The Pendants- The First Experience

Story by Thisguy42 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Pendants

Here's the first of many in a series I am doing for Jwargod. Also my first commission. Don't want to give too much away so enjoy.

Pendants-The First Experience

Mike and Karisa sat, half-dressed on their bed.

"Find anything?" Karisa asked her husband, removing the elastic in her hair, allowing her long, auburn hair to fall freely down her back.

Mark was flipping through one of their many books on sex positions and techniques. Both had read through every book they could find, including the one Mike was now paging through. Not only had they read all the books but, they had also tried everything in the books. They had tried just about everything possible in bed and they had become increasingly bored with their lack of new experiences, not that the sex wasn't enjoyable.

It wasn't only limited to sex, however. They had become bored with just about everything in their daily routine. It was the same thing day after and after day. Mike had inherited a farm a few years before they got married and even though they had plenty of land, they only wanted a few animals on a few acres of the land. After many bargains with local farmers and breeders, they eventually amassed a small congregation of animals. At first it was fun taking care of animals that they could call their own but, soon it just seemed like more work than it was worth. They still enjoyed having their own farm but it had simply lost it novelty.

Mike closed the book and set it on the nightstand, "No. But what did we expect?" He shrugged, "We've read and done everything that sounded good."

Karisa sighed and fell on her back onto the bed, "Is it really even possible to get bored of sex?"

"Well,what was that last night? Was that you, bored? If so, I would love to see you excited..."

Both Karisa and Mike possessed a healthy sex drive that was not easily sated. They were in their early 30s and, although they weren't what someone would call old, they felt that their libido was unusually high for their age. That didn't stop them however, from enjoying themselves when the need arose.

Karisa laughed, "You know what I mean smartass!"

Mike turned around and crawled across the bed to Karisa. "You know, we could always try one of those massages again..." He said leaning into a passionate kiss. He straddled Karisa but, left enough room for her to move freely, "Here, turn over..."

Karisa flipped onto her belly and Mike unhooked her bra to avoid any obstructions. Starting at her lower back, just above her panties Mike rubbed up her slender back, his lean yet muscular arms allowing him to apply just the right amount of pressure along the sides of her back, moving slowly and sensually, he payed special attention to her softly rounded shoulders. Karisa sighed wistfully. She was clearly enjoying the massage so far but, moments later she did something unexpected.

"Hey babe, can you stop for a second?" Karisa said leaning on her side.

Mike was a bit taken back but, he stopped and looked at her expectantly. "Umm, yeah... sure. Something wrong?" He asked.

"No- well- no. Nothing's exactly wrong but, I've been thinking about something I stumbled across on the internet the other night," Karisa said hesitantly.

Mike said nothing, still unsure of where she was going with this.

Karisa opened her mouth and paused for a moment. Then without speaking, she stood up and grabbed the laptop off the desk near the bed.

Mike was clearly confused. "Karisa? What are you trying to tell me?"

Karisa was typing something and answered Mike without looking up from the screen, "Well, I was going to try to explain but, I figured it would be easier if I just showed you..."

"Show me wha-" Mike said without finishing his thought. Karisa had turned the laptop around to show him something. The "something" was a scene he could say he had never seen before. On the screen was a webpage with an incredibly detailed, digitally rendered image of what appeared to be a man and woman having passionate sex but, the couple's genitals were far from human. A large equine penis was protruding from the man's crotch and the woman's moistened vulva was also clearly that of a horse's. Mike's blue gaze shifted around the rest of the image and he came to realize that bits and pieces of their bodies were somewhere between human and horse. The sight before him was strange, exotic, and... arousing.

"That's really something isn't it?" Karisa said breaking Mike out of his trance.

"Err, ye- yeah. Its-uh really something..." Mike trailed off. He felt somewhat ashamed for having become aroused at the sight of this image but, at the same time his heart raced with excitement. It was so weird but erotic.

Karisa raised an eyebrow at Mike, her green eyes gleaming mischievously and she turned the laptop back to face her, "Well I can see you enjoyed that quite a bit," She said referring to the tent in his boxers.

Mike laughed nervously, "I-I don't really know what to say... Wh-where did you find that?"

"Well, like I said, I stumbled across it on the internet one day. I can't quite remember how I got to that exact picture but, after I saw it I just kept going back to it," Karisa said thoughtfully. It's not the only one out there, let me tell you. They have entire websites dedicated to this "transformation" fetish and I have to admit it has grown on me..." Karisa trailed off.

Mike cast his gaze downward, thinking. He was really speechless.

Karisa smiled knowingly at Mike, "Wouldn't it be incredible if we could do that?" She said placing the laptop aside and inching closer to him. Damn, she could read him like a book.

"You have got a point there... It would be amazing. But, it's all just fantasy..." Mike said dejectedly.

"Well, you don't have to be such a downer about it." Karisa said, smirking.

