Lightning - 1 - Trip to the Fair

"i went to grade school with that guy, i think. he's a real lout. drinks too much and starts fights. the wolf seems familiar, too."

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Something's Fishy

They've been best friends since they were in grade school, so they knew they could count on each other to pay their half of the rent. they also knew a lot about each other.

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CBC - Bludvist - Sugar On Ice

The possum knew her way back when they were in grade school, before her change. back when alexa was still alex. even back then, the possum had a real goth bend. sidney leaned, though still had to shout a little over the music to be heard. "so?

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The Crowe

Even when he was in grade school, if nobody was forced to sit near him, they didn't, save one fur, his only real friend.

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Restricting Friendships 1/2

He's been my best friend since grade school and on again off again fuck buddy since we discovered our dicks. "christ, jack, the idea that anyone would ever allow themselves to be the submissive half of a 'master slave' relationship is absurd."

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Internet love

#### nick finally cracked, " dad made his life hell in grade school when he came out it was abuse more then what dad said so im glad he found someone who loves him that much" stephen just teared up thinking about that.

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Maid Maker: The start

She had only seen it once and that was a long time ago in grade school. one of her friends had a sore throat and kyleen asked to see it. two days later, her friend was out of school for a while on account of having his tonsils removed.

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Milk Stout

"i bet that was fun in grade school." "kids were even ruthless with names back in the '60s, sure. it's not so bad though. i could be brian the lion." "if i was brian the lion, i'd be more like...cryin' and dyin'." my turn to laugh, heartily.

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Exotiq #1: A Silver Lining

Sonya wasn't due home for another hour, as she was a grade school teacher. she didn't have any after-school activities currently and preferred to grade at home, so she should be home on-time.

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Cyber & Lucky: First Day of School

Kyles and i'll be your teacher for the 5th grade school year. today we will be breaking the ice and getting to know one another, so students, introduce yourself." mr. kyles the lion teacher said as he selected the people to call him.

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Good Boy

Had he slipped and fallen onto a penis in grade school and set himself onto the path of being filled? he didn't recall any such thing happening.

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The Mystic Sands | Chapter 1

But the space is limited, and that very same young raccoon finds out the spot promised to him was taken by none other than the dean's son - a brat who stumbled his way through grade school and nearly failed out thrice.

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