One in a Million

Story by Rykela on SoFurry

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#23 of Art Trades, Gifts, and Commissions (Received)

Written by the amazing Golddream. He does amazing work, for inexpensive prices, and I couldn't recommend him more! Go check out his other works - the Fertils Spa is part of a series, and if you'd like he'll write you a chapter in it too! <3

I changed the formatting slightly to fit Sofurry a little better, but the rest is all his work.

Musk. ^///^

One in a Million

"Secret Admirer".


And yet it was true. At the end of college semesters, a letter was stuffed through his letterbox. An invitation. Someone had paid the fees. All inclusive holiday, a full month. A full month!

A secret admirer. No name, no contact information... Suspicious as heck. But he did find out one thing...

Whoever his admirer was, he or she had tons of cash. Swimming in it, undoubtedly. The website address on the letter guided him to the webpage of the "Fertils Spa Resort". And the prices were nothing to scoff at. A month long stay? No one he knew could afford that.

Of course he investigated. Read reviews all over the place and even contacted the place. The man on the phone had been very kind and it ultimately did feel trustworthy enough. And if the website's images were correct, it was a beautiful place!

And that was how he got here. Darren scratched his head nervously as he stood in front of the main hall...

Well, no point in hanging out here. The lithe, short young dragon took a deep breath, and walked in.

"You're sure he won't find out?"

"Sir, we're fully prepared. Everything has been planned out. He will be taken care of, there's no need to worry. His performer isn't a rookie you know? I have faith in him."

"I... I guess. I hope he likes it..."

"I hope you like it too, sir..."

"Yes... I have to as well... How does this... Wait, what are ya...?"

"Shh, don't worry sir. It won't hurt... Or at least, not much... Depending on how loose you are..."

"Ehm, good morning?"

Wow. Muscles. The suit wasn't exactly tight, but it still failed to hide the musculature of the lizard behind the counter. A gentle smile and a friendly "Good morning" only drew him further in. His imagination immediately stirred awake as it began mentally undressing the stud in front of him, before a kind "How can I help you?" broke him out of his reverie.

"Oh, I eh... I have a reservation I think? Seemed a bit dodgy, I got this letter a few days ago..."

A bit crumpled, but that wouldn't be a problem, right? For all he knew, someone was just having a laugh with him. He'd probably get told that this was some kind of hoax and be able to go home in peace.

"Ah, yes, special reservation."

Okay. His heart skipped a beat as the lizard's attention turned back to the monitor. So it wasn't a hoax. "Special reservation"!

If all of that was actually true, then... This was going to be the best vacation ever! Relax and unwind! All the images he'd seen on the website floated through his head, each location more beautiful than the last! Oh he wanted to see them, walk through that dense forest, sit by the lakeside...

"Sir? As part of your reservation, a staff member is waiting for you at the Greencobble Brook. You can follow the signs, it's not far. He will take care of you. You can leave your luggage here, it will be waiting in your room when you get there."

"O-okay, thanks! So I just go to the... Green?"

The lizard smiled gently, like the perfect receptionist. "Greencobble Brook. Just through those doors you can find a map and directions. We hope you enjoy your stay!"

"All right, thank you!"

He waved goodbye as he left the hall through the glass doors, coming face to face with a map of the area.

Greencobble Brook... Now where was it?

"S-shit, that's... big!"

"Shh, you can take it... For him. You want to, don't you?"

"Yes... I want to..."

"Just give it a minute, it'll get better..."





"_ Ngh _!"

"How does it feel?"

"G... Good..."

"Mmm, let me step it up a little bit..."


"AH! Ooohh! How're y'all doing that!?"

"I know how to take care of my customers, handsome... Now just relax, and let me do the work..."

The website's advertising had been a lie. The woods were even more lush and beautiful than the pictures had shown! Light trickled down through the canopy, creating twinkling, dancing lights on the forest floor. Birdsong resounded everywhere and the soft rustle of the leaves was so soothing! The path under his feet was mossy and green, and he almost felt like taking his shoes off and walking barefoot, just for the sensation of that lushness under his paws.

He could hear it! A soft, gurgling sound... Sweet and calm... It had to be the brook!

Sure enough, there it was. Just a tiny little stream, coursing through the woodlands. And on his right, an open space. Sunlight poured down on the small, secluded area where the brook bounced down a few rocks to continue its way down to the lake. The area was just as lush as the rest of the forest, the slightly rocky ground adding to its natural charm.

He took a deep breath as he walked into the clearing, taking in that fresh, delightful scent. It was so sweet, so alive...

Another deep breath...

And he stopped dead in his tracks. He smelled something else... A pleasant smell, sure, but not... Floral. It was a heavier scent, deeper, hotter... He sniffed again, and again, trying to catch more of that scent, trying to hold it in his nostrils... It was masculine. The scent of... a man...

