Luca Epilogue
I say luckily because i hadn't even made it off the road before the absol was throwing a razor wind at me, and running full speed to catch me... still confused the girl took a moment before she yelled at me and ran after her absol.
Into the inferno 3 (ITI III) AOE/splash damage
Which absol is the real absol?" he almost queried mockingly as the white shapes darted off in all directions, spreading across the room. maric repeated: "which absol is the real absol?... which absol is the real absol?.." "i don't care."
A Different Kind of Training - part 5
absol was on one side, while mightyena was on the other. i need to get out from between them. i faced absol and shot a swift attak his way. while he was preoccupied with that, i bolted towards the mightyena.
Pokemorph Virus: Infection
The absol turned, and then jumped in front of the shadow ball. being a dark pokemon itself, the ball stopped as it neared the absol, and then was shot off to the side. a voice echoed around their heads as the absol communicated.
Redemption - prolouge
I looked up at the absol that probably owned this cave. "wait wait wa-" i duck as he slashed into the rock that used to be behind me, "let me just-" the absol had me pinned against the wall, my legs dangling in mid air.
An Absol Double-Special
Looking up, he saw his absol's ass poised high in the air, tail aside, and a black cunt dripping with moisture. he reached up to pull that rear down, and was rewarded with a sweet mouthful of absol slit.
Pokemon: The Dark Wanderer Chapter one: Loss and gain; the amnesiacs and the kindly mother
At this absol's eyes widened. "wait a moment child... you can understand what i am saying?" at this the boy merely nodded.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch 9
I'll become mai the absol for now. **just a dancing lyric-less songbird - devoted to protecting others.** _ the absol softly huffed as shadow twitched an ear. "such a human-esque name."
Poke Paradise: Vince
Though i am sure rose has a absol already employed right? zane: actually, no. we may seem really large, but we only have about 400 of the over 600 species of pokémon here. yes, rose has an absol, but she's a girl.
Why Trainers Love Pokemon
Once she was finished absol tackled her. "you know the drill. but we have a while, so take it slow." the absol nodded and rubbed his tip against her opening. she moaned silently and hugged absol.
Careful urging made him continue, inch by pleasurable inch, until aztep hilted his knot against absol's puffy, open spade. long, sexy thrusts this was not. aztep knew it. absol knew it.
Seth and the New Resolve
Opening the door, i silently encouraged my absol to follow, which she did proudly.