Do you wanna build a snowman?

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Hello horde!!! I wrote this one as part of my "democracy experiment". Unsurprisingly, you fellas voted for incest, cub, virgin, heat and canine as your main pics. You pervs. Rose the Lopunny was selected randomly to tally up the votes, and as such he is the main character on this story I concocted.

Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction, I do not condone or promote the actions in this writing. It is of adult nature and as such you agree, by reading, that you are of legal age and your local law allows for it.


"B-b-but mooooooooooooom" came the whine, as expected.

"Now now honey, you know I can't let you go out there by yourself! You'll catch a cold! Or worse!" The vixen said, working on setting the little cabin's thermostat to the right cozy temperature.

"I'll go with her! I can keep her safe!" A young male voice chimed in. "I can fight wolves! I've done it in a videogame" he added, causing the mother to chuckle a little.

"Iiiiiiim sure you can, Rose..." She said as she ruffled the hair on the young boy's head.

"So? Can we go?" Rose's sister asked. Besides her face, the only black fur that peeked out from the almost excessive winter clothes was a lightly wagging tail.

"No you can't, my adorable winter burrito" a deep male voice said behind her, before she was lifted off the ground by a strong pair of arms.

"Eeeeee!" She said as she found herself in the air, squirming a little. Her father pulled her in for a big massive hug and a kiss between the eyes, then put her down.

"But daaaaad" Rose complained.

"No buts. It's cold wilderness, and there's always the chance for a blizzard. Why don't you stay in and play something instead?" He told his son. In a rather surprising twist of the genetic tree, the boy had pulled his mother's coat, ending up with a pretty pink which combined with his girlish name made it too common for people to mistake him for a girl.

"But there's nothing to do!" He said in a grumpy mood, stomping off towards his room. The little girl looked at her parents, then at her brother before deciding to chase after the latter.

"Rose, wait!" She said as she hopped towards him. She was extremely fond of her big brother, the twelve year old still too young to have that intrinsic sibling rivalry that would come later. She caught up to him, and grabbed his paw cutely as he walked towards his room. She was always seeking his touch, the firm reassurance that big bro was there, and that he'd take care of her.

"What are we gonna do then? I wanna build a snowman!" The cub said with a whine.

"I know fluffybutt. But you heard mom and dad, we can't do anything about it." He said, opening the door to their shared room.

"I've got scrabble!" She said triumphantly, pulling the board game from her backpack.

"Beats staring out the window I guess" Rose said as he sat down and began to set up the game.

"Aha! I win!" Athena exclaimed joyfully, tallying up the score. Rose shook his head, looking at the board. He might be only fourteen, but he knew excellent didn't have two Xs and a Z.

"Good job, you're getting better at this!" He said nonetheless, cleaning up the board. "That's five out of five for you, I'm completely beaten" he said as he tucked the game away, looking at the grinning vixen.

"Tickle fight!!!" She said and pounced the male, who let himself be pushed down into the ground easily.

"Aaaaaaah! Mercy!" He yelped out, tickling her back. Without her winter clothes on, it was easy for him to strike at those sensitive armpits and ribs, tickling her silly.

"Eeeeeee!" She made out as she lost the fight rather quickly, twitching cutely and writhing in the floor as she was mercilessly tickled by her big brother.

"Give up yet?" He asked, giving her a short break.

"Never!" She said defiantly with her tongue stuck out.

"Suit yourself!" Rose chipped as he returned to tickle her even more.

"Nuuuuuuuuuuuu" she said cutely as she contorted on the floor in gigglefits, laughing merrily as her brother tickled her sensitive spots. Every once in a while, his paws would brush her nipples, barely hidden in the fur of her flat chest, but other than more tickles it really didn't cause any change in the girl. No reason for it to be awkward, not at her innocent age.

