6.1 - Julie Ann gets Don

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#10 of Am - Windon

Everybody gets something. Written 2014.

Molly lifted her head and looked at the two people resting beside her. She didn't want to disturb them, but she needed to get up. She carefully slid backwards to the end of the bed, letting their arms slide over her head, then hopped up and trotted out of the room.

Robbie sat up and saw the yellow tail slip out the door.

"Where'd she go?" Belle looked around the room and up at Robbie.

"She just left. I wonder if she heard them coming back." He jumped up and hurried to follow the dog. He caught another glimpse of her tail as it slipped through the doggie door to the basement and he rushed to follow. He hurried down the stairs and stopped at the bottom when he saw the dog staring back at him. He wondered if she wanted him to follow as she took off down a hallway. He ran after her, but there was no way he could keep up with her bounds. As the lights followed her, he managed to see her go up a set of stairs. When he got there, he opened the door and found himself in a barn with no sign of the dog. He checked around and found another doggie door in the wall. He didn't want to open the big barn door, so he pushed the flap out to look and found her squatting to relieve herself a few yards away. He stood up and laughed at himself for getting worked up over her trip to the bathroom, then remembered Belle back in the house. He looked around as he followed the same path back to the house, admiring the concept and design and how the dog had learned to use it. He wondered where the rest of the tunnel went, but didn't want to risk Belle coming looking for him. As he climbed the steps to the house, Molly joined him and let him open the door for her, "Hey, dog. You should let us know where you're going next time, so I don't panic."

Molly watched him close the basement door, then walked over to her water dish for a drink.

Robbie sighed, knowing it was futile to talk to a dog, and headed back to the bedroom. He found the cat sitting up on the edge of the bed, looking like she was about to get up, "Well, she's up and its almost noon, so its time to move you back to the other room."

"Aw, I was enjoying it here. Will you help me go to the bathroom before you take me to bed again?"

He slipped himself under her arm, then helped her into Don's bathroom and sat her on the toilet. She worked on pulling her bandages out of the way while he looked around, "Usually the master bathroom is the biggest, but this is rather small. Is there another bathroom in the house."

Belle was finally able to relieve herself, "There's another in the hall, but it's bigger. It has a large tub in it. Do you want to take a bath with me?"

"You like to take baths?"

"I do if it gets you naked with me."

"You really want to see me naked."

"I want to see if what I've been dreaming compares to reality."

Robbie fought back a blush, "Well, toilets don't turn me on, so let's get you back to the bed."

"Now you're talking," she excitedly hurried to clean up, then tried to stand on her own, but he jumped in to help her.

They made their way across the hall and he sat her on the bed, "Go on, lay down."

"Are you going to give me a show?"

He checked the time and sighed, "It'll have to be quick. They could come back at any moment and I'll have to leave for my class in about an hour."

She wiggled excitedly watched him intently.

"Stay still. I'm not going to do this if you hurt yourself."

She nodded and got comfortable as Robbie closed his eyes to muster his courage. He started at the top and pushed each button through its hole with a flick of his fingers, slowly letting his shirt fall open and reveal his bare chest. The sparse hairs there suggested his manhood, but didn't hide his smooth, tanned skin. He grabbed the edges of his shirt and pulled it back as he shrugged it off of his shoulders. His muscles flexed as he reached behind to slide the sleeves off of his arms and drape his shirt over the back of the chair. He looked at the cat and smiled. It was usually nothing to go around without his shirt on, but this was just the beginning to exposing himself more than he had let anyone else see. He had made a promise and couldn't hesitate, so he unbuckled his belt and pulled the end free, then unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper open. He needed to look nice for the rest of the day, so he lifted his leg and pulled the pants off of it, repeating the same with his other leg and laying them neatly over the chair. He watched her eyes smile as he slipped his thumbs under the waistband of his underwear and pushed them down his legs, stepping out of them to drop them on the seat of the chair and stand before her in nothing but his socks.

Belle was enraptured, with the tip of her tail twitching slowly at the end of the hose as images from all their previous online play danced through her mind. His round penis hung longer than she expected and she watched it slowly rise to point over her head. Her eager smile stretched the boundaries of her mouth and she reached her paw out towards him, "Can I touch it?"

He hesitated a breath, then stepped closer and she slid the soft pads of her paw over his balls and up the length of his erection, holding it against his belly as she compared its length to her paw for a moment, then wrapped her fingers around it and admired its width.

She rubbed her thumb over the thick head and he closed his eyes again. She slid her other paw over his smooth belly, dipping a fingertip into his bellybutton, then exploring his side and down his muscular thigh. His body was amazing, but she had her paw around what she really wanted. She was eager to get him too excited to think and maybe he wouldn't hesitate to put this fantastic fixture where she dreamed.

He felt her rough tongue scrape the underside of his penis and gasped, stepping back to the edge of her reach, trapped within her grasp.

"What's wrong? You won't hurt me like this."

He looked down at her smile and saw what really bothered him, "I know. Honestly, I'm ... I'm a little worried ... about ... your teeth."

"My teeth?" she moved her free paw to her mouth and touched her long, sharp teeth, "I would never bite you like that. I don't want to hurt you."

"I know you don't. I just have to get myself to ignore them."

"I can prove it, if you let me."

He took a breath and stepped forward again, "Just go slow. Nobody's ever done this before."

"Really? So this is all mine?" She nuzzled the fleshy shaft in her paw and slid the soft underside of her tongue along it, then licked the tip and smiled when he gasped.

"Yes, all for you." He put his hand on her furry cheek and smiled.

She smiled and opened her mouth, trying to keep her lips over her teeth as she slid them past the end of his penis. She closed her eyes as she teased her tongue around the soft and sensitive end. It was so much different than the toys she had played with before. She couldn't believe she had ever thought she could be happy with Randy and her dildos. She sucked and slid further down, wanting to make sure he enjoyed it as much as she did, so he would let her do it again.

Robbie moaned and stroked the cat's ears as she gave him a new pleasure. It wasn't what he wanted their first time to be, but it was better than anything he had imagined. He had dreamed of feeling her soft fur against his body, of hearing her purr in his ear as he held her close; of slipping inside her, warm and comfortable, until they both escaped into bliss. Now he felt her fur between his fingers as he stroked her ears; and her rough tongue as it slid around his erection; and her purrs vibrating the sensitive tip as she pushed deeper.

Don cleared his throat.

Robbie started to step back in surprise, but felt those sharp teeth sliding along his length and froze.

Belle gave Don a guilty look and slowly pulled back, letting her prize slip from her mouth, then came back for one last lick.

"Julie Ann!" Robbie gasped as he saw his friend step up beside her rabbit and felt the cat's tongue one last time, pushing him over the edge.

The cat missed his first squirt, but quickly put her paw over the end to catch the rest, watching him wobble and fight his orgasm.

"Belle, let go." She did, and he stepped back to grab his pants, but tripped over the chair, landing him on the floor with it and his clothes, his erection pumping the last of his cream to drip down the sides.

Julie Ann couldn't help but stare as her naked friend scrambled to find his underwear and cover his not-so privates. It wasn't her first view of them, but it was the first time she had seen him cum. It was exciting, but she wasn't in a position to enjoy it. Instead, she tried not to laugh.

Robbie curled up and covered his face as he caught his breath, then stood up and got dressed as quickly as he could while Belle licked her paw clean. He got almost to the top button of his shirt when he stopped, "What's that smell?"

Belle moved her paw from her face and sniffed, "I don't know, but its not you."

Julie Ann looked down and started to say something, but embarrassment took over and she ran off to Don's bathroom.

Don covered her escape with a change of subject, "I thought you two agreed no fooling around."

"I didn't hurt anything." the cat posed in the bed.

Don noticed the line of cum beside her ear and laughed, "Just Robbie's pride and maybe his backside."

Robbie groaned, "I think I'm gonna go."

"That's probably a good idea." Don stepped aside to clear the doorway.

"No. We were just having fun," Belle whined.

"I've got to get ready for class. I can call later to see if I can come back."

"You can come back." she hoped.

"We'll let you know."

He nodded to the doc and started down the hall, then hurried back to Don's bedroom to grab his shoes and rush out, leaving the rabbit a bit confused.

"You need to get yourself cleaned up," he looked at the cat and pointed to the base of his ear, then left the room.

Belle swiped her paw over her ear and licked it. When she tasted Robbie's now familiar flavor, she did it again, swiping and licking until there was no more left.

Don knocked on his bathroom door, "Are you alright, Julie Ann?"

"Why didn't you tell me I was starting to smell?"

"I guess I didn't notice it, since I've been with you the whole time. Do you want me to wash your clothes?"

"Yes!" She opened the door a crack and shoved them through. When he took them, she closed the door quickly and he heard the water come on.

"I'll put these in the wash. And mine, too. Just take your time and I'll let you know when they're ready." He stopped at his dresser and grabbed some fresh coveralls and a shirt, then headed down the hall with a glance to the cat smiling at him as he went by. He opened the basement door and Molly rushed up to join him as he went down, "And how was your day, girl?"

She went down the steps ahead of him and watched as he put the dirty clothes in the washer, then emptied his pockets and unbuttoned his coveralls. She wagged her tail as they fell to the ground, happy to see him free of his costume.

Don stepped out of his pants and threw them in the washer with Julie Ann's clothes, then unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in, as well. He added the soap and started the machine, then thought about their clothes in there together, him with nothing on and her naked just above him. He entertained the idea of climbing up through the floor and joining her, imagining her smooth skin as the water cascaded off of it. He would push her wet hair out of her face and kiss her as the water rained down on both of them.

He was pulled out of his brief fantasy with a jolt as Molly started licking his risen erection. He rubbed her ears and let her continue a little longer, then a little longer. He forced himself to make her stop, "Hey Molly have you run yet today?"

She looked at him with her tail wagging.

"Do you want to chase the lights? Do you think you can beat 'em this time?"

She danced excitedly in front of him.

"Go get 'em!"

She took off down the hallway with the lights coming on just ahead of her. She was fast, but not fast enough. Her sides still hurt and it slowed her down. Still, she tried and ran all the way to the end.

Don sighed and leaned against the machine, rubbing his eager erection. He needed to clear his head and stop thinking about the beautiful, young, naked woman in his shower or he would never survive the rest of the day. His phone chirped and he picked it up, eager for the distraction.

TheMiller [That sounds great. I should be able to slip out of here for a bit, soon. Are you available?]

Molly came trotting back as he responded.

DrWindonLem [We're here. We have a couple more visits to make this afternoon, but we can wait until you come to pick her up before we head out again.]

Molly nosed at his balls and he reached down to pull her away, then knelt down to her level, "Molly, I have to get dressed. There's still more work to do and Mr Miller is on his way."

She licked his lips and he returned the kiss, letting her tongue slip into his mouth as he held her head. His phone chirped again and he broke the kiss to check it, idly rubbing her neck as he read.

TheMiller [I'll bring some more pea salad since Belle probably ate it all.]

He chuckled to himself and sighed, then gasped and fell on his tail when Molly decided to lick his ear, "Oh you wicked pup." He hugged her and ruffled her fur, then got up off the floor. As he got dressed, he wondered if there would ever be a normal in his life again.

Julie Ann turned on the water and rubbed it over her face, trying to wash away all the cow juice. She hoped the smell was just from her clothes, but Robbie had smelled it from across the room and she was so embarrassed, she felt like such a disaster. She thought about how she had been sitting, soaking wet on the ground, while Don and that disturbing little man laughed at her and felt even more embarrassed. Then she remembered why, "I delivered a cow."

She started to laugh as she thought about the calf stumbling around on her thin legs. It made her happy to think of the life that landed in her lap and the brother that came after. She wondered how she could have been so upset and embarrassed all the way home. She stopped her thought. This was Don's home, but she felt comfortable. Soon it would be her home; they would get married and she would be taking her showers here everyday.