Mike looked up into Karisa's eyes; lustrous pools of green and he smiled. "I think you are perfect just the way you are."

Karisa rolled her eyes, "Cheese ball. C'mon let's go to bed."

Karisa turned off the beside lamp and they crawled under the covers, snuggling against each other. Before long they were soothed by the warmth of each other's bodies and found themselves drifting off to sleep. Karisa dreamed of the picture she had shown Mike, but instead of the two mystery characters, she and Mike were the subjects of the erotic creation. Mike had the same dream.

Karisa and Mike sat together at the dining room table sipping coffee and discussing the days plans. Neither of them had much to uphold in terms of a job save for the small income they got for breeding and selling the offspring but, unfortunately they didn't own a stallion and had to bring the mares to one of their many connections to rare breeds in order to get their foals. The money they made wasn't a lot but, it was just enough and their connections with special buyers and sellers assured that they would receive some interesting breeds every now and then. In any case, after they completed the few chores around the farm, there wasn't much left to do.

"So, how about we take another trip to town? We need to pick up some more supplies for the farm anyway," Karisa suggested, shrugging.

Mike was deep in thought while Karisa spoke. He was thinking back to a day that he had neglected to tell Karisa about, mostly because he wasn't even sure if it had really happened. It was just too-

"Hello?Anybody home?" Karisa said, interrupting Mike's train of thought.

Mike shook his head and smiled, "Nope. You should know that by now."

Karisa nudged him playfully, "Well I'm sure you heard me so let's get going before I drink the whole pot of coffee."

"Alright then. Do you want to drive or me?" Mike asked standing and pushing his chair in.

"I will drive." Karisa said taking the keys from the hook by the door. "So have you thought anymore about what I showed you yesterday?" She asked as they climbed into the car.

The ease with which Karisa asked this question made Mike stammer. "-Uh... Well I-"

Karisa laughed, "Babe, relax. I'm not going to think you're a freak. You already know I liked it."

Mike sighed, "I know, I know. I just felt guilty for even fantasizing about it. Maybe it's just because its so strange but at the same time so damn enticing."

"My thoughts exactly!" Karisa said, reaffirming Mike's hesitancy.

They drove along in silence until they reached town and parked the car in one of the many spaces available downtown. Karisa switched off the car and stepped out into the crisp morning air.

"Oh!" Karisa said, remembering something she had meant to mention earlier. "There's this new place in town that I wanted you and I to check out."

"Okay, well we can head over there after we pick up the supplies we need," Mike said taking Karisa's hand in his as they walked along the sidewalk.

After picking up several supplies for the farm, Mike and Karisa loaded up the car and headed down the street to the aforementioned store.

" "Obscure Treasures." Huh." Mike said quizzically, looking over the sign above the store. "So did you say that you had been here before?"

"Oh, no I haven't been here yet. It opened only a few days ago and I wanted to wait for you." Karisa said as Mike moved ahead of her to open the door for her.

Karisa and Mike stepped inside the cozy interior of Obscure Treasures and were immediately greeted by a cheery voice.

"Welcome! I'm Holly!" Said the woman as she came out from behind the counter and shook both of their hands eagerly.

Both of them were a bit taken aback by Holly's overexcited demeanor. However excited she was though, she still managed to maintain an air of charm that had won smiles from the both of them.

"Hi. I'm Mike and this is my wife Karisa. It's a pleasure to meet you." He responded.

"Welcome to our sleepy little town," Karisa said still smiling.

"Well, thank you. So is there anything I can help you two with? Looking for anything in particular?" Holly said, using her magical gift to discover just what they were looking for.

"I think we will just take a look around first if you don't mind." Karisa said already moving toward one of the neatly organized shelves.

"Of course, of course. Let me know if I can help with anything."

Mike moved among the shelves filled with many interesting objects. Oddly patterned vases, strangely shaped necklaces, various exotic trinkets... For the most part, he had never even seen most the items before. Meanwhile, Karisa was experiencing the same over stimulated sensation from the many unique items she had found already. Mike asked the question that was on both of their minds.

"Where did all of this come from? It's truly an amazing collection you have here. I'm surprised you would even want to get rid of most of it."

Holly got up from her chair behind the desk. "That's a great question. Well, I could on and on about every item in here but, the basic gist is that I have been to many exotic places and hoarded whatever I liked or found remotely interesting," She said with a laugh. "As for why I am selling them. It's simply because I have too much of a good thing." She said, shrugging.

"What are these?" Karisa asked Holly, holding two necklaces up. Finely etched into a silver pendant at the end of each necklace was a symbol resembling that of a trinity knot.

Holly smiled knowingly, "Interesting choice. Those actually quite an intriguing story behind them," She said. "Would you like to hear it?"

"Well they are quite beautiful," Mike said, holding one in his palm as he examined it. "So yes, we would love to hear more about them." Karisa said.

