Daddy's Girl.

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Part 2 of Nikki's tale. This took me far longer than it should have. I is lazy focks.

Daddy's Girl

Book Two of 'Emerald Dawn'.

A Jade Palace story,

contains parental spanking, M/F vaginal sex, M/f incest , f/solo cub, abuse

Characters and setting (c) KennyW AKA Kaon 2015

Within the hidden pockets of space and time sits the vast, crystal city of the Master's Jade Palace. This wonderous, interdimensional structure was resplendant in all it's multicolored glory and for the inhabitants of this heavanly abode, all their dreams, their needs and wants were satisfied, taken care of for all eternity as they were for their loyalty and friendship to the ruler of this fantastical abode, the god-fox Master Kaon, their eternal reward for services rendered.

It was a rare time of peace and tranquility for those closest of all to the Master, those he called 'family'. Whilst usualy beset by difficulties, personal problems and clashing ego's, the last few months had been relatively quiet compared to the countless millenia of dysfunctional strife that typically beset the members of the Palace's 'first family'. However, the seeming quietude of these days was soon to be ruptured by chain of events set in motion some months prior...

These events were centered around one small, mundane huskie puppy girl. Surrounded as she was by godly creatures, alien visitors, sights and sounds both fantastical and incredible, little Nikki Donahue had no idea that her mere presence within the palace would change the lives and times of all who lived within it's multi-hued crystalline walls. Small and pudgy, grey of fur and with eyes of beautiful amber brown, eleven year old Nikki seemed to be the least likely candidate for such great events, however fate loves to use even the most insignificant person in the grandest of destinies and this puppy was no exception.

Recent events in Nikki's young life had left a lasting impression on the pup, recieving her pink diamond collar of citizenship at the yearly celebration some months ago had been the least of her triumphs that day. The repeated and ever increasing intimate encounters with the Lord of the Palace, her father Master Kaon, from a sensual , sexually charged tryst in a backstage locker room to the mindblowing reveal of his deific wings, the wide eye'd huskie girl had become almost obsessed with her Father and looked upon those who wore his personal emerald collar with something akin to focused jealousy.

That wasn't the only recent change to her life, either. The grey furred puppy had finally found her Mother. After losing her parents to a horrible car accident when she was four and striking out with the original candidate for her adoptive mother, Nikki had finally found solace and love in the arms of the matronly Mr's Cindy, the only one of Kaon's mates whom he had chosen to marry and call 'wife' and the big skunkette had finall picked up the slack and filled a void in the pup's life that had been there for centuries.. Nikki had been elated by the discovery and the emotional balm provided my the newfound maternal affection was perfect healing caress for the huskie's heart, closing a long forgotten wound with nary a scar to show.

Everything was just grand right now. No controversies, no arguments or disagreements, no butting heads or broken hearts, the vaunted first family was enjoying a series of halicon days that everyone hoped would last a lifetime and more. Ironically , the events that would see an end to these days of peace were started not by some earth shattering revelation, but by a base and seemingly innocent need of Nikki's, her love of self pleasure.

With the time dilation in the palace being an extreme, the inhabitants there were all but immortal to the ravages of old age. A person could lock their age at whatever time of life suited them best, but had to age naturally to that point, a process that could take many, many centuries for one standard year to pass. Poor Nikki had recently begun the typical biological changes associated with puberty, however this process that was normally complete in scant years was still ongoing within her several centuries after the fact and would most likely continue for several hundred thousand more.

What made her particular situation worse was the emotional comfort Nikki had found in masturbation, that searing delight and endorphin high the pup found in self pleasure had become a drug to the girl and she needed multiple daily doses just to get by. Now, after her recent sexual discoveries at the paws of her own father, the huskie's sexual appetite had gone from healthy, to needy to downright voracious! Just looking at her Father, catching a glimps of him without his shirt on, or being put over his lap for an increasingly regular spanking made Nikki breathless and all too often, acute arousal would result. Not questioning where this bodily change had come from, it was simply another fact the pup knew she had to deal with ; Nikki wanted more than anything to be bedded by Master Kaon, however, without that special emerald collar denoting an intimate relationship with him, the chances of it happening were slim to none.

Right now, it was late and Nikki should have been in bed, however the lusty huskie wanted to indulge in one particular method of self love she'd come to dearly cherish. It involved a certain detachable shower head in her mother's quarters.... after finding out how good a close up spray of water could be, the pup had begged her father to install one in her own room, yet the tall male fox had refused her seemingly innocent request. Nikki had determined that her wise Father knew full well what purpose the lusty pup had intended to utilize the detachable shower for and he'd deemed it an unnecessary frivolity.

Irritated by this, nikki had found a workaround, sneaking into her mom's room whenever she felt it was safe to do so to utlize the shower there. Whilst techinically not allowed to enter her mother's private room without permission, Nikki knew it was a minor misdemeanor that would probably only earn her a grouchy lecture from the understanding skunkette.

After a quick glance up and down the green tinged crystal corridor to ensure she went unobserved, Nikki slipped into her mother's personal unlocked abode clad only in her yellow silk PJ's. Once inside, the sneaky puppy girl allowed herself to grin widely. If she knew her mom's routine -and she did- Cindy would be working on the next weeks palace menu, filling her role of beloved head chef and would be absent for at least two more hours, plenty of time to have a shower and indulge. Not having had the luxury of enough time that day to satisfy her urges at all, Nikki was quite desperate to get off a couple of times in fast, hard succession.

Nikki always loved her mom's quarters, having been allowed to sleep here on occasion when she wanted. It was a cosy, homely place, a combination of Cindy's childhood room and the room she shared with Kaon during their honeymoon. Plush , cream carpet tickled the pup's footpads and the flower pattern wallpaper reflected the warm glow of the lampstand the pup sought out and clicked on. Dominating the bedroom was a quilted queen sized bed that was rarely used for anything but sleep, Cindy was known for being almost celibate and despite the love she felt for her mother, Nikki had a hard time seeing how anyone could live comfortably without sex, or at least some form of release..

Having so far been successful in her covert operation, Nikki allowed herself a cheeky grin of triumph and whirled across the carpeted floor, almost giddy with anticipation! This was going to be so, so very good, the small puppy could feel how worked up and tense she was and rapid relief was very much needed at this point. However, such bliss was not meant to be found so easily! From outside the room, Nikki heard a familiar sound, a faint, buzzing pop tickled her sensitive canine ears....the unmistakable noise of a Jade Palace transporter field kicking in! Maybe being caught here wouldn't lead to any severe punishment, but that still didn't mean Nikki wanted to be discovered trespassing in her parents room!

Panicking suddenly, Nikki's gaze darted wildly to the crystalwood portal, then around the room! Frantically, the shivering huskie fumbled with the lampstand and clicked it off, diving headlong into the only suitable nearby hiding place, right beneath the large, lavish bed that dominated the room. In her haste, the scrambling , grey furred girl almost whacked her head on the bedframe and worming her pudgy bum beneath the low slung bed had the unfortunate effect of riding her yellow silk PJ bottoms down to her ankles!

At least the actual space beneath the bed had a little more room to maneuver and was remarkably clean. So half naked and breathless, the hidden pup went full ninja mode, remaining as motionless as possible from her makeshift place of concealment. Scant seconds after her fluffy huskie tail vanished into the dark of the underbed, the room door swung open and not one, but two figures strode into the room!

First was the plump, busty full figure of her mother Cindy. The kindly, blue eyed skunkette was smiling happily and leaning on the second member of the duo, her husband and Nikki's father, the slim, muscular red fox Master Kaon! Nikki gaped at the pair from her hiding place, what the deuce were they doing here?! Cindy was the palace head chef and should have been working on the menu's right about now and as for Kaon himself, the tall, crimson furred god-fox had never even set foot in this room before! What the heck was going on? Nikki blinked once and perked her ears, watching, waiting and listening as her beloved parents made their move....


Master Kaon couldn't stop smiling. It was a broad, ear to ear grin that seemed permanently etched on his muzzle and for good reason. The Master had been doing his evening rounds of the palace, seeing all was well before those he loved and cared for turned in for the night. During his tour of the kitchens however, a certain sight, not to mention a particular scent caught his attention.

Cindy had been sitting at a bench, trying and failing to work on the menu's for the next week, the monochrome mephditae had looked red faced and distracted, clearly her mind was not focused on her task. The faint whif of pheromones in the air confirmed his suspicions, his beautiful wife was slipping into her regular estrus cycle. Cindy was going into heat and Kaon had been lucky enough to catch her before she hid herself away in the seclusion of her quarters for the duration.

After a smooth proposal, the tall, slim red fox had been delighted to find his wife had taken him up on his offer! It was nigh on unprecedented! For so very long, their relationship had been all but platonic but now it seemed his frozen hearted wife was finally beginning to thaw after countless millennia of self reproach and self denial. Kaon was no fool, the vulpine deity knew full well he had his adopted huskie daughter to thank for his wife's change of heart. Nikki had done Cindy as much good as Cindy had Nikki. The deific fox knew it was all just a tad manipulative, but when so much benefit was to be had from his scheming, the smirking, red furred vulpine doubted anyone was going to protest. It was all coming together nicely.

Opening the door to what was supposed to be their matrimonial bedchambers as much as it was Cindy's room, Kaon acted the gentlefur and effected a small bow , letting his wide hipped wife prance into the room ahead of him. Closing the door behind them, Kaon couldn't help but lick his lips in anticipation of the half remembered pleasures to be had and long awaited intimacy to be shared.

As the Master of th palace stood relaxed, that cocky half grin splitting his muzzle , Cindy turned to face him. The skunkette's broad paws were clasped in front of her, a slight flush extending down her short muzzle, looking ever the blushing newlywed bride, a particularly delectable vision the red fox had dearly missed seeing. Husband and, mates.. didn't matter what the terminology used, when you love someone so much and you are separated from them for only a week, much less a short eternity, you miss their voice, their smile, their touch and now..... now was the first night of their new lives.

"Are you sure, my love?"

Kaon's voice was rich and deep, thick with emotion and desire. Despite his other lovers, the emerald eyed fox had missed his skunkette so very deeply, yet still did not wish to unduly pressure her into resuming their more intimate relationship. Cindy simply nodded and smiled warmly and Kaon had to swallow hard as his beautiful, busty skunkie wife started to unbutton her cyan blouse. Wasting little time, the dark haired vulpine deity followed suite, untying the belt on the front of his casual white robe with almost indecent haste...

