To Walk the Rainbow: Chapter 5

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#5 of To Walk the Rainbow

The story must get darker before it can get lighter, for only in darkness do we truly see the light that hides from us.

To Walk the Rainbow

Chapter 5:

49 A.C.(2076) ODST. A group of letters that once started as a game, but through time and technological advancement, has become a true tactical force. A tactical force that will hopefully turn the tide of war sooner than later. A war the general public has been kept distracted from from problems too close to home. A war that was soon to no longer be secret. ODST, Orbital Drop Shock Troops, the next progression of the special forces. With the development of the orbital rings, space became a new class of terrain. Orbital insertions made deployments faster, from days down to minutes. A fully prepared and waiting unit could drop anywhere in the world from time of alert to boots on the ground in seven and a half minutes. The first ODST were pulled from the Navy SEAL units, which gave them great starter training, but they still needed to learn all new things. It still however gave the next generation of ODSTs the key time to be trained from the ground up. With the development of Powers, these new troops could be even younger than before. Special classes in school and hands on training preparing them to be fully ready, or nearly, upon finishing school. But they needed to know their place without knowing the truth.

The Drop Pod, a shell of Plasteel layers meant to shed the friction of contact with atmosphere if the velocity was too high. The pod held the trooper in a magnetic harness, locking them in place and braced for impact, along with the needed equipment for one soldier for at least three days. In it's short history, the pod, although frail looking and deemed an expendable loss once on the ground, it was still made tough enough that only five lives had been lost. Two impacted mid flight. One blew it's seal mid-tube and threw the soldier through space and skipping off the atmosphere. One was the result of an impatient trooper kicking about and pre-blowing his seal during a high speed entry, leading to being engulfed in flames. The last one had a fault in his deceleration equipment and cratered into the ground at terminal velocity.

Training Exercise 4. Second official drop from a craft, and first official drop from orbit. The 'Rookie' as he was currently known to his drop class, being the only one still in high school, sat locked to his mag-harness. His helmet showing only a basic readout of information: His suit's personal atmosphere reading 99% Oxygen, Biometrics of himself along with the six other rookies of his class listed as DR1 thru DR7 minus his own DR2 designation, and most prominently a countdown clock dead center.

At the one minute mark, his readouts all flashed red warning him of the imminent drop. The legs locked first, strong enough to hold but able to be broken with a good struggle. Next his waist, then back, followed by the shoulders and arms. The head locked weakest, giving support but not making turning impossible. Thirty seconds to go, the pod fully locked up and sealed.

"What the hell are you doi-!" came the voice of his training officer before a loud crack ended his cry.


"Guys? What was that? Hey wha-?" another loud crack. DR7's biometrics flat-lined red.


"Shit! They're killing them! Let me go you fucking chai-!" another loud crack. DR6's biometrics flat-lined red.


Everyone started to yell causing the comms to fill with many voices that slowly died as their owner died with it. Another loud crack and DR5's biometrics flat-lined red. Then in quick succession DR4's flat-lined red with another loud crack. The pods rotated for deployment.


A loud explosion and DR1's biometrics scrambled but cleared a warning amber. The rookie DR2 watched locked in place as DR1 ran past his view-port. DR3's voice came in clear for a brief second, "Kill that fucking dra-!", before being silenced like the rest with a loud crack. DR3's biometrics went from a fast green to a flat-line red in an instant.


The rookie closed his eyes and waited.


He heard a struggle and another loud crack.


Banging. Heavy banging.


Another loud crack. He flinched.


"Why wont you die?!" came a new voice with a roar.


The red in his eyes turned green causing him to open his eyes and see the dominant clock dead center had changed to LAUNCH, followed by a blurry hand behind it. The pod shot down just an instant before that hand let out a blast of pure concussive force leaving that distinct evil crack. His view-port shattered in as the top of his helmet took a glancing blow from the blast. He tried to focus past the probable concussion and saw DR1's biometrics turn red but still showed a faint pulse.