"Staaaaaaaahp I'm going to piddle myseeeeeeelf" she finally said, to which the male ceased his incessant attack. They both panted cutely, giggling a little, before they began to look for other things to entertain themselves.

"It looks beautiful outside. All fluffy and white" Rose said as he took a peek out the window, sighing.

"We should goooooooo. Just for a little, mom and dad won't notice" Athena said eagerly.

"We'll get in trouble. Besides, they're obviously going to notice if we're gone" he replied. She seemed to agree on that and plopped with a grumpy pout onto her bed.

"Well, I just think it's a waste to come to the north and stay inside with so much snow out there" she said.

"True. But we can't do anything about it. Maybe tomorrow we'll all go out and play in the snow" he said.

"Nuh-huh. I heard mom say she wants to stay inside" she replied, grumpily burrowing herself into the bed.

"Guess inside it is..." Rose said defeated before settling into a short nap.

"Roooooooose I'm bored" Athena complained, poking at her brother incessantly.

"That makes two of us" he groaned softly, getting off bed.

"Make it better!" She said pouting, as if big bro could just flick a switch and make her happy.

"I can't. We've tried everything there is to do... Short of going outside, but mom and dad won't let us" he said, walking out into the living room.

"B-buh..." She began, but found nothing to say. She followed him happily, eagerly plopping by his side. They looked at the small fireplace for a while, watching the fire crackle and the wood pop.

"Lemme guess. You're bored" Rose said as Athena began to poke him.

"How did you know? You're magic" she said adorably, looking into his ear as if she could find his magic in there.

"You'll only find earwax, no magic there" he said giggling as she peered into his ears.

"Hrumph. Nu fair" she said as she sat back down and crossed her arms in protest.

"What isn't fair sweetie?" A voice said from behind.

"Dad!" She exclaimed cutely and jumped towards him.

"Heeeeeey there little cutie." He said, ruffling her hair.

"Hey dad" Rose said too.

"Hey back at you son. I wanted to let you guys know that mom and I are going to be taking a... Nap. Yes, a nap, and uh... We are really tired so if you two could keep it down and let us rest for a while..." He said. Rose could tell he wasn't being sincere, but lacked the maturity to actually know what they needed privacy for.

"Okies, we'll hush!" Athena said with a giggle. Nothing ever did seem to bring her down.

"Good girl. Don't get into any trouble while I'm sleeping..." He said with a nudge and a muzzle.

"No troubles, I pwomise" she said. With that, and a fatherly kiss on her forehead, he left for the room and left them alone. Athena waited for a little while, before looking at Rose.

"What?" He asked. He knew that look of mischief very well.

"We should sneak out. They'll be asleep, we can get away with it" she said, barely containing her excitement.

"Sis, you know we'll get in trouble" he reminded her, sighing.

"Pweeeaaaaaase big bro... Come with me, I don't want to go alone" she said.

"Uh... Fine, but only to make sure you're safe" he said softly, getting up. "Go get your snow clothing on" he told her. She stifled a squeal and ran off to the room, eagerly getting her coats on and her booties too. Rose went and put on a jacket and a hat, waiting for Athena by the door. She quickly got there, again covered in such an excess of clothes he could barely see her snout peeking out of that mess of scarves.

"Shush now, be silent" Rose said as he opened he door silently, and hushed her outside before closing it again, making sure he had the keys. As soon as they were outside, Athena ran towards a huge pile of snow and tossed herself on it, carving a rather lopsided angel.

"Weeeeee!!!!" She said ecstatic, loving the snow. She'd only seen it a couple times before, and it was quite the experience for the girl.

"Don't catch a cold or something, mom will kill me if you do" Rose told her, secretly grabbing some snow on his paw and compacting it into a nice big snowball.

"I won't!" She said as a matter of fact statement, as if she could very well control whether she got one or not. Then, she felt a heavy impact on her chest.

"Heeeeey!" She complained just before another snowball hit her again.

"Gotcha!!!" Rose said as he hid behind a tree.