"Okay! Great. I do love telling stories," Holly said with a voice full of joy. "Where to start... Ah! Okay. Well these two pendants were fashioned for a husband and wife I believe, whom were not very popular with the townspeople of their era. They lived in Massachusetts during the late 1600s, more specifically when they were prosecuting individuals for witchcraft, and had a rather nasty reputation with said, prosecutors," Holly paused to gather her thoughts. "...The wife, Marie I believe her name was, was accused of witchcraft but had managed to escape from the local prison and had returned to her husband. Her husband, Will, was joyed at the event of her return but, now they had to find an escape route. Marie had discovered some mystery woman, who claimed that she had also been accused of witchcraft and escaped, near the edge of town. She had discovered the woman during her own escape and after telling her about her predicament, the woman offered to help her out...

Mike had been holding back his questions until Holly was finished but, couldn't help but blurt out, "What did the woman do?" when Holly paused for a moment to take a drink of water.

Holly smiled, showing no offense was taken, "I was just about to get to that..." She said.

"So she offered to help her and Marie gladly accepted. It was that next morning that she returned home and told her husband about the plan. The woman offered to make and deliver two special necklaces that would allow them to escape she was, however, vague on the details. So as expected, Will found the necklaces lying in front of his door, the very same ones you are now holding with a small letter with the words "Just think about it" written in scrawled handwriting," Holly almost laughed at the confused looks on Mike and Karisa's faces but, held it together and continued.

"They had no idea what to make of it but, they soon would because as they examined the pendants and the note, someone pounded on the door. It was the judge from the courthouse with an angry mob of townspeople; they knew that Marie was in the house. They quickly put on the pendants and hoped that they would do whatever they were designed to do but nothing happened. Just as they were about to give up hope though, Marie jumped in shock at the sight of a mouse running across the floor and she watched as it disappeared into a small hole in the wall. A strange sensation washed over her and the pendants glowed... Then they became mice and escaped unharmed..." Holly finished quickly.

"Wait! That's it? You're just going to stop right there?" Karisa exclaimed.

"Yeah, what gives? There must be more..." Mike echoed.

Holly laughed, knowing very well they both wanted to hear specifically about the transformation. "Well it's just a tall tale anyway. Maybe I will tell the rest of it later, if you decide to come back," Holly said, slyly.

Mike and Karisa gave Holly a defeated look. "So it's not real?" Karisa said.

"Well, it has never been proven to be true but, who knows, magic could exist in some form," Holly said, shrugging.

"Well, if we buy these will you tell us the rest of the story?" Karisa asked, amused.

"Hmm, maybe... I will have to think about that one," Holly teased.

"We'll take them then!" Mike said enthusiastically.

Holly smiled. Just as she had planned. "Why of course!"

After a few awkward moments of silence, Mike spoke up, "So, umm, how much for the-"

Holly waved off his question, "No charge. They're all yours!"

"Oh no, we couldn't poss-" Karisa tried to decline.

"I insist. It is perfectly fine. Enjoy." Holly said quickly, grinning wide at the prospect of their return. She couldn't wait to see where this would go. Those pendants were already quite special and now the job of "selling" them was already done.

"We really don't know how to thank you enough..." Mike said.

"No no, don't worry about it. Just don't get too carried away now," Holly said, giddily.

Why is she so excited about this? Karisa wondered but, quickly brushed off the thought as they said their farewells to Holly and stepped out into the summer heat.

"Did you find anything worth noting yet?" Karisa asked, putting away the dishes in the dishwasher.

"No. Not yet..." Mike said, from the table in the diningroom. After they had gotten home Mike immediately began searching on the internet for more information regarding the pendants they had just been gifted. So far, no luck but, at least they looked nice on him and Karisa.

"Well she did say it wasn't a real event. Just some folklore she had heard," Karisa stated.

"Yeah but, I would think that the tale would at least be somewhere online. Wish she had given us the actual name of the pendants..." Mike said, fingering the pendant around his neck. He rubbed his stubbly chin, deep in thought.

"Maybe, it had something to do with desire? I mean in the story Holly told us the couple's greatest desire was to escape... I don't know. Just throwing out some ideas."

"Hmm, well guess we will have to think on it..." Then looking out the window, Mike saw that it was still light outside. "Hey, let's go sit out on the porch. It's a nice evening."

"Great idea," Karisa said, placing the last dish in the cupboard. "We can brood more out there."

Karisa and Mike sat on the swinging chair that hung on the porch and Karisa somehow managed to weasel another one of her apparently many fetish discoveries on the internet into the conversation.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a woman?" Karisa asked so casually that it seemed like a question she asked on a daily basis. Needless to say, Mike was throughly shocked and speechless. Karisa saw the surprise on his face and quickly explained herself.