She found a shelf in the wall with a large bottle and a plastic brush; it was his. She opened the bottle and smelled it. It didn't have much fragrance, but it reminded her of her rabbit, anyway. She squirted some out and scrubbed it into her hair, getting giddy at the thought of living with him and sharing little parts of his life like this. The lather dripped down, past her shoulders, and she rubbed it in, imagining his soft paws exploring her body. She rubbed the soap over her breasts and down her belly, over her thighs and between her legs. She wanted him there, most of all. She wanted to finally feel him in that most intimate embrace. She rubbed her clit as she thought of him, needing to free her mind of these lustful thoughts or she would never survive the rest of the day. She heard his voice and it sent shivers through her body with a small orgasm. She smiled and rinsed herself off, feeling ready to face him again.

Don found the box he was looking for in the basement and opened it. He smiled as he remembered when he first moved in with Doc Tanner. He was a scrawny rabbit, but working around the barn, he had quickly outgrown the clothes he had brought with him. He pulled out a pair of pants and a shirt, trying to ignore thoughts of home and old friends. He closed the box and headed up the basement stairs with Molly following close.

He walked around to his room with a glance to his patient and it looked like Belle was actually resting. He stood by his bed and listened to the water running, imagining it falling down Julie Anne's naked body. His mind taunted him with the image of her slowly rubbing soapy hands over her smooth skin as the water ran through her red hair and over her breasts. He wanted to have his own paws rubbing soap over her breasts and smooth belly, but he shook off the image and told himself they could be together soon.

Don called through the door, hoping she could hear him over the shower, "I have some clothes for you. They're probably big, but they'll cover you until your clothes dry."

He looked towards the door just in time to see Molly pushing it open to slip inside. He dropped the clothes on the end of the bed and dashed to grab the dog, "Molly, no!"

He caught her and started to pull her back, but the water stopped and he glanced to the shower. He froze as he saw the distorted form through the door; his mind corrected the image and he imagined her naked body, but he didn't have to imagine long.

Julie Ann opened the shower door and stood naked before her rabbit, frozen in surprise. She remembered the first time they touched and all the fantasies that had inhabited her mind before and since. She thought any of them would be better than this awkward moment. She started to think she should step back into the shower, but then she decided she had nothing to hide from him anymore. They were going to be married and she wanted him to have all of her.

Don told himself to leave, but didn't move. He wanted to jump up and grab her, but he didn't want to scare her. They didn't have long to wait; soon they would be married and they could be together. She was being strong, why couldn't he? He let go of Molly and slowly stood up, his gaze rising up her bare, smooth legs; past her exposed vagina and bright red bush of pubic hair; over her furless belly and perfect, round breasts with pert nipples pointing towards him; her pale skin, lightly freckled, led him up her neck, surrounded by curly red hair, to her beautiful smile and smoky green eyes. He stared into those eyes and forced himself to speak, "I'm sorry. Molly likes to take showers with me."

Julie Ann stepped out of the shower, grabbed his furry face and kissed his lips, breaking the tension of the moment.

The rabbit wrapped his arms around his human lover and kissed her passionately as her hands moved to the back of his head. He pressed her naked body against his and felt her fingers tracing the base of his ears. Swirls of lust and desire filled his brain and he stepped forward, pressing her against the wall.

Julie Ann wanted her rabbit, but there was one thing left in the way. As she kissed his lips, she slid her hands down his neck and found the straps on his shoulders. She followed them to the end and unclasped them, then pushed the front of his coveralls down her body. She was so close. She could feel his erection pushing against her waiting vagina through the fabric and she wanted it. She reached around his body and found his tail, then unsnapped the last barrier.

Don felt his pants fall and his erection hit against her bare legs. She wrapped her leg around his thigh, opening herself for him and he took the invitation. His erection found its home, sliding into the warm welcome and taking her offered virginity. They both moaned in relief and pleasure, finally fulfilling their fantasies. He pushed deep inside her and began to hump her against the wall. Julie Ann wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as she lifted her other leg to grip his waist and pull him deeper inside her. The passion was palpable as they mated and moaned into their blissful kiss. Don held her tight and turned around, then walked to the bedroom and lay her on the bed. The new position let him hump into her faster. He broke the kiss to nuzzle her neck and pant as he savored every thrust. He slid his paws over her smooth skin and caressed her breasts.

Julie Ann moaned loudly and stroked her rabbit lover's furry head and ears as he drove his fantastic penis into her. She had wanted this for so long and it was even better than she had imagined, "Oh Don, I love you. I love you. Oh, I love you."

He thrust deep into her and moved back to kiss her lips. His body wrought with pleasure, he didn't last much longer and after a few more thrusts, he froze as his throbbing erection pumped his rabbit seed deep into her waiting womb.

She moaned as she felt him fill her for the first time, It was just what she wanted and she was blissfully happy. He lay his furry cheek against hers and she smiled, "Oh Don, thank you. I..."

He kissed her again and she stopped talking.

Belle watched the show from across the hall with unbridled glee. She had wanted them to finally do it for so long and now she even got to see their first time in person. She pulled the chair closer and leaned on it to see as much as she could without getting out of bed. Her aching ribs were nothing compared to the thrill of what she was seeing. She watched his bunny butt bouncing with her feet pulling him in and couldn't help but let her fingers give her her own pleasure. She was extra sensitive and the jolt shot through her body like electricity. She smiled as she saw Don stop and his tail twitch, but hoped they weren't done, because she wasn't.

Their kiss was slow and tender, full of the love they shared without the lustful passion in the way. Suddenly, they both gasped in surprise as a new sensation shot from their loins. Don knew what it was and tried to hide his embarrassment, "Molly, no!"

The dog had no interest in listening to him this time, she wanted to be included and continued licking their exposed joining.

Julie Ann gripped her lover's shoulders tighter and wrapped her legs higher, over his tail, as the strange feeling sent swirls of pleasure through her body. Her cries of ecstasy echoed through the house. "Oh Don! Don't stop!"

The rabbit buried his face against her neck and started slowly rolling his hips, grinding his shaft inside her without discouraging the licking from Molly that she was enjoying. He wasn't sure he could last very long as his climax neared, but hers came first.

Belle couldn't believe what she was seeing. The dog had joined in and Julie Ann was enjoying it. It sounded like she was enjoying it a lot. Once she was over the shock, she realized that it was even more exciting than seeing them finally doing it. Her fingers set to work and she joined their pleasure. She wished she could see their faces, but at least she got to see the important part. Just as she was getting close, the girl cried out loud and lifted her hips off the bed, then got quiet. She didn't want to draw attention to herself and interrupt them, so she stopped and waited.

"Oh Don!" Julie Ann felt the world explode as an orgasm bigger than any she had given herself shot through her body and she clung to her rabbit, not wanting the feeling to fade, but it did and left her with a warm throb of residual pleasure. That tongue continued and soon was too much, "Don, I can't take any more. Make her stop now."

He decided that the fastest way to stop Molly was to move, so he rolled them over, down the bed, and pushed Julie Ann to sit up.

Molly licked her lips and snorted her protest.

Julie Ann smiled down at her rabbit, glad he was still inside her, and rubbed his belly, "I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable, it just felt so good, I couldn't resist."

Don chuckled, "No, I was surprised, but I'm glad you enjoyed it."

The golden lab hopped up on the bed and looked at them both.

Julie Ann laughed and rubbed her furry neck, "There's the naughty girl. What did you think you were doing?"

Molly stepped closer and stuck her nose in their business, then started licking again.

"Oh Molly!" she gasped and held the dog's ears as she felt the canine tongue again. She told herself to push her away, but she was enjoying it too much. She felt Don push up into her and started moving her hips, savoring the feeling of her rabbit's penis buried inside her and his dog's tongue dancing over her clit.

Don rubbed his love's thighs as she rode him, enjoying the sight of her pleasure. His view was interrupted as Molly shifted sideways and stepped over him to put her own sex over his face. He looked around the dog's rump and saw Julie Ann's eyes closed in blissful enjoyment, so he turned back to the vulva in front him and started licking it.

Belle was amazed, Julie Ann not only liked it, but wanted more. They really were perfect for each other; his kinks were her kinks. She wondered what other fetishes they might have and it excited her more. She worked her clit and gently slipped a finger inside, hoping her orgasm wouldn't tear anything. Her hesitation made the question moot, however, as she heard Julie Ann cry out again and saw Don's hips lift off the edge of the bed, his tail twitching underneath.

"OH!" Julie Ann felt another explosive orgasm rush through her only this time it came with the welcome gush of Don joining her. She leaned over, pushing Molly aside and lay down on her love. The dog turned around and snuggled up beside them, so she wrapped her arm around her. It was a blissful moment, feeling full and satisfied. She wanted it to continue forever, but she knew they had work to do, "How long until my clothes are dry?"

Don chuckled and she felt his penis move inside her. He stroked his paw along her side, "I still need to go down and move them to the dryer."

She stroked one furry cheek with her hand and kissed the other, "But you'd have to get up to do that and I don't want to move."

He felt her hand slide up his cheek to caress his ear and wrapped his paws around the back of her thighs, "Neither do I."

She stretched to kiss his ear and stroked them both lovingly. She had seen his reaction before and wanted to find out just how strong the impulse was.

Don shifted his legs and lifted his hips to stay inside her as he blissfully enjoyed the attention to his ears. He rubbed his face against her breasts as she kissed and teased his ears. Her fingers danced along the edges and in and out as she rubbed them against her cheeks, her breath sending shivers of excitement through his body. He held out as long as he could, then finally gave in and began to thrust quickly up, into her.

Julie Ann gasped and moaned in surprise as the lapine shaft began to drill into her like a jackhammer. She held onto the base of his ears and cried out in pleasure as she felt the tip of his throbbing penis poking deep inside her and his crotch crashing against her clit with each impassioned thrust into her already sensitive vagina. Her mind clouded with ecstasy until her body shook with another orgasm. She screamed her rapture as she clenched around him and he exploded inside her once more with the now familiar warm gush.

Belle squeezed her thighs together and held her breath in the sudden silence; her body shaking, so close to her own release. Why was it so hard for her to get there? She was more sensitive than before, but just couldn't seem to get over the edge. She held still and watched the naked legs across the hall, eager for one more chance to join them in ecstasy.

Julie Ann sighed as she came down from her bliss and kissed her rabbit's furry head. She kept kissing around his face until she found his lips and held them in a passionate embrace. When she broke the kiss, she continued her trail of kisses down his neck and over his chest as her fingers played in his fur. She slid down his body, letting his erection slip out of her. She kissed his furry belly as his penis slid over hers and between her breasts. She squatted on the floor and wrapped her hands around his shaft, then kissed the base of it. "This is even more amazing than I imagined."

Don looked down his body at her and propped himself up on his elbows, "Well, I'm ... glad you enjoyed it."

She stroked its contours with her fingers and rubbed it lovingly against her face, "I feel so ... happy. I can't even think."

Don chuckled, "You probably need to hydrate."

She giggled, "Didn't you put enough fluids in me yet?" She kissed his penis and was surprised when a large tongue slid up her face. She leaned back and watched as Molly licked her master clean.

Don leaned his head back and enjoyed the feeling of the dog's tongue sliding repeatedly along his length. It was even better with Julie Ann's hand wrapped around the base. He moaned as he breached another climax and shot his first gush into the air.

Julie Ann gasped in surprise and watched his penis explode like a flesh volcano. Molly licked the spot that landed on his leg and she pulled her hand back before the dog returned to lick the rest off his penis. She stared at the glob on her hand, wondering if it tasted good, since the dog was so eagerly lapping it up. She tentatively licked a little and thought about it. It wasn't ice cream, but it wasn't bad. The best thing about it was that it came from his love for her. It was his liquid love. She sucked the glob off her hand and giggled, then pushed Molly out of the way and wrapped her mouth around his penis for more.

