she hoped what was coming wouldn't hurt.

The dragonite had been flying overhead and noticed her in the clearing. He wouldn't stay for long, but this was an accessible and adorable treasure he couldn't pass up.

He moved his arms to her rear with dirt almost covering its cheeks and slid them under her legs, then slid them up her legs to position them straight up with her feet by her head, holding them against his chest and hearing a gravelly groan of pain coming from her.

"Ghh_aghee!" Cassidy was _not this flexible. She winced with clenched teeth, feeling a sharp, tingly pain radiate in the back of her thighs. He'd definitely torn something.

The dragonite lowered her vagina over his tip and pushed his hips upward, penetrating and stretching her labia. The warmth around his tip made him shudder already. He lowered her more and felt her slimy, used hole take the rest of his length in, encompassing and wetting his glans that made him stiffen. "Nite..."

He softened his eyes and started thrusting, holding her close and lowering his wings while hearing strained moans and grunts from her. His cock slipping in and out made pronounced squishes and squelches from whatever had filled her before him.

"Nghhn, ouh..." Cassidy's moans were strained because his tip was hitting her cervix, bringing her a dull ache that made her stomach leap and toes curl. It felt good otherwise. Her tight lips gripped his cock and walls pulsated around him, making his size feel at home.

She much preferred this over getting choked out, electrocuted, and face fucked as long as the big boy stayed gentle with her, and the pleasure took from the pain he'd created when positioning her.

He huffed and fluttered his wings, lowering her more and thrusting faster while drooping his head. She felt so good. Never had he been inside a female this tight. "Gnite," he moaned and felt his peak coming already.

He couldn't release with her back against him, though. She was too cute, so he lifted and turned her to face him, letting her legs drop and hugging her, her chest and breasts pressed against him.

Cassidy felt him poke her inner thigh before slipping inside her again. "O-Ohn," she gasped as he started humping, her arms and parted legs dangling, but she brought her arms up and held his sides, resting her head against his chest.

She winced every time he bumped her cervix and retracted against it, and her breaths were shallow because of how tightly he was hugging her while his hips smacked and rippled her thighs.

"Drah." He shut his eyes and pumped faster, nuzzling the top of her head with his nose and panting through it. He just loved how narrow and smooth her pussy was, gliding over his cock and pleasing him greatly. Her moans only complemented it, bringing him closer and closer. "Dragnn..."

She raised her trembling legs with what little strength she had and held them against his sides too, opening her mouth against his skin and breathing faster. "Ghhs. Ughiin!" she nearly squealed and dilated her eyes after he started squeezing her body, which she assumed meant he was about to fill her.

"Drag-gon-gnitee," he mumbled and thrust a few more times, spreading and tensing his wings as he reached orgasm. He pushed up against her while spilling inside at his peak, letting out a prolonged huff with steam blowing from his nostrils. A lot of his release spilled out and hit the ground from their position.

"Guhhh." Cassidy stuck out her tongue and pressed it to his skin while he shot thick ropes that layered her walls. She'd sure been filled tonight. Three times, and that wasn't even the most she'd had.

She felt him loosen his grip and eventually slip out, setting her on the ground and taking a step back.

Cassidy stared up at him as he did at her, gradually slowing her breaths. She was more than exhausted, covered in dirt, nude, had torn muscles, a possible concussion, and had no idea how to get back to the route. Not to mention another five horny pokémon could intercept her, and she didn't have her Pokétch. Plus, even if she did, it couldn't make calls, and she couldn't use it to navigate her way out of the forest. Those model updates were crucial in situations like this. "A-Attendez... (W-Wait...)"

The dragonite had turned around and looked to the sky but stopped and turned his head, giving her a side-eye after hearing her.

"Do you think you could fly me home?"