Laughing she said, "Something else I found on the internet. Another niche known as gender transformation and it got me thinking. What would you be like as a woman? I found the idea quite appealing but, what do you think?"

"I- err... I really don't know what to say. I mean I suppose I have thought about it before but, never to the extent of fantasizing about it," Mike lied. He had often wondered what it would be like and he had kept it hidden very well for over a year now.

Karisa looked at him suspiciously and smiled, "You're a bad liar."

Mike laughed nervously, "Umm, what do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean!" Karisa said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Mike sighed, "Okay, okay. Maybe... I have thought about it more than a few times... But, you know, I am sure I'm not the only one. It's just another reflection of the lack of my boredom I suppose."

Karisa, still smirking, said, "I knew it. So would you if you could?"

"Become a woman?" Mike asked. "Hmm, sure. Why not?" He said nonchalantly. "It's all figuratively speaking anyway."

Karisa looked away from Mike towards the setting sun. Neither of them noticed the green glow, emitting from Mike's necklace, shine and fade.

"Meet me upstairs?" Karisa whispered into Mike's ear suddenly.

She leaned into kiss him and pulled away reluctantly. "Did you shave this morning?" She asked feeling his chin.

"No I did a few days ago," Mike said confused.

"Hmm, well I like it either way," Karisa said walking away from him, swaying her hips seductively. He wanted to go upstairs as soon as he could but, he needed to check something first. Mike walked into the living room and looked in the mirror above the mantle of their fireplace. He felt his face and was shocked at how smooth it felt. Just this morning he had some stubble at least but now... Completely smooth.

"Strange," He said, turning away from the mirror but was stopped mid step when pain lanced through his face. Surprisingly he did not cry out as he felt the bones in face shift and writhe with soft, wet pops. It was the weirdest sensation he had ever felt and it wasn't exactly pleasant either. Clutching his head in his hands, Mike stumbled his way to the bathroom down the hall to the full length mirror. As soon as he glanced into the mirror he wished that he hadn't. What he saw was a strange mess of squirming flesh that was clearly rearranging. His nose was smaller and still shrinking, his cheekbones were rising higher on his face and his lips were expanding before his eyes, becoming softer and developing a feminine pout. He continued to watch, enraptured by his softening bone structure. His skin bubbled slightly for a few seconds and all movement under his skin came to a halt.

He reached up with a shaking hand, he poked and prodded around his face experimentally just as his eyelashes began to lengthen and his eyebrows began thinning, the excess hair falling onto floor. He gasped as his vision suddenly blurred intensely and his ears rang, his eyes growing larger as his ears shrank. As quickly as it went, his vision and hearing returned and when he looked into the mirror he was taken aback by the sight before him. He was staring back at an undeniably feminine face but, he could still vaguely see pieces of himself. His self-examination was cut short by a painful coughing fit. He grabbed at his throat with a now slimming hand. His throat was much more slender than it used to be and his Adam's apple was gone... He ran his thinning fingers down the flat space where it used to be. That's when he caught sight of his dainty hands, his fingers were long and slender; his nails lengthening. He followed the length of his arms with his eyes and watched the hair on them uproot and shed onto the floor.

Meanwhile, Karisa lay naked and impatient on the bed. Where was Mike? He never usually took this long. Karisa jumped off the bed, putting a robe on her nude body and called out to Mike...

Mike heard Karisa call him from the top of the stairs but, he was afraid to answer. He felt embarrassed and vulnerable for reasons he couldn't explain. Those were the least of his worries however. His arms were thinning and his shoulders were narrowing, both taking on a softer, more feminine appearance. Pain wracked his entire lower body, bringing him to his knees and his skin crawled, while bones shifted. With a crunch his body dwindled in size and his 5' 10" stature diminished to a more petite 5' 6"; his waist tightened and his muscular torso leaned out, still maintaining it's athletic physique. His attention was then brought to the hall way. Karisa was coming.

"Mike? Are you in here?" She asked, passing through the kitchen into the hall where the bathroom was located.

Mike slammed the door to the bathroom closed and hugged himself. "D-don't come in here," He said shakily. His voice shocked him because he had not heard it since he started changing. It was most certainly feminine and Karisa had just heard it.

"Mike? I-is that you?" Karisa asked hesitantly.

Mike tried to answer but was cut off when his hips cracked and widened; his rear end following suit as it expanded, stretching his jeans uncomfortably. His legs began to grow longer, becoming more shapely, his thighs thickening. His feet compressed, his toe nails growing slightly longer and his shoes became much too large for his womanly feet so he kicked them off, along with his socks.

"Mike? Are you okay?" Karisa asked. After a few moments of no reply she said, "That's it I am coming in."

Mike's chest tightened, making it harder to breathe. Gasping for air he said, "Wa-wait..."