It was a three minute drop. What atmosphere in the pod was instantly sucked out, but his suit held green at 97%. Pulling hard against his magnetic restraint, he moved a hand over to his other forearm's touch-pad and killed the alarms from his dead teammates, leaving only DR1's still live signal. Looking up through the blown out hole to space, he cleared his visor leaving only the soft bleet of a heartbeat as he looked at the stars. The pod slowly rotated adjusting for it's pre-programed course, the science ring he dropped from, coming into view. He closed his eyes letting tears fall down his cheeks as the sound of another biometric flat-lined.

The re-entry into the atmosphere was hardly noticed as his carefully synced drop carried him closer to the ground. The sound of wind grew deafening as the air grew thicker. He opened his eyes. A minute to impact, and probably a waiting group to finish him off. Wait, he thought. Quickly looking around his pod's interior, he spotted the emergency maneuver panel. He smashed it as hard as he could. The auto-pilot released the emergency manual controls but kept course. He grabbed the sticks and punched them in a forward direction. The pod shot like a brick in a new forward arc.

There was an explosion that rocked him and set the pod into a tumble. Battle screens popped online, showing friendly units firing at him and marking his designated landing area and his calculated actual landing area. He jerked the sticks again trying to steady the pod into a roll. Warnings pinged on the screens as another missile streaked towards him. 18 hours of drop training had already taught him about hot combat drops, and now it was time to put theory into practical application. He dimmed his visor pulling up the HUD, the missile threat was imminent. His HUD blinked CHAFF and pointed towards a like labeled button. He hit it. He heard the rapid firing of his chaff and quickly jerked the sticks to the side again. A moment later came an explosion as the missile hit a fake target. A dozen new missile warnings appeared. He punched an emergency booster and shot down at an even sharper and faster angle. The missiles shot past him but started their turn to correct. Two impact counters showed the missiles and the ground. The ground was closer by an eighth of a second. At the last possible moment he hit the SECONDARY CHAFF button and unleashed a rapid cloud of anti-missiles that drew the missiles to impact then the pod slammed into the-

Eight Months Later

Aleena jerked awake and knocked over her glass beaker, causing it to shatter on the classroom floor. "So, princess, sleeping in class again?" came Mr. Thunder's voice. She hung her head as half the class laughed and she rubbed at her arm in a timid gesture. The bell rang to end the class and everyone started to leave. "Not saved by the bell I'm afraid sweetie. Everyone else can go, but you I believe have a study hall." She nodded uncomfortably as everyone else packed up and rushed out.

The large stallion moved to the door as the last student left. He locked it with an audible click. She jumped as if it was a gunshot. She had her eyes closed but could feel the stallion approach as she heard his hooves click towards her. She started to shake and moved her arms to hold herself. His hands landed gently on her shoulders and she let out a startled whinny. "Oh, jumpy little filly." He leaned down and inhaled her scent, "You still smell like me. Just the way I like it."

"Plea-, please. Don-" Aleena shakily let out before she was thrown forward over her lab table.

"Don't you ever tell me what to do." Mr. Thunder had one hand in a vise-like grip around the back of her neck, his other hand quickly ripping her panties away from under her dress.

Aleena started crying and let out a frightened, "No Stop!" then quickly put her hands over her mouth at her outburst. Her hands muffled her new screams as she felt the stallion's strong hand slam down on her backside. She bit into her hand to keep from crying out. She knew there would be bruising the way he hit her.

"What did I just say about telling me what to do?" He struck her a half dozen times before stopping. There was the soft sound of a zipper. Aleena's ears flattened and her tail shrunk under to hide her privates, but she knew it was useless. "Your body is still saying no." She shook under his grip, trying to lift her tail, finally getting it to move. The pain was so bad that she hadn't noticed the urine she released from fear. Mr. Thunder noticed. "I swear you like to be punished." She started to say no again, but his grip tightened and killed the word. She felt something hot and firm smack into her sex and quickly move to her rectum. She closed her eyes tight and gritted her teeth, almost drawing blood from her hand. The next moment there was a blinding pain that caused her to cry out.