As both adults fumbled with their attire and began to climb atop the quilted platform for their long awaited tryst, beneath the bed, hidden out of sight, a wide eyed and trembling Nikki slapped paw to her mouth in disbelief. Was this... actually happening? Her mom and dad, the woman she loved and male she'd had the biggest crush on for months now were actually it right then and there?!

Oh.... wow....

Nikki knew full well that remaining hidden would be nigh on reprehensible. Although her initial intentions hiding under the bed might have been fairly innocent, staying here now was nothing less than an invasion of privacy both indecent and voyeuristic! Yet as the adults above began to shift around in various ways and the whimpering and growling began, the stunned puppy found herself utterly unable to move or call out...not only would that shatter their obviously euphoric mood, but... the suddenly red faced puppy couldn't help but feel the need to be a part of this special moment and whether o not it was meant for her to witness seemed wholly irrelevant.

Hidden in the half light,out of sight but very much aware of her surroundings, Nikki's sharp ears began to pick up all the details of the lovemaking going on scant feet away from her. The way the sheets swished and the moving pressure on the mattress above her head, the sighing and gradually more labored breathing, even the odd girlish giggle coming from the normally straight laced Cindy! Listening in had always been a bad habit of the curious pup's, but this was taking to the extreme as Nikki could easily make out more distinct noises, the soft stroking of paws running through fur, the swish of a tail being moved out of the way, kisses being planted on muzzles and ...other parts of the anatomy, all accompanied by a louder symphony of lusty murmurs.

It wasn't long before the scents of sex soon reached Nikki's twitching huskie nose, a rich pheromone laden breeze that told the girl her mom was probably going into her heat cycle and..something else, just the merest hint of male musk, her father's scent that made her own sex twitch with desire. Soon enough came an even more distinct, tell tale sound, a rising crescendo of moans and breaths from the pup's mom. Nikki's imagination was running riot now, her minds eye could see Kaon rubbing, stroking with his fingers, maybe even his tongue sending his beautiful wife int the throes of near orgasmic passion.

As Cindy's moans turned to shrieks and the thumping and swishing above grew even more frantic, Nikki's pudgy thighs eased themselves apart on pure instinct and, aware of the fact she was growing hornier by the second, the shuddering huskie bit down on her arm almost hard enough to draw blood, not only to distract herself from her rising need, but to muffle any whimpers of lust she might involuntarily make. As desperate as she was becoming, Nikki knew that masturbating right now was something she really really shouldn't do. ...

"K...Kaon.. I..I'm....!!"

Cindy's desperate, breathless whimper that trailed of into a sudden , almost pained yowl, accompanied by an almost violent series of bouncing movements made Nikki shudder with desire. The sound of her mom having what must have been a fairly hard climax almost broke the huskie girl's resolve, her fluffy grey tail jerked off to one side into the canine mating position, Nikki's hips humped on instinct alone and the small pup had to consciously stop her unoccupied paw from driving home into the now aching, pink crevasse between her trembling, grey furred thighs. If there was a definition of sexual hell, surely, this was it.

Yet somehow, despite the already cruel circumstance the misty eyes pup found herself in, things were set to become even more trying as there was a quiet thump and her father's feet swung over the edge of the bed mere inches from Nikki's muzzle. There was a frantic shuffling noise and seconds later Cindy let out an even more impassioned shriek , her thick, bushy skunk tail falling down just off to Nikki's right and moments later, the open mouthed girl huskie witnessed her dad's footpaws scrabbling for purchase as a loud, rhythmic creaking noise and hard bumping bounce began to rock the queen sized bed!

They..they were doing it, actually doing it, right in front of her! Nikki's hazel eyes couldn't get any wider as she watched her fathers feet and legs pushing and relaxing, pushing and relaxing, her attentively pricked ears twitching each time she heard that groan of the bedtimbers, the increasingly wet slurp of the intercourse happening just outside her vision...or the ever louder wails of pleasure from her heated mother and the growls of lust from her enthusiastic foxy dad!

It was no quick thing. Nikki was forced to remain still, tormented by ever swelling desire as her canine ears picked up the multitude of sounds emanating from just above. It was all too much for the lust stricken pup. The desire she had for her father, that intense attraction, blossoming over time from a little girl's crush into something more profound urged her to an action that at any other moment would be seen as near insanity. Slowly, inch by inch, Nikki began to shuffle her young body forwards, towards her father's shuffling footpaws.

Uncaring of discovery, Nikki wormed her way forwards, timing each wiggling shuffle as best she could so that the slight brushing sounds of fur on fabric were muffled by various squeals, moans and grunts from the preoccupied adults. First her black puppy nose peeked out from under the bed, then her muzzle and finally those damnably curious eyes of hers were free to look up, right between daddy's legs and see...

Nikki was not quite wholly innocent as to the male form. Sex ed classes were regularly taken at her school and she'd occasionally caught a glimpse of her father during an unguarded moment, however nothing could have prepared the huskie for the colossal grandeur of his maleness up close and personal! It was huge, a heavy, incredibly thick shaft of purple reddish flesh, that was stretching Cindy's arousal swollen labia out in an obscene circle. Even as a very wide eyed, open mawed Nikki stared in wonder at the sight, a vast, solid, cannonball like bulb of flesh took shape at the base of Kaon's erection that the huskie's canine instincts told her was something she dearly wanted inside her and what practical knowledge she possessed indicated that was the biggest damn knot she'd ever seen!

Eyes growing wider and wider with each pounding thust her father made, Nikki felt her body beginning to tense up and tremble. Harder and harder he slammed that massive length into Cindy's willing body, deeper and deeper till at last that gigantic knot began to slowly stretch out the skunkette's already distended opening. Bursting shrieks of almost pained pleasure reverberated through the bedroom as the tie was slowly forced and seconds later, Cindy began to orgasm with explosive force!

Almost driven crazy with need, Nikki's gaze was riveted on the lewd spectacle, then as she witnessed the incredible sight of her father's vast,swollen base finally disappear into Cindy's sex, the skahing puppy watches as a copious trickle of mixed ejaculate streamed over her mother's rounded , black furred buttocks and spattered liberally over Nikki's muzzle.

That did it.

Yanking her huskie head back beneath the bed timbers, Nikki's legs shot wide open, spread as far as she could manage! Whilst one arm served as an impromptu chew toy, the writhing puppy girl gnawing on her forearm to muffle a rising shriek of bliss, the other arm reflexively slammed three fingers into the pouting , twitching slit nestled between grey furred thighs! One, two , three quick rubs on Nikki's painfully swollen clit sent the sex deprived pup over the edge and daughter joined her father and mother in a three way simultaneous climax.

After all the shrieking, yowling, grunting and thumping, the next few minutes were silent and serene. Laying beneath the bed, trying her hardest no to pant out loud, Nikki bathed in her afterglow and wrestled with her conscience. It really wasn't right, using her parents most private and intimate moments like some sort of strip show for her own selfish gratification, yet it was impossible to deny the longing Nikki had to crawl out from her hidey hole and join mother and especially her father in far closer company... Still, such things were for fantasies alone and the grey huskie pup couldn't imagine what might happen had she been caught...

Just above the shuddering huskie girl's head, Cindy felt her body finally starting to relax after several minutes orgasmic bliss. Oh... sweet creator....she'd almost forgotten what an intense lover her hubby could be when he was worked up and how considerate he was at all times. Even now, after having blown so hard he was physically shaking with the effort, Kaon hadn't flopped on top of her like an obnoxious dead weight, but was propped up on his arms, panting profusely over to of her.

Small sparks of pleasure continued to flare inside her body with each breath he took, even that minute movement enough to tease her overly sensitive sex and the lusty skunkette blushed once more, feeling that the two of them might perhaps be at this for a little longer than she'd anticipated. Turning her head for a moment with embarrassment at the mental acknowledgement of her needs, Cindy blinked once, twice, then a sudden frown creased her brow as she tried to focus her still wobbly vision on an odd, grey object she could see just sticking out from beneath the bedframe....

..... It almost looked like part of someone's...leg.....

Jaw flopping open as shock and realization hit her, the stunned skunk simply gaped in disbelief at the sight. Of all the bad dreams and twisted scenario's she could have imagined, this one was right up there with the wildest of them! That small puppy paw was her adopted daughter Nikki's,she was sure of it, Cindy knew that light grey fur color anywhere! Not to mention only Nikki would have the gumption to sneak into her private quarters....

.... Kaon sighed with the bliss of a long needed release. It felt so wonderful, so right to be able to finally take his monochrome skunkie wife to bed once more. Opening his eyes, Kaon grinned mischievously and prepped himself to start round two in as short a space of time as possible, fulling intending to make this a night to really remember. However.. the disbelief, shock and outright dismay he saw etched on Cindy's normally beautiful face when his vision focused upon her visage made the red furred vulpine god both confused and concerned.

Had he done something wrong, perhaps? Was he too rough with her or not sensitive enough to her needs? Kaon was both perturbed and perplexed, such an expression upon her lovely face was one he had not expected nor desired to see! Then his own emerald eyes followed where his wife was staring and after but a moment, Kaon bowed his head and let out an almost imperceptible sigh of disappointment. After everything else that could have gone wrong , this happened. Sometimes he had to wonder if random circumstance was the biggest prankster of them all, how on earth could he have seen that Nikki had actually been hiding under the bed all this time?? Oh ,the knowledgeable vulpine understood why his lovely wife looked so upset and furious, after all, the skunkette's sexuality was a tenuous subject at best, intensely private and personal and they'd just loudly and lustily fucked within three feet of their adopted child. Now he'd be lucky to get his next dose of conjugal rights by this time next millennium.

"...damn it all..."

Cindy only just barely picked up on the sighed curse, Nikki surely wouldn't have heard it. Turning her head to face her husband, surprise quickly gave way to rage. Upon opening her maw to say... something... the upset mephis found a single finger quickly placed to her lips accompanied by a minuscule shake of the dog-fox's head. In response to her questioning gaze, Kaon then pointed down between them where the lovers were still firmly tied up.

Huffing angrily, cindy turned her head away once more. This was going to be a long, long wait for kaon's knot to deflate. To say the next fourty five minutes were awkward was the understatement of the century. Cindy lay there, looking more embarrassed as every second passed, whilst Kaon just looked grumpy , both adults wishing they were just about anywhere else but in the predicament they were in now. For her part Nikki remained silent, blissfully unaware she'd been sprung, but hoping and praying she could make a clandestine, hasty exit, not wishing to be stuck where she was listening to her Mom and Dad banging the headboard against the wall all night.