He arched his back and clenched his eyes shut as the door opened and his ribcage displaced, contracting. His nipples felt tender and sensitive against his t-shirt as the skin beneath them pushed out, tenting his shirt. His areola grew in diameter underneath hard, elongating nipples. His short brown hair lengthened, cascading down over his ears and back in shining, wavy locks. His growing bust was beginning to stretch his shirt to it's limits but his attention was focused on the intense tingling in his groin, that was strangely arousing. So much so that he couldn't resist kicking off his pants and reaching down to stroke his hardening member. His body was heating up, and a blush was rising to his cheeks.

Karisa meanwhile watched, mouth gaped, at this alien sight before her. Mike hadn't seemed to notice her standing there yet. As she watched Mike, with his new curvy, feminine form stroke his length, a warm blush rose to her own cheeks, when Mike's member began to pull back into him, every ounce of pubic hair dropping off of him and onto the floor.

Mike was in a state of absolute euphoria; the throaty, feminine moans emanating from his pouty lips, growing louder. He reached up to fondle a breast through his shirt and was rewarded with a buzz of pleasure, that made him gasp and pant. His already diminutive member became smaller and smaller until, finally it was sucked up inside of him. He then felt a tugging at his scrotum as it pulled tight against his crotch and with a wet squelch one of his testicles pulled up into his body, the other not too far behind and he was left with a blank expanse of skin. His sexless patch of skin began to pull apart, the beginning of his new vulva; his hand dipped down into the already moistened lips and he explored the inside of himself vigorously. Then with a finalizing *pop* Mike's new clit pushed its way into it's rightful spot, his sex quivering and gushing as he experienced his first female orgasm. His mind went numb and his body went limp as he passed out on the floor in a heap.

Karisa witnessed Mike's "accident" and rushed to him... She glanced at his body once more, or should she say "her"? She wasn't sure what was appropriate to call him now. Karisa checked for any injuries. Thankfully Mike had not hit his head on the hardwood floor when he passed out but he had made quite the mess of himself. She loomed over the sweat glistened woman that was her husband and bent to try and pick him up, being careful not to . Mike's new body was lighter than she expected but Mike's dead weight made her job more difficult. Difficult but not impossible. Karisa managed to cradle his form in her arms and move him up the stairs. After a few breaks Karisa laid Mike down on the bed in their bedroom.

"Oh damn..." Karisa muttered when she noticed just how messy Mike was. His clothes were practically drenched in sweat; the ridiculous amount probably had something to do with the transformation and his underwear were especially sticky from his orgasm.

"I just cleaned the whole bed spread..." Karisa said, sighing.

She looked over Mike. He was quite beautiful as a woman. Strangely, she could still see remnants of Mike's male self. If he had had a sister, she may have looked like he did now. Karisa's mind was reeling, this was real! If it could happen to Mike, couldn't it happen to her as well? But what caused it? Karisa grabbed at her necklace and pulled it over her head to examine it. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary about it but, it had to have been the culprit. She decided to leave it off for a while until they sorted this out.

Mike began to stir. He groaned and opened his eyes. Karisa was standing over the bed with an amused look on her face.

"Good morning sunshine. I trust you had fun. It was definitely entertaining to watch," She said smirking.

"What are you talking ab-" Mike said, stopping mid sentence when he heard his voice. "It was real? It couldn't have possibly happened..." He said sitting up, which threw him off because of the extra weight of his breasts.

"I can assure you. It was and still is very real. You probably haven't seen yourself yet have you?" Karisa said. Mike shook his head and started to stand up. "Now, careful when you stand up. Your center of balance is much different."

Karisa took one of his slim hands in her own and helped him up. He stood in place for a few moments and then made for the full length mirror on the other side of the bedroom, his hips swaying involuntarily and his breasts bouncing with each step. Mike realized he was still in his baggy clothes, so with quite a bit of apprehension, he removed his clothes, exposing his nude body to the mirror and to his wife. His long brown hair framed his soft face, with which he was already well acquainted with; his long, graceful neck met slender shoulders and his arms were thin yet well muscled; thin hands ending in long, elegant fingers. He poked at his ample bust curiously, and he surprised himself by giggling at the way it rippled and squished. Still smiling he ran his hands down the sides of his tight waist, down to the wide hips that led to curvaceous legs; he wiggled his petite toes.

"Well you seem to be enjoying yourself..." Karisa said, crossing her arms.

Mike had almost forgotten he was being watched this whole time. He turned away from the mirror to face his wife. "I'm just... Curious is all. I just changed genders!"

"Oh, I see. Just "curious." Well what was that downstairs? That seemed like a lot more than just curiosity," Karisa said accusingly.

Mike found no point in arguing. He remembered what he did downstairs and he blushed at the memory, "Okay, fine. I am enjoying it... It's hard to explain..." He said guiltily.

Karisa looked over her "husband" again and began, "I don't know if I ever told you but I've always kind of had a curiosity about what it would be like to be with a woman."