"Let me guess... Darren?"

He turned to face the source of the scent, and his heart skipped immediately skipped a beat.

With his back to a tree, his immense weight evident from the way the tree bent, an orca was watching him. Smirking at him. His massive, muscular body barely contained by tight jeans and a short-sleeved button up shirt that was straining to contain the masses of power underneath. A sly grin on his face, his eyes locking with Darren's...

A finger beckoned him and he couldn't resist... The orca's potent musk overpowered him, fogging his mind, making him walk up to the gigantic beast, who introduced himself as Tide. Leaving him eye to eye with the biggest pecs he'd ever seen... Oh that smell... It was even stronger so close to its source...

"Mmm, nice, smooth body... You're a good looking dragon boy..."

His eyelids grew heavy as he sniffed, breathing in that powerful scent and letting it overtake him. As his arousal began to spike, his cock stirred awake, gradually thickening and lengthening... Tenting his own jeans...

"Can't resist it, can you? Such big muscles?" The orca whispered huskily as he raised his right arm to flex. A gigantic bicep bulged out, coursing with thick veins, power radiating off its form... So enormous. The huge muscle man grunted as he held his flex, before commanding the dragon in front of him... "Touch it. Feel how big that thing is."

How could he not? All his life he'd been attracted to... To bodies like this one, strong and magnificent. And now he got to touch it! His eyes went wide as his hand came to rest on that enormous ball of strength, trying to break free from the skin. It was so hard and thick! He tried squeezing it, but the muscle was solid as steel, unrelenting...

"Yeah, you like that, don't you? I'm so huge... I can make guys like you swoon just by flexing... Come on, touch my pecs."

They were no different from the bicep. No, even bigger and harder, if that was even possible! He groped those huge mounds profusely, feeling the smooth skin stretch under his touch but the muscle hard and immovable. He pressed against it, but it didn't budge, those pecs so much stronger than he was...

Suddenly, Tide reared up and gently took his hands off those massive slabs of strength. He smiled slyly at the dragon boy as his fingers began unbuttoning his shirt. Inch by inch the most incredible, amazing body was unveiled, thick with definition and heavy with muscle...

"Let's get a bit more... comfortable, boy..."

He thought he would pass out right there.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ooooohhh!"

"Ngh... Here it comes... Mmf!"



Glug. Glug **. Glug**.

"Ah, it's so much!"

"Heh... What, did you think these things would be spent in a few shots?"

Glug. Glug. Glug.

"I-I... I can't hold it anymore!"


"Just a little more..."






"There you go... All filled up..."

"Ohh... That was so incredible... So much! And this will...?"

"Yes... It will."


"Mmm, I can feel it! Ohhh... So warm! Ahh... I... I'm getting... Ohhh..."

"That's normal... Don't fight it... Just rest, sir. You'll need your strength tomorrow..."

"Oh my god..."

The cocky smile on Tide's face only grew wider as Darren opened his jeans. They'd moved over, Tide's enormous body leaning against a rock wall, sitting on a ledge with his legs spread wide. He had to, the monster between his thighs wouldn't allow him to close his legs anyway.

As soon as the fabric moved away, a heavy burst of that incredibly masculine scent filled his nose. It was so powerful, so potent... His own formidable eight incher was leaking heavily in his pants, responding so intensely to the smell of his musk...

But that wasn't all that drove him to leaking. The penis that was slowly being unveiled was impossibly big! Inch after horrifyingly thick inch of a completely flaccid cock blew his mind as he pulled the pants off the orca's massive legs. He stared silently, words failing him, as his hands reached out and picked it up...

It was so warm and soft in his hands, entirely flaccid, but so much bigger than his own erection was right now. His paws felt the weight of it, and he whispered under his breath... "It's so heavy!" By now, Tide's grin was dripping with lust, and he huskily told him "You think that's heavy?". A finger pointed down and Darren looked. And gasped.

Huge, absolutely huge orbs underneath that heavy slab of meat. The orca's sac was so enormous, he couldn't even hold one of the balls in both his hands. As he tried to lift them he could feel the sperm inside sloshing around... They were so full! Heavier than bowling balls, fat and round, straining his scrotum...

And that smell was all over them. The musk. So powerful, so strong and masculine... Every sniff drowning his mind, going deeper and deeper into that lustful haze. Already he was losing control, bending down to give a long, slow lick... The tight round curves of those amazing cum factories rolling under his tongue as he lapped, the musk potently filling his nose.

That long lick led to another. And another. Soon enough the orca was leaning back with a smile on his face, knowing the boy was completely gone. His massive cock lying on his abs started to stir awake under the dragon's ministrations, and he spread his legs a little wider, giving him better access and encouraging him.