The stallion was in half-way in one stroke, but a knock at the locked door stopped him from doing a second one. "Don't move." he said into Aleena's ear and despite her trembling, she did her best to freeze. From her position, Aleena could barely see outside to a sports field, where a group of boys was playing a game of Zapball. She stared at them as one of the boys, the one holding the ball, jerked from the shock and then tripped on his face. The others all started laughing, or so it looked like they were, even though the windows canceled out any sound from them. Any sound from inside the classroom as well. She barely noticed the stallions weight lift off her or his member roughly pulling out. She knew who ever was at the door would not help. Some how they never did. Her head started to rise at what she thought was one of the boys outside was staring at her, but that was impossible as the windows were mirror tinted and you could only see out. She rubbed the tears from her eyes to get a better look but was immediately pulled from her thought of that boy by the words she heard the horrible horse say, "Oh, Principle Zacong! Do come in and join me. Oh, and Miss Pinno as well?", and the crocodile and otter stepped in before the door was locked again.

"Sorry to interrupt family time, but...," the crocodile said stepping in front of Aleena and dropping his pants, letting his remark pause as his erection grew.

The palomino pushed the otter over the table to join Aleena, then without breaking stride, buried his still hard penis up to his medial ring into the filly's sore anus. The pain had her start to scream, but she was quickly muffled by the reptile's own penis slamming home into her mouth and down her throat almost making her vomit from the gagging. "No, no. Just teaching a lesson. She is probably the most stubborn cunt I've had in more years than I care to remember. Not like this one." There came a yipp from the otter as her ass was smacked, but she made no other sounds or movements.

"That's what I came to you about. The girl is a great fuck, and I love that you got her to do that thing with her baby sister, but she's starting to get noticed. I just got off a comms call from her mother making a personal appointment for first thing tomorrow because, her daughter is showing troubling signs. It's hard to not notice. I was fucking her five minutes before that call, and all she did was say "Mommy knows" while her nose bled." With that, the principle shoved his member as deep as he could into Aleena's throat and held it there. She felt it throb and pulse as he released his load into her stomach, but he was making no motion to pull out as he seemed to drift in thought. "You know, I found a place online that is looking for a girl like yours. Only problem, they want a virgin."

Thunder watched Aleena struggle for breath and enjoyed her panicked motions that added to the feeling around his member. He looked closely at her hands as they clawed around the table slowly becoming listless. "Yeah, her mother is too resistant. Not like my Sweetie's here," he said finally grabbing Aleena by the tail and pulling her back, leaving her to retch and cough for breath as the crocodile's cum splattered out, "No, her mother was mine before she even knew what happened. As to the state of her virginity. I have no idea how she stays so tights, but I swear I'll have to cut her open to get in."

"Might be good that way. She might be worth eight figures if her cunt is intact."

"That much for a virgin? They definitely want the cherry."

Aleena just hung there by the tail, not caring about the pain anymore. It felt like it was about to break. There was even a pop as the large stallion gave a final thrust but held her tail tight. He came deep inside her, and then just dropped her where she stood, her legs long ago giving out on her. At first she thought she had passed out, but her body had just given up fighting so she only stared at the floor. The voices however, she could not block out.

"Well, I got it off of one of the Dragon sites. And when I said sounds like your girl, I meant specifically your girl. Almost by name. Her mother is Lisa Sherman, right?"


"Well it mentioned the red headed equine girl of her's."

"Well the cunt only has one daughter. I didn't know about her son until after, so all I can get out of them is that he had an accident. That girlfriend of her's was screwing everything up, but once the dragons got her out of here, I could finally push. Only I pushed too hard."


"That unicorn. Mythics always resist."

"Oh there she goes bleeding again. You realize this needs to be taken care of. Now."

"Fine. Cock-sleeve. Hey girl, look at me! Good. You are to clean this mess up, then go find a member of one of the sports teams. Fuck him. Long and hard. Make sure you are caught. Then run and hide until the middle if last period. At that time, go to the gym, and then kill yourself. Something dramatic."

"Yes Daddy. Anything for Daddy's love."

"Oh I love this stuff. It makes me so much stronger. In fact..."

"Wait, unicorn? What unicorn..., you've been using that shit on me! Hey,don't look at me like that!"

"SILENCE! Good. Oh lovely. You'll give me your whole shipment, then forget everything We've done. Then I want you to stew on all the poor things you did to poor Janet, and how you drove her to kill herself, and then when you can't live with yourself anymore, take the easy way out next week."