Don moaned at the sudden change and looked down to see the human mouth wrapped around his erection. It was a new sensation and he liked it; he loved it. He smiled and closed his eyes. His penis throbbed, wanting to explode again, but he didn't have a chance to relax enough since his last orgasm. He sat up and put his paws on the sides of her head. When she released his penis and looked up at him, he gently pulled her up to kiss her lips.

Belle rubbed herself slowly, enjoying the show across the hall. She couldn't believe they were still at it. She thought guys did it once and were done. Maybe it was because he's a rabbit. Now she wanted to try him more than ever. She wondered if Robbie could go over and over like that. She hoped so, since she doubted she would get a chance with Don. She laughed a little as she saw the dog jump down from the bed and start licking a small puddle that had gathered under Julie Ann. That randy rabbit must have filled her to overflowing and he was still pumping it out. Another reason real males are better than Randy's dildos. She wanted someone, anyone, to fill her like that, and soon.

Julie Ann leaned on the bed, losing herself in the kiss. His lips felt like soft velvet against hers and she was blissful to have him inside and out. Suddenly she jumped and wrapped her arms around his neck, almost screaming as she felt something soft push into her vagina. It did it again and again, brushing over her clit and sending bursts of pleasure shooting through her body. She wanted to curl up and hide from this unknown, but instead she lifted her rear and spread herself open for more.

Molly licked and lapped, digging for her mate's delicious flavor trapped inside this girl. She wanted it all to herself and it seemed the girl didn't mind giving it to her. She licked everywhere she could find it until the girl yelled and there was a gush of another flavor. It wasn't his, it was hers, but it was good too, so she kept licking to clean her off.

"Oh Don. Oh Don. I'm so sorry." Julie Ann clung to his neck and looked back to see the dog finishing up and licking her lips.

He kissed her lips and stroked her face, trying to calm her panic, "Why should you be sorry?"

"It just felt so good, I couldn't help myself and let her keep licking me."

He hugged her close, "It's alright. I was right here. Why don't we go get you cleaned up?"

She looked at him, confused and struggling to hold onto reality.

He stood up, half carrying her as her legs wobbled, and took her to the bathroom.

Belle sighed her frustration. She just couldn't finish, no matter how hard she tried. Did Randy actually break her? Would she ever be able to finish again? She had two sexy people making passionate love right in front of her while she masturbated and nothing happened. Well, almost in front of her. What would Robbie say if he found out he could never please her?

Don wet a rag and handed it to Julie Ann, then splashed water on his face.

She stared at it, not able to finish the thought.

Don dried his face, then looked at the perplexed girl, "Wash your face."

It finally clicked and she rubbed the cold, wet rag over her face. It felt good, but not as good as the memories of what just happened on his bed.

He took the rag and handed her a cup of water, then rinsed the rag.

She remembered him giving her a cup of water before and some other thoughts came with it. She drank the water quickly, glad they had finally gone far enough that she didn't have to be embarrassed about thinking of him that way.

Don took the empty cup and handed her the rag again, then filled the cup and drank it himself and refilled it to give back to her, but she was staring at the rag again. He pointed down and she got the idea, rubbing the cool rag between her legs. They traded again and he rinsed out the rag, then cleaned himself, rinsed and rung it out, and dropped it in the hamper. He took the empty cup from her, rinsed it and put it back in the cabinet behind the mirror.

Julie Ann watched her rabbit's almost mechanical movements as he took care of her. She knew she loved him, but it just swelled in her chest when he showed how much he cared for her.

"There are some clothes on the bed for you."

She smiled and let him guide her to the door.

Don picked up his clothes from the bathroom floor and tossed the pants on the bed, so he could put on the shirt.

Julie Ann picked up the shirt from the corner of the bed and looked at it. She held it against her chest and smelled it. It didn't smell like him, but it was his. She put it on and buttoned it up, turning around until she saw her rabbit buttoning the last button on his shirt. She giggled, "I like your shirt. It's like you're giving me a hug, all the time."

He stepped forward and offered, "I'd love to hug you all the time."

She took his hand and turned herself around to press her back against his chest and pull his arms tight around her. "Mmm, this would be wonderful."

Belle was rubbing and panting. She didn't care if she never finished, it felt good and she loved watching them. It was better than any movie.

Julie Ann rubbed her butt against him as she felt his erection pressed against it. "There's something else I could do all the time."

Don kissed her head, then worked his way down her neck to kiss her shoulder, "Unfortunately, we have work to do."

She held his paws tightly, not wanting to let him go, "Just one more?"

He kissed up her neck to whisper in her ear, "Just one more." He continued his trail of kisses until he found her lips and squeezed her breasts as he kissed them passionately. He slid his paws down and rubbed her shirt, his shirt, over her belly. His paws found the bottom and slipped underneath, stroking her smooth skin. He pushed his fingers through her tuft of fur and between her legs. She gasped and he moved his kisses back to her neck and ear.

Belle watched in awe as the beautiful couple seemed to be putting on a show just for her. She slid back into the bed and got comfortable, with her sexy friends framed almost perfectly through the doorway. She watched with her paw poised to drive herself quickly to climax when they got going, but it was seeming like she might not need much. After all her fruitless efforts while watching their feet and imagining the rest, now her vagina was practically drooling at this full view of her frisky friends.

Julie Ann gasped again as she felt her rabbit's fingers push gently into her. He seemed to know just where to touch her, and how. As he teased her clit towards bliss, she reached up and stroked the back of his head, then found his ears. She made long passionate strokes, her body quivering as his fingers found new ways to please her and his lips danced gently at her earlobe.

Don struggled to keep his breath even in her ear as everything she was doing was quickening his pulse. Her fingers caressing his ears, her body pressed against his throbbing erection, her erotic moans of pleasure and her enthralling scent, all worked to stoke his fires until he could resist no longer and he leaned forward.

Julie Ann grabbed the back of the chair and turned slightly to lean over it. Don's computer woke up and the chestnut mare appeared on the screen. Memories of dreams flooded into her mind and she almost screamed as she made the connection. "Don! The fence!"

The rabbit was confused. He took a moment to asses the situation, but there was no fence, not even in the picture on his computer. Nothing seemed to make sense about a fence.

"Don, please. I want this so bad. Please don't stop. You have to keep going." She gasped and moaned with sheer joy as she felt him push his throbbing rabbit penis into her. She felt his paws on her hips as he began to thrust and fantasy merged with reality. She was leaning over that fence with the yellow stallion taking his mare in front of her and her wonderful rabbit was finally taking her the same way. His marvelous thrusts touched her deep inside and she felt like her head was swimming in ecstasy. She looked to her left and Brian was there, enjoying the show as he stroked himself. To her right, she found Belle leaning against the fence and pleasuring herself with her favorite lion toy. To her surprise, the audience didn't bother her this time; it even aroused her more. She cared about them and she wanted them to enjoy her pleasure. It drove her even further when she heard the familiar, low, growing mrowl. Her dreams had become real and she screamed as her body quaked with orgasmic bliss. It added to her pleasure when she heard Belle's stutter and Don stopped suddenly as he gushed again, filling her deep, once more. She couldn't imagine anything more perfect.

Don moaned and held her hips against his as his orgasm rolled over him, his erection pulsing his seed deep inside her once again, as his heart pounded in his ears. He slid his paws over her back, pushing the shirt up to her shoulders. Her smooth skin felt amazing and he wanted to stay inside her, but his brain reminded him of his responsibilities. He sighed and ignored them a little longer

Belle licked her lips as her body vibrated with the memory of her orgasm. She slid her paws up her belly to her breasts, annoyed by the bandages. She reached up and rubbed her own ears, wishing Robbie was there to share the moment. She enjoyed watching Julie Ann's beautiful body bouncing under the strong thrusts of her sexy rabbit. Her orgasm had been amazing and she was glad that Randy hadn't broken her.

Julie Ann caught her breath, then pushed herself up. She wanted more, but her legs wobbled beneath her. Fortunately, she had her strong and wonderful rabbit to hold her up. She turned around and clung to him, already missing having him inside her. She kissed his lips and tried to catch his penis between her legs again, but her balance was off and she just hung on his neck.

Don broke the kiss, rubbing his paws under her shirt, "We should be getting ready to go."

"I know, but I don't think I can. I feel like jelly." She stroked her fingers through his fur, sliding her hand up his neck to his ears.

He caught her arm and slowly pulled it down to kiss her palm. "Would you like to stay here and rest while I take care of our last two patients for the day?"

She rubbed her face against his chest, not minding that his shirt was in the way, "How about if I stay here to rest while you snuggle up beside me and we wake up to more of this?"

"I really need to take care of my patients." He bent down and grabbed her thighs, picking her up and walking to the bed. He laid her down, but she didn't let go of his neck. "I need to go now."

Julie Ann was feeling euphoric, "I can be a patient. Let's play doctor."

"Alright, then I prescribe plenty of bed rest." He carefully peeled her arms off of his neck and stood up.

"Under close observation?" She reached out and ran her fingers down his thigh.

He stepped away, forcing himself to ignore what his body wanted to do, and went into the bathroom. He took the cup from the cabinet and filled it, then came back and put it on the bedside table. "With fluids."

She looked at it, trying to think through the cloud of happiness in her head, "Did I forget to drunk today?"

"I saw you almost finish a glass at lunch, but that's all I remember until just now." He saw his pants on the floor and picked them up.

Julie Ann giggled as her mind linked memories, "Then we ran around the fence. Mmm, can we go back to the fence again?"

Don pulled his pants on, clipping the straps over his shoulders and snapping them around his tail. "Maybe we can do some more when I get back."

She thought about how some girls liked a man in uniform, "I like your uniform."

He looked down at his coveralls and plaid shirt and realized he hadn't worn much else since he started working for Doc Tanner. "I need to go to work, now."

"I know. I'll be right here when you get back, waiting for you." She pulled the shirt up, exposing her belly, but not quite her breasts.

He leaned down and kissed her lips, forcing himself to stand back up. "Don't forget to drink your water."

"I won't." She smiled and closed her eyes and was quickly asleep.

Don sighed and stared at her almost naked body. Her lonely patch of hair bellow her belly taunted him and he gently pulled the shirt back down to cover it before he turned around. He took a breath and made himself walk to the door, then stopped when he noticed the cat smiling at him from her bed in the other room. He realized that she must have seen everything. He wasn't sure whether he should apologize, be embarrassed or even acknowledge it. He quietly closed the door behind him and turned down the hall. He continued through the kitchen and down to the basement. The washer was long since done and he moved the wet clothes to the dryer, then looked up to see Molly watching him from the top of the stairs. He sighed and started the dryer. "I haven't done anything like that since Briz. No, I think we even outdid that."

Molly wagged her tail, then walked back up to the kitchen.

Don chuckled and climbed the stairs. He found Molly lapping up her water. He noticed that his phone wasn't in his pocket, so he walked back to his bedroom to look for it. He stopped in the hall and stared at the cat staring back at him. He knew he would have to talk to her again, sometime, so he put on a smile and walked in.

Belle grinned as she watched the sexy rabbit come closer. She wished he had forgotten his clothes, but after all she had just seen, she had no problem imagining he had.

"How are you feeling?" Don looked over the bandages.

"Pretty good, now. How about you?" She tried to touch his leg, but he was standing just out of reach.

Don swallowed and ignored the question, not wanting to talk about what she saw. He noticed a spot of blood between her legs. "You were ... touching yourself."

Belle grinned, "I couldn't help it. You two were amazing. Got anything left for me?"

He tried to keep focused and ignore her flirting. "I should reexamine you to make sure you didn't reopen your wounds."