"Mmmh, that's right Darren. Lick those huge, fat nuts. Damn, boy... Have you ever seen any this big? I bet you haven't, huh? Well, let me tell you... The sheer power of these things... Oh the feeling of them swinging between my legs, so heavy and full... Every second of every day I feel them, bulging between my legs. I can't keep my mind off of them and the cum, the gallons of cum boiling inside, aching to come out... It's so good..."

The orca could tell it was working on him. Where at first he had been just licking, he was now ravishing those huge spheres. Slobbering sounds rose from between his legs as the dragon's tongue lashed out, again and again, coating his balls in saliva and taking in that powerful musk.

It felt good having the boy kneel between his powerful legs and tongue bathing his fat orbs, worshipping them. He could feel the subtle touch of his paws caress the curves of his overfilled sac, feel that tongue lick between the outline of his balls... His arousal spiked hard and fast, his immense cock beginning to climb up from his upper abs, to his pecs... Slipping beyond that, even... thickening with every throb.

As Darren slurped on those huge nuts his eyes went wide with disbelief. The orca's dick was rising, further and further, thicker and fatter. It had been monstrous when soft, but it was defying any kind of natural proportions as it began to stand on its own, surging with power and virility. It rose into the air, thickening, hardening...

He was torn. He wanted to worship the rising manhood, but... but he was so addicted to the musk on those fat balls! Reaching a compromise, his arms reached upwards, sliding along that hard, throbbing shaft while his tongue continued to lap at his scrotum. There was no way he could make his hands meet around that thickness, he couldn't even begin to try...

"Shit..." he huffed in between tongue lashes, "How big are you?"

A soft, lustful chuckle rolled over him... "Some would say "Too big". But I know better. It's the perfect size... The perfect size to plunge into a willing ass, the perfect size to shower someone in my cum, the perfect size to seduce hung guys into topping me... There's so few that can resist me... Hell, I can't resist me. I keep thinking about it, keep fantasising about myself in action, plowing some stud into the ground or servicing a nice, hung man... It's even better when my fantasies become reality... Day after day... Every single day I get at least one oversized cock up my ass, and every day I want it more..."

Darren could barely breathe through his feverish worshipping. His hands crawled all over that massive erection, feeling every powerful vein as his tongue kept slathering those huge, heavy balls in his saliva. He was completely gone, lust overtaking him entirely, and the orca's words only made him harder and harder. And the musk... It was so potent, so strong and overwhelming. Every breath made it harder to think, made it more and more important... To get this man's cum...

"Oh, eager boy, aren't you?" The orca mused with a smirk on his face as Darren climbed his massive shaft, beginning to lap at the precum covered head. The liquid was heady, fragrant and warm, and every drop made him want more. Soon enough, both his hands clamped down on that fat head, trying to pull the slit open a little wider to allow more of that divine fluid to slip out. He was rewarded with a groan and another eruption of the orca's potent anticipation...

Time lost significance as he worked the huge cockhead, drinking more and more of that pre... The need for it flared inside him, a hunger for male seed burning in his mind. Tide's constant talk of his sexual superiority ringing in his ears, making him more and more aroused...

"That's right boy, keep drinking me down... You're so hungry for it... Almost as hungry as me. Mmm... Can you imagine it being even stronger? That desperate need for... seed... Yours, his, anyone's..." The huge muscle man closed his eyes, throwing his head back as he let out a deep moan. "Ooooh... It's so strong! I keep thinking about them... Men, the bigger the better. Hot and horny musclefucking... Hyper men thrusting each other's brains out... Every time I see a guy I picture him having sex with someone... Some hung super stud drilling his ass or taking his... undoubtedly monstrous dick... It's all I ever think about, every minute..."

His eyes opened again, looking at the dragon boy desperately licking his cockhead. "Even now, I'm dreaming of filling you up with my fat tool... It's so strong I can barely resist it..."

Darren could hear it in him... The orca's breathing becoming shallow and rushed, having trouble fighting off the urge to split him open with that huge monster cock... Suddenly a huge pair of hands grabbed him, pulling him off that enormous manhood and tossing him on the ground... For a second, Darren was terrified. Had it been too strong for him?

But the orca stood up straight, rubbing his huge masculinity feverishly, jacking off fiercely before pushing his cock down... Aiming it at him. His lips curled into a smile as he muttered a thank you, before opening his mouth and closing his eyes.

It splashed over him as Tide roared out. Hot jets of cum splashed into his face, across his chest, onto his cock... He could feel the wet warmth splattering across his closed eyes, he could feel it fill his mouth, overflowing it... Potent orca seed rolled over his tongue as he swallowed, again and again, the orgasm never seeming to end...