"Grrrrrrr" Athena made as she began to frantically produce snowballs to throw the boy. She quickly had several made, and began to assault back against her brother. Very soon, a snowball fight was in full swing between the two, both laughing and giggling.

"You'll never win! Not today!" She exclaimed as she blitzed his position with hands full of snow, tossing it at him then pouncing him into the ground, both laughing for a while.

"I yield, you win..." He said again, letting her get up once she was done laughing.

"You're right I do!" She exclaimed, bopping his nose playfully. Then, something in her vision caught her attention.

"Deer!" She said and took off without much ado.

"W-wait, 'Thena, don't go!" He exclaimed, but fumbled to get up. She was running towards the woods, probably in chase of the aforementioned animal, who had most certainly been startled by her squeal.

"It went this way bro! Come on!" She exclaimed from the woods, running in the direction away from the lodge. He ran towards her in desperation, he couldn't let her get lost in the woods.

"Sis, wait, please!" He called, but she kept jumping through the snow.

"Come ooooooon" she said, panting now.

"You can't catch a deer, they're too fast for you!" He said, legs burning as he tried to keep up with her. Finally, he managed to catch her, both tumbling into the snow in heavy breaths and pants.

"Broooooooo we're going to lose it!" She complained.

"We already lost it... Look" he said. She looked around. The deer, naturally, was nowhere to be seen.

"B-buh... It was right theeeeeeere" she said softly, whining.

"That's not the only thing that's lost... I think we are as well" he said with a soft whimper.

"Silly Rose, we'll just follow our footsteps in the snow!" She said. Rose blinked. That was a genius idea, and yet it had not occurred to him.

"I guess we can... But don't do that to me again, I was dead scared!" He said. She flashed him that puppy look with watery eyes, and he sighed. He couldn't be mad with his little sis, not at all.

"Sowwy bro" she whimpered. He grabbed her and held her close, warmly nuzzling her.

"It's Okies, let's go home" he said. Snow had begun to fall, gentle little snowflakes drifting into the ground as they began to walk. Rose had not noticed just how much they had traversed, and they had to stop for a while to rest as the snowfall became greater, now with some wind factoring in.

"Bro... Look..." Athena said softly. "T-the snow..."

"Huh?" He asked, then looked. The snow was slowly but surely covering their tracks.

"Uh oh... Come on sis, let's go" he said, ushering her into walking. The wind now roared and whistled as the snow shifted and moved, and soon enough the two were completely lost in the wilderness.

"Now what bro?" She asked, panicked.

"Let's keep going, I'm sure it was this way..." He said as they powered on through the blizzard.

"I'm scared!" She complained, staying close to him.

"I'm not letting anything bad happen to you sis, don't worry" he said as he walked. Half an hour later, it became evident.

They were not going home.

"Rooooose" Athena complained as if her brother was at fault.

"Let me think, 'Thena..." He said. They were still walking, mostly to keep warm for the moment.

"What's that?" She asked softly. He turned to look at what she was pointing at, and sighed. It was a cave, bushes covering the entrance.

"That, sis, is our lucky break. Come on, let's get there" he said, battling the falling snow until they made it to the opening.

"Wait here, don't move." He said, going in. It was a tiny cave, but big enough to house both comfortably.

"What is it?" She asked, shivering a little. The cold had managed to seep through her multiple layers of clothing.

"Nothing. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't already taken by a wolf or something. Come in" he said as she got out of the raging blizzard and into the comfort of the cave.

"OOOOH" she said cutely as she looked at the cave. It was perfectly big for them to stand in it, not too deep but enough to make it cozy. At least they weren't out in the snow.

"Our best bet is to wait out the blizzard here... Maybe mom and dad will find out we're missing and come find us." He said, sitting by the little girl as they huddled for warmth.

Rose was awakened from his short nap by the feeling of his little sister shedding off some clothing. He looked at her with a weird, odd gaze, wondering why exactly she was doing that.