The cat beamed, thrilled at the thought that he was going to get up close and personal with her wet vagina. She spread her legs, "I'm open for you, anytime. You can examine me as much as you'd like, Dr Don."

Don cleared his throat, still hoping that she would be a little more modest. He grabbed some of the gauze he had left on the desk and got a flashlight from the drawer in the bedside table, then knelt down beside the bed. He took a breath to calm himself, unfortunately it was filled with her very aroused scent. He shook his head to clear it, then turned on the flashlight and leaned in for a look. The fur between her legs was wet and again he thought about her watching them. He told himself to focus and carefully pushed her vulva open.

Belle moaned softly at his gentle touch. She was so excited for this moment, she wondered if she might lose it before he did. She felt his fingers push inside her and started to purr happily. He was touching everywhere and it felt so good. He pushed deep and her purr turned into a low mrowl, but he pulled back out too soon and she almost cried. Then he pushed back in and she moaned in renewed pleasure. It was cut short, however, when they both heard a car slowly pulling into the driveway. For a moment, she was mad at Robbie for coming back so soon, but she felt Don pull his fingers out of her and she smiled as she imagined both of them playing with her together.

Don stood up and looked out the window. He saw the back end of a pickup, then looked down at his paws, realizing that he had forgotten to put on gloves. He wrapped the gauze around itself to cover the blood spot. "It looks like there was some more bleeding, but it seems to have stopped now. I think you'll be alright." He gently pushed her knee down, then walked out and dropped the gauze in a small, red bin in the kitchen just as there was a knock on the door. He grabbed a napkin and used it to open the front door.

"Hey Doc. Glad to hear she's doing well." The big man quickly grabbed the rabbit's paw and shook it. "I want to thank you again for everything you've done for her. I brought you some more pea salad, but of course, one's for Belle." He laughed as he held up a bag with three quart containers.

"Mr Miller," Don started to speak, thinking about where his paws had just been.

"John, please."

"Right, John." He held up the napkin, then headed for the kitchen, "I need to wash my hands."

"Oh, did I interrupt something?" Mr Miller followed him in, closing the front door behind him.

"No. I was just finishing up examining your daughter." He washed in the kitchen sink and dried his paws.

John looked at his hand as he put the bag on the kitchen table, "Oh, I guess I should wash too, then."

Don stepped aside and let the big man wash his hands.

When Belle heard her father, she hurried to cover herself. He had seen her without clothes plenty of times before, but she didn't want him to see the fresh mess she had made while watching her friends have sex. If it was Robbie, she gladly would have let him see and smell and feel and taste. She wondered where he could be. His class should be over by now. Her thoughts were interrupted as Don came in, followed by her father. "Daddy, what are you doing here?"

He smirked at her odd welcome, "Well, I came to see you and the doc here says you can go home."

Belle pulled the sheet closer to her neck, "I don't want to go back there. I want to stay here."

Don heard his phone ringing and hurried to the hall to answer it.

John pulled the chair back and sat down, "Kitten, I'm not taking you back to your apartment. I've already moved a lot of your things and set up your old room. You're coming home with me."

"Really?" She tried to form an objection, but she knew it was safe and comfortable and she thought about sunning herself on the balcony again. "Did you get my computer?"

Don stepped out of his room and walked down the hall, listening to someone on his phone.

"Of course. It's sitting on your desk by the door, waiting for you. Now, let's get going, so the doc can get back to work and I can start pampering you."

She giggled and started to sit up, but her ribs reminded her that she was still injured and she winced.

Her father put his hand on her shoulder, "Hold on. I can start now." He tossed the sheet off of her and slipped his arm under her legs, then picked her up before she could object. He felt her wet legs and pulled her close to whisper in her ear, "Seems you had an accident. We'll get you cleaned up at home. It's only a little spot."

She was embarrassed that her father had felt her pleasure juices, but remembered him taking care of her when she was little. Even when she soaked her sheets as a kitten, it was only a 'little spot' and he didn't make a big deal about it. She hugged him and clung as he carried her out of the room.

Don was just hanging up when he saw them coming out of the hall, "That was about my next patient. I'm running a little late."

"I'll put her in the truck and be right back for her things, then we'll be out of your way." Mr Miller continued to the front door and Don hurried to open it for him.

"I can get them for you." The rabbit rushed back to the room and gathered the cat's things, then met them at John's truck as he was buckling her in. "Make sure she gets plenty of rest. Those ribs will be tender for a while. We can make an appointment to reexamine her paw and see how it is healing."

"Thanks again, doc." The big man set the bag on the seat of the truck, then grabbed the rabbit and hugged him. "We really appreciate everything you've done."

Don caught his breath and laughed nervously, "Just take care of her and I'll see her again in a few days."

"Sounds good, doc." He slapped the rabbit's arm and climbed in his truck.

Don rubbed his arm and waved as they pulled out, then hurried back inside to finish getting ready to go. He put the bag from Mr Miller in the fridge, pulled the sheets off of Belle's bed and ran them down to the wash, then checked in on Julie Ann. He smiled as she slept, half-naked in his bed. He told himself to get used to it, because he was marrying her and she would be here all the time. He couldn't imagine getting used to it, but forced himself to turn away. He looked down at Molly beside him, then knelt down to rub her ears, "You take care of her for me, okay?"

Molly licked his face and he caught her in a kiss, then scritched her neck and got up. She followed him to the door and watched as he left. She heard his truck leave and waited until she couldn't hear it anymore. It was now her house. She walked through the kitchen and got a drink of water, then went down to the basement. She looked around, then ran down the hall. She did her rounds in the barn, then headed back to the house. Another drink in the kitchen and she walked down the hall. She could still smell the cat, even though she had left. She looked around the room and snorted to clear her nose, then walked across the hall. Her mate's girl was still laying on the bed. She hopped up and looked the girl over, then curled up beside her to rest.

Rest didn't last long. Molly lifted her head with ears perked when she heard something hurrying into the driveway. She jumped off the bed and ran to the front room. Someone knocked on the door and knocked urgently again. She knew not to bark unless they got in, so she hopped up on the sofa to look out the window. She saw a car in the driveway, but couldn't see by the door. Suddenly somebody leaned to the window and she barked in surprise, jumping back and falling off the couch. The man looked in, then hurried away. She got back up to see where he went, but only saw his car. Then she heard something at the back door and rushed to the kitchen. The man was coming in and she stepped in front of him, giving a low growl. He knelt down and offered his hand. She recognized him as the cat's mate and got quiet, but why was he there when she wasn't?

Robbie rubbed Molly's ears, then got up and closed the door. He headed down the hall, with the dog on his heels, to see Belle. He stopped short when he saw the empty bed. He looked around the room and noticed all her things were gone, as well. He turned around to look into the other room and stopped again when he saw Julie Ann. She was laying spread on the bed, wearing a shirt that was too big for her and nothing else. It wasn't the first time he had seen her naked, but somehow it was different.

After a moment, he realized that he was staring at his friend while she slept nude, at that was rude. He wondered what happened that got her that way and a smile grew on his face. He figured she must have finally gotten her rabbit and it was too much for her. He was disappointed that he missed it, but he could still commemorate the event. He pulled out his camera and stepped into the room, but Molly stepped in front of him, growling quietly. He got the message and took a couple pictures from the doorway. Not for public viewing, but they would certainly be a conversation starter with her later. He put his phone back in his pocket and stepped back, then knelt and rubbed Molly's neck as an apology for invading her space.

He took one last look and saw Julie Ann move her hand between her legs. He froze as he watched her gently touch herself and spread her wet lips open. He stood up and absently stepped closer, but Molly reminded him with another growl. He stepped back and pulled his phone out again for a couple more shots. She pushed the shirt up to hold her breast and he took one more, then hurried down the hall. He stopped in the kitchen and wondered if maybe there was a reason he had gotten pulled over and arrived later. Maybe he should go back and do something while he had the chance. Then he saw Molly watching him from the hall and he sighed. What was he thinking, Julie Ann was more than just a girl, she was a friend, and that was more important. She was practically his sister. He shook off that thought and left.

Molly watched the strange man close the door behind himself as he left. She went to the front window and watched him get in the car and leave, much slower than he arrived. She snorted and went to the kitchen for a drink. She considered making her rounds again, but decided to check on the girl first and headed down the hall.

The girl was moaning and rubbing between her legs. She knew that when her mate did that, he liked her to lick him there, but this was a girl. Molly hopped up on the bed and watched the girl slowly writhe. She stepped up and sniffed between the girl's legs. She had licked her before, but now there was nothing left of her mate. She hoped he would have a short day and come back soon, but the girl was ready now. She remembered the girl's flavor and decided it could be good. She licked and the girl moved her hand away, so she licked some more. The girl seemed to like it and so did she. She licked deep, pressing her nose against her. The girl yelled a few times, then screamed and gushed her flavor. Molly licked it up, cleaning the girl out, then sat back and licked her lips as she watched the girl panting as she closed her eyes again. She huffed and lay down on the bed, putting her head on the girl's belly. She wondered if the girl appreciated that as much as her mate did. She supposed she would never know and decided to take a nap.

Julie Ann felt safe. Don was wrapped around her as they lay in the grassy field. His fur felt good against her skin. Their lives whizzed by in happiness. They got married in Australia with his family, then came back to Pennsylvania to continue his work. They had six little bunnies, all beautiful and polite and eager to help. Don was wonderful and so was her life.

Suddenly, she was in Belle's apartment, but the cat wasn't there. She looked around, but couldn't find anybody. She sat down on the bed, wondering why she was there, then Robbie was in front of her. He stroked her hair and she hugged his waist, then he knelt down and kissed her lips. She didn't mind, she was glad he was there. They removed each other's clothes and lay down on the bed, their kisses becoming more passionate as they continued. His hands roamed her body and he knew just where to touch her, just how to touch her; he knew all her secrets. His fingers found their way inside her and she moaned in pleasure. He brought her to the edge, only to pull his fingers out and replace them with his erection. It filled her and rubbed every spot inside her as he pushed deep and pressed against her clit. Soon, she could take no more and called out his name, then screamed as she felt an orgasm rock her body.

Julie Ann opened her eyes and saw Molly sitting at her feet. She realized that she was safe in Don's bed and Robbie had just been a dream. She caught her breath and looked around. She couldn't let herself entertain those kind of thoughts about Robbie. She needed a distraction. She gulped down the water from the bedside table, then visited the bathroom. She walked out and looked around the bedroom. It was simply furnished: king size bed with small tables on either side of it, desk beside the bathroom door, a tall bureau against the wall off the end of the bed and two wide closets on the other side of the room.

She walked to the hall and looked at the three doors to her right. If she was going to marry Don and move in, she might as well know the house. She opened the first door and found two small beds with a table, short dresser and desk for each, and a closet. The beds were made, but looked like they had not been used in a long while. She closed the door and checked the one across from it. It was nearly identical, with two bedroom sets and a closet. She closed that and opened the next one to find a bathroom with a large spa tub and walk-in shower. She smiled and imagined herself relaxing in the tub with her rabbit. She tucked that thought away and closed the door. The next room was the one Belle had stayed in. It only had one bedroom set and the mattress was bare. At least Don was a good housekeeper. She hoped he wouldn't get too frustrated with her messiness.

She decided she would help and wondered where the laundry machines were. She thought a moment and remembered seeing them in the basement, then turned around and almost tripped over Molly. She knelt down and rubbed the dog's ears, then headed down the hall and through the kitchen to the basement door. Molly followed as she headed down and found the machines. They had stopped and she felt useful as she opened the door to the dryer.