Mike turned to her and looked at her incredulously.

"Well it's more of a burning desire... And I don't know if you have noticed but you are one sexy woman. I can barely help myself right now..." Karisa said inching closer to him and tracing a finger down his abdomen.

Mike blushed a deep crimson. He wasn't normally this bashful but then again he normally wasn't a woman. "Well, I think I need a shower before we do anything too brash..." Mike said, sashaying away from Karisa enticingly. Mike closed the door behind him, and Karisa smirked when she heard the shower start. She decided she would make him wait for a bit. Not too long but just long enough so that she could brood. She picked up her necklace off the dresser and examined it. So much power in such a little thing. Her head was spinning with ideas. The most prevalent at the moment was their horses. They had mares but no stallion. She thought for a moment and her raced when a crazy idea popped into her head. She stroked the pendant with her thumb. If this thing could change genders, then why couldn't it change genders and species, and if so, they could have the stallion they had been needing and another mare. Karisa smiled at her clever idea but, failed to notice when her pendant glowed green briefly and went dark as she headed to the bathroom.

Karisa reached for the handle of the door and suddenly heard a muffled moan come from the other side of the door. She opened the door and saw Mike through the glass of the shower, leaning against the wall, groping his gleaming breasts. He had not noticed her. Karisa shut the door as quietly as possible, undressed and stepped inside the shower behind Mike.

"Started without me..." Karisa whispered into Mike's ear, wrapping her hands about his waist and snaked one down to his slippery folds while she worked the other toward one of his tender nipples. Mike could do little besides push and squirm against Karisa helplessly, biting his lip and moaning loudly. Karisa, meanwhile, inserted her fingers into Mike's throbbing netherlips, and absentmindedly wishing there was a juicy, mare cunt around that she could sink herself into.

Outside of the shower, Mike and Karisa's pendants shined brightly together, sealing their desires. Well, more like Karisa's desires...

Mike's skin was tingling intensely, the fine hairs on the back of his neck prickled and thickened noticeably, shifting perceptibly toward a distinctive cream hue. Only moments later a trail of thickening cream colored hair was running down his neck and growing by the second. Karisa felt the hair brush against her neck and pulled her head away to see fur racing across his neck, stopping part way down his back. Karisa's heart leaped with a mixture of shock and excitement and she couldn't help but think that there was something familiar about the color but she was a bit more preoccupied by the sudden euphoric tingling spreading throughout her body. It was driving her mad. She continued her ministrations on Mike's burning loins, grinding against his warm, soaking body in time with her now feverish assault. Mike gasped and groaned, his needy pussy practically burning with desire until he finally felt it contract around Karisa's fingers, releasing his warm, sticky nectar onto Karisa's hand and the wet floor of the shower. Even this wasn't enough though and his arousal did not abate, release only seemed to increase his need. It wasn't helping that Karisa was still grinding her own soaking sex and rock-hard nipples into his sensitive skin.

Karisa was so close. She was teetering on the edge of a long awaited orgasm but her grinding simply wasn't enough. She quickly flipped Mike around and locked lips with him in a passionate kiss, guiding his hand toward her dripping sex, exploring his mouth with her now thickening tongue. Mike took the hint and slipped his fingers inside of his lover and was rewarded when Karisa squished her full breasts against his own, rubbing their hypersensitive nipples together in the most delicious way. Karisa braced herself against the shower wall and let out muffled moans into Mike's mouth, the hair on the back of her own neck growing in thickets of black, that began to merge with the rest of her hair, creating abnormal black streaks through her damp auburn hair.

Karisa let out a quivering squeal and orgasmed without restraint, gripping Mike in an attempt to keep upright. As if a result of her orgasm the muscles in her legs tightened and expanded, her thighs becoming especially thick; her height increasing as the joints and tendons popped and shifted. The muscles in her arms writhed and enlarged, making her whimper in pleasure and discomfort, crushing Mike's smaller form in a constricting hug. She quickly loosened her hug however when she realized how tense she had become. Mike was so enraptured by the sight of Karisa that he failed to notice that his hair had now entirely changed to a light cream color, his ears rising upward, developing points and a thin layer of fuzz as they came to rest atop his head.

Mike's face became warm with arousal as he looked over Karisa's taller more muscular form. He felt oddly comfortable with her like this. In fact he wouldn't have minded her to be even larger.

"Like what you see?" Karisa said, backing up and striking a seductive pose that showed off her new physique. Her skin gleamed, rivulets if steaming water streaming across her body, water running between growing abs. She shivered at the sensation of stretching skin and muscle, the flustered look Mike was now giving her gave her all the coaxing she needed to advance, pushing him against the water control, causing it to switch off. Her show of dominance was actually arousing her further and she was soon panting like a dog, barely able to think through her lustful haze.