"It's super hot in here" she said as she took the clothing away, now down to simple pants and shirt.

"Super hot? I know the blizzard stopped, but..." He said, noticing he wasn't at all warm. Out of instinct, he reached out and touched her forehead. She was burning up.

"Sis, I think you're running a fever..." He said softly, now awake and concerned.

"I feel funny..." She added as she kept on undoing her clothing, taking off her shirt as well and exposing her bare flat chest to the world.

"Funny? How so? And put your clothes back on, you'll get sick! Or sicker than you already are" he said as she was now only in her panties, nipples stiff and poking out of her fur in the chilly air.

"Woozy and stuff... And like, super hot. I can't stand it!" She said in pouts.

"That's weird... I'd say you're going to get sick but... But you're burning up, so I don't know..." Rose said, his ears twitching a little in confusion.

"I feel itchy all over, especially here" she said, rubbing her cunny over her pink cotton panties.

"There? Like... Where you pee? Why would it itch there?" He said softly. He too was starting to feel all woozy and hot and bothered, and wondered if whatever she had was also contagious.

"I dunno, it really itches." She said, rubbing harder. A dark spot began to appear in her panties, making the fabric stick to her cunny and shape out the outline of her sex for him to see.

"Do you have to like... Go to the bathroom or something?" He asked. His own member was doing something similar to when he had to go, getting all stiff against his clothing.

"N-nu, I don't think so..." She said, before unceremoniously taking off her panties and starting to rub at her swollen lips furiously. Rose was completely mesmerized by this weird behavior, and for some reason he couldn't get his gaze away from her sex. It looked red and swollen, puffy and wet. Her fingers rubbed without any target, trying to give the innocent twelve year-old the satisfaction she craved.

"Sis, what are you...?" He said, mesmerized at the sight of his young sister shamelessly rubbing her puffy sex.

"Bro, I can't get it, it itcheeeeees" she said in little whines, unable to comprehend the mysteries of her first heat. She tried her best to do away with this horrible sensation, but she soon found it impossible. Grabbing her flabbergasted brother's paw, she brought it to her hot mound and instructed him to rub.

"T-there. See if you can scratch it for me" she whined out. He rubbed her soft little petals, wet and glistening in arousal, with great care. If her parts were anything at all like his, they'd be sensitive and prone to get hurt if handled roughly.

"S-sis..." He moaned out. In the damp cave, her scent was concentrating and getting thick as water, turning the protective brother's brain into a mess. He too began to undo his clothes, stopping his rubbing of her sex to do so. She whined and whined, now sweating a little.

"Rose, you have it too, look!" She said as he took off his pants. His member, slightly large for his age, stood proud like a staff out of the boy's hip, pink and slick in pre.

"Y-yeah, it's all swollen, like yours" he said with curiosity at his own erection. He'd seen it moderately hard, but never nearly as stiff. Then, a sudden outburst from her surprised him.

"I can't take this heat anymore!" She exclaimed cutely. Then, her brain wired her the desire she could comprehend. She was hot, she needed to deal with it, and the best way to deal with hot was cold.

"Athena!" He exclaimed as the little vixen ran out of the cave, buck naked and with no regards to anything else. He got up and went after her, blinded for a second from the bright daylight outside. Once Rose's eyes got used to the brightness, he looked at quite the odd scene. the twelve year old vixen, buck naked, was on the snow and rolling about.

"'Thena..." He whined softly. He was getting these urges, these strong and incomprehensible urges, calling for him to do something to her. Something dirty. She stopped turning as her name was called, legs open in his direction as her wet flower teased him even more, her curious face pure and innocent.

"I was so hot... I still am... Rooooose do something!" She called.

And that's when the young male lost it.