She pulled out her clothes and held them against her face to enjoy the warmth in the cool basement. She thought about getting dressed, but her mind tempted her with the idea of being half-naked when Don came home She was leaning seductively against the wall as he opened the door and gave him a wink. His smile was the only encouragement she needed and she pounced him, pulling his clothes off and sliding onto his rabbit erection. They humped and kissed and drove each other to orgasm after orgasm all over the room.

Julie Ann giggled, then caught herself. She was leaning against the washer and breathing heavily. They had done so much already and she still wanted more. He was definitely the rabbit for her and she was going to show him how much he meant to her. She pulled his clothes out of the dryer and folded everything quickly, then moved the sheets to the dryer and started it. She grabbed the stack of clothes and ran upstairs. She looked through his drawers and found where everything belonged, putting her clothes in with his, then hurried to the kitchen.

She searched through his food and decided on a menu with what was available, gathering everything together on the counter, and put some potatoes, turnips and carrots in a pot of water to boil for a while. She ran back to the bathroom and grabbed her phone, then looked around the front room. Determined to make her fantasy a reality, she set about getting the room ready for their romp. It was already tidy, so it was mostly dusting and arranging pillows, but she felt accomplished and giddily excited for her plans.

With one room ready so quickly, she decided to take care of the rest of the house as a surprise for him. She continued her dusting in the other rooms, finding little else to do. As she finished in the single bedroom, she stared at the bare bed and smiled, then ran around and down to the basement to get the sheets. She hugged them as she ran back up and tossed them on the bed. Thoughts of Belle slipped into her mind as she put the sheets on. She wondered if Belle would be happy that she had finally had her rabbit.

Suddenly she stopped and realized that she didn't know when, how, or why the cat had left. She didn't know how long she had slept, but Don would be back if it had been all day. He must have had her dad come get her, because if anything had been wrong he certainly would have woken her up. It made sense, but she wished she knew for sure. She pulled out her phone and sent a message to Belle. She didn't expect an answer. The cat would probably be sleeping, or eating. She sent one to Don, but he didn't answer, either. She figured he was busy with his patients and decided not to bother him further. The only other one that would know would be Robbie, but she didn't to get a conversation started with him when she had things to do.

She put her phone in the shirt pocket and started to leave, then saw Molly standing by Don's desk and watching her. She could see all the way to the bathroom door. She could see the chair and the edge of the bed. She looked back at the small bed beside her and imagined Belle watching her and Don having sex over and over. She started to feel guilty for making her friend sit through that, but then she realized that the cat probably enjoyed every second of it. She started to laugh and had to sit down as she thought about the bandaged feline morph excitedly rubbing herself like she had during the movie, until her lion toy popped out.

When she caught her breath, she looked at the bed and reminded herself that she still had work to do and Don would be home any second. She finished making the bed, then hurried to the kitchen and started preparing dinner with pan seared sweet and sour carrots, celery and raisin mash over honeyed turnip coins, and horseradish and chive mashed potatoes. She kept a cup of water and drank regularly. She wasn't going to let herself get dehydrated again and miss another second of her rabbit.

Don's day went well: a checkup for some dachshunds, a German Shepherd that wasn't eating, and a last minute call for a distressed Akita that kept him longer than he had planned. Everyone wanted to hear what happened and everyone had their opinion about Charlie and his boys. It was clear that, at least among his clients, they all supported him and didn't like Charlie.

He headed home, messy and ready for a shower. The closer he got, the more he thought about the beautiful, young girl waiting for him on his bed. He pulled into his driveway and stopped. He almost couldn't believe what had happened earlier. He really couldn't believe that he had walked away from it. Now he understood how his brother could do it, sheer willpower. Knowing she would be there for him when he got back helped, too. He hoped he was right. He was sure he was right. There was no point in worrying when he could just open the door and find out.

He pulled into his driveway and got out of his truck. As he walked up to the door, he wondered which was stronger, the dread that she wouldn't be there or the excitement that she would. He smelled food cooking and smiled as he knew which feeling won. He opened the door and walked in quietly, expecting to surprise her, but he stopped in his tracks as he saw her bouncing excitedly at the kitchen counter, wearing only the shirt he had given her before he left, before he had humped her passionately one last time and put her in his bed.

Julie Ann turned around and her face lit up. She started to run to him and begin their passionate romp all over the front room, but he came to her and wrapped his arms around her, catching her lips in a kiss that made her tingle all over. She grabbed at his clothes and slid the straps off of his shoulders, pulling his coveralls down his body. He helped her with his buttons and on the shirt she was wearing. Soon they were both naked and he picked her up, setting her down on the table as his erection pushed into her. He leaned over her on his new kitchen table and thrust into her eagerly. She pulled at his shoulders and wrapped her legs around him, begging for more of him and he gave it to her.

Don drove deep inside her, finally breaking the kiss and listening to her gasps of pleasure. He felt her hands slide up his head to stroke his ears and send a surge of excitement through his body. Her cries grew louder and soon she was begging him by name not to stop. It wasn't long before he had to, but she didn't complain.

She held her rabbit tight inside her with her legs and wrapped her arms around his neck as she felt the warm gush. It was like he reached deep inside her and touched her where nobody else could. "Oh Don, I love you so much. I want you to fill me like that again and again." She grabbed his face and kissed his lips repeatedly.

Don broke away from her kisses to nuzzle and kiss her neck, then worked his way down to kiss her breasts and slide his paws over her smooth skin. He stood up and caressed her chest, running his thumbs over her nipples and watching her quivering smile. His paws lightly danced over her belly and her hands joined them. She pulled his paws up to her face and rubbed her cheeks against their soft fur, then kissed them. He leaned down and caught her lips again as he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her up to sit on the edge of the table, then began slowly humping into her again as his strength returned.

Julie Ann moaned and buried her face in the fur of his neck as she felt the contours of his firm penis sliding in and out of her. She reached around to grab his tail and he thrust suddenly deep into her, making her gasp loudly in surprise. She felt the tip twitching and soon it pushed her over the edge. She squeezed him with her legs as her orgasm took hold and she felt him push just a little deeper. She screamed against his chest as her body reacted and she felt the sudden warmth of his own release. Don held her close as she clenched around him, trying to keep himself up as his legs felt weak. They both panted and leaned on each other as their mutual orgasms passed.

"Oh Don, that was wonderful. I love the way you feel inside me and I love you."

Don took her face in his paws and looked down at her, wondering why she talked so much. "I love you too, Julie Ann." He kissed her lips for a long moment, until she relaxed, then slid his paws down her back and smiled at her. "Why don't we go get a shower, then have some of your delicious smelling food."

Julie Ann stroked her rabbit's neck, "I made that for you. I missed you. I was waiting for you and I cleaned your house."

Don smiled and chuckled, wondering how much she had to clean, then felt her fingers teasing his ears again. He let himself enjoy her touch a moment longer, then told himself they needed to wind down and get control. He pulled his hips slowly back, savoring the feeling of his penis sliding out of her, but suddenly froze as he felt a familiar tongue along its length. He put his paws on the table and leaned over Julie Ann, Molly's lapping sending him back to the edge.

Julie Ann was worried for a moment, but smiled as she felt the cold nose and wide tongue and figured out what was happening. She knew she should probably be upset or incensed that the dog was joining in on their sex, bestiality was disgusting, right? But she had already enjoyed an orgasm from that tongue and had to admit, she wanted to again, so she couldn't be hypocritical. Besides, she was enjoying watching Don's face as he tried to resist and she wanted to feel him gush his liquid love into her again. Suddenly, he shoved his throbbing shaft back into her making her yell in surprise, but the gush that followed was deep and soothing. She kissed his ears until he lifted his head and kissed her lips.

Don broke the kiss and stood up, sliding his paws down her body until they found her red tuft. He stepped back and slid his paws down her thighs, letting his penis slip out of her. Molly quickly moved to lick him clean and he kept his eyes on Julie Ann. When the lab was done, she quickly turned and began cleaning his partner. He smiled as the beautiful, rad-haired, human girl he loved moaned in pleasure on his kitchen table.

Julie Ann felt the wiggling tongue push into her and tried to prepare for the sensation, but the dog was eager and before she could form a thought, she was overwhelmed by the wash of pleasure.

Don moved quietly to the sink, his eyes fixed on her. He filled a cup with water and drank it as he watched her undulations to Molly's licks, then refilled it. He wondered if he would ever be able to satisfy her. He had already surprised himself with his own stamina and looked down as her erotic cries had brought him back again. Suddenly, she arched her back and gave an orgasmic moan. Molly stopped to lick her lips and he saw a squirt shoot over her nose. He couldn't help a chuckle and she looked over at him. She reached for him and he brought the cup of water to her.

Julie Ann closed her eyes again and passed on the water as she felt Molly cleaning her. When the dog was finished, she found Don sitting on the edge of the table beside her, still offering the cup. She gave in and took it from him, getting a sip, then giving him a smirk. She reached over his leg and found his rabbit penis still erect. "Let's go again. I don't want my last orgasm to be from a dog. I want you."

"We should take a break before we burn ourselves out. I'm feeling a bit winded and we both know who's in better shape here," he teased as he gently rubbed her belly and hoped she would agree.

As much as she wanted to have him hump her all night, the orgasms she had already had took a lot out of her. She smirked slyly, "If you need to rest for a bit, I understand. We can take that shower you mentioned and have dinner, then maybe some desert in bed." She stroked his erection suggestively.

He slid his paw to her side and smiled, "If I'm still awake enough to walk then."

Julie Ann sat up and felt a little light headed. Her legs felt like jelly and her spine like a wet noodle, but it was a good feeling. "I don't know if _ I _can walk now."

"I'll carry you to the shower, until your legs come back." The rabbit moved around in front of her, but when his erection brushed against her belly, he started to have second thoughts about his offer. "Um, maybe you should ride on my back, so we can make it there." He turned around and bent down to her level.

Julie Ann gasped as she felt his fluffy little tail brush along her sensitive parts, but tried to stay as strong as her lover was and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt his paws slide up her thighs to pick her up and tried not to think about her vagina being spread open against his soft fur, but she was already there.

Don liked the feel of her body pressed against his own, and tried to distract himself from the thoughts that begged for attention as he carried her down the hall. "Seems we didn't make it to our goal. We do pretty well around other people, even though they all already seem to think we belong together, but when we're alone, we just fall into each other, like gravity." His mind wandered to the last time this sexual gravity had a hold on him, but he shook it off.

Julie Ann could hear him talking, but his soft fur had her attention. Particularly his fluffy tail tickling between her legs. She let herself slide down and felt the tip poke her. It rubbed against her clit as he walked and she tucked her lip in her teeth to keep from moaning aloud. He stopped and started to let her slide down as warm water rained on them, but that pushed his tail inside. She gasped aloud and clung to his neck with her arms, while her legs clung to his hips. The long, thick fur filled her strangely, while the end of his tail poked and teased. She felt the cold wall against her back and used it to push herself on his tail. She didn't understand it, she didn't know how she would explain it, but at that moment, she was just enjoying it. She found just the right motion and soon her body tensed with another orgasm.

Don wasn't sure why what was going on, but when he heard her moan with pleasure and felt her squeeze his tail, he at least knew she was enjoying it. He waited until she released her hold on his waist, then let her slide down to her feet. She was still wobbly, so he held her up against the wall of the shower, "Are you alright?"

Julie Ann nodded, with a satisfied giggle.

Don smirked, "Is nothing safe between us when we're alone?"

She ran her fingers through the fur on his chest, "Not when every part of you can make me feel like that."

"I don't think my ears could do that."

She looked up at his long lobes and reached up to gently caress them, "Maybe not directly, but I know what they can do."