She brought Mike's lips to hers once more, grinding her hard clit against his stomach, amazed that the rubbing could feel even better than it did before, it was so much more sensitive... it even felt larger. Sudden images of mares in heat, swollen sexes dripping with need, filled her head which she found to be unnerving but made no attempt to dismiss them. Mike's thoughts were quite the opposite, his mind drifting towards viral stallions, willing and ready, large equine shafts drooling just for him.

Mike's body was suddenly on fire, his whole body thickening with skin and muscle. His legs were popping and stretching longer, feet elongating steadily, while his dainty toenails cracked and flaked off as thick, black keratin pushed from underneath. It spilled into the space between his toes, all but dissolving them into his new hooves. All the while, his sex gushed warm, clear fluid onto himself and Karisa but neither of them cared. Karisa needed Mike, and she needed him now. She attempted to open the door to the shower in an attempt for more space but was stopped when she experienced a spontaneous, mind-bending orgasm, her legs turning to jelly and forcing her to collapse to her knees. A steady stream of viscous liquid fell from her quivering sex, which felt outrageously swollen. She shook her head as another unnerving thought wormed its way into her head, but she couldn't deny what she needed... A mare.

As if in answer to her unspoken demand, Mike gasped, his burning pussy swelled, his puffy folds mashing into each other with a squelch. Dark fur sprouted out of the hairless skin, racing down his legs, shifting to a brighter shade, much the same as the hair on his head and neck, as it fanned out from his crotch. A relishing moan escaped his lips as his gushing slit took on a dusky purple hue, becoming thicker and more pliable. A sudden shift in his gut made him weak in the knees, his vagina rippled, growing in depth and size, stomach stretching larger in tandem with his growing womb. His sex pulsed and drooled, begging to be filled.

Karisa caught Mike's scent with her sensitive nose and she shuddered as she suddenly came again, causing her body to grow in mass, her already impressive muscles straining at her dampened skin further. The bones in her toes popped and shifted, moving them closer together until the skin touched, becoming sticky and adhesive, fusing together into masses of writhing flesh that were soon partially covered by the smoky keratin of her soon to be hooves. Her clit throbbed incessantly, with renewed vigor, gaining length and girth with each passing moment. She had no time to reach for it before Mike was upon her, licking and sucking at her overly swollen sex eagerly; slipping his fingers inside the plush, spurting mare-sex that was now between his legs. Snaps emitted from both of their spines in unison, signaling the start of bony tails that shot out from their tailbones, thousands of filaments filling in the hairless appendages. Soft horsetails now flicked about behind them, Karisa's a shady black and Mike's a bright cream.

Karisa released a deep moan, deeper than usual, for her neck was thickening, changing her humanized vocal cords to something more fitting of her new species; Mike's muffled, girlish moans were beginning to sound more like the soft nickers and whinnies of a horse as his own neck lengthened and thickened. Karisa felt her body begin to tense up in preparation of yet another orgasm and Mike was not far behind, copious amounts of fluid falling onto the shower floor. The transforming lovers experienced a shared moment of discomfort as their faces stretched, noses swelling, lips becoming thicker and fleshier, teeth flattening into slab like molars more suited for chewing on vegetation. Karisa's muzzle and head became broader and larger in comparison to Mike's, her nostrils flaring and taking in the rich scent of Mike. Mike likewise took his first breaths with his new nose and he was immediately intoxicated by the musky scent of Karisa. He buried his face into her crotch without restraint, stuffing his thickening tongue into her soaking depths. Karisa gasped with a mixture of surprise and pleasure at the intrusion, her swollen lips clamping down involuntarily, trying to restrict access. Something rippled under her hard stomach as two distinctly shaped objects shifted down toward her pulsing vulva, her cervix and vagina closing in behind her traveling ovaries. With a grunt that was more animal than human, Karisa pushed the orbs from inside of her into a newly formed sac that had now sealed her netherlips, leaving behind a swelling set of testicles.

Karisa hunched over and fell out of the cramped shower weakly, her pulsing testicles and growing clit sliding across the cold tile. With a swift moment of clearheadedness Karisa began to crawl for the door, they needed to get out of the bathroom before it became too small. Mike followed behind her slowly, rubbing at his tender breasts, which he failed to notice were now sliding toward his crotch. Karisa's shoulders widened and her arms grew in length, trying to adjust her body to a quadrupedal position. Being on all fours like this made Karisa feel so much sexier and she wanted Mike to feel like she did.

Mike suddenly felt the urge to crawl instead of walk, and who was he to argue, after all, Karisa was doing it and she was so sexy on all fours. He dropped to ground and was thus rewarded by a loud crunch that reverberated through him, his hips locking, torso lengthening, and ribcage barreling. His breasts nestled between his legs, darkening and moving closer together into large mare udders, his glistening sex was pushed back, exposing it for easier access. His ass and legs expanded with flesh and muscle, his legs snapping, becoming the oddly jointed haunches of a horse. His arms lengthened much the same as Karisa's, but his hands stiffened abruptly and forced his hands into fists, his fingers disappearing into squirming mitts of flesh that hardened into rough hooves. His body, now almost entirely horse save for his eyes and overall size, acted on its own accord, whipping its tail about, wafting his aroused scent around the room.