The thick scent of his sister's heat had rewired his brain, tapping into primeval urges that he was yet too young to comprehend, much less control. His cock throbbing, he only had eyes for one thing. Those swollen, puffy lips of hers. The siblings knew nothing about sex, but his instinct told him all he needed to know.

"R-Rose?" She asked in little whines as the male pounced her in the snow, the girl feeling small and helpless underneath her big brother. He said nothing, his mind not really thinking of her as his sister anymore. She was a female in heat, and she needed breeding.

"Rose!" She squealed as she felt him press his shaft against her sex. It felt odd, forbidden but also kind of right. The feeling only lasted for a second though, until Rose pressed hard against her and turned her into a woman out in the snow.

"Ooooow! You hurt me!" She said, squirming in his grasp. Droplets of blood from her innocence stained the pure snow, the only witness to this incestuous mating. Rose didn't stop, he just drew back and thrust back in, pulling another pained whine out of the twelve-year old. It hurt, he was way bigger than her and her body was just about developed for it. Had she not been in heat, he might've caused some real damage. However, the male wasn't the only one who's brain had been turned about by the hormonal blitzkrieg. Her muscles down there relaxed quickly to allow him to penetrate easier, and her brain ignored the slight pain and began to send strong signals of pure ecstasy. Within five thrusts from the horny male, his little sister began to yip in pleasure.

"Nya! B-brudder..." She whined out, grabbing him as they rolled a little, the girl getting impaled roughly by her pink lover.

"S-sis, what..." Rose began, so confused that the fact that he was balls deep inside her wasn't really registering in his mind. His knot plopped in and out of her, making her shudder as he quenched that fire within her, one naughty hump at a time. She clawed at his back in desire, leaving cute little love scratches as she felt him touch places within her she didn't really know existed. She helped his thrusts by lubricating her passage in sweet honey, as she looked in a daze at how her big brother grunted in pleasure, breeding her.

"B-b-bro......" She groaned, a little tear coming from her eyes. It wasn't of sadness or pain, just from the sheer overload of sensations her lithe preteen body was being subject to.

"Sis!" Rose grunted out, tensing. His climax came from nowhere, catching the inexperienced boy by surprise. He didn't even have time to knot her, from the sheer speed of their mating. The snow, like a honeymoon bed, cushioned his last thrust before he shook and shivered over her, exhaling loudly as he shot strings and strings of fertile boy seed. Their anatomical difference meant that he was pressed right against her cervix, and his cum had no problem with breaching her final barrier and pooling up where it could do the most damage. To the male, it felt like his whole life force had been drained to his groin and then shot up his sister's vagina, and it overloaded his pleasure receptors so much he almost passed out. On the other side of that forbidden climax, Athena was shaking. Chemicals within her brother's semen were soothing the fire within her like a water hose against a candle. She blushed as she felt as if she had peed herself, but soon noticed that the gooey liquid was not her making. She gasped for air as a thick rush of endorphins blew over her, not really getting her to climax but giving her quite a nice high.

As their peaks subsided, the naughty pair of siblings panted out in the snow. They didn't dare speak to each other, not after what they did. Even though neither really knew what they had done. It was finally Athena who broke the tantric silence, with a soft whimper into her brother's ear.

"I-I'm cold..."

The male's ear twitched, and he panted a little. He didn't say anything, he just grabbed her and pulled her up into a hug. He saw the spot of red snow under them, and as his member slipped from her he saw the trickle of pink coming from her. He knew he had hurt her. His heart turned into a tight knot, beating almost at his throat as he stifled a couple tears, carrying the little shivering girl into the cave. In his mind, and even though he could not comprehend the full spectrum of his actions, he had betrayed her. He was supposed to be her protector, her guardian. And here he was... Making her bleed.

"Brrrr" she made softly. Without the hormonal shower, her body temperature had soon returned to its natural state, and the cold had begun to take its toll. Rose carefully helped her put her panties and shirt back on, as well as her heavier winter clothing. She said nothing to him the entire time, and he naturally attributed this to the fact that she was angry at him. As he got his clothing back on, they sat side by side in silence, sharing warmth. Then, with the most adorably innocent tone the girl had, she whispered into her brother's ear.