His entire body was coated, and as soon as it was, Tide stepped closer, his cock dangling in front of the dragon boy's face, splashing over it with overwhelming force... His mind filled with bliss as he reached his own orgasm, his load splashing up against the legs of the hunk towering over him. The warmth of the man's seed seemed to seep into his body, heading straight for his groin, intensifying his orgasm and making him feel so potent... And sleepy...

With closed eyes he reached out, grabbing the enormous cockhead before gluing his lips to the still erupting slit, drinking the last full spurts of cum before falling asleep. Tide smiled down at him as he picked up the cum-covered dragon, feeling him suckle on his cock like a baby on a pacifier, sucking out the last few drops before fresh pre began flowing.

And with those lips on his dick, he made his way back to the spa, the sleeping client upside-down in his arms. A satisfied grin on both their faces.



"Good evening, handsome."


"How do you feel?"

"Nnh... I feel... full..."



"Shh... I'm just checking your progress..."

"Mmmh... Ohh that feels so good..."



"Oh you've made a good start... Now, get back to sleep sir..."



"Nh? Hey..."

"Shh... I have to keep you stocked, sir..."

"Ohhh... How can I sleep like this?"

"It'll take you eventually... Don't worry... Just go back to sleep..."









"Nnh! Ohh, you're so big!"

Thump. Thump. Thump.

"Mmmmgh... Nnnh! Ah! Ahhh! Oooohhh... Rock it, big guy!"



"Shh, just go to sleep, sir. I'll take care of everything... Rest up. You have a long way to go."

Sunlight. Birdsong. Rustling leaves. Things that could've woken him, but didn't. He hadn't ever slept this deep, he had been exhausted the day before. He must've slept like a brick.

But something had woken him. A large weight shifting on top of him. A warmth covering him. Rustling sheets. And a scent of pure masculinity in his nose...

Before his mind could power on fully, it was already drowned in a lustful haze. The smell of sweat and musk was heavy around him, so potent and strong... So purely male... He took a deep sniff and let out a long, hard moan...

"I thought this would wake you up..."

He could smell him. His strong scent a clearer indicator than his deep, sexy voice. Tide. Laying on top of him. "Fond of my musk, hm? Well, I took the liberty of not showering today... Thought you might appreciate it..."

Oh he did... So much. Sniff after sniff he let that scent of sweat and sex fill him, that pure male essence going through his nose straight into his brain, reverting it to nothing but lust. Memories of yesterday's cum bath washed over him as he took in a particularly deep breath, before gasping with the sensation.

" Mmph!"

He was suddenly smothered with heat and wetness, something closed around his muzzle. The smell of sweat and musk grew so incredibly strong as he tried to get air, his erection strained almost painfully hard... He was so aroused already... The moment his muzzle was given some space, his tongue reached out, slipping out of his muzzle to mindlessly lap at what was in front of him.

"Mmmh, I figured you'd like that. Lick my armpits, Darren, there's plenty of musk there for you. I just had a really good workout with my buddy... And I do mean really good."

His eyes opened, seeing that huge arm bent over him and the armpit in his face. He kept licking and sniffing it, whimpering and mewling as he looked downward, and his suspicions were confirmed. Tide's workout... had been sex. His member was lying heavy on the sheets, soaked with cum, still oozing and throbbing, clearly just used to pleasure another man. The thought lingered in his mind, the image of Tide and another man, as hunky and musky as him, working each other over...

With renewed abandon he licked and slurped at that armpit, savouring the potent musk with every tongue lash. So much power and strength radiated from that arm and shoulder... It was so incredible, just lying there, lapping it up...

He whimpered when that arousing scent left his nose. Tide moved around on top of him, peeling the sheets down and exposing his body, before letting that monstrous cock rest on his legs like a pillow, dripping pasty, hot cum onto his scales. He could feel one of the massive orca's hands grabbing his erection, stroking it slowly, teasingly... A strange precision evident in his touch.

A sly smile beamed down on him. "Good, good... Let's keep that progress steady, hm?"

Darren could only lay back and savour the feelings as Tide began sliding that enormous cock up and down his body, too overcome with lust to do anything. His entire body was slathered in the orca's fragrant aroma as the muscle man humped him and the scent of it drove his mind deeper into heat.

"Mmm, sorry boy, can't stay long today... I've got more cocks to service, more asses to fill."

The weight lifted off his body as Tide took his monster cock into his hands again, beginning to jerk himself to orgasm. The dragon boy closed his eyes, just in time to feel the first powerful wad of cum splash across his face. Once again in a matter of minutes he was coated, head to toe, dripping with the orca's incredible release. The warmth of his seed immediately sank to his groin, pushing him to his own wailing, merciless orgasm and rekindling that feeling of potency and virility... right before drowsiness came over him yet again.

A soft whisper fell on his ears before sleep took him.

"Sleep some more, Darren. Just channel all your energy into it..."