Karisa caught wind of Mike's much more potent aroma and her body reacted by surging in growth, her ribcage expanding, body lengthening, her ample breasts sinking into the flesh of her chest. Her ever growing clit throbbed with new fervor, gaining inch upon inch with each passing second, flattening at the head and opening at the tip with a wet pop. The growing organ began dripping clear, sticky pre onto the hardwood of their bedroom floor as Karisa's feet raised upward, her heels settling higher up on her leg, creating a new joint just as her fingers merged together, only to be swallowed up by her new front hooves. Her ears rose upward to the top of her head flicking and swiveling at the slightest sounds.

Now standing on four well formed horse legs with a surprisingly clear head, Karisa noticed something that was going to become a problem. Neither of them were full sized by any means, her in more ways than one she noted, referring to the growing organ between her legs, and if they didn't leave the house soon, there would only be negative consequences. Looking over to Mike, who was now putting his rear end on display and looking back at Karisa expectantly, she did everything she could to suppress the primal, sexual urges that were overcoming her mind and make a start for the open doorway. With each step she took, the doorway seemed to shrink and narrow and she feared that she wouldn't fit. Luckily she just managed to squeeze her budding horse body through the doorway into the spacious hallway. She craned her head to look back at Mike, beckoning him to follow, trying to ignore the tugging of her enlarging shaft and weight of her churning testicles.

Mike's head cleared, although his arousal did not abate and he was able to understand Karisa's intentions more easily. He quickly trotted toward the doorway and wedged himself through it onto the landing next to Karisa. Karisa paused a moment at the head of the stairs and began to slowly descend. Step by step she slowly descended, albeit with a few hang ups here and there she finally reached the first landing mid way down the stairs but her accumulated confidence was crushed when her body stretched larger, causing her to stumble on the landing straight into the wall where several pictures fell at her hooves.

"Shit..." Karisa thought to herself in irritation.

Regaining her composure for Mike's sake to show that this was actually possible, she descended down the last set of stairs and shivered as black fur sprouted across her body, feathery white hair tickling her fetlocks, making her stumble into a small table holding a vase full of flowers. It and the table crashed to the floor, sending water and glass onto the carpet. Karisa stamped her hooves in frustration at her clumsiness. She was not a very graceful horse.

Mike stood at the top of the stairs frozen with fear. He saw how difficult it was for Karisa and he did not want to fall but Karisa was looking at him, impatiently clopping her hooves on the floor. Mike huffed and made his first steps down the stairs, making it down to the first landing without a hitch but experienced the same bad luck that Karisa had experienced and shuddered violently when his coat grew in, making him lose his footing and crash into the railing on the staircase, the wood cracking and breaking in several places, sending a few posts clattering onto the floor. Karisa puffed air out of her nose as if laughing at his clumsiness. It was funny to watch but not funny to experience. Finally, Mike wobbled his way downstairs and followed Karisa to the front door which was closed.

Karisa went up to the door and with quick thinking, grabbed the handle with her flat teeth and was about to turn it when she felt something cold on her crotch. She looked back to see Mike's nose nuzzled against her hardened maleness and was about to make him stop until he let out his thick tongue and began to lap at it the head. The attention seemed to bring about even more changes; loose skin began to crawl up her ever lengthening shaft, enveloping it in a fleshy sheath that pulled it closer to her belly protectively. Various blots of black appeared across her twitching length, her testicles surged in growth with one last heave and together her and Mike's body filled in, completing their changes. Karisa's legs wobbled but she held herself upright and sternly pushed Mike's head away from her, which was incredibly easy now with her massive size and strength. She was so tall in fact, her head was now almost touching the ceiling of the 8 foot high room and she had to back up to drop her mouth onto the doorknob, unfortunately not without backing up right into another table that was holding a picture. Paying no mind to the mess, she twisted it and pulled the door open. She backed up behind Mike and nudged him outside the door, which was fortunately the largest doorway in the entire house, so he slipped outside with relative ease.

"Ladies first..." Karisa mused to herself, following behind her husband turned mare.

Karisa nudged the door shut with her hoove with a surprising show of skill. And thus Karisa and Mike Donnelly were ready to forge a whole new life. One filled with as many new experiences as they could think of.

Obscure Treasures Ch.6-A Dark Past

Obscure Treasures Ch. 6- A Dark Past Late one night two men sat across from one another. Both were heavily engaged in a discussion on war plans and spoke in low, grave voices. "...Yes, yes I understand, but, our spies have not been able to give...

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