"D-did that... F-feel as good for you as it did for me?" She asked. Rose's sigh of relief echoed through the entire cave.

"I-I-I thought... The blood and..." He began.

"B-blood? Where?" She asked in whimpers. Apparently, she hadn't noticed.

"N-never mind... Are you... Did I hurt you? When I... Did... That...?" He said, realizing how little he knew about the dirty act they had just engaged in.

"A-at first, a little... B-buh then it felt really good. And... T-the fever is gone" she said softly.

"It felt... Good? It felt good for me but... I didn't know..." He said.

"Yeah! Like, awkward and icky but... I guess your thingy is perfect for scratching in there" she said with this angelical, nothing-can-ever-be-wrong smile.

"I don't even know why I did it, it just... I just needed to, I felt like I would die if I didn't do it" he confessed, holding her close.

"You tooooooo?" She asked adorably.

"Y-yeah... I'm just glad I didn't hurt you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did" he said, holding her as close as he could and nuzzling her.

"Mom and dad are never going to find us, are they?" She said with watery eyes.

"They will... I know they will... And... Even if they don't, I'll never let anything bad happen to you. You know that, right?" He asked her.

"Yesh! I have the bestest big bro ever!" She said as she tossed her arms around him in cute puppy affection, the pink fox returning the hug with love.

"And I'll always love you." He added as he kissed her cheeks.

"I wuv you too" she said as she gave him a little Eskimo kiss, licking his nose.

"...aaaaaand warm pancakes. Aaaaaaaaaaand hot chocolate. Aaaaaaaaand a hot tub! Full of hot water of course" she said.

"Alright alright... This isn't working" Rose sighed. He had thought that thinking about what they would do when they got home would help, but in all honesty it was just frustrating. And now on top of all his problems, he had a pancake craving.

"You're boring" she complained, before going through his pockets. She always found something interesting to play with inside.

"You'll only find my cellphone. Battery's almost dead anyways" he complained.

"Oooooh. The new angry birds game was supposed to come out today. Can I buy it? Pweaaaaaaaase?" She asked. He just sighed. Without cell reception, she couldn't anyways. He had been too optimistic... They were never ever going home.


"Yaaaaaay!" She exclaimed. Rose swallowed hard. If the purchase had gone through... Somehow, by some miracle, they were getting reception.

"I need this" he said and took the cell away from her. The battery was at 2%.

He thought hard and fast. He had only enough battery for one, maybe two messages. Calling was a bad idea. He quickly scribbled on the screen.


He then pressed the send button as fast as he could, biting on his lip. Then, just before his phone powered down, he heard the satisfactory beep of the message being sent.

"I-I-I'm sowwyyyyy... It was only 4.99, I'll pay you baaaack" Athena said at the brink of tears. She thought he had taken the cell because he was angry at her purchase.

"What? Ohhhh... No no no no I'm not mad at you, come here you little genius" he said and pounced her for a big squeeze of a hug, bathing her in loving kisses.

"Huh????" She said, now very confused.

"Silly, you just saved us! I managed to send a text message to dad, he knows we're lost. He'll come looking for us now!" He said as he planted a biiiiig kiss on his little sister's lips, causing her to stick her tongue out at him.

"Bleeeeeeeh you're gonna gimme cooties!" She said. She felt so positive, so beaming however...

"If we make it out of here I'll kiss you so much I sure will" he said with a smile, hugging her. For once, in this horrible day, there was a glimmer of hope.

"I... I'd like that..." Athena said softly, blushing cutely.

"Me too" he said as he cuddled his little sister up. He felt her warm and cozy... A little too warm though.

"Bro?" She asked very softly.