Don closed his eyes and felt the tingling shoot down his body and right where she wanted it to go. He put his forehead against hers and put his paws on the wall behind her. "You are insatiable." She giggled and he kissed her lips. He grabbed her waist and she wrapped a leg around his hip, pulling him against her. His erection throbbed against her belly until he picked her up and slipped it inside her. She broke the kiss to moan her pleasure and he kissed her neck as he thrust into her against the wall. She gripped the base of his ears and moaned loudly as his thrusts quickened. It wasn't long before she could take no more, she held him tight with her legs as her orgasm clenched around his firm rabbit shaft. The suddenness of it brought Don to his own and she gave a sighing moan as she felt his warm gush. They both gasped for breath as the water fell over them.

The moment was broken as Molly whined and pawed at the door.

Julie Ann giggled, a little embarrassed, and slid down his leg. Her own legs decided not to work and she slid all the way to the floor, with Don bending with her to make sure she was okay. He opened the door and let the dog in and Molly went straight to Julie Ann, nosing and licking her neck. When the near delirious girl reached up to gently push her nose away, she moved down to clean up after them. Julie Ann gave panting gasps as the canine's tongue brushed over her sensitive bits. As much as she had enjoyed it before, this time was just too much and she pushed her away. Molly gave her a confused look, then turned her attention to cleaning Don, but he stopped her, as well.

The rabbit knelt down and held the dog under one arm, rubbing her side as he looked at Julie Ann, "Are you okay?"

She sighed as she caught her breath, "Yeah. I think I just reached my limit."

Don smiled and put his paw on her cheek, "I thought I had passed mine a while ago, but you just make me want to give you all I've got and more."

She put her hand on his paw and smiled back, "I think I'll just sit here for a while."

"Okay," he kissed her lips gently, then more passionately. When he finally pulled away to stand up, he smiled down at her as he started to wash himself.

Julie Ann watched her sexy rabbit push the water through his fur, then lather soap with his paws all over his delicious body. She wanted to get up and help, to have her hands all over him, but she felt so exhausted and spent, she could barely keep her head up. Even with his penis tucked away and his cute, furry balls hiding between his strong thighs, she knew it was there and now she knew exactly what it could do. He rinsed himself off, turning around to let the water wash down his back and through the fluffy little tail that she had made so messy. She tried to grab it, but could only reach his thigh.

Don turned around at her touch and smiled. She looked so blissfully happy. He bent down and brushed a lock of wet red hair out of her face, then grabbed her arms and pulled her to her feet. He held her up, letting the water rinse over her. "Are you feeling any better?"

She smiled, "I think I want some more."

He pulled her against him and held her close, "What happened to your limit?"

"Mmm, push the limits," she stretched her neck to rub her nose against his.

He nuzzled back, "I don't think I can. You've gotten a lot out of me."

"But I know how to get you started again," she reached up for his ears.

Don caught her arms and kissed her hands, "Let's not wear them out." he was trying to be strong, but looking down at her smoky blue eyes and lightly freckled, smooth cheeks was making him want to give in to her every desire.

When he let go of her arms, she moved them down with a sly smile, "I can be more direct." She wrapped her hand around his furry balls and giggled as his eyes went wide. She could feel him reacting to his touch, but it wasn't coming fast enough. "Maybe I could do it like Molly." She liked his surprised look as she slid slowly down his body. She glanced at the dog waiting patiently beside her, then looked at the short rabbit penis sticking out in front of her. She needed more if she was going to get another orgasm from him. She wet her lips, then slowly licked the tip.

Don moaned softly and stroked her wet hair. He decided that she wasn't going to change her mind and relaxed, letting his body enjoy her attention. He closed his eyes and listened to the water falling on her back as she licked his growing length. He felt a bigger tongue join in and knew Molly wanted her turn, so he rubbed her ears encouragingly. She didn't get much, however, as he felt something slide over his shaft. He looked down to see Julie Ann with her lips around the base of his erection. He put his paws on the sides of her head to push her back and tried to fight his arousal, but that only made it worse. He felt the tip find her throat and her eyes went wide.

Julie Ann pulled back in surprise and gave a little cough, trying not to ruin his mood. She looked at his long erection, its slender and tapered length, then smiled up at him, "I think it's ready now." She slid up his body, rubbing his fleshy shaft between her breasts and down her belly as she pressed her skin against his wet fur. She found his lips and kissed them, then turned around and stroked his cheek over her shoulder, "I want you to do it like over the fence again."

He was still a little confused about the fence, but when she leaned over, bracing herself against the wall, and rubbed her smooth butt against his furry crotch, he knew exactly what she wanted. The water raining down on her back and pouring over her sides made her pink skin look even more beautiful. He ran his paws over her back, pushing the water over her shoulders and listened to her pleasured moans, then slid them down her sides and around her hips. Her round thighs led him to her waiting pussy and he pushed a finger inside.

Julie Ann gasped and pushed back against his sensuously teasing touch. She had enjoyed everything he had done to her and was eager to feel him fill her again. "Oh Don, I want you so bad."

Don placed his erection in his palm as his finger worked its way inside her, then slowly guided it into her and moved his paws to her hips. He pushed all the way inside and felt her squeeze him eagerly. It reminded him again of his first, last and only other sexual partner, Brizitt. He closed his eyes and pushed the memories away, trying to focus on making love to the beautiful human woman in front of him. He pulled back and thrust deep, then began slowly humping her and he returned to the glorious present.

Julie Ann gasped as she felt the tip of his rabbit penis poke deep inside her. It was just where she wanted him and as he started his rhythm, she returned to her fantasy.This time, she wasn't at the fence, she was inside it, leaning against the barn. It was raining light, but steady, as her rabbit lover lovingly thrust into her again and again. She looked over her shoulder, but instead of her furry fiance, she saw Robbie thrusting into her. She opened her eyes and was relieved to see Don, with his head tipped back, passionately thrusting into her. She moaned in satisfaction and closed her eyes again, determined to enjoy the fantasy, despite her mind. She saw the rain soaking her lover's fur as he continued to hump her and moaned her pleasure. She pushed against the barn and looked between her legs as he quickened his pace to see his furry balls bouncing there as his thrusts found just the right spots to send waves of pleasure through her body. She looked back over her shoulder to smile at him, but instead found Brian, grinning wide as he eagerly fucked his sister. She gasped in surprise and fell against the wall of the shower, opening her eyes to see her rabbit's concerned face.

Don leaned over her with his paw on her side, "Are you alright?"

"Don't stop, please. I need you." She grabbed his paw and held it against her breast with her shoulders against the wet tile. She moaned happily as she felt him resume his thrusts. She didn't want to end this moment with an image of her brother. She wanted Don. She wanted him like she had had him over and over. She wanted him like she had dreamed of him. This time she watched him as he humped her. She saw his arousal return and felt it firming inside her again. He leaned his head back and his thrusts came faster and harder. She wondered if he had a fantasy of her that she could fulfill for him and closed her eyes to imagine it. Her own wishes dominated, however, and _she was back against the barn. The rain was as steady as her lover's thrusts and she reveled in his attentions. He smiled at her lovingly as he showed her how much he loved her. She felt him quicken his pace again, driving fast and deep, like when she teased his ears. She moaned loudly as her own arousal neared its peak and begged him to fill her. She looked back just as he made a final thrust, but it was the yellow stallion she saw pumping his seed into her._She screamed and fell against the wall. Losing the pulsing shaft that she had begged for.

Don quickly tried to catch her, but his legs buckled and he only managed to ease her decent to the wet floor as his mindless erection squirted onto her belly. He knelt down and looked her over, wondering if he had done something that hurt her. "Julie Ann, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

The wet tile under her bare butt brought her thankfully back to reality and her rabbit's gentle touch comforted her. She wrapped her arms around his furry neck and tried not to cry from her frustration. "Oh Don, I'm sorry. It was so wonderful. I just..."

"Did you slip?" He reached up to turn off the water.

Not wanting to try to explain what went through her head, she just nodded.

"Are you hurt?" He slid his paws over her body, looking for a wince that would indicate her pain.

She enjoyed his touch for a moment before Molly's nose on her hip broke the moment. She reached down and rubbed the dog's head, then returned her attention to her rabbit. "No, I'm fine; I'm better than fine; I love you." She caught his lips and kissed him passionately, trying to wash away all her unwanted thoughts.

Don wrapped his arms around her and carefully picked her up off the floor until she stood in front of him and his height forced them to break the kiss. "Maybe we should stop for the day."

Julie Ann looked at his face and smiled as memories of the pleasure he had given her ran through her mind and her body. She slid her hands down his furred body and grabbed his butt, pulling him against her. "I don't think I can. I want you so bad." Her smile grew as she felt his erection returning. "And I know you want me, too."

Not able to hide that fact, he pulled her head against his chest and hugged her, trying desperately to make himself relax, "We'll have our whole lives together, many nights and many days. We'll have plenty of time to continue this, but we have to stop sometime, so we can enjoy starting again."

She laughed and rubbed her face against the wet fur of his chest, "I don't want to do anything else anymore."

"Well, we still have patients and other work to take care of." He pushed her back and smiled as she looked up at him. "I'll be happy to have this to look forward every night."

She smiled and eagerly kissed his lips, then wrapped her leg around his to pull them close again.

Don broke the kiss with his eyes closed in resolution and held her body away from his, "Let's get dried off and dressed and have some of the dinner you made."

Julie Ann put her hands on his arms and pushed her fingers through his fur, trying to be as strong as he was.

He opened his eyes and smirked at her, then turned her to the door and gave her a nudge to get her moving.

She stopped in the door and he bumped into her with his firm penis rubbing against the small of her back. She put her hands on his paws on her shoulders and leaned her head back on his chest, turning to look up at him. "Stopping may be harder than not starting."

Don kissed her lips as he fought with his desire to make love to her again, then took a deep breath, "We just have to be strong." He pushed her out to the bedroom and kept her back towards him as he got around her and hurried out the door with her giggling behind him. He stopped in the hall and turned back to her, "Stay. I'm going to get your clothes from the laundry."

Molly looked up at him from beside Julie Ann.

He pointed to his dog, "You can come," then pointed up at the human beside her, "but you stay."

Julie Ann sat on the bed as her rabbit and his dog left. She fell back and sighed, wishing they didn't have to stop; wishing her mind would just let her enjoy what she wanted; wishing she could do it all over again. She smiled as she began to replay everything they had done.

Don hurried down to the basement with Molly following behind. As much as he wanted to keep going all night, he needed to find some way to be around her and still get work done. She needed clothes; put that physical barrier back between them to help. He turned to the dryer and opened it, but it was empty. She must have done the laundry while he was gone, as well. He checked the washer for the sheets, but they were gone, confirming it. He leaned on the machine and wondered why she hadn't gotten dressed. Then he thought about how he had greeted her and knew why. He regretted being so weak then, but not for enjoying everything they had done. He smiled as he thought about how she begged for him and the noises that she made. He suddenly froze as he heard those sounds for real. He followed them to the door up to the bathroom and listened. He looked down at Molly; there was no one else in the house and the dog was with him. He quietly climbed up the shelves and lifted the door a little, pressing his ears against it to get a peek through the crack.

Julie Ann giggled in pleasure as her rabbit took her for the first time again; his furry body pressed against hers again and again as he thrust his wonderful penis into her. She felt weightless as he held her against the wall, then floated to the bed with him still inside her and around her. His kisses were heaven and every touch was bliss and as they changed positions, it only got better. Finally, she found herself leaning over the chair and it transformed into the fence in the field. She gasped as her orgasm hit again and the world exploded in ecstasy.

Don watched her writhing on the bed, her moans and cries of pleasure urging his returning arousal. Her fingers danced over her human vulva until she called out his name and lifted her hips off the bed, a splash of fluid escaping those lower lips. The sudden silence made him realize where he was and he quietly closed the door, climbing back down to the basement. He looked down at his awakened erection and took a calming breath. He needed to remember how to keep that thing under control if they had any hope of working together. He walked around the basement with a curious Molly following behind, trying to calm himself before going back up. When all but the tip had retreated, he decided he needed to get back upstairs and into some clothes, quickly.