Eventually , with a sticky, wet pop, Kaon gently tugged his deflated knot free of his wife. Cindy bolted out of bed like the quilt was aflame and wrestled a pink, fuzzy dressing gown around her pudgy, busty frame. Sitting up on the ruffled bedsheets for a moment, Kaon let out his first really audible sigh, hopped to his feet and secured his robe. After ensuring both adults were at least somewhat decent, the frustrated male fox turned back to the bed, folded his arms and started tapping his footpaw.

"Come on out, Nikki. We know you're under there."

Nikki bit down on her arm once more as a cold chill ran up her spine. It was a nightmarish scenario, her worst fear of the moment realized, being discovered like that! How had they known? Had she been too noisy, had they....caught a whiff of her scent when she came? However they knew, Nikki was nigh on paralyzed with mortification at her untimely reveal. After a few moments to gather her shattered composure and Knowing full well it was useless to remain hidden , the suddenly shy pup wiggled out from under her bed, tail curled and little ears laid flat against her short auburn hair and almost died from embarrassment at the expression on her Mom's face.

Cindy was alternately gaping and grimacing at her daughter, exhibiting every emotion from acute embarrassment to outright fury at the sight. Nikki was naked from the waist down, red faced, and the pup's sticky paws and groin area gave away exactly what she'd been doing whilst the two adults fornicated, not to mention the slight scent of horny huskie that the skunkette could now detect teasing her black nose. This was utterly intolerable!!

Flinching and gritting her teeth as Cindy took a step towards her, Nikki was absolutely convinced the outraged skunk was about to slap her cheek, yet the fuming, ebon furred female stopped mid stride. Turning to her mate, too upset to rationally deal with her daughter and knowing it, Cindy lifted one quivering, black furred finger, about to rip into her husband instead. However, both Kaon and Nikki had an almost identical hang-dog, puppy eyed expression etched on their faces that the enraged mephitidae found impossible to snap at.

Spinning back to the cringing huskie standing a few feet away, then turning back to her husband, Cindy looked almost on the verge of apoplexy, face rapidly turning from red to purple but wholly unable to unleash her feared wrath upon either target. Finally throwing both paws skyward, the fuming, scandalized skunkette unleashed a snapped off , verbal assault laced with icy venom and thick with repressed rage.

"I cant believe this! I refuse to believe this! How... how DARE you pull a wicked stunt like this, Nikki?! This is utterly disgusting behavior!"

Whimpering slightly at that awful tone in her mom's voice , fluffy huskie tail curling even further between her legs, Nikki just had to think of something to say, anything to say to mollify her enraged maternal figure. No point in outright denying what had happened, it would be better to appeal to the skunk's maternal side. Thinking quickly, the pup came up with a convincing lie that she hoped would do the trick.

"I.. i just wanted to sleep here tonight... but I heard father's voice outside and panicked! I.. i'm so sorry...I couldn't help myself.."

That pathetic mewling seemed to do some good. The fury on Cindy's face faded just a little and she turned back to Kaon, who was standing there silently, a look of tired resignation on his face. Of all people, he knew pretty much exactly what was coming and there was nothing he'd be able to do to change his wife's mind. It was no surprise then, to hear his mates almost deadpan statement.

"I am going back to my room in the servants quarters. I'll be staying there -by myself- for the duration of my...hormonal difficulties. I don't wish to be disturbed by either of you. Kaon, you deal with this...problem and don't you dare go easy on the little sneak, either!"

With that, Cindy strode regally from the room, pushing past Kaon and nary giving her daughter a second glance. With the skunkettes departure, the room stood silent. Nikki was far to upset to speak, the misery she felt as so upsetting her beloved mom made all the worse by the pained resignation etched on her father's foxy features and the almost listless droop of his normal proud form. As unmitigated disasters went, this one was up there with the best of them.

Unleashing yet another tired sigh, Kaon took a step forwards and Nikki tensed up once more, expecting her father figure to fall on her with righteous vengeance and was surprised when the tall vulpine merely took a seat on the ruffled bed and patted the sheets next to him. After a moment's hesitation, the curious puppy did as she was bid and popped her pudgy bottom down next to her dad after remembering to pul her PJ's back up around her waist. There was a moments silence, before Nikki felt an arm gently draped around her shoulders in a comforting cuddle.

"It's alright, princess. I know you didn't mean any harm..."

Wincing a little at that world weary tone of voice, Nikki swung her feet back and forth, staring morosely at the carpet. This was far from 'alright'! Thanks to her mischief, her parents slowly thawing relationship had just frozen over again and that was never a nice thought for a young girl to have floating in the back of her head.... Scrubbing a paw across her eyes, the upset huskie bit her trembling lower lip and leaned against hr dad for a second, before taking a deep, shuddering breath.

"Guess i'm in for a sore tail..."

Kaon's foxy ears twitched. A usual, Nikki sounded so small and sorry that she'd done something wrong but he really didn't want to have to tan her behind simply to ease his wife's bruised ego and ease her outrages sensibilities. Not moving from his seat, the fatherly red fox shook his vulpine head a little, smiling just a little.

"I see no practical point in spanking you, Nikki. Your actions weren't malicious or deliberately voyeuristic, you were just in the wrong place at the right time, so to speak."

Folding her arms and sticking out her bottom lip, Nikki actually managed to look simultaneously pouty, grumpy and even more upset. Hopping of her seat and stomping her foot once in frustration, that very remorseful huskie girl woodenly made her way over to the wall mounted discipline cabinet, feeling her Father's eyes on her back the entire time.

These small cabinets were present in almost every main room in the family residence and could produce any kind of paddle, switch or belt that might need to be used on a naughty bottom. After a moment of staring at the dreaded , crystal paneled case, Nikki pulled open the door and scooped up something small and black that Kaon quickly identified as a dark leather strap. The tense fox watched with a kind of depressed finality as his puppy daughter walked back to him and pushed the pint sized belt into his paws.

" It'll make me feel better, though..."

Letting out yet another in a long series of resigned sighs, Kaon nodded slowly and patted the mattress once more. Slowly, nikki pulled off her pyjama top and once more pulled the trousers over her shapely little bottom, leaving her pudgy, puppy fat body fur naked, before clambering onto the bed again and lying down on her back. After a moment, the nervous girl parted her round thighs and pulled her knees up to her chest, locking her paws at the back of her knees in the classic diaper position, exposing her sensitive, pouting sex to the strap's bite.

Nikki knew full well that when one of the family girls had been particularly lascivious or lewd in public, a normal spanking was not utilized as discipline. Subscribing to the principle of making the punishment fit the crime, they'd recieve a crotch strapping instead. The short length of black leather used in these strappings didn't have a paddles power or a switches bite, but damn did it sting like heck! The dark leather's bite could make an overly horny young girl extremely repentant after only a few sharp smacks and if there was any justice in the palace, Nikki hoped she was in for more than just a few. Lying still and submissive, the miserable, upset puppy awaited her coming discipline with nervous anticipation.

Kaon felt strangely disconnected as he picked up that strap. This...just didn't seem right to the normally wary male. Still.. parenting duties weren't always pleasant and whilst he didn't want to really whip Nikki for her indiscretions, if it would lay the issue to rest, a dozen swats shouldn't be too difficult for either of them. Placing one paw on Nikki's thigh to keep her chubby, spread legs apart , trying not to stare at the pudgy, pouting girlish lips nestled in the crevice of his daughter's thighs, Kaon started what he assumed would be a short, sharp spanking.

With a sharp crack of sound and an in drawn breath, Nikki winced as the strap snapped smartly across her buttocks. It didn't hurt that much, it lacked the pounding ache of a paddle or the vicious bite of a switch, nor even the blistering burn of a proper belt, what the strap did was sting and sting badly, especially when applied to highly sensitive areas of the anatomy. That soon became apparent when the strap wrapped once around each inner thigh, the more sensitive flesh there tingling and aching from the impacts.

The real pain came when a fourth whipping stroke smacked loudly down the center crease of her puppy vulva, sending red hot pinpricks deep into those pouting ,delicate labia causing the girl to emit a high pitched squeal of intense discomfort. Nikki hated crotchswattings and for good reason, this kind of spanking would leave her sore and unable to masturbate for at least a week and with her sex so tender from that recent orgasm, this particular discipline was set to be even worse than usual.

Yet... gazing at her Fathers face through increasingly tear blurred eyes there was something...special about this. When the next stinging spank smacked sharply against the reddening swell of her sex, Nikki's hips bucked up into the strap, not away from it. Despite the snapping pains and whimpering whines the spanking was producing, Nikki could feel herself becoming aroused and needy merely due tot he fact that it was her father actually touching her intimately...

Nikki soon felt her father's fingers slide in on either side of her sex and open those sensitive lips, intending to deliver the next swat right against her most intimate depths, however the stroke never fell. Instead, about a minute passed as Nikki came to realize her daddy was just..staring at her with the strangest expression etched on his face. The increasingly excited and aroused puppy found her breathing deepening and a true flush of anticipation burning down her muzzle as the big red fox slowly began to lean forwards...

Kaon found himself looking at his huskie girl with a far more lecherous slant than he'd anticipated. The strap smacks were secondary in his mind to the sight and scent of the small juvenile puppy he was trying to discipline. It was...strange. The bewildered male didn't feel the same level of mental and physical restraint he usually possessed when dealing with Nikki in a pseudo-intimate fashion. Was it the lingering pheromones left behind by Cindy's heat or something else?

Opening the pup's sex for the next stroke simply made things worse. The vision of her young, virgin sex was driving him crazy and ... that scent.... This was so... wrong and yet, so right. He...the master of the palace, needed..this, needed, her, this gorgeous girl laid out submissively in front of him...but...this was his own daughter and not one of his seven! He couldn't possibly be even considering intimacy with her...except..he...was...? Why...did he feel this way?

Whilst Kaon's conscious mind fought and wrestled with the ideals and ramifications of giving in to this unusual lust for one not of his collar, the dog fox's subconscious had had enough of the indecision and, before Kaon could stop himself, hid head swooped down, maw opening and lashing out with a thick, warm, experienced tongue....

It was a jaw dropping moment for young Nikki, feeling her daddy's tongue sooth the sting in her sex with long, tender strokes. Warm, wet heat laving gently against sensitive flesh, like some perfect fantasy realized, unexpected yet longed for, this was perfection realized for the swooning girl. Unable to comprehend what was happening between them or why, the ecstatic huskie girl didn't question her father's motives, merely revelled in a waking dream she hoped would never end.

No stranger to cunnilingus, having often fooled around with her elder sister Shana, Nikki was shocked to discover how talented her father was by comparison. The far broader , longer and more muscular tongue he sported and used with delicate finesse was mindblowingly exquisite in comparison to her sister's crude technique. Never still for a moment, the rough surface circled and teased, licked and plucked at sensitive areas that had almost never before seen this kind of stimulation and it made the infatuated huskie's head whirl with fast mounting ecstasy.