"I know, I can feel it..." He said softly. She was burning up again.

"Can we... Pwease? It took it away so nicely last time..." She whimpered.

"I don't know. I don't want to hurt you again" he said, concerned even as his shaft few and pressed against his pants.

"It didn't hurt that much, you can just be gentle... Pwetty pwease?" She asked.

"Sis, I...." He began. Her puppy face was simply too much.

"Alright... You win. Clothes off" he commanded playfully, to which she squealed in victory and began to frantically undo her clothing.

"Yays!" She said. With a gleeful and waaaaaay too innocent smile she began to undo her coat, then her pants.

"Keep your shirt on, you'll catch a cold. Pants off" he commanded playfully. He got his own pants shuffled down, his stiffy jumping out into the cold and shrinking a tiny bit from the chill. As she took her soaked panties off, however, and exposed that puffy pair of fleshy folds just for him, his member became as hard and throbbing as it could be. She got on her back, just like on the snow, and spread her legs for him.

"Come oooooon, put it in me" she said eagerly.

"Wait, come here..." He said. He hadn't noticed how physically tired he was.

"Wah?" She asked. But she knew better than to question her big brother. She got up and went to him, the boy opening his arms for her to come hug.

"C'mere" he said cutely as he pulled her in. She meeped and found herself plopped on his lap, the girl blushing as she felt her needy cunny pressed against his shaft. With a cute little moan and a slight whimper she began to slide over the length of that naughty appendage, the girl biting her lip as she tried to get the tip to fall in place for their incestuous penetration. She grew frustrated as she found herself unable to do it herself, and looked at Rose with a pout.

"Alright alright...." He said, chuckling heartily in a loving way. Even when doing these weird, naughty things, she was so sisterly and cute...

"Yay" she said cutely as she felt him raise her up like it was no big deal. With his free paw, he grabbed his drooling shaft and gently lined it up to where it had gone in the last time. He could feel her shiver, tremble in anticipation as they slowly aligned each other, going into their second mating with about as much innocence as the first one.

"B-b-brudder!" She whimpered adorably as she slid down his shaft, impaling her lithe body around her naughty brother's twitching rod. He immediately held her still at the hips, checking their joining for blood. He was quite relieved to find none, but the position allowed him to take a really good look at the two inches of his shaft that weren't spreading the cub above him, and her cute little puffy lips straining to hold that organ inside her needy body.

"I-I-I'm okay, it just... Felt really good, sowwy..." She said, noticing his worry and feeling restraining paws on her hips.

"Y-yeah, we must've done it right this time..." He said, still hypnotized with the view. He let her go, and the vixen pup immediately began to rise on him out of instinct. He witnessed more and more of his meat appear, slick and glistening with a fluid of unknown origin and sweet smell. Then, accompanied by the tiny yip from the preteen vixen, he watched every single piece of it disappear, accompanied by a feeling of warmth and fleshy embrace in his most sensitive appendage.

"Ah!" He moaned out, his hands gently petting her sides lovingly. His idea had worked, the girl was doing all the hard work for him. She rose up but slid down a bit too eagerly, bending his shaft a little and making him wince and hiss slightly.

"Ow ow... Careful, fluffybutt, you're gonna break it" he said. She whimpered and looked at him as if she was going to cry, causing him to barrage kisses on the little vixen.

"Sowwwwy..." She said. Her little legs just weren't dexterous enough to slide her on course.

"I got it, don't worry." He said as he grabbed her hip with a bit more strength, and gently nudged her to go back up. As she went down, he used his paws as a guide to make sure she slid down as smoothly and deeply as possible.

"Wah..." She moaned out for him. His foxhood teased and prodded at her insides, sending little tremors through the muscles of her pelvic floor and making her even tighter around that shaft. The feel of that bare, slippery rod rubbing her vaginal walls was out of this world, and it soothed her itch like cool water quenches a thirst.