"Mmm, you're making nice progress..."


"Oh yes... Can't you feel it?"

"Mmh... I feel... tired..."

"Ah, that's part of the program. But look..."



"See? Progress..."

"Oh my god... Thank you, thank you so much!"

"Mmh, don't thank me yet, sir... You've got some hard days ahead of you..."

"W-what do you mean?"


"Ahhh... So... Hot..."

"I think you know what I mean."

This time the sunlight and birdsong did wake him. He'd been a bit more comfortable yesterday and had spent most of the day hiking around the terrain, exploring the area. His bed was comfortable and warm enough to seduce him into staying there, just a little longer, eyes closed...

It didn't last long though. There was something... wet.

In a panic he threw off his sheets. Had he wet the bed somehow? He had been sleeping naked, unable to bother himself to put on underwear last night, and his cock was lying there, plump and heavy. Heavier than normal...

He had wet the bed, but not with urine. He whispered words of disbelief under his breath as he slid his hand down his shaft... Not only had he ejaculated all over the bed, soaking the sheets through, but... had all this happened overnight?

His fingers slowly caressed inch after inch of his manhood, one stroke from head to base taking longer than it used to... And he wasn't even fully hard. Gripped with a fascination for his own cock he pawed himself to a full, throbbing, aching erection, gasping in disbelief as he seemed to be almost twice as big as he used to be.

The scent of a familiar musk filled his nose, and even before he looked, he knew Tide had entered his room. He immediately let go of his cock as he blushed... Caught wanking. Although the orca certainly didn't seem to mind, his lips curling into a sly smile.

He crawled onto the bed, a ruler in his hand, pressing it up against that new, mighty shaft. "Mmm, 14 inches. That's six inches, and you've got three days down... You're making good progress..." The orca smiled down at him as he languidly undressed, his huge cock flopping out of his jeans, ready to bathe him in cum again... "Twenty seven days remaining boy. You've still got a long way to go..."

Minutes later he was lying in a pool of the man's seminal fluids, breathing heavily and feeling that warmth drain all his energy towards his groin as he fell asleep again.

"Oohhh. It's so hot!"

"Ah, but you've only just begun... You've still got such a long way to go... You're reacting pretty strongly. But then, I suppose you had a natural disposition for it. After all, you came to us straight away..."

"Mmmmhh... Ahhhh! NNNGH! I'm going to... I... Aaaah..."



"Mngh... Gnn... AAAAHHH!"



"Oh, that was a lot! You've already come pretty far, haven't you?"

Splash. Squelch...

"Nnnh! Just... Ah! Keep going! Keep pumping!"


"Anything for you, sir."

Damn, he was huge now... Seven days had he been here, his penis standing taller and harder every day, nuts swelling bigger and fatter as well. Every hour or so his sheets had to be changed, his urgent need for ejaculation requiring ridiculously frequent masturbation sessions. He'd pretty much stopped preing as well, his cock seemed filled with nothing but spooge now. It oozed constantly, even when flaccid. Even when he didn't wank he needed to change his pants every few hours because the fabric would start dripping like oversaturated sponge. He'd woken up that morning, again feeling himself up and jerking his cock. Except this time he hadn't stopped when Tide came in. He actually jerked harder. He was too horny to stop, he needed to cum...

When he woke up, a few hours later and a bit bigger once more, he roamed the grounds again, enjoying his afternoon at the spa. He spent his afternoons enjoying the area, visiting the lake, the caverns, the meadows, the mountains... Everything he could ask for was pretty close by. But today he kept coming back to the spa's main building. The beautiful environment outside was breath taking, but recently his mind had been wandering to the men of the Spa.

He'd seen one or two during his first days, a passing greeting to men with bulges in all the right places and scents to die for. But today he just kept coming back, absent-mindedly circling the main building and hoping to catch a glimpse of more "performers" as he now knew they were called. He kept eyeing them, leering a bit more openly every day...

Even just now, passing a huge, golden dragon in a sharp black suit, he licked his lips at him. He couldn't help it, his balls were sagging so low in his jeans now, swinging back and forth as a constant reminder of his sexual growth. It just kept playing in the back of his mind, a continuous arousal growing stronger every day. He almost gushed in his pants when the dragon gave him a gentle smile and nod.

He rushed over to his room as images of that muscular dragon's naked, virile body began flooding his mind, and in no time at all his now monstrous cock was erupting wildly, spraying massive loads of thick jizz everywhere...

It kept leaking and pulsing as he slept that night, the plump head oozing super-thick cum.

"Mmm, look at you... You've made so much progress..."



"Ohh... You're hungry today... Been having fun with the others, haven't you?"



"Mmm, very hungry for my thickness... Heheheh... And it's only going to get better..."