Kaon had settled into a practiced, slow rhythm. It was so wonderful, being able to please one of his girls in this manner. Most of the others who wore his collar actually didn't care for this sort of foreplay, so being able to exercise his technique was a novel and highly arousing diversion! Already, the male fox could feel his own needs growing, his member stood proudly to attention, eager for stimulation of its own and not willing to wait, Kaon concentrated his attentions on his partner's small love button, wanting to proceed to the next level as soon as possible, even though there was a strange nagging concern lingering in the back of his clouded mind, some specific detail that seemed to slip from the desire addled dog fox's grasp every time he reached for it...

Face flushed, a sliver of drool running from her open maw, Nikki's eyes glazed over as that talented tongue began to give her most sensitive spot extended special treatment. Each pass of that teasing oral muscle over that delicate area sent explosive shocks of electric delight up her arching spine and it was all that the small girl pup could do to grip the bedsheets tightly with both paws and hand on for drear life. as her inner muscles began to twitch ever so slightly.

The room was silent now, save for the soft breathy whimpers of a delighted young huskie and an occasional wet slurp from her preoccupied father. Time no longer existed for either of them, it was that wonderful special moment when both partners seem wholly focused on the act of love taking place between them. Serene in it's beauty, the two furs, one big, one small reveled in the tender act, only a prelude to what was to come in both their minds.

It was all too soon that Nikki felt herself about to peak. It had been a fast, fast climb and her climax had been all but guaranteed the moment Kaon had focused on her achingly erect nub. Now, as those tiny tremors became long , shuddering ripples , the pleasure stricken pup opened her maw and gave vent to a bliss stricken wail as rainbow colored stars exploded in front of her vision and a powerful, deliciously intense orgasm sent her hurtling into the arms of euphoria!

An extremely fast, fiery climax ripped through Nikki's belly, out and down, leaving her groin in volcanic waves of exquisite delight! The orgasmic puppy shook and trembled, yelped an yowled, fluffy tail thumping wildly against the mattress as she came! Yet even as the young huskie twisted and writhed with joy on the rumpled, sweat dampened sheets, another sensation came to bear. Kaon... daddy, he had leaned right over her and was getting ready too.... oh.... oh sweet Creator...

Nikki could feel the tip of his broad erection pushing against her heat, that wedging force as that prestigious maleness stretched her labia till his glans nestled right against he dimple of her virgin canal. As the Masters hips began short, gentle rocking motions and the breathless, dizzy, puppy felt herself begin to yield to that iron hard flesh, millimeter by excruciating, wonderful millimeter, it was as if perfect paradise had opened it's gates for young Nikki as that seemingly impossible fantasy of becoming one of the Master's personal girls took shape around her...

The taste, the scent of his daughter's climax only inflamed Kaon's passions to fever pitch! Now was the time, the moment of consummation he looked forwards to every night he spent with any of his seven and what was more, his heart told him truth, not only was this one virgin, but a pure virgin unclaimed! Not merely having her hymen restored through magic, this one had never experienced a male's length inside her before! Every instinct urged, demanded, screamed at Kaon to take this one, to claim her, make her his own and he obeyed without question, leaning over this grey furred canine child's prostrate, panting form and lining himself up, slowly pushing forwards, feeling his very tip engulfed by white hot tightness!

This was the culmination of his existence, to find and claim one of his seven, his girls, his loves, this was his promised reward, a crowning moment of countless millenia searching and yearning! Nothing compared to the ultimate joy of coming to know so intimately one of the few who had the heart to love a monster such as he! Yet... even as he pushed, teased and revelled in the perfect moment about to take place, there was a tiny, miniscule, coal black spot in the back of Kaon's mind. It too was screaming at him, pleading and begging to look again at what he was doing. That doubt should not have been there and perplexed by the unusual sensation, the god fox devoted an infinitesimally small portion of his vast, focused consciousness to it's study.

The truth that Kaon found in the dark, secluded corner was like having his clouded mind submerged in glacial seawater! A rippling shock of frozen disbelief at the awful revelation caused the male fox's stomach to lurch with unfamiliar nausea and his half lidded emerald eyes to widen in rank horror! What in Creator's name was he doing?! This girl... this wasn't some unclaimed emerald bride, this was his adopted child, his own daughter Nikki and... he was on the verge of fucking her senseless!

How... how had it gotten this far? How could he have LET it go this far?! There were safeguards against this, Kaon always knew immediately and unquestionably who was and was not one of his potential seven and Nikki had always most emphatically NOT been a candidate. Yet now , as her held her down, poised to rip her virginity with his length, seeing her breathless, waiting and needy beneath his dominating bulk all he could see was an unclaimed bride , all his senses howling for that intimate consummation!

Desperate for the union, yet forced into tortured inaction by confusion and doubt, there was an infinite second of hesitation in Kaon's actions. The god fox knew that he could not afford to take this risk, no matter how difficult or damaging the end result might be, if he was not absolutely sure Nikki was one of his then this..act of love simply could not, MUST not happen!

Muscles bulging with the impossible strain of restraint, his deep red fur almost standing on end, face and muzzle twisted into a desperate, snarling grimace, Kaon felt his hips began to buck of their own accord, wedging him deeper into sweet, white heat one millimeter at at time. In seconds it would be too late, already he could feel the barrier within his young daughter beginning to yield to his power! With an inhuman exertion of his formidable willpower, the desperate male fox leaned back, angled the thrust that would have torn Nikki's innocence and it it brought immeasurable relief and heart wrenching loss to feel his erection slide up, over the puppy's fuzzy mound and along her soft, rounded belly.

Feeling her Father lurch forwards caused Nikki's heavy breath to catch in her throat with anticipation of her dreams realized and when that penetrating entry into her young body did not happen, it was a crushing disappointment, if not outright upsetting. However, the huskie girl's befuddled mind immediately conjured up a suitable explanation, she was a very small puppy and, as evidenced by the massive male member that slid along her belly to her sternum, her daddy was a very, very big fox. It was simple fact that she couldn't take what he was offering, not yet anyways.

Eyeing off that lengthy erection just shy of her collar bone gave the pup an idea, although her body might not be capable of taking it in the traditional manner, there was still a way to see this turn of events to a mutually satisfying conclusion! To that effect, Nikki carefully but firmly closed her legs around Kaon's throbbing length, imprisoning his solid maleness between softly fuzzed, pudgy thighs and the crafty pup was utterly delighted when her father wasted no time in pulling back and driving his length between her squeezed flesh. It was a bonus that each thrust he made just happened to firmly caress her still swollen and needy love button with each pass....

Kaon relief turned to disbelief when Nikki pulled her trick. Not in a hundred years would he have expected his adopted daughter to be so swift and sure about what she wanted from him! This was rapidly turning from a lust addled lapse of judgement into a mutually consensual sexual encounter! Even as the red furred god struggled with his conscience, his body was already trying to do what instinct demanded of it, hips twitching ever so slightly with the delightful sensation of Nikki's thighs enclosing his aching length.

It was still almost impossible to restrain himself, even now with the doubts still tormenting his troubled mind, Kaon was still driven by that impossible desire to find and claim those that were his. Save for the fact that Nikki was not one of his...or...was..she...?! Completely unable to interpret the twisted mixed signals his heart and mind were sending him, once again the red fox's body made the decision, mobilizing those powerful , unmoving hips of his into rhythmic motion. In and out, hot flesh and tickly fur rubbing and stroking his full length, Kaon finally gave in to his own long suppressed need.

gentle half light surrounded the lovemaking pair as they began a slightly modified version of a dance as old as time itself. Push and stroke, thrust and counterthrust, Nikki and her father slowly began to ascend that special mountain together and this time , both parties were determined to see this to it's bittersweet end. Kaon's mind whirld with a million different thoughts and feelings as he leant of his little daughter and felt how good it was, how right it felt to be this intimate with someone his heart told him was one of his girls and how disturbing the nightmare scenarios takig place within his mind were when his true seven found out hed done this not only with one not of the collar, but Nikki no less!! Yet dispite those horror misgivings, the desperate dog fox found himself entirely unable to stop the rocking motion of his hips, nor was he entirely sure he wanted to stop....

For Nikki, this was a heavenly time of pure love and intimate delight. No, it wasn't the true sexual encounter she'd hoped for, but to her mind, this was the two of them 'doing it' regardless of standard conventions! Each rubbing stroke sent flutters of bliss through the puppy's fuzzy tummy, it wasn't a very intense pleasure, feeling similar to a leisurely bout of masturbatory rubbing, yet in its own way it was the best she'd ever had in her life! Nikki was more focused on the ever changing expression on daddy's face, from glaze eye'd desire to what looked like spasms of pain, he ran the full gauntlet of emotions that the young huskie could only interpret as intense please from this act. Feeling cheeky and wanting to make it even better for her daddy-soon to be Master- Nikki began to flex and squeeze her thighs round that invading length..

When his daughter started to milk his thick maleness with those strong thighs, Kaon felt his muzzle twist into a snarl of lust. The sensation was akin to being milked by the powerful vaginal contractions he was accustomed to, yet couldn't believe for a second that Nikki knew exactly what she was doing! Regardless, the panting vulpine male soon lost himself to that tighter squeeze and swiftly felt his vast knot beginning to form, soon he'd lose all control and when he did...

Nikki watched in delight as her daddy's face took on an expression of unbridled passion, it was clear that he was getting close by his open mawed , ragged panting and the erraticness of his thrusts. Her own pleasures were not nearly as intense, though Nikki's puppy sex was being stroked by her father's member as he moved, it wasn't quite enough sensation to get her off anytime soon. In fact, for the first time in her life, the normally sexually self centered girl was more looking forwards to her partners climax than her own!

When the young pup finally felt her daddy's knot beating against her bottom, Nikki knew it was time. With a cheeky grin and no hesitation, the blushing huskie suddenly puller her legs open, just enough to allow that half formed ball of flesh and nerves to squish right between her pudgy thighs, before clamping her legs around it's broad girth and squeezing down as hard as she could. Simultaneously, her small paws left the bed where those fingers had been tightly clutching the damp, ruffled sheets to wrap tightly around Kaon's throbbing erection. With no hesitation, Nikki firmly and swiftly began to stroke that vast member up and down it's entire length.