"Moah... T-t-there we go..." He said as she began to pick up speed. How she had so much energy, he couldn't tell. But he himself felt his own muscles were going to give, and he wasn't even doing the bulk of the process. It felt too good to stop, however, and he wouldn't dare deprive his little sister of what he honestly believed to be medicine.

"B-b-brobro... I... I need to go to the little girl's room..." She whimpered out adorably.

"T-there's no bathroom here, silly... C-can you just hold it in?" He asked, obviously not keen on the idea of her peeing while in this compromising situation.

"O-Okies... I'll... I'll try" she whined cutely. Unknown to both of them, that full feeling on her pelvis was not a desire to go to the bathroom, but the girl's first ever climax bubbling up. Without the pain and confusion of a rough defloration, only pleasure was traveling up the girl's nerves, causing everything to tingle in the most delightful way.

Rose moaned as he felt his own release build up. He didn't know what it was, or what the white gooey thing that came out of his stiffy was either. And, just like any boy his age, he was too embarrassed about it to actually say anything. The one thing he did notice this time, however, was the fact that the lower one or two inches of his shaft were swelling up. It was making it increasingly difficult to get into her cunny, especially with the way she seemed adamant on taking every single bit of himself into her wet passage.

Athena, responding to primal urges beyond her comprehension, felt the unusual stretching in her loins and began to ride him faster, harder, and so utterly deep it felt he was hitting the end of her passage. She suddenly couldn't hold it anymore, her pleasure having reached the point where she simply didn't care if she "peed" all over him. As she finally let go, she was surprised by the biggest rush of endorphins her lithe body had ever experienced. Shaking and shivering like a little broken toy, she rode out her first orgasm in a state of utter bliss. Her instinct, again at the reins of this incestuous mating, told her to bite down on Rose's shoulder and get his shaft as deep within herself as it would go.

"A-Ah!" Rose let out as she bit down hard enough to draw tiny specks of blood, while pressing down on a knot that was just too big for her. He felt her strain around him, stretch to the highest limit of her underaged but ready physiology, and then wrap around the base of his knot with a wet sound and the tightest and warmest feeling he had ever experienced. Then, with a little grunt, the pink fox joined his sister in orgasmic nirvana. His phallus twitched and twitched, before spurting thick and gooey strings of cub batter, splashing against and through the little girl's cervix to coat the insides of her ready womb with white. His liquid ivory pooled within her, giving the little girl relief from her hormonal onslaught, and staying where it could do the most damage thanks to the airtight seal his knot provided. In his climatic daze, he could plainly see the little bulge on her cunny lips, where the girl had stretched just to accommodate him.

"B-brobro!" She made out, coming down from her high as he still emptied within her. Rose only felt pleasure and tightness in his groin, and simply replied by hugging her right while he finished his incestuous breeding. She felt so warm and fuzzy and... Cute...

"Sis... Ngh... Ah..." He panted out as he finally regained the ability to speak clearly.

"B-bro..." She whimpered back, still feeling the little tingles of her climax disappear on the tip of her toes. She hugged him hard and tight for a while, but after a couple minutes her grip relaxed.

"Sis? 'Thena?" He whispered softly. She was breathing deep and slow, cuddled up with the only warm thing that had ever been by her side all the time.

Rose sighed. She was asleep, completely exhausted and famished. He made sure she was as covered as possible, but noticed surprised that he couldn't part from her. Apparently he had swelled in within her. He sighed softly and grabbed her, making sure she was comfortable before he buried his head on her shoulder. He could feel her heartbeat, and it sang the most beautiful of lullabies for him. Then, with the certainty that the little fuzzy ball sleeping on him was okay, he gave in to exhaustion. Just before passing out, his sharp ears picked up fragments of a conversation.

"Honey, there's a cave here! I'll go look for them..."


Clone Me Harder! (Collab)

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Row row row your boat

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Melting down a snowflake (Illustrated)

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