Julie Ann gasped for air and looked around the room as she came down from her bliss, then giggled as she realized what she had done. She stared at the door, eager for her rabbit to return; she wanted to pull him onto the bed with her for another round. The anticipation fueled her arousal even more, just as it had earlier, when she was waiting for him to come home from work. When he came in the door, he had been just as eager as she was and she remembered how they had collided in the kitchen; how his passion had been so intense; how they had been unstoppable.

He thrust into her on the kitchen table as he kissed her, his furred body rubbing against her own. He pulled her up and thrust deeper; she could feel the tip rubbing inside. He turned around and picked her up on his back; his tail found its way inside her to continue her pleasure. She giggled at the silly image, but fantastic feeling. They continued their passion in the shower, where he held her up against the wall and thrust into her again. She turned around and he took her from behind again, driving deep into her until her world exploded once more.

Don stood in the doorway, watching the young, human girl on his bed, writhing in ecstasy. He wondered for a moment if he was doing anything at all to give her that pleasure. Her long, red hair, spread on the bed above her head, contrasted her pale skin. Her luscious body moved erotically as she reveled in her fantasy. With no fur to disguise it, he could see every curve. She called his name again and arched her body. Again, he saw her squirt and he smiled. He wondered if she did that when he was inside her. He was always so wrapped up in his own release, he hadn't noticed.

Julie Ann sighed, satisfied with the better ending, and looked around the room again to reestablish herself in reality. She noticed the big, gray rabbit standing in the doorway and curled up quickly in surprise, embarrassment rushing in reflexively. Then she noticed his erection pointing at her and a sly smile grew on her face. She rolled towards him and crouched playfully, "Ready to go again?"

Don swallowed hard and tried to ignore his arousal. "I ... couldn't find your clothes in the laundry."

"I know." She perched on the edge of the bed, staring at her target as she plotted her next move.

Her naked body poised aggressively was making it difficult for him to keep his resolve. "Where are they?"

"We'll find them when we're ready." She stepped off of the bed and closed the distance between them quickly, reaching for his soft furred body.

Don grabbed her wrists and stopped her, just inches away. "We should get dressed and have dinner."

She looked up at him with pleading eyes, "Don't you want me anymore?"

He tried to resist, but his desires overwhelmed him. He pulled her close and held her body against his. "I do want you, more than anything, but we have to find a balance, so we can continue living our lives."

She was where she wanted to be and ran her fingers through his fur. She could feel his erection against her belly, sending a different message than he was saying. She slid her hands over his butt and wrapped her fingers in his tail. She felt the surge in his penis and continued playing with the fluffy appendage, hoping to push him past his reluctance.

Don slowly gave in to her touch and told himself, just one more. He rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. When she looked up at him, he caught her lips in a kiss that melted his resistance. He pushed her against the side of the dresser and slid his paws down her sides. When she wrapped her leg around his hip, he picked her up until the tip of his shaft slid past her wet vulva, ready to slip inside.

An echoing chime sounded from the hall.

Don broke the kiss and leaned his head back in frustration. He was so close, but he couldn't ignore a patient. He slowly let her slide down, but his penis slipped inside anyway, slipping out again as she slid too low.

Julie Ann groaned as she felt the tip of his penis tease inside her, then stood up and gripped the fur on his chest, "No. Ignore it. They'll come back later."

"I can't ignore a patient." he peeled her fingers open and kissed her head, then slid his paw across her chest as he stepped around to get his clothes from the dresser. Opening the drawer, he found her clothes. He gave her a smile as he took out his coveralls and shirt, then handed her clothes to her. "Would you like to help?"

She hugged her clothes as she watched him, "I'd rather finish what we started."

He pulled on his pants and hooked them over his shoulders, then started buttoning his shirt as the bell rang again, "I'm not sure we'll ever finish. We'll just have to continue it later."

"I like that idea. We can make love forever, with little interruptions in between." She smiled as he gave her a quick kiss as he passed.

Don hurried to the door, hoping he hadn't taken too long. When he opened it, he found a young woman looking very nervous and very pregnant. When she saw him, she froze and just looked him over, finally staring at his tall ears above his head. "Can I help you with something?"

She gasped as his voice shook her from her head, "Yeah. I'm, um, I, oh ... I heard about what happened and I wanted to come over and, um ... My brother installs security systems and I wanted to give you this." She held out a small piece of paper. "It should cover getting your door fixed and locks replaced and he'll give you a good discount on anything else you want to have installed."

Don looked at the gift certificate, "You don't really need to do this."

She looked even more nervous, "I just want you to know that not everybody around here hates morphs. Most of us are good people. I just ..." She froze again, but this time she was staring past the giant rabbit and into the house.

Don turned around to see Julie Ann cautiously walking towards the door. He reached out and put a paw on her shoulder, urging her up to the door.

The woman looked terrified as she stared at the red-haired girl in front of her. Her voice was quiet and quivering, "A-are you her?"

She looked up at Don and he nodded, then she smiled to the woman, trying to be polite, "I'm Julie Ann. I assist Dr Lem."

"Oh God. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." She was near in tears as she reached for the girl's hands, then pulled herself back, wringing her own. She pulled her bag in front of her to rest on her belly and dug through it. She removed a half-empty bottle of brown, translucent liquid and pushed it into Julie Ann's hands. "This helped me. You can wash off their filthy touch. Just ... just use it." She turned and hurried away, then stopped and looked back for a moment before she rushed to her car and drove off.

Julie Ann watched the car leave, then looked at the bottle in her hands. The label said it was an anti-bacterial soap. It had a prescription label on it with the name Pauline Wathers. She looked up at Don, "Who was that?"

Don stepped back and closed the door, "I don't know. I didn't recognize her as a client and she didn't tell me. She said her brother installs alarm systems and gave me a rather large gift certificate to get the door fixed. It'll be more than enough, but Doc Tanner has insurance that covers break-ins. What did she give you?"

"It's ... soap. It says her name is Pauline Wathers."

"I don't know that name."

"Do you think she's the same Pauline that Annie said is married to one of the guys that broke in?"

"I don't know." He watched her staring at the name on the bottle and missed her smile from just moments ago. He put his paws on her shoulders, "Are you okay?"

She looked up at him, then noticed the dent in the wall over his shoulder. She remembered Charlie's face as he held her against that wall and tried to fight back the rest of the memory. "I think I need to go."

"Why don't we sit down and eat the dinner you made, then I'll drive you home."

"I'm not hungry." It was a lie, as her stomach objected with a grumble, but she didn't feel like eating. She looked to the kitchen and saw her phone on the floor with the shirt she had been wearing. She walked over and picked them both up, then walked to the bedroom to get the rest of her things from the bathroom.

Don watched her and sighed. He knew the assault had bothered her more than she let on, but she seemed to be okay until somebody brought it up again. He walked to the kitchen and found the two plates on the counter. He finished scooping some mashed potatoes onto the last plate and took them to the table for one last attempt.

Julie Ann sighed and put the bottle of soap on the bathroom sink. She found her keys and went back to the bedroom. She looked at the bed, wishing she wasn't so weak. If she could just get over it and forget those men, she could go back to enjoying her rabbit. The rabbit that was waiting for her in the front room. She headed back down the hall and found him in the kitchen with the plates of food on the table.

"This looks really good. Are you sure you don't want some?"

"I'm sorry. I've ruined everything. It's been such a wonderful day. You are amazing. I just ..." she choked on her emotions and lost the nerve to say anything more.

Don rushed over and put his paws on her shoulders, trying to find the right words to comfort her, then gave up and pulled her into a hug. She started crying and he let her. He stroked her hair and slowly swayed, like his mum had done for him when he was upset. When she calmed again, she looked up at him, then wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him tight. He rubbed her back soothingly, "You didn't ruin anything. I still love you and if you still love me, that's all that matters."

She pulled back to look at him, "Of course I love you. I could never stop."

"I'm glad." he smiled and kissed her lips, then pulled back and hugged her again.

"I shouldn't have ridden with Robbie. You don't have to take me home. I don't want you getting in trouble."

Don chuckled, "Well, they lifted the restriction on morphs driving alone at night a few years ago, but how about this: You can take my truck and bring it back with you tomorrow."

"You trust me with your truck?"

"A truck is a truck. I trust you with my life."

She hugged him again. "I'm sorry I'm such an emotional mess."

"You're alive; emotions are part of it; and I love every bit of you."

"I love you, too."

Don stroked her hair, "Now, I'm going over here to try some of this food you made for me. Are you going to join me?" He smiled at her as he walked back to the table with her following close. He sat down and she stood beside him, watching as he tried a piece of carrot. He nodded and smiled, "It's good! Though next time, we should try eating it while it's still warm." He rubbed a paw on her back, then rested it there.

She stared at his plate of food, remembering all the work she put into getting ready for him and how excited she was, then a smile slowly spread on her face as she remembered how amazing it felt when they were pressed together in the throes of passion. She reached up and stroked his ear, "I liked what we had instead."

His fork clanked on the plate as he reached up and took her hand, holding it against his chest as he looked up into her eyes. "So did I. Are you feeling any better?"

As an answer, she leaned down and kissed his lapin lips. He let go of her hands to hold her hips and she held the back of his head, teasing the base of his ears as their lips danced. She wanted to return to that happy feeling where nothing else mattered. She felt Don's paws slide up her body and she was ready for him to throw her on the table, pull her clothes off and pick up where they left off. Instead, he pulled her arms down and broke the kiss.

"I'm glad. I couldn't bear to see you hurting." He stroked her cheek and she sighed, wishing he wasn't so mature.

"I guess I should go home." She forced herself to step back until their arms fell away. Her rabbit's loving smile only made it harder.

"I'll get the keys for you." He stood up and put a paw on her shoulder as he walked around her. He thought about where the keys were and remembered that his clothes from the day were still in the kitchen where they had undressed each other earlier. He looked under the table and saw them, then gave her a smirk as he bent over to pick them up.

Julie Ann stared at the fluffy tail beside her and brushed her fingers over the ends of the fur, barely resisting the urge to grab the whole thing. She pulled her hand back quickly as he stood up with his clothes in one paw and handed her his keys.

"It's bigger than your car, but you may as well get used to it if you'll be helping me." he put the keys in her hand and stepped around her again. He focused on the clothes he was carrying to distract him from his other thoughts, but stopped when he opened the basement door. He didn't want to just walk away, she might think he didn't care. He tossed the clothes down the stairs, telling himself he'll get them later and closed the door again. Without that distraction, he needed to be strong again. "So. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning for our first patient."

She got the message and took a deep breath, then nodded purposefully and shook the keys. "Yes. Tomorrow. Work."

Don marched past her to the front door, trying to keep focused. He looked back at her when he got there and she took another deep breath, then made her march to the door.

He opened it and she started to leave, but stopped and turned back to him. "Good night, Don. I love you."

He gave in and grabbed her, pulling her into a passionate kiss. He held her close as he tried to tell himself to let her go, that she would be back in the morning. He finally pulled back, but still held her close as he looked into her eyes, "I love you, too."

She melted in his arms and reached up to pull him down for another kiss, but the sound of the keys clattering on the floor drew their attention. She quickly picked them up again, but the moment was broken. Her rabbit held her shoulders and smiled.

"G'night, Julie Ann. Please drive safe. I don't want to lose you."

She nodded and stepped backwards out the front door, then stumbled as she turned around while going down the two steps. She held her hands up to show she was okay and continued to the truck, stopping at the door to look back at him. She forced herself to get in and seeing him watching her in the doorway told her she needed to go before she lost the strength she had found. She turned the truck around and watched him in the mirror, watching her as she pulled out of the driveway.