Still fighting for control, despite how hopeless it seemed, Kaon could barely comprehend how expertly Nikki was playing him. Everything she did, no matter how innocent her intent , seemed custom tailored to making him blow his load. That was something the big fox knew he couldn't let happen, not in his current position anyways, and gritted his teeth, bunching his muscles and placing his paws on his pup's knees even as copios quantities of pre oozed from his tip, intending to force her legs open so that he could stagger back and make a mess in a more appropriate location, or even put a clamp on his lust and libido long enough to prevent an accidental discharge altogether.... Nikki however had other ideas and finally blew her daddy's mind with the one thing he simply presumed the young huskie incapable of...

Opening her maw wide, cheeky grin still etched on her young features, Nikki close her lips around her daddy's drooling tip. Although a completely inexperienced when it came to fellatio, the determined girl nonetheless proved a quick learner! Minding her sharp little teeth and treating the wide member i her mouth like a traditional lollipop, the smirking huskie watched with glee as her daddy's eyes widened with sheer incredulity at how perfect the moment was. Rubbing, stroking, squeezing and now suckling, Nikki Catherine Donahue managed the one feat that no one else in recorded Palace history had ever managed to do....

Feeling the head of his member engulfed by the pup's maw sent shudders of disbelief and ripples of horror surging through the shaking male fox. This was.... unbelievable. No one, none of his seven were ever allowed to perform oral on him at any time! Kaon simply was not a fan of that method of lovemaking, yet somehow, this innocent child had managed to firmly plant herself in a position to do just that when even his talented pleasure slave Yasmin could not convince him otherwise!

It was about that time that Kaon realized it was far too late to stop what was coming. His scrotum had long since tightened almost painfully against his body and his whole erection was swelling and throbbing violently, drooling precum fro it's tip onto Nikki's small tongue. Moments after the tiny huskie had started giving him head, Kaon could hold out no longer! A strangled , growling yell of despair and exultation burst from his throat as he exploded into his daughter's warm, wet maw!

Nikki was two for two! Not only had she managed to somehow give her father oral, he'd cum so hard it had made him yell with bliss, a completely unheard of phenomenon! Feeling that sweet, hot essence flood her mouth filled the happy huskie with a strange sense of peace and contentment, she'd been a good girl, Nikki was sure of that! Closing her glazed puppy eyes, the canine girl sucked and swallowed everything her daddy had to give her, an almost endless stream of thick cream, too much for her muzzle to contain and it oozed warmly down her chin and over her flat, fuzzy furred chest...

Altogether shocked, dismayed and delighted at how painfully hard the small pup had made him orgasm, Lord Kaon could do little but grunt, groan and growl his way through a massive and quite satisfying climax, exes squeezed shut, reveling in the delicious sensations being afforded to him by his daughter's delicate oral ministrations. However, upon opening those slightly glazed over emerald eyes, the sight afforded to the vulpine's bleary gaze was altogether far less pleasant...

Nikki, his daughter, his gentle, innocent, naive puppy girl was lying on her back, panting happily, her chest and face spattered liberally with godseed, her soft grey fur mated and stuck down, as tha Master's essence dribbled down the canine girl's chin. It was a kind of sick finality that struck Kaon in that instant, a gut wrenching mix of horror and shame at the wanton depravity he'd inflicted upon his own daughter. It was small consolation that the young pup had been a willing participant and , recoiling in disgust at the repulsive revelation of his own twisted desires realized, the shivering adult fox took several shaky steps backwards, away from the blushing, happy girl, afraid of what he might be tempted to do next...

Lying on her back, feeling quite proud of herself, Nikki Donahue gazed lovingly at her daddy through half slitted eyes. It hadn't been quite what she'd expected, but nevertheless, the results spoke for themselves and were quite plain for all to see, the pup's face and torso being quite drenched in the voluminous quantities of manly essence the cub hadn't managed to swallow. Now that she'd seen to her daddy's needs, Nikki's own desire for a climax came right back to the fore of her thoughts. Staring happily at her fathers still throbbing erection, the lusty girl quickly ran a paw over her belly to her twitching, pouting netherlips. It was but a moment later when a naughty, delicious idea occurred to the little huskie. No, she couldn't take daddy's cock just yet, but she could still get his seed inside her! Scooping up a copious pawful of warm male cum, Nikki split her fat little mound with one paw, and frantically began to masturbate , working daddy's cream against and into her tight vaginal opening...

It took surprisingly little time for Nikki to achieve a speedy, red hot orgasm of her own. The sight of daddy watching her play with herself, the feel of his cream smoothly lubricating her diddling fingers and just how naughty it all felt was more than sufficient to sent the panting puppy careening into the arm of bliss in short order. A throaty yelp erupted from the huskies grey furred, canine muzzle as a sudden sharp surge of pleasure sparked off her throbbing little clit and soon gav way to a series of similar fast, fiery explosions, a quick, satisfying and sweet orgasm for the writhing child.

Kaon stared in sick shock at the sight laid out before him. There she was, his adopted child, that innocent little huskie girl, thighs splayed wide, covered in cooling semen, masturbating with his essence and grinning like a demented hyena. The whole spectacle was grotesquely obscene. Fighting to keep what was left of his mental state in some sort of order, the Master latched onto a different kind of instinct, even as he watched his child shudder and shake, whimper and whine her way through a fast paced climax.

Nikki, he reasoned, should be asleep by now. It was late night and way past the pup's bedtime, but first, the small huskie seemed to be in a somewhat...unhygienic state of being. A quick shower was in order. Securing his robe once more and swiftly donning it, Kaon took his grinning, dizzily happy daughter by one sticky, grey furred paw and silently led her into the bathroom. There was a tenuous, brittle shell around the dog fox's mind that he'd hastily established to maintain some semblance of control over those damnable emotions, Kaon knew he needed to get the hell away from young Nikki before that paper thin barrier cracked beneath the strain...

When daddy took her paw and led her into the bathroom, Nikki's little heart almost burst with love for her new mate and Master. Both furs knew well the huskie girl's love for hot water and sex, be it baths or showers, doubtless her father wanted to continue the celebratory festivities in that environment... as well as wash all the congealing cum out of her fur. Lovemaking could be a messy business at times... Giggling like a clown, Nikki Donahue all but skipped alongside her father to the softly lit, tiled bathroom.

Once inside, the elated puppy turned to her daddy. It should have been a little disconcerting to note the near blank expression on Kaon face, those who knew him better would have considered such a calm, almost stony facade as a warning of sorts however, Nikki was riding a massive endorphin high of love and triumph and took little notice of her beloved father's emotionless eyes, or the hard, grit set of his jawline. With a voice enthused with boundless energy, excitement and zest for life, Nikki finally had enough confidence and courage to ask a question she never thought even possible...

"I get my emerald collar now , Don't I?! We did kinda do it after all!"

That sense of wrongness would not fade, as coupled as it was with the need for completion he felt inside. Nikki's voice, her face, so joyful at first at the though of the encounter that must surely warrant her receiving an emerald collar slowly changed to incredulous disbelief as the Master grimaced with what seemed like intense pain or disgust and closed his emerald eyes, bowed his head as if the world itself weighed on those broad , red furred shoulder.

"It's not that simple, Nikki, or that easy. I am sorry."

Turning away to hide the strain this situation was having on his mind, Kaon shook his head, trying to clear out the cobwebs and make sense of what had happened. This was both unprecedented and dangerous. Never before had he been so intimate with one not of his harem. The oaths he'd sworn, the promises he'd made to those who wore his emerald collar lay broken and shattered at his feet, yet.... in some part of his heart, Kaon was convinced he'd done the right thing. Gritting his teeth so tightly the enamel of those pearly whites nearly cracked, he all but spat out what was presumed to be his last orders for the evening.

"Clean yourself up and go to bed. This...evenings entertainment is concluded. It was most likely a mistake both of us will come to regret. We'll not speak of this again."

It hurt, no more than just hurt, with those words Kaon had taken her dreams and broken them over his knee like rotted kindling. Despite the fact she'd willingly given her whole self to him, There was no collar waiting for her, no special picture to be hung on his wall, no everlasting happiness in his arms or quiet nights together, her love was just... a mistake to him...nothing more. Realizing how Kaon felt made poor Nikki want to throw up. Was that all she was to him, nothing more than....convenient relief for a nuisance hard-on?? Tears beaded in the corners of those beautiful puppy eyes and her open muzzled gape of shock quickly transformed into a grimace of rage. Lifting one foot, Nikki stomped it down onto the bath's cold porcelain. Nothing, no response, just the sight of her father casually walking away. Something broke inside the huskie girl in that moment, it was like a horrible splintered crack running the length of her heart and , unable to hold in her hurt, Nikki let out an angry, anguished shriek!

"You... you can't treat me like this! It... it's not fair!! I'm not just some wadded tissue you can jerk off into and then throw away! Don't you DARE just walk away from me!!"

Snatching up the closest item to paw, a half full shampoo bottle, Nikki hurled it at her fathers retreating form! Despite how wild her throw was, the pup's aim was actually rather good and the solid bottle slammed into Kaon's shoulder with a meaty thud, bounced off and went clattering to the crystal tiles! There was but a moment stillness and quiet as Kaon stopped dead, the Nikki had little time to do anything else but watch every muscle in her father's body bulge with fury before the adult fox turned and all but launched his massive frame at her!!

Feeling that bottle impact his body snapped what was left of the dog fox's already strained sanity! How... dare that little bitch actually physically assault him, after all that he'd done for her! Kaon covered the distance between them with two lengthy strides and Nikki's wrathful glare flickered into uncertainty at the sight of her usually calm father's distorted face. Wanting to back away but having nowhere to go, already backed into the corner of the shower as she was, all the huskie pup could do was tense up in awful anticipation..

Even knowing he'd be angry, the violence of Kaon's response shocked Nikki to her very core! Grabbed tightly by the scruff, the small pup found herself driven face first into the hard porcelain bathtub, belly down, smacking her jaw against the bottom almost hard enough to split her lip. Squeaking with dismay, Nikki was utterly horrified when her father's knee crunched down on the small f her back, pinning her to the floor sending a rippling blast of pain through her back!

Enraged beyond all reasoning, Kaon wasted no time in subduing his rebellious daughter and glared wildly around the room for a suitable implement. Catching sight of a heavy, solid hairbrush resting on the shelf nearby, the fox snatched it up with one paw! Gripping Nikki's curled huskie tail and cruelly yanking it aside, ignoring the pup's pained yelp of protest, Kaon reached back with the brush gripped tight in one white knuckled fist and brought it thundering down in a vicious circular arc!