Every day Tide visited. And every day Darren fell asleep after being showered in thick orca cum. He was up to three feet long now, his balls thick and wide like cantaloupes. And churning continuously with ever-increasing amounts of cum.

He was already orgasming when Tide came in, unable to hold himself back and wait for his performer. Too horny, he couldn't stop himself. They exchanged lustful gazes as the orca climbed on the bed, but this time the dragon boy put a hand on his chest, pushing him away.

The huge muscle man kept his distance as Darren turned over, lying down on his fat, throbbing cock and raising his ass high. "You sure? You know how big I am..."

" I don't care! I need a cock inside me!" The desperation in his own voice scared him a little, but he knew it was the truth. He was too aroused, too hot... With his huge shaft pulsing tangibly underneath him and his balls so heavy and full of cum, he couldn't hold it any longer. Tide had teased him, again and again, erupting over him and coating him with his sperm. But right here, right now, he wanted more. He needed more.

He could hear a deep chuckle coming from behind him, before an enormous cockhead splashed burst after burst of pre against his exposed, hungry anus. "You're too far gone already, aren't you? Soon you'll be just as horny as I am, just as aroused... Those images in the back of your mind, those ideas and notions about sex, they'll just keep getting stronger and stronger as you grow. You might have it rough your first few days, unable to rest, unable to resist... But eventually it'll get better. You'll get control over it, somewhat, and you'll just relish in your powerful libido... Horny constantly, permanently stuck in that heavenly feeling of arousal, your balls so heavy and your cock so thick that you'll think... you'll know sex is the most important thing in your life..."

Darren bit the pillows as the orca slid in, all the while whispering those dirty words into his ears, all those promises of a life of lust... He was so big! With every word he slid in another inch, every sentence another splash of seed gushing into him... Until those huge balls pressed against his thighs, liquid musk soaking into his scales. The massive shaft was buried as deep as it could go.

"I know... Because I've seen it happen. I've felt it happening."

Darren wailed as he came, his seed arcing out so forcefully it splashed back onto Tide, and half an hour later he felt himself filling up after a brutal session with the most lustful, most amazing man he'd ever known. And as his genitals began swelling again, the orca's seed drawing all his energy to his groin, he fell asleep once more, his cheeks rosy pink with exertion and delight.

"Is... this... happening to him too?"

"Mmm, so I've been told..."


"Don't worry, it'll get better..."

"Heh... I ain't worried..."



"Embrace it..."

Arousal coursed through his veins. Yesterday he'd spent the entire afternoon jacking himself off, shooting load after load but never coming down from that sexual high. His balls still ached, desperate for release but he needed something more powerful... Just his imagination and hand wouldn't do it for him anymore... He needed to cum more, harder...

His cock was dripping pre down the leg of his pants as he stalked the hallways, reeking of musk, looking for a guy, any guy, to fuel his masturbation. No, he needed Tide to fuck him! Get that huge shaft inside himself!

Staff lounge. Best place to look!

As he approached, he could already hear the sounds. Deep, rumbling moans, a squeaking bed and sloppy, wet sounds... His cock throbbed and pulsed in his jeans, leaking heavily as he tiptoed closer to the door and opened it just enough to see what was going on...

He saw that huge, wide back moving up and down, riding... The golden dragon from before!

The massive, muscular Tide was riding this dragon's cock. The man who had topped him every time was moaning like a submissive little bitch while slamming himself down on that huge shaft...

"Hurry up Tide, he'll be awake soon."

"Yeah... Nnh... I won't keep you... Ahhh! FUCK!"

He could hear a deep sigh of release as thick white ropes of cum splashed across the muscular golden body underneath him. For what seemed like ages, the orca kept cumming, splattering more and more of his seed all over and around the handsome man he was riding, before he finally climbed off that titanic shaft, seed dripping from under his tail in huge wet globs. They shared a quick kiss, a sniff, some whispered words and a smile, before the golden hunk got up and prepared to leave.

Darren managed to hide just in time to not be spotted by the muscle man, and as soon as he was gone he returned to his spot, peeping in, trying to catch another glimpse of Tide...

A hand on his shoulder made his heart skip a beat, and before he knew it he stumbled into the room, forced forward by a powerful paw. In full view of the performers in the lounge... The orca only seemed to grin. "Thanks Golddream..."

He could suddenly feel the heat of that huge body behind him, but before he could turn around he heard the door close. The dragon was gone again... Leaving him alone with Tide, a husky, and a dove... Each one of them naked, every one of them massively hung, every one of them as buff as a Greek god. And while the orca had more mass to him, more bulk overall, the dove and husky both sported an incredible musculature. The dove grinned as Darren ogled him and struck a pose, one lifted arm exposing a thick bush of dark, sweaty armpit hair.

"Come here, Darren..."

