Perks of a Shapeshifter: Loving Changes (erotic eBook teaser)

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#822 of Erotic eBooks, teasers and tasters

Harlan is a shapeshifter, but his life is hardly simple because of it. There's a big stigma around shapeshifters in the world, for they are difficult to track and often seen as criminals, but Harlan cannot change who he is. And shapeshifting is very much a part of him, so it's not as if he wants to lock himself into one single form for the rest of his life anyway.

Yet Harlan has to trust and he has to step forward, for he cannot truly have a relationship with the seal unless he shows Monte exactly who he is. So, with a pounding heart, he takes the plunge at the riverbank, transforming from his stag form into something a little more suited for swimming.

Just like Monte. But in his own way.

As they come together, knowing one another truly and completely, their lusts rise...

Author's note: this story contains consensual sex between anthropomorphic characters. As in all my stories, all characters are aged eighteen or older and clearly written as such.

Thank you for reading! This story is available to purchase worldwide via Smashwords and Commissio!



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Perks of a Shapeshifter

Loving Changes

"And how do you think you're going to join me in here? I didn't think you wanted to dive into open water swimming..."

Monte grinned, the grey seal turning over on his back, legs kicking. Sometimes, when the anthro pressed them together, they looked just like a tail, with how swiftly he swam underwater. There was nothing quite like swimming to him, diving into the cool unknown, comfortably opening his eyes under there, whether he was in freshwater or saltwater.

Neither was a problem for him. Or Harlan, to be honest, though the stag had not imparted that information to Monte quite yet. That was just a surprise for him, in the early days of their relationship, the two anthros still very much in the process of getting to know each other.

The red deer smiled and swung his cloven hooves over the side of the riverbank, not minding the soft wetness of the ground seeping into his trousers at all. Harlan didn't tend to notice things like that anymore, considering he so often shed one skin for another, even if he had needed to wait until he came of age to have his first transformation. It happened at different times for every shapeshifter.

The body he had chosen to keep for himself, mostly, was a red deer stag, however, with a tall rack of antlers that fanned out to either side of his head. The tines pointed up softly, though they were not sharp, his fur a richer, redder shade of brown, a small tail tucked up close to his rump. The white flash of fur on the underside of it would have been used, for his species historically, to warn others of danger, though it was not all that often needed for anthros those days.

So, the shapeshifter settled in the form of a stag, down to the cloven hooves and the twitching ears, large and petal-shaped, able to cup and funnel so much sound so he could hear from a greater distance than ever before. His original body, before choosing a stag for the time being, had been a spaniel, a canine with floppy, soft ears. They had not helped him out all that much, though Harlan had always blended into the background before.

There were benefits to blending, for a shapeshifter. But Harlan didn't have to worry about that, no, not at that time. Not with his boyfriend of a couple of months sculling about in the river before him.

"Oh, I spend more time in the water than you know."

Monte blinked up at him, his dark eyes almost woeful, pools into which Harlan could lose himself in. And he so very sorely wanted to lose himself in those pools, even though he would never have drowned in them.

With such a clear and bright day, it would have been a shame for Harlan not to enjoy the water as Monte was, though he had not brought swimming trunks along with him like the seal had. He hadn't known where they were going, so he couldn't have prepared himself. Not that he minded skinny dipping in the slightest either, raising his arms to draw his T-shirt up and over his head.

He'd need a body, however, that was better-used to the water. A stag would not do for that and he would be soaked to the skin in no time, not even the lightly insulating layer of hair, which was growing in for his winter coat, along with the fluffier, thicker top layer, enough to protect him. It looked chilly, though the freshness of the day with sunshine filtering in through the trees and dappled shade dancing on the lightly frosty ground was enticing enough as it was.

He wouldn't have traded a day like that, with Monte, for anything.

"So," Monte said with a grin, flipping his tail up and out of the water where it protruded from the base of his spine. "Hm... What are you proposing?"

Harlan took a breath, his chin tipping down, holding himself steady, just for a moment. He had to show Monte, though revealing his shapeshifting side, well... It did not always come easily to him. There had been more than a few negative reactions over the years and then there were the identification issues that came along with being a shapeshifter. That was why they weren't always accepting and, so often, regarding with suspicion too.

"I... I'll show you."

He couldn't go on through something like that, a relationship that was going so well so far, without revealing to Monte who he truly was. No... That was not what a relationship was supposed to be, full of secrets.

He had to be open, sooner or later.

"Harlan, are you okay?"

"Yeah..." The stag took a breath, trying to smile, though it came off a little waterier than he would have liked. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just...a lot. You'll see."

One way or the other, it all had to come out eventually and he leaned towards the water, his fingers beside his hips, curled into the bank, digging into the softer soil there. It would likely crumble away, a matter of erosion, in the end, but he wasn't focused on that. Not as Harlan drew on his powers to shapeshift, pulling on a form that felt right for the woodland river they were at.

With the peace of the forest around him, birdsong in the air and a buzzard calling in that shrill, keening cry so very high above, it was right. Though Harlan did not reach for the body of an anthro seal with legs and a tail, no, not quite like Monte, though a seal was rather appealing also.

No... He had something better in mind, panting softly as his powers took energy from him.