The impact was nothing sort of sickening! Nikki screamed out a long, cracked howl as the hardwood brush smashed into the pert, rounded globes of her bottom! It was a brutal, full power clubbing blow that drove deep into soft tissue and muscle hard enough to bruise with but a single strike. With no downtime or mercy, Kaon lifted the brush back up and pounded it back into Nikki's soft rump just below her tail making the agonized puppy writhe helplessly beneath his knee!

Yet after that first tortured wail, Nikki fell completely silent. Staring at the white porcelain, stars exploding across her vision each time she was struck, Nikki set her jaw to solid silence, she'd be damned if she'd give her father the satisfaction of hearing her scream a second time, no matter how long or hard he beat her! So it began, like some sick game, the slow race to see what would give out first, the brush's handle, or Nikki's consciousness...

"You will NOT assault my person! You WILL obey me at all times, immediately and without question!"

Kaon's words were cold as ice, and hard as stone, each syllable accompanied by another impossibly harsh, punishing strike of the hairbrush. The bathroom was soon filled with an eerie silence save for that rhythmic sound of iron hard wood pounding against soft, rapidly bruising flesh. Blow after blow, beating out a terrible rhythm, the spanking continued without pause, without care and Nikki had not even the slightest comfort to draw on, no consolation, her only companion the tears streaming down her muzzle as her father's wrath drove into her abused backside with unceasing vitriol.

With near manic rage, Kaon continued to work his pent up fury out on his young huskie girl. Everything she'd ever done, all the idiocy, the tantrums, the mishief she'd caused, she'd pay for all of it, Right here, right now! He'd make her pay, make her suffer for temping him, for making him break the oath he'd given to his TRUE loves! No more! He was the Master of this palace and Kaon would not suffer this... adopted mongrel bitch to rise above her station ever again!!

And so it went on...and on...and on..




Even though her backside was little more than an ugly, blotched bruise, Nikki was truly silent now, not a whimper, not a kick of protest as the spanking continued, unable to process what was happening to her. Why hurt her like this? This... flogging railed against every single lesson, every core principle about loving discipline Kaon had ever taught her. Not simply a violation of trust, this crossed the tenuous threshold not simply of discipline and punishment, but punishment and outright abuse!

That crack in her heart she'd felt when her beloved daddy had turned his back on her was widening with each and every blow. No longer a simple sliver of pain in her chest, it had warped into a gaping rend, a bloody wound that was hemorrhaging love, bleeding out like a ruptured artery as one by one, every little notion she'd had about her father, every beautiful thing he'd said and done was stripped away leaving a new truth bare and exposed like bleached bone.

Nothing she said or did, her heart or feelings meant anything to him! When it came down to the wire, she was still just an outsider looking in, hoping, praying begging for the door to be opened but finding it forever locked. Nikki's love, her desire was worthless to him, her collar of pink diamond, her greatest triumph, her pride and most fervent joy... her hopes and dreams for the future....all of it was nothing more than excrement compared to the meager whims of the Master and those who wore his oh so special collar of emerald!

Where was the justice in this, that vaunted sense of fairness he touted so often? Where was that love she thought she knew, that happiness at his very touch? Well then, If this was to be her lot, then so be it. If all that she was meant nothing more than a toy to amuse him and keep his real daughter, Nikki's sister Shana quiet and happy, if he just wanted to hear her scream then that's what he'd hear, but this would be the final time she'd ever let him lie to her, the first and only time he'd ever hurt her like this!! Breaking down at last, crushed into despair by the weight of her world crashing down around her, Nikki Catherine Donahue sucked in a massive gulp of air and...

"nnngggghh.... I HATE YOU.....!!...."

Those three words, drawn out into a horrible howling scream of broken anguish stopped Kaon dead. The brush paused mid strike and time stood still for the vaunted Lord of the Jade Palace. The silence was absolute for that moment as mindless fury gave way to confusion and then to frozen dread as a dreadful sound broke the quietude. Nikki was crying. It wasn't the healthy, sobbing bawl you'd expect to hear from a well spanked huskie, but rather a mithering whimper, a tiny hiccuping, keening wail, like a baby that had been shaken one time too many...

It was an utterly ghastly sound, something no parent should ever hear from their child, much less be the cause of that much suffering! Kaon somehow retained his grip on the brush and managed to place it back on the nearby counter top, rather than simply letting it slip from his numb grip and clatter to the floor. The normally stoic, calm red fox found himself more than a little shaken by what had just transpired. Such.. mindless violence went against every single principle of parenting the father figure adhered too, as well as a flagrant violation of not simply personal rules, but societies laws as well!

It was stunning and horrific, to think that he, the self styled Lord of Emerald, Master of the Jade palace was capable of wreaking such monstrous abuse on his own adopted daughter, one of, if not the most vulnerable and trusing of all his immediate family! Sickened and shocked by his thoughtless actions, Kaon took a deep breath and lifted his knee from the small of Nikki's back. Now was not the time for remorse and personal reproach, his puppy girl's hate filled scream of loathing had been genuine in sentiment, decisive action was needed unless Kaon wanted to lose his child's trust forever, not to mention suffer the unmitigated fury of Cindy and the other members of his family....

Creator but she looked a mess. Nikki's bottom was a devastated mass of blotchy , mismatched bruises, the result of severe blunt force trauma. Huskie ears flattened against her auburn hair, eyes puffy and red rimmed, muzzle wrinkled and tear stained and that cute, fluffy tail curled so tight between her legs and over her belly it might very well have been glued in place, Nikki was the absolute personification of a 'whipped dog', a sickening generalization for the normally happy, carefree little girl pup.

Gently hoisting Nikki to her feet, Kaon gave his girl a no nonsense look, trying not to wince at the torn expression that twisted the huskie's normally happy face into a grimace of misery. Supporting the injured puppy with one arm, the quick thinking dog fox tapped his adopted daughter lightly on her black canine nose in a cheeky, affectionate manner that belayed the inner tormoil both furs were suffering and set forth what he hoped would be an acceptable explanation for the cruelty inflicted.

"I was hoping to discipline you tomorrow morning, however, since you seemed so intent on rousing my ire right here and now, that was the spanking your mother suggested you recieve for your voyeuristic lewdness."

Despicable and typical, Kaon took no pleasure in shifting some of the blame to Cindy, however the god-fox was more concerned with saving face. Unable to admit that such a beating might not be acceptable, afraid to concede he had gone to far, Kaon maintained the facade of the loving but stern disciplinarian, though heaven help him but he had all but forfeit that title.

Moments passed and Nikki's expression softened from anguish to confusion. Wary and un-trusting, the eleven year old still wanted he father at arms length, yet had nagging notion in the back of her mind that perhaps he was right, that the spanking she'd just received really was her due. Seeing his daughter's hesitation, Kaon decided to capitalize on the uncertainty in her mind.

"I love you very much Nikki, I just don't always love the things you do..."

A reprehensible thing to say, really. Those words had special meaning between the two and to twist them to his own advantage in such a matter should have been beneath his dignity, yet Kaon could see little to no other way to worm his way out of the predicament his own desires and temperament had thrust them both in to. Nikki's hurt mumble of...

"You got a funny way of showing it.."

....Did nothing to soothe the male fox's guilty conscience either.

Heavy silence reigned supreme for a moment, before Kaon decided he needed to strengthen the parental bonds he had so thoughtlessly damaged. Reaching behind his girl, trying to ignore the way she flinched away from his questing arm, Kaon quickly turned on the water faucets and adjusted the flow to a pleasant, soothing heat. Uncaring of the fact he was still clad in that expensive silen robe, the calculating fox took up a soft sponge and gently began to clean off his daughter's trembling body.

"Now... why don't we get you nice and clean before you turn in for the night..."

It was a very different time that followed on from the vicious beating and twisted sexual encounter that had preceded it. Warm water enveloped both furs, one so very young, the other as old as creation itself as Kaon slowly, gently washed off Nikki's trembling body. There was no hint of sexuality in the act, rather a desperate need for trust on both sides presented its'self. Treating his child like she was made of wafer thin porcelain, the god fox's touch was almost featherlight, exquisitely soft, every movement, every motion a testament to care and attention, a plea for forgiveness whilst Nikki's own misty dark eyes never left her fathers in a prayer of her own, a silent scream for the resumption of the love she once knew.... and the desire for an explanation for all that had transpired.

It was an explanation that Kaon himself longed for...

Minutes passed as grime, dirt and other unsavory stains were cleansed from the young pup's fur. Nikki was silent and still , seemingly having recovered her trust of the big male, yet kaon could see the skittish uncertainty in the small huskie's eyes. The ashamed dog fox could not deny it wasn't for a good reason she was now a little paranoid around him. Only time would tell if he would ever be able to repair all the damage. Fate however.... had one last card to play.

Nikki jumped when her father began to gently sponge her bottom. Even though she knew he was being as gentle as was possible, it still hurt like blazes to have the pulverized flesh beneath her tail touched in any way and even that light caress made the unhappy girl squeal in intense discomfort. Kaon stopped immediately, dropping the sponge and watched as a fresh, solitary tear leaked from Nikki's puffy red eyes to be washed away in the shower's soothing flow.

This would never do.

It was obvious that, with a rump as blasted as hers, Nikki would be unable to sit down for at least a couple of days. What was worse, the signs of severe violence and almost mindless brutality were visible in the deep, massive bruises that patterned the huskie's backside with purple and blue blotches. Anyone seeing that kind of damage would want to know just who the hell had been beating the girl with a steel baseball bat.

Taking a deep breath, Kaon slowly, oh so slowly, pulled the tiny puppy into his arms, against his chest, cuddling her close. Nikki resisted at first, natural hesitation against such intimacy after all that had transpired was natural, however at the gentle physical urging of her daddy, the uncertain girl relented just enough to give him the benefit of the doubt. Kaon's manner, his body language spoke of love and, whilst he had lied to her once now in the worst way possible, Centuries of unconditional love could not simply be discarded by the wayside. Sucking in a shuddering breath of her own, nikki let herself be drawn into her daddy's loving embrace.

Within moments Niki thought she'd been betrayed again! Kaon's paws automatically moved round to her sore, beaten little bottom and for a second, the suddenly terrified girl thought she was in for another beating! No.. no way! Not now not ever! He'd never hurt her like that gain!! Tensing up her muscles to fight her way free if she could, opening her maw in preperation to scream, Nikki was shocked into limp silence by what happened next, the wail in her throat hushed into a muted, delighted.. 'ah'.....

The pounding ache in her lower extremities vanished, replaced by a subtle, pleasant tingle. Kaon was using a healing surge on her battered body. This was a delicate weave of power designed to repair damage a physical form had sustained, not usually used on trivial matters such as these! In fact , such a forward expression of the Master's will exerted on the mortal form was outright forbidden from mundane use, unless the damage he was trying to heal had been caused by an unnatural entity....such as himself in this case....

