Atop the Food Chain [PTRN]
._ "take your spot atop the food chain where you belong, and claim me as your prize!" the delirious nature of his new boyfriend had legoshi feeling overwhelmed. "are you serious?"
Chapter 11: Chained Terra
A powerful green aura swirled around him and shouted out, "chained terra!" suddenly, rocky pulled out of the ground a pure diamond chain, but he wasn't done yet.
Atop the Food Chain [TSR]
The door slammed shut, though not of its own accord. "Oh good, you're here. I hope it wasn't too much trouble finding the place." "Oh, Louis, it's just you. Why'd you pick such an odd-" Legoshi immediately froze when he saw the red deer; he...
Marigold chains: Chapter One
Just to let you know... this story was written at 2:05 in Germany on Christmas day (under the influence of caffiene, alchahol and lack of niccoteen), it's my first real non documentary, non verse peice... I really shouldn't be writing like this but......
Climbing the Food Chain: An Introduction
#1 of climbing the food chain introduction **climbing the food chain:** with the revitalization of competitive blood sports in which contestants fight to the death for the amusement of the audience, one particular series has garnered a massive rise
The Depths Chronicles - Vixens in Chains
She followed the sea-otter over to a stack of crates, heavily fastened to one another with thick chains, and watched as she started undoing some of them. "see?" leilani said, "same type of chains. we were right about that."
Dragon Mama - Chained Light
A Life In Chains: Chapter Ten
They help alot ;p a life in chains chapter nine a life in chains chapter eleven _a life in chains_ chapter ten: the sanguine circle the flames, the smoke, the smell of charred
A Life In Chains: Chapter Nine
Https:// a life in chains chapter eight a life in chains chapter ten chapter nine: the calm our plans to stay in caprii during the races had been put on hold due to the rain; it
A Life In Chains: Chapter Eight
Https:// a life in chains chapter seven a life in chains chapter nine _a life in chains_ chapter eight: rainy days for the second time that week i awoke in unfamiliar surroundings
A Life In Chains: Chapter Seven
Https:// a life in chains chapter six a life in chains chapter eight _a life in chains_ chapter seven: brewing storms i awoke with a dull ache all throughout,
A Life in Chains: Chapter Twelve
Aka lore bonus for anyone who wants it :p a life in chains chapter twelve: the breath before the war i was stuck in that moment, the water all around, cool and comforting.