Aleena remained completely limp as a strong hand roughly gripped her hair and jerked her up. She rolled her eyes back before she came face to face with the stallion. "Oh sweetie, look at what you did. Wetting your self just because of a broken glass." He gave her a quick shake and she slowly turned her eyes to see him.

Aleena slowly wiped away her tears as she carefully stood getting her wobbly legs to hold her up and slowly moved her dress back to it's proper place. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry what?" he said in a dark tone.

The little horse straightened up and looked at the stallion, and after a moment of forcing a smile, finally let out, "I'm sorry Daddy. I'm so scared of disappointing you, that it makes me jumpy."

"Oh sweetie, you have nothing to fear. You can't disappoint Daddy, not when you might be worth a fortune, and not unless you keep telling him what he can and can't do." he said pulling her face into his to stare into her eyes. "Now, go to your gym class early and clean up. I'll inform your study hall teacher you were not feeling good at the time.

"Thank you. Daddy is so kind to his princess." she slowly said, then carefully made her way out of the classroom.

"That's right, I am." he said with a smile as he looked down at the otter while she cleaned. "Another deal with the Dragons huh..."

At the start of the last period, everyone made their way into the gym, most making secret comments to each other as they noticed the young horse already there sitting in the far corner, but most comparing to what Janet Pinno had been caught doing. After a bit, the gym teacher finally entered and got everyone to go about their own business.

Aleena wasn't paying attention to them, just how her back and insides hurt. When a fuzzy Shetland pony plomped down next to her, she shrieked out a scared whinny. Everyone froze and looked at her. The teacher started to approach, which had Aleena try to get away. "Wait wait. I'm sorry I spooked you." the Shetland said holding his hands up in surrender to both Aleena and the teacher. Aleena quickly looked back and forth between the male and the teacher. She noticed his arm closest to her was a cybernetic prosthetic.

"I'm fine." Aleena said to the teacher which finally had her turn back to the class. Then turning back to the male horse, "I'm fine."

"I can see that. Would you like to be fine back sitting?" he said kindly.

"Uh...," she started and looked around to see half the class still staring. "Yes." she said finally sitting, carefully getting back to her most comfortable position.

"Sorry again. I thought you looked like you could use some company."

"I'm fine."

"Okay. You're fine." he said sitting back against the wall and straightening his legs, revealing that one of them was also fake.

About twenty minutes later Aleena finally spoke up after staring at the limbs, "Those are Temp Limbs, aren't they?"



"Well, what?"

"Never mind. I'm stupid."


"Hey. You're not supposed to agree to that."

"Really? You said it, so I figured that's what you wanted."

Aleena looked at the male for a moment before finally turning away in a pout.

After a couple minutes of silence, he spoke up, "It was an accident. Three months until I get my replacements." Aleena's posture seemed to relax. "Until then I just take it easy."

The two equines sat and chatted for a while, neither noticing the slow approach of hooves clacking towards them. " what you're saying is that as my brother, you are supposed to hit on all my friends?"

"Brother?" Aleena started at the word, immediately knowing that voice. She turned fear in her eyes. The Shetland looked up at the stallion who had approached. There was a blinding white flash and last thing he heard was, "Finally!"

The Shetland seemed to go blank in the eyes and go slack against the wall. Aleena freaked and fighting the pull on her mind that said stay, she tried to run. Her hooves took a moment to get purchase, something almost comical to those on the other side of the gym, before she could finally start to run. In a panicked run, she sprinted for the one open wall that led outside, but never noticed the girl who stepped into her way. She skid to a stop inches from the otter that had just shown up out of nowhere. It was Janet, and she was blocking the filly from escape, and also drawing a crowd. It had been over an hour, so naturally the whole school already knew about her being mounted by 'Buck' Quateman, center stage in the auditorium.


"No, no no no. I didn't say anythin-" Aleena started to say in a panic.


Aleena screamed as blood sprayed her in the face. She dropped to her knees still screaming until she ran out of breath, then just sat there looking at her shaking blood covered hands and only repeated, "No. No. No..."

The palomino stallion stood and just beamed as if he had just had an orgasm. "I finally found the brother, and I didn't miss the show."