The healing process was swift and thorough. Within moments, all traces of the savage brutality had faded into nothing, the pain of the past few minutes just a distant bad memory. It was a masterful stroke by the calculating god-fox, a gently, loving gesture of reconciliatory goodwill that also covered his own tail from awkward questions later. It brought Kaon little pleasure, however, as Nikki still seemed somewhat tense, even after he'd repaired the injuries he'd inflicted in that damnable bout of warped sanity. Something a little more direct and personal was needed..

It was such a relief to the small puppy, having her father sooth away the horrible ache in her butt. Nikki hadn't really expected to be let off the hook so easily and it came as a really nice surprise to be cut some unusual slack like that. It probably should have occurred to the blissfully unaware huskie girl that these actions by her father were a little out of the norm for his usual disciplinary methods, yet apart from a little lingering disquiet in the back of her young mind, Nikki found it hard to fathom that the emotional carnage of only a few minutes prior had actually taken place, it seemed like a bad dream as a pleasant cloud of fuzzy, pink cotton candy seemed to cushion the raw edges of her mind.....

As Nikki turned her slightly glazed gaze back to her father's face, the curious girl noticed a familiar, almost cheeky grin splitting his foxy red furred muzzle and seconds later the grey furred girl let out a a raucous shriek of laughter as Kaon's nimble fingers dug gently into her ribs and underarms and began to expertly tickle the young huskie pup!

"Tickle tickle tickle....!!"

The silly, high pitched voice her father adopted only made Nikki's plight worse as she wiggled and squirmed, laughed and yelped under a merciless onslaught of tickling! Jumping up and down, flailing wildly and splashing warm warter in all directions, the squealing eleven year old grabbed wildly for her father's assaulting paws, desperate for a reprieve from the surprise tickle attack.

This became a game in of itself, every attempt to seize her dad's had ended in failure as Kaon shifted the focus of his attack on the red faced pup, moving from her sides, to pudgy belly, even the back of Nikki's knees found themselves under furious tickle assault and there was little the bouncing, writhing pup could do to stop him. When Nikki looked to be getting a little short on breath though, Kaon relented and slowed his tickling paws down just enough for his daughter to latch on to them with her own hands and hold them still where no more mean tickling could be done! Feeling somewhat relieved that his adopted pup seemed to have perked up, Kaon cracked a typical wiseguy grin.

"Well, now that you've caught my paws, what are you going to do with them?"

If he'd expected Nikki to just grin and let go, Kaon was in for yet another surprise. In those few moments whilst Nikki caught her breath, the girl pup blinked once, then twice and lost her silly happy smile. Looking in to her father's blazing emerald eyes so intently brought it all back. The sudden lovemaking on her own mother's bed, the hurtful words and almost hateful beating that had followed and then this seemingly honest expression of fatherly affection...

Who's eyes was she looking in to? Who was this man, this....male fox that young Nikki had known for the majority of her life? Kaon had adopted her into a world she's never even been capable of fantasizing about, shown her wonders and sights to enthrall the mind, given her enough love and warmth to fill a thousand lifetimes, opened his celestial family and divine heart to one small, mundane girl who'd just been lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time..... and Nikki realized in that moment he was still a stranger to her.

At first he'd been her father and that had been good enough for Nikki, but now, lately, ever since the fateful day of the awards ceremony, their relationship had changed so radically that the huskie couldn't look at the vulpine god in such a simple light anymore. Who was he to her now, and how did he see her? Father and daughter? Lover and partner? Master and slave? A child and it's toy..... or all of the above?

It had to be resolved, this cloud of uncertainty had boiled up like distant stormclouds on a misty horizon and would hang over both their heads till the truth was known. Nikki wanted to know, she had to know, one way or the other. Keeping her dark eyes firmly locked on her father's was one of the hardest things the nervous, trembling puppy had ever needed to do, but she did it.... then slowly took her daddy's clasped paw and slid it between her legs....

Not for the first time today Kaon found himself shocked to his core by rapid changes in events. His bewildered bemusement lasted but a second however, all it took was one questioning glance at his child's calm but slightly melancholy expression to understand her intent. Nikki wanted him to make a decision. Like any confused, upset, even hurt little girl, his puppy needed to know the truth about their relationship, what it meant to him. Yet at this present moment, Kaon was not sure he was qualified to make that decision for either of them.

It had come down to this, however, this would be a defining point in their continued relationship. Whatever Kaon said or did now would set the course for fox and huskie for the rest of their existence. It shouldn't have been hard.... just.. take his paw off the girl's sex, kiss her forehead and tell her daddy would tuck her in to bed and kiss her goodnight, a simple, proper and most of all sane solution.

But that feeling.... the sensation of Nikki's unclaimed opening , those pudgy, girlish lips his fingers were even now pressing between of their own accord... even that sent tendrils of lust streaking through his slender frame like crimson streams of magma. This one was his, a bride unclaimed, so why did he hesitate in taking what was his and his alone?! Conflict and struggle, the same clash of warring emotions that had almost ripped their world apart began to seep back into Kaon's consciousness, a noxious poisoned mist of indecision.

If Kaon's gut feeling was right and nikki was an unclaimed bride, denying her now could easily sever those fragile bonds forever, yet if he was wrong and indulged her, there was more to lose here than Nikki's virginity. There was no plan that could be made, no scheme to weave, it was one simple decision that had to be made here and now with so much riding on it....the sensible thing to do...the safe thing..was pat her head and send her to bed....rather than risk everything he'd worked for. Kaon didn't take risks like this.

..................... Why then.... did he lean forwards and kiss her...muzzle to muzzle....and.....why did those long fingers of his slowly start to curl and flex against young, sensitive flesh........

Nikki's maw flopped open at the sensation of her daddy finally taking the willing initiative. The large dog-fox's sexual knowledge was extensive and those caressing, stroking fingers knew how to please a woman in ways even the masturbation addicted Nikki had yet to discover! This experience, coupled with the realization her father was consciously making a decision to be intimate with her had the young huskie pup aching with arousal within moments!

This was.... different. So very different to anything that had come before. In all other cases, there could have ben a multitude of other reasons why daddy had chosen to be intimate with her. Pheromone addled lust, an incidental consequence of showing her his wings, or a simple 'pity fuck' as was the case in the storeroom some months ago, but this... there was no denying it. This moment, here and now was between Kaon and Nikki , done purely for the sake of giving her pleasure, willing , consensual , no excuses possible, no explanations needed and it was beautiful.

His fur against her body, so soft and warm, lush and thick like being wrapped in a heated blanket. His scent, so strong and masculine and the sound of his breathing , steady and deep... never in all her years had nikki thought that being intimate with the Master was so overwhelmingly sensual. That alone had the inexperienced puppy aroused beyond anything she could remember, and every featherlight touch brought her to a new plane of delight that seemed to beckon her towards a massive orgasm at whirlwind speed!

Kaon held his young, adopted daughter close to him as he played with her sex, molding her body to his and planting small, intense kisses on her shoulder, neck , cheek and lips. The big fox could feel his puppy girl trembling violently with need, relished the way her pudgy hips jerked every time his fingertips flicked over the swollen nub at the apex of her slit and he resolved, one way or another, he'd put this issue to rest for all time.

For her part, little Nikki was held rapt by the delicate ministrations being performed between her pudgy, grey furred thighs. The way daddy's fingers danced over her sex, playing her body like a fine instrument was almost agonizing in it's intensity! It was a sublime moment of pleasure and happiness and the pup's heart, trepid and wavering but a few moments ago, now almost burst with love for the great, handsome fox who'd all but claimed her as his own. Yet there was better still to come, for when Kaon's long index finger pressed against her opening true and began it's penetration, the exultant huskie girl could do little but desperately sink her teeth into her father's offered shoulder to muffle her rising wails of bliss!

Millimeter by millimeter, Kaon worked his digit inside Nikki's young slit. The focused vulpine could small her arousal and heat as small trickles of fluid leaked from the puppy's vulva to pool in the palm of his hand. Nikki's tail was held hard off to one side in the mating position, her dark eyes were glazed over with pleasure and lust as her sharp toothed, drooling maw gnawed at his shoulder as if she were teething. Moments later, Kaon felt what he'd sought as his fingertip came into contact with a thin, giving barrier within his daughter's sex. It was time.

The die was cast, the deed was done within moments! Brimming tears of love, fulfillment and pain began to stream down Nikki's flushed, fuzzy cheeks as there was a sudden, pinching pain deep inside her! On both an emotional and physical level, the enraptured , grey furred pup knew immediately what had happened and what her deflowerment heralded. It was the beginning of her trials, the Master had lay claim to her fully and now all that remained to be seen was whether she was worthy of his love and a sparking collar of emerald...

As unusual as such deep insight might seem from one so inexperienced, Nikki's young mind was all but blown away when her father's deeply inserted finger curled within her tightly clenched passage and began to stroke a special spot that had hitherto never before felt that kind of firm, insistent, yet careful touch. When Kaon's palm cupped her sex fully to grind against the pup's deep red clitoris at the same time as his questing clawtip found and massaged the shuddering huskie's g-spot it was more than the inexperienced puppy could take and the sensation her father's knuckle popping past her labia in the simulation of a tie sealed the deal!

Nikki sank her small teeth into her daddy's shoulder to muffle a howling scream of sheer exuberant triumph! Something akin to nuclear fire detonated inside her, exploding into an overwhelming , molten wave of searing, agonizingly intense delight! Pudgy hips jerking spasmodically down, her whole fuzzy body twitching helplessly, the small puppy was utterly overwhelmed by her massive climax!

Devastating shockwaves of painfull bliss radiated out from her core, longer and harder than Nikki had ever thought possible, every time, every encounter with her father seemed like it was her best to date, his power, his love, it was all too much! This was her time, their moment , this great man, a god in his own right, Master of a planetary sized palace and mate to six other females all beauteous beyond comprehension was, just for this moment solely focused on her! Just that fact was enough to trigger another monstrous explosion of rapture deep within and all that the huskie girl could do as she was pushed from one excruciating orgasm into a second series of intense ,spasmodic convulsions was hold on to her daddy for dear life and somehow try to stay conscious, even as creeping , sensual darkness began to cloud her blurred vision....

Kaon smiled with satisfaction upon hearing his puppy daughter wail with euphoric wonder, but when he heard the second gurgling shriek and even noticed a small squirt of warm, feminine fluid spatter his palm, the normally stoic god-fox felt a desperate surge of raw desire and love. Licking his lips and feeling his member surge to attention once more, Kaon worked his digits into his young puppy with even greater enthusiasm, fully intending to replace them with something thicker and harder as soon as Nikki had finished her current more waiting,no more hesitation, he would have this female now....and damn the consequences to eternity!