His arousal overcame his nervousness and he walked over to his performer, the man sitting on the bed with his legs wide... And his cock coated with his jizz. The strong musk that he'd become addicted to filled his nose again, bringing with it that sensation of his mind being wiped to make room for lust...

"Couldn't wait for me to drill you again, hm? Came looking for me?"

He smiled at the boy, standing there with his cock outlined in the fabric on his legs, dripping fluid into a long, wet spot. A thin string of white was flowing out of his pants leg down his ankle to the floor, as if a tiny faucet was opened next to his calf. "Undress, you hung slu. Release your beast and clean me..."

He didn't need to be told twice. His clothes came flying off, smacking wetly against the wall, and within moments he was kneeling in front of the orca, worshipping his balls again and licking off every single drop of that precious cum.

"You're already getting there, aren't you? That endless lust, continuous fantasising about men having hot, sweaty muscle sex? You dream of guys as big as me drilling each other's asses hard and fast, don't you?"

It was true. Oh yes it was true. Every moment he kept dreaming up images of him and the other performers in twosomes, threesomes, orgies... Big cocks and even bigger balls, pumping out seed like hoses...

"I hope your ass is ready, boy... Gale! This one's for you..."

The dove stepped up behind him, a smirk on his beak as he readied his colossal weapon, kneeling behind the boy and lining himself up with his pucker. As his precum thoroughly washed that tight ring he bent himself over the dragon's body and whispered in his ear...

"You love it, don't you? Feeling that potency boiling inside you, that hot, steaming arousal keeping you hard and hungry for more... You wouldn't have it any other way, would you?"

"Embrace it Darren, let it fill you..."

He moaned and whimpered as Gale started sliding inside him. The two hyper hung studs dirty talking in unison, drowning his mind in that ever present arousal, and in the back the husky was stroking in time with their thrusts, getting ready to paint the three of them white in canine sperm. Yes... he loved it. He loved being a cock whore... A cum slut... A musk addict...

He moaned with nothing but pleasure as Gale ravaged his rear end and Tide held his muzzle in place within the cleft of his nutsack.

"You're almost there, sir..."

"Nnngh! Shut up and do it!"

"On edge, hm? Enjoying the size around the Spa?"


"The last time... You've come so far! It looks great on you..."


"Tomorrow's the day... Did you miss him?"

"Oh so much... Fffffuck..."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder, hm? Well, I have a nice idea for the big day tomorrow..."

His ass was sore... He'd spent his spare time in the staff lounge every day since Gale had fucked him. It was impossible to resist. So many different performers came through there... Scalies, birds, wolves, dogs... Even a few bugs! Bee-men were surprisingly sexy. He must've had at least five or six different cocks each day, several times over... Even more than that hosing him down in jizz. Tide fucked him every day of course, and Gale was a frequent customer now as well. It almost seemed like the two had gotten a crush on him! He even got a chance for a quick ride on that golden stud dragon's incredible manhood one glorious day, something which most performers seemed to be a little envious of... And as he found out mere moments later, it was for good reason. It was the only time he'd had to sleep for an entire afternoon afterwards.

He woke up reluctantly today, leaving his eyes closed and his now Tide-sized monstrosity drooling under the covers. If the bed hadn't been so abnormally big, it would've hung over the edge as he lay on his side, easily. Damn it felt good to be this big and heavy, his balls tucked behind him, resting on the sheets with their enormous mass... He was cumming regardless of his intentions fairly often now. Tide had given up on changing the cum-saturated sheets, and had simply replaced them with a surprisingly comfortable tarp.

He let the knocking on his door go unanswered. Just a few more minutes... He wanted to get back in that dream... that wonderful dream where he was riding a cock which was growing bigger constantly...

He sighed as he climaxed again, his cock emptying another few gallons all over himself.

"W-what...? Really?! Y'all ain't pulling my leg now, are ya?"

"Mmhmm. I know you want it, you've been ogling it for the past few days..."


"See how tight it is? Come on, stud... Work up a sweat... You know he likes that..."

"Mmmh, yes... He's a sucker for musk..."

"Then do it, you gorgeous hunk..."



"Mmmgh! Oohhh, yesss... You've come such a long way! You're so big now!"

"Heh... Yeah, I really have grown a lot..."



"Nnnh... Oh don't stop there... Work it, stud, work it!"




"Mmm... That's right! Come on, harder! Rock the bed, you horny fuckbeast!"




"Angle it, just a b-... Yes, that's it... Ooohhh, perfect..."

Thump. Thump. Thump.

"I... I can't... Hold it..."


"Yes, let it go, cum for me! Fill my tight, hot ass! Let those overstuffed balls unload!"

"Aaahh! Nnnngh! Oohhh...."

Glug. Glug. Glug.


Splash. Splash. Squelch...