Don closed the door and leaned against it, relieved that he was able to stay strong until she was gone, but missing her already. He looked towards the kitchen and saw Molly staring back at him. He pushed off the door and walked to his dog, kneeling beside her to rub her neck, "Well girl, we finally did it and did it and did it. I don't remember how many times that was, but I think we could have gone all night. She is even more amazing than I thought. And you seemed to like her, too."

The Lab licked his face and he returned the kiss, then rubbed her back.

"I should finish eating and clean up. Do you want some?" He stood up and returned to the table, then offered the dog a carrot.

Molly sniffed it, then accepted it and he put a plate on the floor for her as he sat down to eat his own.

As she got closer to home, Julie Ann regretted leaving even more. She pulled in the driveway and parked behind her own car, hoping nobody would notice the truck and ask questions before she could leave in the morning. She thought about just turning around and going back, but she was already here and she was sure her mother heard the truck, so she couldn't just leave. She got out and walked up to the house, taking a calming breath before she opened the door.

Her family was still at the dinner table, but it looked like they were almost done and her step-father had already left.

Their mother got up, looking annoyed, "There you are. Come have some dinner."

She wanted to tell her she wasn't hungry, but her stomach complained and without Brandon there, she could actually enjoy the meal. She smiled at her brother as she sat down beside him and her mother set a plate of lasagna in front of her. It actually felt good having a family meal together, even if she was late and they ended up watching her eat. It started to become uncomfortable as thoughts of her afternoon activities crept into her head and she started to wonder what they would think if they knew about all the rabbit sperm swimming inside her.

"Brian, Kristine, go up to your rooms. I need to talk to your sister."

She jumped at her mother's sudden announcement and felt even more uncomfortable.

Kristine took her dishes to the sink, but Brian hesitated.

To save him from their mother's irritation, she put her hand on her brother's shoulder, "Go on, Brian. She just wants to talk to me alone."

Begrudgingly, he took his dishes to the sink and walked up the stairs. He stopped at the top and looked back, then hurried down the hall to his room.

Her mother took the empty plate from in front of her daughter and walked to the sink, leaving her sitting at the empty table. When she came back she looked very serious, "I want to start by saying that I love you and I always will." She sat down and Julie Ann knew that this wasn't going to be an easy conversation. "I saw something in the news that bothered me. Apparently, that morph raped a human girl out at his place."

"What?!" She was surprised by how distorted the story had become.

"I'm glad to hear that you weren't there this time."


"This is why we have been asking you not to go near him. They may look human, but they're still animals and can't control their sex drives the way we can."

"Mom! He didn't do that!"

"I know it can be hard to believe that someone you know could be capable of something like this, but just be glad that you didn't get raped."

"No, I didn't get raped, but ... It was the guys from before. The ones that attacked Don."

"Now, don't go blaming someone else. Denial will only make it hurt more. We just think it would be best if you didn't go there any more. Who knows what kind of perverted, animal things he could have done to you."

"Mom! He's not perverted! He's a better person than that thing you married in there."

"Don't you attack Brandon for this. He may not be your father, but he is a good man and risked his life to protect this country."

"That doesn't give him the right to be an asshole."

Her mother pointed a stern finger at her, "Enough. You will not be going back to that morph's place. You'll find another job and you will not speak to me like that again."

"You can't keep me from going back to him.

"I am your mother and you are living in my house."

"Well, how about if I just move in with Don; he has plenty of room, but maybe I'll just sleep in his bed and we'll have perverted, animal sex all night long!" She turned and headed upstairs. She heard Brandon's office door open.

Her mother intercepted him, "No, she didn't mean it. She'll feel differently in the morning. Just let her get some sleep.

She grunted her frustration as she opened her door and tried not to slam it. She didn't need to have the almighty Brandon yelling at her about that, too. She dove onto her bed and pounded on the pillow, wanting to scream. She couldn't believe how messed up her mother was. She couldn't believe she just told her mother she would be having animal sex with Don all night long. She flipped her pillow over her head and regretted everything about the argument they just had. She wished she had just set her mother straight from the beginning and told her the whole truth.

There was a knock on her door. For a moment, she considered ignoring it. She didn't want to talk to her mother or Brandon, but Brian had been making a habit of talking to her every night. She should at least tell him to go away. She made herself get up and opened the door. "Brian..." she saw him standing there and remembered how her mother had gotten such a messed up story. She decided that she should give him the truth before he hears something else. She sighed and opened the door more. "Come on in."

He walked in and she closed the door behind him.

"Sit down," she gestured to her desk chair and he took it while she sat on the bed. "You remember what we looked at the other day and when I told you about my friend that was attacked?"

"Yeah, the cat morph. Is she okay?" Brian slid to the edge of the chair.

"She's fine. She's gone home with her dad to rest." She hadn't expected him to be worried about Belle.

"Her dad? Is he a cat, too?"

"No. He kind of adopted her. But anyway, I need to tell you about something else that happened."

"Another morph?"

She stared at the ground. "No, these were humans. I told you that some guys attacked Don. Well, they got out of jail yesterday and came back to his house."

"Is he okay?"

"When they came, he was out, helping my friend. I was there, watching his dog."

"The one that they beat up?"

"Yes." She tried to simplify telling him, so she wouldn't have to relive too much of it.

"Did they hurt his dog again?"

"No. She was safe." She looked straight into his eyes. "Brian, they attacked me."

"What? You're not a morph. Why would they attack... " He suddenly sat up. "It's because you love him."

She nodded and started to continue, but he spoke first.

"They attacked you because you kissed a morph? That's stupid."

"They didn't just attack me, Brian. They tried to rape me."

He jumped to his feet, "WHAT?! That's even stupider. They can't force you to love them."

"They told me they were going to make sure I have human babies."

He sat down and got quiet, looking concerned, "Did they do it? Did they make you pregnant?"

She smiled, glad that he was understanding, "No. The police arrived before they could."

"Good. I hope they shot them all."

"Well, they did shoot one."

"Serves him right for trying to rape my sister."

Julie Ann laughed and pulled him over for a hug.

He pushed her breast away from his face to look up at her. "You're my sister and I say you can love anyone you want."

That statement made everything from the argument with her mother not matter anymore. She took his hand off of her breast and held it, smiling at him. "Brian. You know I love you, right? You're the best brother I could have ever hoped for."

"I love you too, Julie Ann. You're the best sister in the world."

She laughed and squeezed him again, then fidgeted with his hand as she decided that he should know everything. "I'm glad you said that, because I have something else I need to tell you. Don and I ..." She hesitated, trying to decide how to say it. "... We're going to get married."

"Well, I knew that."

His answer was simple and it surprised her, "Oh really? Who told you?"

"I just knew. You're so happy when you're with him and talk about him and kiss him. You have to get married and live happily ever after."

She held his hand, "Oh Brian. Sometimes you say the perfect things." She hugged him, then wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tighter. It was just what she wanted to hear, before she knew she needed it. She put her hands on his face and gave him a long kiss on his cheek, then smacked his butt. "Now, go get ready for bed. It's been a long week and I need some sleep."

"Can I come back and sleep with you?"

She considered the previous nights' troubles, but she was in a good mood again and didn't want to end with another fight. "Wear pajamas that fit and give me a few minutes to get ready."

He grinned at her, but didn't move.

She grabbed his hips and turned him towards the door, then smacked his butt a little harder and he stumbled towards the door and left. She sighed, feeling relieved that someone supported her. She knew she wouldn't have much time before he came back, but she needed to say some things. She hopped into her computer seat and opened the lid.

DitDaDit [Are you awake yet?]

DitDaDit [I'm going to visit Belle. Do you want to come along?]

NoctaCat [I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. You'll have to come visit at my dad's house. It's on a big piece of land, so we can get as loud as we want, when he's not here.]

NoctaCat [Robbie's coming to visit me!]

She laughed at what she had missed and wondered if she was going to regret putting those two together. She wanted to tell them both that she and Don had finally done it, but she didn't want to just drop it on them when she couldn't talk about it. Instead she sent them both a message saying she was going to bed and would talk to them tomorrow.

Next she sent Anthea a cryptic message, hoping to find excited replies in the morning [We did it.]

She quickly stripped and pulled on a nightshirt; she couldn't sleep naked if Brian was coming back, then headed for the bathroom. The door opened and her brother almost walked right into her. She smiled and brushed her fingers through his hair as she walked past him into the bathroom. "Go on and crawl in my bed. I'll be there in a moment."

He dashed off to her room and she smiled, letting his good mood help her keep her own. She sat down on the toilet and released a flood. She wondered how much of it was from Don and her mind started to remind her how it got in her. She couldn't wait to get back to him tomorrow and do it all over again. She remembered telling her mom that she would move in with him and imagined spending all night in his bed. She cleaned herself and flushed and went back to her room, her head still swirling with happy thoughts.

She closed the lid of her computer and looked at her brother in her bed; she was glad she wouldn't be sleeping alone. She turned off the light and crawled in beside him, then reached over and pulled him closer to cuddle. "Good-night, Brian."

He wrapped his arm around her side. "Good-night, Julie Ann."

She kissed his forehead and rubbed his back, glad to be ending such a wonderful day with a smile.

Julie Ann's dreams were full.Everyone was happy; herself, most of all. Robbie and Belle had each other; she had Don; Brian had Gizelle; even the yellow stallion had his mare. She found herself wrapped in her rabbit's furry arms in his big bed. She pushed her fingers through his fur and felt his paws on her back. The warmth of his body pressed against hers aroused her and she wanted him to show her how much he felt the same. She slid her hand up to his head and caressed his long ears. She could feel his response and slid her leg up his thigh to let him know she was ready. His paws continued to roam her body, teasingly patient. She pushed against him, trying to get what she wanted, but he responded by kissing her neck, which only fueled her fire.

Her desire pushed to lust, she wrapped her arms around her lover and rolled onto her back. He smiled down to her and she relaxed, knowing that he wanted the same thing she did. She felt his paws on her breasts, teasingly gentle. She took them in her hands and showed him what she wanted, squeezing here, pushing there; a sensual massage from her gentle lover. He rubbed his furred cheeks against her breasts and teased her sensitive nipples. He knew just how to drive her wild. She felt his paw slide down her body and rub her little patch of fur, tauntingly close to her waiting vagina. She reached down his back for his tail and begged him not to wait any longer. Soon, she felt it, poking, teasing, almost there. She grabbed his tail and he plunged inside, making her gasp with pleasure.

She opened her eyes, but instead of her rabbit, she saw her brother. She had almost expected this hijacking and closed her eyes again, groaning his name in frustration as she tried to force her dream back to what she wanted. Soon, her lapin lover was smiling atop her again, with his eager erection buried deep inside her. She grabbed his butt and urged him on, eager to feel the warm gush of his liquid love. As her rabbit began his thrusts, she moaned and slid her hands up his back to hold him close. It came quickly, but she knew there was more and reveled in the first fertile flow. She teased the base of his ears, then stroked his back, happy to feel him inside her again.

Despite the satisfyingly warm feeling, she still wanted more. She grabbed his tail again and felt his feral penis throb inside her. She knew he could give her as much as she wanted and she wanted as much as he would give. She held him tight inside her and rolled over to sit on top of him. She looked down at her prize and started moving on him. He moved with her and she could feel him moving inside her. As her passion rose again, she moaned her lover's name, "Oooh, Don."

He shifted inside her and she could feel his shaft rubbing her clit. She pressed down, getting lost in the overwhelming sensation until a wonderful orgasm washed through her body. She felt Don's warm gush join hers and held still as her body twitched with pleasure. She kissed her rabbit's ears and worked her way down until she found his lips, holding them in a passionate embrace. She slid down his body and rested her cheek on his furry chest. There was no rush, because she knew he would always be there, now that they were together, forever.