Ironically, it was that same second orgasm that saved both parent and child from a lust addled mistake they would probably both have regretted in time. Before Kaon had slipped his finger free from the hot, vice tight embrace of his daughter's sex, Nikki had gone totally limp. It took but a moment's examination to reveal that the inexperienced puppy had indeed passed out, overwhelmed as she had been by rampaging sensation and strained emotions...

Kaon wrestled with his emotions for a moment, lust, anger, pride, love, all of these were brought to heel one by one. Perhaps this was a sign, it was not yet time for consummation... perhaps...prudence was preferable to impetuousness here. After all, reasoned he with those demanding needs, Nikki was but a young pup, unused to anything inside her of his considerable stature and there were still many.... other things he needed to consider...

Shaking his head , as if there were clouds of steam fogging his normally razor sharp mind, Master Kaon hoisted the limp child into his arms and, not wishing to risk discovery, reeking of sex as they both did, simply teleported to Nikki's room to see his daughter put to bed for the night and reflect upon the rapid sequence of events that had transpired.

It really had gone to far.....and would have gone further but for Nikki's fortunate lack of stamina. Looking down at his small, canine child, Lord Kaon ran one paw through his long, dark hair, before bringing it to the forefront of his gaze. He was shaking. Creator above, what kind of deranged ritual had he just performed? In anyone's terminology it was a vile abuse of trust, yet he still wanted more, not merely for sexual gratification, but the completion of his seven ; a state of affairs that Nikki should not have been able to render possible! Confused and feeling a little desperate, the tall, regal dog fox glanced down once more at his daughter. Nikki was soundly asleep, smiling, seemingly happy and content with a state of affairs that he should have had the good sense not to have encouraged in the first place.

What a mess. Kaon needed to think.

After ensuring his puppy girl was tucked in and snoring soundly, Kaon swiftly retreated to the sanctity and privacy of his study. The olde english study had been designed by the Master for his own convenience, a little slice of peace withing the hectic walls of his Palace , a quiet realm of thought and contemplation, the bookshelf lined walls, roaring fireplace and portraits of Kaon's loved ones overlooked his crystaloak desk and green leather armchair all provided a serene atmosphere for the Lord of Emerald to search his feelings and arrange his thoughts..

Glancing about those familiar surrounds did little to nothing to ease the fox god's troubled mind. Taking a long, deep series of meditational breaths, the disciplined vulpine wandered over to the portraits of his seven that hung from the back wall. Six of these massive, detailed, gold framed picures held a lifelike image of each one of the females Kaon had come to love as his own, though the last frame, the seventh picture was blank and Nikki's own portrait was a much smaller, gilded silver pictograph rather than a lavish painting.

Did the puppy belong with the others, exalted among their hallowed number, or did Kaon betray the feelings of his loves and dishonor his vows of fidelity by even considering the possibility? So many questions that needed to be asked, so many answers that the red furred male was not sure he wished to discover. Turning on his heel, Kaon took a seat in his armchair. Leaning forwards, resting his elbows on the solid, crystalwood desk and lacing his fingers together, the troubled god fox closed those emerald green eyes and tried to bring order back to his chaotic thoughts.

Just thinking about Nikki bought all those conflicting emotions back to the fore. One one paw, Kaon was disgusted with himself, that he had all but penetrated the girl when there was absolutely no reasoning behind the act other than carnal lust, yet on his other paw, his heart reproached him for not fully claiming a female that was so surely his and his alone. That was what made no sense to the bemused deity.

In every other case that Kaon had encountered, females either were one of his, or they were not. If he managed to claim them in time, they would wear a collar of emerald and if fate deemed otherwise, their essence, that spark that drew the lonely god to their sides would pass to another. Nikki seemed to be the exception to this hitherto unbreakable law. That small huskie was at the same time, both his and not his, the one thing in all his countless billions of millennia searching the omniverse for these seven that Kaon had never encountered hitherto.

Nikki was a 'maybe'.

These sensations and feelings had only begun to manifest recently, after the ceremony of citizenship, when Kaon had revealed his deific wings to the small huskie girl as a reward for all her accomplishments, to show the pride he took in being her father. Kaon had at first, dismissed them as just that, pride in his daughter but now it was undeniable a sign of something more., what exactly, the puzzled vulpine could not yet ascertain.

In time perhaps, the murky fog clouding his mind's eye would evaporate, leaving the truth visible for all to see but in the meantime, caution was now a prudent attitude to pursue. Kaon nodded to himself, his brow furrowing a little with concern. As Master of the palace, Kaon could ill afford scandal and upset among his family, yet he was unable to deny those feelings of need might yet again overwhelm common sense should a similarly intimate situation arise such as the one that had occurred earlier.

After considering his options for a moment, a plan of action was decided upon. For now, Kaon would attempt to distance himself from his canine daughter without actually seeming to do so. Conversations, hugs, the love he showed her would remain, however any occasion that might lend itself to temptation would be strictly regulated. If the naughty pup needed a bare bottom spanking for instance, Kaon would attempt to delegate the duty to another adult family member or failing that, perform the discipline himself in the presence of a chaperon. Making more frequent use of alternative disciplinary methods would also prove useful to his cause.

Having a plan in place seemed to lighten the deities melancholy mood somewhat, yet After a moment, the tense, red vulpine's emerald eyes narrowed to mere slits once more. Kaon could not, under any circumstances, break down again in that manner. It was stupendously dangerous for the god-fox to remain in such an unstable frame of mind for any length of time, and the calming meditations he had oft employed to mitigate the symptoms of occasional mental and emotional instability had been all but worthless before such a twisted tsunami of warped sensation.

Should his clandestine tryst with the puppy become common knowledge, it would blow the lid off the royal family in catastrophic fashion. It was no stretch of the imagination to speculate that Kaon would lose some, if not all of his beloved seven to the scandal and even if he was forgiven, the concerned fox knew he'd never be able to look any of his remaining loves in the eyes again.This could not come to pass, but making any hasty moves could be as damaging as doing nothing in the long run.

With this in mind, Lord Kaon decided to adopt a wait and see approach, the ins and outs of the issue should soon enough become apparent and with luck, lead to a clean resolution for everyone. Itb would be difficult not to encourage or discourage the pup, but Kaon needed to tread carefully on this matter. Claiming one of his seven was a complicated and complex matter even when he had prepared and paved the way with a carefully considered stratagem and this was far less straightforwards than any simple, run of the mill lovers courtship, much less something as intricate as a deific joining. It was surprisingly fresh territory for the knowledgeable deity and Kaon couldn't help but admit, the scenario had definitely caught his interest...


In another room in the family quarters, there was darkness and silence , till a strained groan of misery split the quietude and a bedside lamp was clicked on after a brief fumble by the unseen occupant. The soft light revealed a shaky and haggard looking little mouse. Yasmin Silkwhisper, one of Kaon's collared loves, his pet and personal girl slowly blinked her sky blue eyes and ran one white furred paw through her long, pale blond hair.

"Creator....I feel like crap..."

Her dulcet tones were unusually ragged and hoarse, beautiful eyes bleary and bloodshot , not to mention the lingering pain from a skull splitting migraine that had assaulted her delicate senses for the last hour. Wiping her runny nose and glancing briefly at the bloody crimson smear staining the back of her small paw, Yasmin crawled from the pile of satin pillows atop her bed and staggered across the floor into her bathroom, desperate for a drink of water with a side order of complimentary painkillers.

That...had been too close.

Even for a devastatingly powerful psyker and empath like Yasmin, there were certain aspects and limits to mental manipulation that shouldn't ever be tested. Influencing Nikki was easy... just work a little on her already present fascination with Kaon, help it develop into a crush with a little carefully placed fantasy work and let it mature from there. Even when it seemed as if the puppy's love might twist itself around due to..unforeseen complications, it only needed a bit of a prod to get her pliable mind flowing in the right direction again.

Master Kaon had been a different matter entirely.

Even with the god-fox's attentions distracted, even with lingering pheromones clouding his mind and using his natural fatherly affection for the huskie, keeping Kaon's horrifyingly intense psyche on a leash for the duration of that encountered had all but broken the mousemaid. Yasmin's conscious mind, strong enough to boil the atoms in a white star on her merest whim had almost been ripped asunder by the forces she'd had to combat to even plant a tiny suggestive seed within the Master's consciousness. There was no way, no way in hell the mouse girl was willing to take that risk again.

Even if she could somehow survive a second encounter unscathed, Kaon would be on his guard now, looking for anything odd in his behavior or surroundings. If he suspected, even for a microsecond that Yasmin had been fooling with him in such a personal way, not to mention interfering in what was the most sacred rite within the Master's life then her life would become a waking nightmare. There would be no mercy from Kaon and quite possibly, no forgiveness either as this was not the first time the scheming mouse had tried to manipulate palace events to her advantage.

Then however, it had been for selfish personal gain. This time it was to see Kaon and Nikki happy. If of course, she could get a footpaw in the door and appear to 'help' things along and the Master wished to reward her for her loyal service, then who was she to complain.? Still, a need for caution was paramount now, the situation was developing slowly and could not be rushed. No more mental jiggery pokery, it was time for personal intervention and counselling, making sure her foot was 'in the door' for when the time came.

Yasmin slowly made her way back to the plush round bed in the center of her gold and ivory tiled quarters, water and pills secure in paw. Reclining once more, the white furred rodent girl considered her set up a success. Kaon and Nikki were now firmly in bed together and it was just a matter of time before they realized how joined at the hip they really were. It was just as she had foreseen, things were going exactly according to plan.... and soon her Dream of being the Master's first Mate would be realized...

Blood and Water

Blood and water. Anya's story. Characters and setting (c) Kenny W aka Kaon 2012 There is a force that balances all things in the omniverse. Some would call it fate; others would term it as destiny whilst those who do not believe in such absolutes...

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Master's Pride

The Master's Pride. Book one of 'Emerald Dawn'. A Jade Palace story, contains parental spanking, M/f incest , f/solo cub, rape Characters and setting (c) KennyW AKA Kaon 2012 Every society has days of celebration. Throughout countless ages,...

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Angel's Fall

Angel's Fall A Jade Palace Story Characters (c) KennyW aka Kaon 2011 \*warning, contains extreme parental spanking\* Brooding darkness swept over the lands as a great evil flourished unchecked. Deep within the bowels of the great Plague Fortress...

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