"Ohhh, damn... Oh Golddream... Thanks for letting me fuck you..."

"Mmm, look at you, all panting and sweaty... In all those times I've taken you, you've never looked more blissful than you do now... It's time, isn't it?"


"Then let's get going... Oh, and... Good luck. I hope it works out..."

"Thanks. I hope so too..."

"Come in..."

He was still in bed, still lingering in that limbo between falling asleep and waking up, the fuzzy warmth so comfortable... It was his last day at the spa. Thirty days since he came here, thirty days since he was just big.

"Darren? There's someone here to meet you..."

"Hmm? Oh, let him in."

He shifted a little under the covers, a smile on his face from staying in that blissful, continuous lust and feeling his cock drool on the bed... For a while, he didn't hear anything, and he almost drifted off to sleep. But then a voice cut through the silence.

"Hello, Darren."

He knew that voice...

His smile faded off his face as he opened his eyes and looked at the visitor. A look of disbelief came over him as he saw the naked, sweaty form of the man standing there...

It was huge. Towering and muscular, gleaming with strength and manliness. As big as Tide in every aspect, maybe even a little bigger in his cum soaked, dribbling groin, but every single part of his body screamed out that this was a sexual beast, and it was so difficult for him not to immediately pounce on his visitor. Especially with that musk, as potent as the orca's had been, filling his nose! A raw, powerful scent of animalistic attraction, of lust... All things he'd seen before...

But what really came as a surprise was his face.


The eagle smiled and blushed. It was such a weird experience, seeing the face of one of his closest friends on a body so magnificent and huge. Even the scent just didn't seem to match. Last time he'd seen Joel, he had been much like him... Similar height, similar build... They'd spent so much time together, spying the studs on college campus, discussing cock sizes, talking about who was gay and who might turn for the right guy... Pretty much all their spare time they'd spent together, enjoying each other's presence.

But the way he stood here today...

"Yes, Darren. It's me."

"Damn... You look so... so hot... But, I... How?"

"I... I won th' lottery. I used some of the money to buy... well, this. For both of us..."

Oh god. It was him. Joel had been the secret admirer. He had been the one to pay that incredible fee, the one to pay for his growth, for this incredible gift! He rose up and crawled over his bed, inspecting his friend's body closer. With his hands. And nose.

It was still hard to believe it was him...

"Oh my god Joel.... I saw the prices on the website, this cost a small fortune! Why did you do that for me?"

As he saw the look in Joel's eye, he knew that why. There wasn't anyone in the world who looked at him quite like that... And when the huge, hulking giant stepped forward, frotting his slick, gigantic manhood against that of his friend, there was no doubt in his mind that the man he'd shared so much of his life with... well...

Joel took his hand, and he gasped shortly at the power that surged through his grip. He wasn't even squeezing, but he could tell the eagle was capable of crushing boulders.

"Darren, I... I have som'thin I need to tell you..."

"What is it, Joel?" Darren was barely able to choke out.

The eagle sighed and swallowed hard, seemingly overcoming his own nervousness before he began talking, a faint smile on his beak.

"I've known y'all for a long time now. We shared our life on college t'gether, we built memories t'gether... We've grown together. Not just like this, but... I feel attached to you, Darren. I was ready to do anything for you. I wanted to be big and strong for you. I wanted to be with you, so badly... I just... I never knew if ya liked me the way I liked you. But I feel like... in those weeks before college ended, y'all came to see me the same way."


"I... I gotta ask this of you Darren..."

The dragon's eyes nearly popped out of his skull as his eagle friend... Bent down on one knee in front of him! He.... He hadn't expected this, but... He couldn't stop this warmth rising up inside him, filling his heart and making it swell and pump faster... It suddenly felt like he'd been waiting all his life for this, for this incredible moment.

"Darren... Most people would think me lucky for winning the lottery. But I know better. Money can buy me lots'a things, but there's only one thing that can give me everything my heart desires, and that is something ya can't buy with money..."

Tears began flowing from his eyes as Joel looked up at him, still holding his hand.

"I'm a lucky man indeed. But I know it ain't because I won the lottery. I'm the luckiest man on the planet for having met you, Darren. You're the love of my life and I want to spend every second of it with you."

He swallowed hard as the eagle's left hand opened to reveal a tiny, blue box, and he knew exactly what was inside it. He sniffed and smiled wetly, his heart pounding in his throat.


The box opened, and the most beautiful diamond ring was revealed to him, sparkling in the light of the setting sun beaming in through the window. All the colours of the rainbow sparkled in its facets, casting beautiful lights through the room...

A brilliant spectacle for a brilliant event.

"Will you marry me?"

The dragon grinned widely. There was only one answer he could give. His heart screamed it out before he could himself...

Among all those people, they'd finally found their one in a million.