The first thing to change was his muzzle, needing to soften and fill out a little more, becoming shorter and not quite as refined or as elegant as a deer's snout. He liked that form and there was a sense of loss too from forgetting his deer side, as if he was putting on some new clothes that didn't quite fit - not yet. But they would fit, in time, for it was up to Harlan to make the form fit him.

"Uh..." Monte swam a little closer with a swipe of his powerful tail, effortlessly sliding through the water. "Are you okay? Your face..."

But the seal trailed off, staring, his lower jaw a little slack. Yet Harlan was still aware of him there in the water, keeping level with Harlan with seemingly very little effort, despite the pull of the water trying to sweep him down and along the river.

Harlan could not stop, however, not as his fur changed, his shirt off and only in his trousers, his cloven hooves bare. The red-brown of the deer faded softly to a plain brown, smooth and enticing, the fur laying down close to his body. It did not fluff at all like his deer form, however, and that was something Harlan was going to have to get used to, almost as if it possessed a different weight on his body.


He couldn't quite meet the seal's eyes, not even then, not even when he knew he should have, maybe, explained things a little differently to Monte, with words rather than showing. It was too late for any of that, however, and it was not as if explaining with words had got him anywhere in the past either. He hadn't done well with the relationships he had embarked on so far.

But he was young and still hopeful and he wanted to experience what everyone else got to, even if he was a little different from others. That was all he needed, all he wanted, just to be like everyone else.

Still, with his shapeshifting abilities. He didn't want to give a part of himself up just to fit in. But him, as he was, could be normal too.

Harlan focused on his face, how his jaws had to change, his teeth aching deeply as the molars shifted into longer, pointed, carnivorous teeth. It was not a menacing form he was taking on, though some predator anthros could be fearsome indeed, but it was enough, a similar match to Monte that he hoped the seal would like.


Harlan grunted, working his tongue around the inside of his mouth as it drew back a little, growing lighter and pinker, a little less flexible than it had been before. A deer's tongue was designed for stripping leaves from thorny branches, to take in sustenance from plant matter, whereas the tongue of an otter was for cleaning and grooming, for scooping the contents out of shellfish and for helping devour fresh fish.

He hoped Monte liked otters too. Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't. Only time would tell.

He had to shrink his height too, growing a little smaller, letting his shoulders become narrower. He, after all, would not need that broadness to him while he was in an otter's form, though he had no intention at all of remaining in it forever. Like many of his other favourite forms, he would keep them for a time and, always, revert to his main preferred one, just so he had a fixed sense of self and identity. At least Harlan's personality never changed when he transformed, which allowed him to remember who he was.

His hooves swung lightly, but they shifted, allowing him more feeling and sensation, hooves melding down into claws while his feet grew. Some called them feet and others called them hind paws: in the end, they were the same thing. His toes stretched with a wrinkling, cracking sensation and he curled them experimentally, testing the limits of his flexibility. Even then, he had to get used to a new body, to let himself sink into it easily, as if it had always been his body.

"Harlan... What are you?"

"I... Uh..."

He tried to talk, though he couldn't quite, not as his jaw shifted, more powerful and able to snap, though it was not as if Harlan was taking on the body of a wolf or anything like that, anything that would need that biting power. The sharp teeth of an otter were designed for fish catching mostly, so were not all that much of a threat. He'd have to be careful, however, more so than usual, when he was going down on the seal...

He blinked up, snatching a quick look at the seal. Monte was still there, close to him but not quite touching. Harlan shivered, not quite knowing what that meant, losing a little of his height to come down to around five foot six, needing to be shorter than he had been. It felt right for such a form and otters were not traditionally known for being exceptionally lean and lanky.

His tail, however, needed room to grow into and being up on the bank wasn't helping him as much as he wanted. Tipping forward, the transforming otter tried to free it, though his trousers were still in the way. He kicked his legs up briefly, doing his best to squirm out of them, dragging them down over his hips and upper thighs, his underwear coming along with them.

"Heh... You always were one to strip off quickly, you know..."

Monte said softly, pressing in close. The seal rested his hand on the transforming otter's thigh, ignorant to his grunts and huffs, trying to bear through the transformation. It took a lot more energy than many were familiar with, though that wasn't going to change anything, no, not in the grand scheme of things.

"It's okay," the seal said, staying close as Harlan groaned, shuddering bodily, the ache of his teeth resounding through his skull. "I'm here... This... Yeah, wow..."

At least Monte wasn't running or, as it was, swimming away. That was something and, honestly, he had seen that before. He didn't want everything to crumble so quickly and having the warmth of the other mammal so close to him helped a lot.

He blinked, his eyes watery, letting out a gurgling laugh.

"Ah - hic! Ah... Sorry..."

Why was he so flustered? He didn't want to do anything wrong or say anything weird, though Harlan couldn't remember a time where he had been quite that emotional either still.

It would be okay though, he thought, for Monte was there with his big, emotional eyes, watching how desire gleamed in them, a sense of closeness that had not been there before. The seal flicked his tail and Harlan struggled to concentrate, slipping forward and down into the water.

End preview.

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Thank you for reading! This story is available to purchase worldwide via Smashwords and Commissio!



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I am also available for custom stories, tailored to your preferred nuances and characters. Please e-mail the following address for further information.

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